Crude Fat Determination - Soxhlet Method - 1998 PDF

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Published 1998

Reprinted November 2006

Crude Fat Determination -

Soxhlet Method
Fat is important to all aspects of meat regulatory specification, it is necessary to
production and processing. Fresh and have a method that is recognised as a
frozen meat prepared for manufacturing standard and which can be referred to as a
purposes is specified in terms of fat content means of validating rapid methods and in
(expressed as chemical lean). This is an dispute resolution processes.
important specification of commercial trading
as well as being an important technical The Soxhlet method described here is
specification for product end-use. recognised by the Association of Official
Manufacturing meat that is traded as a Analytical Chemists (AOAC) as the standard
commodity on the international market is method for crude fat analysis. In addition,
specified in terms of its fact content some rapid instrumental methods are also
(expressed as chemical lean) and this is one approved by the AOAC.
of the primary product testing criteria for
product imported by our overseas Application
The Soxhlet method for determining crude
Apart from the commercial importance of the fat content is a lengthy process requiring up
fat content of unprocessed meat, especially to a day for a single analysis. The solvent
manufacturing meat, fat content is an extraction step alone takes six hours. The
important technical and regulatory method is therefore not favoured for routine
specification for almost all processed meat testing purposes in the meat industry, rather
products. it is used as a standard reference method.

There are several rapid methods for As well as being used to determine the fat
determining the fat content of meat and content of meat and meat products, the
meat products and these methods mostly Soxhlet method can be used to determine
produce results that are sufficiently accurate the fat content of meat meal. In the case of
and reliable for routine product testing meat meal, the Soxhlet method is often the
purposes. Given the importance of fat method of choice as a routine test.
content however as a commercial and
Outline of Method
Crude fat content is determined by
extracting the fat from the sample using a
solvent, then determining the weight of the
fat recovered. The sample is contained in a
porous thimble that allows the solvent to
completely cover the sample. The thimble is Soxhlet extractor with 60 mL
contained in an extraction apparatus that siphoning capacity and
enables the solvent to be recycled over and condenser.
over again. This extends the contact time
between the solvent and the sample and Cellulose extraction thimbles (28 x
allows it time to dissolve all of the fat 80 mm)
contained in the sample. In order for the
solvent to thoroughly penetrate the sample it Fume cupboard
is necessary for the sample to be as finely
Heat source, either electric heating
comminuted as possible.
mantle, or steam bath 100 mL beaker
Before the solvent extraction step can begin
Desiccator with silica gel desiccant
the sample must be dried. Often a moisture
analysis is required as well as a fat analysis
Glass rod
and this can be achieved by accurately
weighting the sample after drying and before Reagents
extraction, as well as before drying. If a
moisture analysis is not required the sample Petroleum spirit boiling point 60-80C
need only be weighed before drying and
again after solvent extraction. In either case Cotton wool free of fat
the sample must be weighed accurately on
an analytical balance at each stage of the Acid washed sand
When the sample is being weighed it is
important not loose any part of it including Note: Steps 8 12 are performed in a fume
any moisture that may weep from the sample cupboard.
during weighting. Loss of this moisture can
be avoided by weighing the sample directly 1. Rinse all glassware with petroleum
into a pre-dried extraction thimble or spirit, drain, dry in an oven at 102C for
alternatively on to a pre-dried filter paper. If 30 min. and cool in a desiccator.
a moisture analysis is required, the dried
extraction thimble or filter paper also has to 2. Place a piece of cotton wool in the
be pre-weighed. After weighing, the sample bottom of a 100 mL beaker. Put a plug
(in the thimble or filter paper) can be placed of cotton wool in the bottom of an
in the oven for drying. After drying, the extraction thimble and stand the thimble
sample can be placed directly into the in the beaker.
distillation apparatus for extraction. A
3. Accurately weigh 5 g of sample into the
diagram if the extraction apparatus is shown
thimble. Add 1 - 1.5 g of sand and mix
in Figure 1.
the sand and sample with a glass rod.
Wipe the glass rod with a piece of
Method cotton wool and place cotton wool in
the top of the thimble. (Addition of sand
Equipment is not required for analysis of meat
meal). Dry the sample in an oven at
Analytical balance (at least 1 mg
102C for 5 hours. The drying step
may be omitted in the analysis of meat
Electrical drying oven to be operated at meal.
102C 1C.
4. Allow the sample to cool in a
Soxhlet extraction unit comprising: desiccator.

Round bottom flask, 150 mL 5. Take the piece of cotton wool from the
bottom of the beaker and place it in the

top of the thimble.
Weight of flask and extracted
6. Insert the thimble in a Soxhlet fat (g) = W2
liquid/solid extractor (Figure 1).
Weight of sample = S
7. Accurately weigh a clean, dry 150
% Crude fat = (W2 W1) x 100
mL round bottom flash and put
about 90 mL of petroleum spirit into S
the flask.
Figure 1 Soxhlet Extraction
8. Assemble the extraction unit over Apparatus
either an electric heating mantle or
a water bath.

9. Heat the solvent in the flask until it

boils. Adjust the heat source so
that solvent drips from the
condenser into the sample
chamber at the rate of about 6
drops per second.

10. Continue the extraction for 6 hours.

For sausage meat and other emulsified

products, the extraction should be
performed in stages: Extract for about 4
hours, then remove the heat source and
drain the solvent from the extractor in
the flask. Remove the thimble from the
extractor and transfer the sample to a
100 mL beaker. Break up the sample
with a glass rod. Return the sample to
the thimble and replace the thimble in
the extractor. Rinse the beaker with
petroleum spirit and pour rinsings into
the extract. Continue extraction for a
further two hours.

11. Remove the extraction unit from

the heat source and detach the
extractor and condenser. Replace
the flask on the heat source and
evaporate off the solvent. (The
solvent may be distilled and

12. Place the flask in an oven at 102C

and dry the contents until a
constant weight is reached (1-2

13. Cool the flask in a desiccator and

weigh the flask and contents.

Weight of empty flask (g) = W1

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