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Great October Films!!!: ONLY $52,000

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Liz Spetz Exhibit Marks a Watershed Moment

Once in while you have the chance to be in a place at a time that you know marks a singular
moment. On October 16th the Eastend Arts Council presented its first Juried Art Show; an
ONLY $52,000 exhibit featuring Eastend, Its People, History and Landscape. Twenty four artists from all
parts of Saskatchewan participated to make this an impressive display of talent and interpre-
tation on the theme. Cecilia Elizabeth of the OSAC acted as the adjudicator and selected
pieces that will travel throughout SW Saskatchewan over the next year.
I think the quality of the work submitted for this show surprised everyone. It was a first
class event that would have been well received in any large city. It was clear that all the art-
ists strived to produce pieces that were pushing their creative limits. They more than ex-
ceeded themselves.
It was a powerful experience to see the Southwest through the eyes of people who have
lived and worked in the area. Some artists had traveled through here because the SW is rich
MLS #383405 with visual material. However, many of the artists have working commitments to farms and
ranches in the area and for them those elements are a source of creative energy for their art
work. Artists from more remote locations also submitted work. Many are people who were
originally from the SW or Eastend itself and continue to reflect that strong influence through
their creative endeavours. Whatever the source, this landscape of independent, conscien-
tious people has given rise to a wealth of creative talent that expresses itself through appre-
ciation of the texture of everyday life. This is not folk art, this is Fine Art.
Cecilia Elizabeth of the OSAC (Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils) provided a
professional evaluation of all the work submitted. Her extensive background in artistic crea-
tion and instruction qualifies her as a very capable critic. She went out of her way to give
Great October Films!!! constructive comments on the composition, colour, presentation, materials and technique
used by each artist. Her valued assistance lifted the exhibit to a new and higher level than
Friday, 22nd we’ve experienced before in Eastend. Cecilia also presented insightful explanations to the
Predators general public on what the adjudication process comprises.
Every participant learned something new. Everyone was relieved to finally get their work to
Saturday, 23rd,
the show and was cautious to see what the whole event would be like. Without exception
Matinee at 1 pm they were all exhilarated and rather amazed by the experience. The Juried Art Show was a
How to Train Your Dragon watershed event that marked the acknowledged establishment of Eastend as a valid and re-
Saturday, 29th spected centre for the arts in the SW. The Arts Council and the organizers of the show
(Gabriele Kück, Alice Hanlin and Trea Jensen) deserve a great deal of credit for the effort
Young Frankenstein
necessary to persistently manoeuvre the venue, the artists and their exhibit to a successful
Sunday, 31st conclusion. This is a perfect example of how the Arts are effectively revitalizing rural towns
Halloween Double and changing the way we see ourselves. It is a source of civic pride and it is a renaissance.
» pg.3
1:00—Scooby Doo!
Abracadabra Doo
2:30—Prize Draw!
Come in costume to Kinettes
win a prize! Annual
Town &
3:00—Scooby Doo! Country Fair
Camp Scare Grass-fed Beef for Sale
Doors open at 6:30 PM Low in fat, high in omega-3s,
Admission Price linoleic acid, vitamins and minerals. Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010
$3.50 each Dry-aged and very tasty.
Suggestions for movies are Sides and mixed quarters $2.75/pound. To book a table or for
welcome. Please contact: Ready at the end of October. more details call:
T.rex Discovery Centre Check out: Theresa @ 295-3502 or
Eastend, SK. www.benchhcowhorses.com/grassfed- Carmen @ 295-4080
www.trexcentre.ca beef.html Nicole Couture 297-2051.

Trailers now available on Distribution of the Edge

T.rex Discovery Centre The Eastend Edge is a proud supporter of our The Eastend Edge is distributed in Consul,
web site community and is distributed across Eastend, Shaunavon, Frontier and Climax.
www.trexcentre.ca North America. The most cost-effective advertising available
Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman in the Southwest.
Sincere Thanks
Adding bins or machinery? ECT&EDA—Oct. 5
To the Eastend Fire Department for Kinsmen– Oct. 12
Please notify us. Historical Museum— Oct. 12
their courtesy and help K-40—Oct 6
with the recent fire It isn’t covered unless it is CWL—Oct. 6
in our house (oven). listed on your policy! Friends of the Museum &
T.rex Discovery Centre—Oct 14
Also, special thanks to Sharon and SHOP LOCAL RM of White Valley— Oct. 14
Deborah for concern and kindness to TOWN COUNCIL— Oct. 13
Alec and myself at the time. Get Bonnie working for you Clay Centre Comm Club—Oct. 19
School Comm Council—Oct. 19
EASTEND AGENCIES Chamber of Commerce—Oct. 20 at Jack’s
Mary Howard 104 Maple Avenue North. Eastend, Sask. Fire Dept. — Oct. 12 & 26
Eastend Swimming Pool— Oct. 20
295-3655 Prairie Pearls— Oct. 27
RW Institute—Oct. 12th
[email protected] TOPS MEET - Health Centre Quiet Room,
Eastend Skating Thursdays @ 5:15 p.m.
Club AA—Monday’s @ 8:00p.m. at Henry’s Place
BINGO—Mondays at 7:00 in the Rink!
Registration and Alanon– Health Centre Quiet Room
meeting HIDDEN VALLEY FOODS Tuesdays .
Oct. 25
6:30 pm Part-Time Help Wanted

at the Curling Rink including alternate Saturdays

Registrations are being sent
out in the mail. Contact:
Anyone that requires a 295-5310 PHYSICIAN CLINICS IN EASTEND
registration form call:
Arlene Arendt SHERRY HORNUNG RN(NP) - OCT. 20, 21,
295-3838 27, 28, NOV. 1 AND 3

PHYSICIAN— OCT. 20, 21, 22, 25 AND 26

Great Christmas To book an appointment Phone 295-4184

Thank you Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM-4:00 PM.
gift idea from
to everyone who donated the Rally in the There will be no Lab Facilities at the
baking and supported Valley Eastend Wolf Willow Health Centre
on Fridays
our Bake Sale.

Eastend Wolf Willow

Ladies Auxiliary Rally T-shirts for Sale FLU CLINICS 2010
$20 each
Eastend: Wolf Willow
Contact: Deb G. Health Centre
295-3565 Wednesday, Oct. 20th
Get Fit This Eastend Dinos 9:00 am—4:00 pm
Winter! Motorcycle Riders Inc.
Cardio and Core Shaunavon: Shaunavon Hospital
& Care Centre
Cardio fitness class taught by
It is an endless procession of surprises. Monday, Oct. 18th & 25th
S.P.R.A. certified instructor
The expected rarely occurs and never in Tuesday, Oct. 19th
Tuesdays 6:30 pm the expected manner. 9:00 am—4:00 pm
School gym Vernon A. Walters
Nov. 2, 9, 23, 30 Dec 7 & 14
Call 295-3885 to register
Celebrating Library Week JACK’S CAFÉ
Waitress required
Oct. 18th - 25th
We are Truly Thankful Shifts: 3 pm—9 pm
Part time weekends
for the gift of money we received on The Eastend Library will offer cof- Friday, Saturday
our wedding day from the generous fee and cookies during library hours and Sunday evenings
folks in Eastend. on 19th, 20th, 21st, and 23rd
Dishwasher required
We also appreciate your kindness. We’re also having a Pumpkin Draw 5:30 pm—9 pm
Love, this month, Saturday & Sunday
Terra Wilson & Brent Forman take out a book Evening Cleaner required
and put your name Apply within
in the draw. for these positions
Advertising Rates Draw to be held Great work experience for students
$15 per week per ad. on Oct 23rd. or people seeking part-time income.
Space and sizing at Editor’s discretion
« pg 1 Watershed Moment

Jack’s Café The after hours Coffee House was a very popular event and a welcome addition to the ex-
hibit. Performers came right off the floor and soon there was a multifaceted jam session of
musicians, vocalists and instruments that swelled right on to the vibrant but reluctant end of
Come in and try our a satisfying evening. Everyone had a great time and went home feeling happier and richer
new weekly for having been there.
Specials and Soups Further acknowledgement must be given to the dedicated volunteer support staff who val-
iantly turned out to put up and take down the show. The exhibit was well designed and evi-
————————- dent thought and care had been given to the displays. The result was a comfortable atmos-
phere and a well lit presentation that made viewing the unique pieces enjoyable.
Try Our
Works selected for the traveling exhibit are currently on display at the Eastend Library.
“Jack’s in the Box JK
Pizza” OSAC Adjudicator: Cecilia Elizabeth will return to Eastend on Nov. 6 and 7 to present a
watercolour workshop. For details see the ads in the Edge.
Participating artists: Lewis Bevan, Dean Bouche, Noëlle Bouzet, Marsha DeLouchery,
Glen Duke, Deb Giverhaug, Stephen Langton Goulet, Alice Hanlin,Kathleen Houston,
Sharon Johnson, Sheryn Johnson, Jeanne Kaufman, Grieta Krisjansons, Linda Krisjansons,
Gabriele Kück, Geoff Phillips, Bill Philpott, Jeff Robertson, Shirley Spidla, Nancy-Jean
Taylor, Denis Wall, Jack Wilkinson, Lucille Wills, Zanj.
Organizers: Gabriele Kück, Alice Hanlin, Trea Jensen & numerous assistants


“Layering in the Distance”

Watercolour Workshop
with Cecilia Elizabeth

Sat. Nov. 6 and Sun. Nov. 7 Movie Synopsis:

9-4 p.m. daily Don Mathies in Concert
How to Train Your
Senior’s Activity Centre, Saturday Oct. 23rd, at 7:30 pm Dragon
Eastend, Sask. Boasting dazzling ani-
at Faith Christian Fellowship mation, and a script with
All levels of painters welcome surprising dramatic
depth, How to Train
$135 per person Your Dragon soars.
for the weekend Movie Synopsis: Meet Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III,
Predator heir of the Viking chiefdom, but a boy
Please bring a bag lunch with one very big problem: a hero he is
After a string of subpar sequels, this bloody,
tea/coffee/juice provided action-packed reboot takes the Predator fran-
not. "How to Train Your Dragon" is the
riotous story of Hiccup's quest to hunt
$50 deposit required by Oct. 29 chise back to its testosterone-fuelled roots. A down the fiercest dragon, bring it into
group of elite warriors are hunted by mem- submission, and-hopefully-pass his ini-
Registrar: bers of a merciless alien race known as tiation. Instead, he ends up with the
Predators. www.rottentomatoes.com
smallest, most ornery dragon - it's even
Alice Hanlin toothless! Thus begins the hi-jinx of the
544 Pottery Street world's most lovable, unlikely hero and a
Eastend The Edge in Colour and with most reluctant "beast." Packed with ener-
295-3775 getic drawings and plenty of action, this
Photos—5 pages boisterous tale is just right for fantasy
The photo montage on page 5 on the fans or anyone with a spirit of adventure.
BlogSpot is generously provided by Stephen Based on the book by Cressida Cowell.
The Eastend Edge is a proud supporter of our Langton Goulet. This week it features colour
community and is distributed across photos of Watching the River Flow …. www.rottentomatoes.com
North America. Publisher: Jeanne Kaufman
So many new lines in! Here is a sample of some of them.
Sassy Girl
hair accessories for girls newborn + and is made in Saskatchewan.
All About Hands & Feet
a wonderful line of creams & scrubs for those areas, made in Canada.
Fruit Frappe
a scented line of shower gels, body creams and lip glosses, made in Canada.
Rocky Mountain Soap
a completely natural toiletry line made in Canmore, Alberta.
Espe wallets & purses
another great Canadian company!
from a Saskatoon company
Hatley p.j.’s , boys’ and men’s boxers
Hatley is a Canadian company that makes a wonderful product!
Libraries =
Freshly roasted coffee in a variety of blends and flavors, roasted in Medicine Hat, Alberta Possibilitie-S
Riverbend Plantation
tea, jam & jelly from the Saskatoonberry farm.
Willow Tree Saskatchewan Library Week
Angels, figurines and journals
beautiful gifts for those special occasions. October 18 - 25
This is just a small portion of what is in this fall,
come check it all out at
Take your children to the
Shannon's Closet library and encourage them
Your gift store and more to exercise their minds.
312 Red Coat Drive
Eastend, Sk. Writing for children is bloody difficult;
(B)306.295.4070 books for children are as complex as
their adult counter parts, and they should
(F)306.295.3883 therefore be accorded the same respect.
Mark Haddon

Public Reading
An Evening of
2010 Wallace Stegner Grant
Remembrance and
for the Arts Winner a Celebration of
Luanne Armstrong
Friday, October 22, 2010,
7:30 p.m. Beef Supper followed by presentation
Eastend United Church Pilgrimage of Remembrance by Brenda
Luanne Armstrong MFA, Ph.D. lives on the organic farm that Fredrickson
was her grandfather’s on a bench along the eastern shore of
Kootenay Lake, B.C. Today’s technology allows her to work Ms. Fredrickson shares her powerful story of her legion pil-
from home as an adjunct professor of Creative Writing for the grimage she made through the battle fields of WWI and
University of British Columbia. WWII, visits to memorials and museums throughout France,
Luanne is the author of fourteen books including poetry, novels Belgium and the Netherlands. She was guided through the
and children’s books. She has been nominated for a variety of trenches, the beaches of Normandy and was able to experi-
awards and is a popular leader at creative writing workshops ence the emotions of the veterans and of those that they liber-
and conferences. She has earned her living as a novelist, free-
lance writer, editor and publisher. Her career required that she
live in a variety of western towns and cities, but that shoreline
farm was always the anchorage to which she returned and which
Friday, November 5
is now her heart’s ease. Eastend School Gym
Luanne grew up on this farm as have her children. Her connec- Supper: 6:30 pm
tion to the land runs deep. and is the driving theme of her 2007
book Blue Valley, An Ecological Memoir. Presentation to Follow
As the 2010 winner of the Stegner Grant for the Arts, Luanne is
spending the month of October in the Stegner House. She is
Tickets: $10.00 in advance
enjoying the opportunity to work without the usual interruptions Available at Hidden Valley Foods
of farm life and is also taking advantage of the lovely fall days and Eastend School Office
to explore her family’s Saskatchewan roots. Her grandfather
originally ranched in the Cypress Hills and then farmed in the $12.00 at the door
Central Butte district before settling on the bench above
Kootenay Lake. Proceeds to SRC Well Fundraiser
Luanne’s interest in human commitment to place, to sustainable
existence on a chunk of land and to the strength of family con- “Indescribable, intense and powerful. An amazing public
nection to home should appeal to prairie people who have for- speaker.” -Janise
gotten less of these so important truths.

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