To Gain Your Soul: Happy Easter
To Gain Your Soul: Happy Easter
To Gain Your Soul: Happy Easter
My neighbour asked me why I came to Eastend and , for that matter, what motivates anyone
to move here. Why this little, out of the way, obscure place? Why not a bigger town with
more amenities and choices; style, pulse and excitement? Shopping! Why here in the deso-
late Palliser Triangle?
Bigger towns and cities flaunt their riches, here they are almost taken for granted. Yes, the
surrounding country is a marvel everyday. There’s a universe of discovery outside my door
every day and in the sky every night. Breathtaking and an amazement. A valley of secrets hidden right out in the open for everyone to see.
However, there’s more to it than that. This is the first community I’ve ever really experi-
enced. Cities are composed of clusters of common exposures. People you see in the same
Quality in Climax place at about the same time everyday or week. Starbucks, the gym, the office. You see
Large, Eat-in style kitchen them and exchange a few words hoping not to be caught for anything more. There are lots of
Living room has good views of the South things to get done and there’s so little time to waste.
and West through sunny windows
Main floor bedroom has lots of closet space Community here is different, it means that every interaction with someone else is slower
Single Detached Garaged and more valued. Time has another emphasis and it’s measured. An exchange is valuable all
310 Main St ● MLS #356402 by itself. Business has to get done but people expect something added and it’s that personal
connection. The sense of community is what captured me. Here where there are fewer peo-
ple every one is integral to the fabric of the town.
When the illusion of an ideal community finally passes you discover that this is just a town
full of ordinary people. I was told that when I scratched the surface I’d be disappointed.
Mean little bits and stories were lurking just beneath the surface. Well, of course they are.
That’s what the history of any community is .. bits and stories. Some are grand and some
Great Films!!! aren’t. Some originated here and some we brought with us. We’re creating more every day.
Except here the story you tell with your life still has an importance because it touches up
April against the story of everyone else. That’s why a second edition of Eastend history is impor-
Fridays @ 7:00 pm tant and deserves to be written. There’s a lot here that should be held onto and preserved in
writing and in the museum. Don’t let it drift away.
Why do outsiders want to live here? To gain your soul you must be prepared to lose it. And
9th—The Blind Side now, with all due respect, I know what that means. JK
Please contact
Anne Davis 295-3281
Eastend Historical Museum’s
2nd Annual Fundraiser
Saturday, April 17, 2010 April is Poetry Month
Memorial Hall, Eastend In Canada and Eastend
New Global Programs invite everyone to join in; Astronomers Without Borders
(AWB) has developed Global Programs everyone can take part in. Professional and
amateur astronomers, educators and all astronomy enthusiasts worldwide can chose
between global star parties, meteor watching, events dedicated to the Moon, the Sun
and to Saturn, dark sky pledges, virtual meetings with famous astronomers, remote
observations of exoplanets, asteroid discoveries and much more. Below are 10 high-
lights of these global programs, and there's much more on the GAM website. Join the
global celebration of the Universe this April!
1. Living Legends Series - (virtual event) Date to be announced
Astronomers Without Borders A highlight of several online interactive events during GAM, the Living Legend Series be-
gins its run during GAM. Streamed live online for everyone to watch, AWB Affiliates
Astronomers Without Borders is dedicated around the world will also interact with the special guests. Each program presents a unique
to fostering understanding and goodwill opportunity to see and interact with the most fascinating people in astronomy. It's one of
across national and cultural boundaries by many online programs being presented throughout the month.
creating relationships through the univer- 2. Is There Anybody Out There? - (remote event) 7th April 00.00 UT
sal appeal of astronomy. Astronomers Who hasn't asked themselves this question? Astronomers have discovered 450 planets out-
Without Borders projects promote sharing, side our Solar System, and you can observe one of them online, sharing the excitement with
all through a common interest in some- others around the globe, by the dimming of the light of its "sun" while it crosses in front of
thing basic and universal - sharing the sky. it. It's one highlight of a series of online observing events for everyone.
Astronomers Without Borders is partner- 3. SunDay - (physical event) 11th April
ing with many programs to bring them to Become a Sun worshipper on 11 April! Our own star is the worldwide focus on this day.
the grand celebration of the Universe. Gather your friends to observe the Sun, bring your telescope out for others to see it, make a
Are you holding an event during GAM? solar spectroscope, tune in to special programs. Be sure you use the proper methods and
Register it on the GAM web site and share filters! SunDay is one of many programs about the Sun to take place during GAM.
your ideas with astronomy enthusiasts
around the globe! 4. Saturn Watch - (physical event) from 12th to 16th April
Saturn's rings are back! They've been turned sideways to us and hard to see but this fascinat-
More information: ing planet is once again showing off its famous ring system. Saturn Watch begins on 11
AWB and GAM Websites : April and continues nightly through the 16th. Amateur clubs and sidewalk astronomers are encouraged to plan observing events to share Saturn with the public. It's one of several pro-
NASA grams meant to encourage amateur astronomers to get involved.
Royal Astronomical Soc. of Canada 5. Beauty Without Borders - Saturn for All - (physical event) 16th April Beauty Without Borders is a grassroots program begun by amateurs around the world and
now coordinated by Astronomers Without Borders to bring more of us together to share
celestial highlights with the public, and with each other. This time Saturn is the "beauty". If
you have a telescope, join sidewalk astronomers worldwide who have banded together in
April 21, 22 - Lyrids Meteor Shower this unique program.
The Lyrids are an average shower, usually 6. Write Your Name in the Sky! - (remote event) 15th April 21.30 UT
producing about 20 meteors per hour at Asteroids have always intrigued us. They're mysterious and sometimes frightening when
their peak. These meteors can produce they enter our region of space. In this online remote observing event we face our fears and
bright dust trails that last for several sec- reveal the secrets of these lonely travelers as we hunt for asteroids in real time. The first to
onds. This year's shower should peaks on discover one could get naming rights, putting a label in the sky for eternity!
the night of April 21 and the morning of 7. Lunar Week - (physical event) from 17th to 23rd April
the 22nd, although some meteors can be 17 April marks the start of Lunar Week, seven nights dedicated to observing the closest ce-
visible from April 16 - 25. The quarter lestial body to Earth and our companion in our yearly journey around the Sun. Moon-
moon will set early in the evening, leaving themed star parties to observe the Moon through telescopes and by naked eye, educational
a dark sky for the best possible viewing in programs, online observing events, competitions and a celebration of the Moon in different
dark locations. Look for meteors radiating cultures are just a few ways you can participate in Lunar Week.
from the constellation of Lyra after mid- 8. Lyrids Watch - (physical event) 21st and 22nd April
night. Meteor showers are one of nature's great displays: dozens of "falling stars" that scratch the
night sky. Dress warmly, lay back and watch the show right above your head. It's more than
a light show, though. The cosmic debris we see burning up in the atmosphere are left over
Synopsis: The Blind Side from a comet's tail. There are records of this meteor shower going back 2600 years. What
will this year's shower be like?
“The Blind Side” depicts the remarkable
9. One Star at a Time - (dark skies) Dates to be announced
true story of Michael Oher, a homeless
One Star at a Time is looking for a missing object. We've lost our Milky Way and we want
African-American youngster from a bro-
it back! The Milky Way stretches across the sky, composed of thousands of stars in our gal-
ken home, taken in by the Touhys, a well-
axy but it's hidden from view in our cities by the blanket of light we needlessly and waste-
to-do white family who help him fulfill his
fully send up into the sky. But what can you do about it? Join this new global project -
potential. At the same time, Michael’s
launching during GAM - and pledge to preserve and protect the starry night sky above your
presence in the Touhys’ lives leads them
own home or business. Join with others around the world to bring our Milky Way back -
to some insightful self-discoveries of their
One Star at a Time.
own. Living in his new environment, the
teen faces a completely new set of chal- 10. Global Star Party - 24th April
lenges to overcome. As football player The excitement generated by Global Astronomy Month comes to a peak on Saturday, 24
and as a student, Oher works hard and, April, with the ultimate observing event. The Global Star Party is the time to come out un-
with the help of his adopted family, be- der the stars, bring your own telescope and encourage others to join to bridge gaps across
comes an All-American defensive left the seas, under the theme "one people, one sky." Begun during 100 Hours of Astronomy
tackle. Sandra Bullock won an Academy during the International Year of Astronomy (2009), the Global Star Party is an ongoing an-
Award as Best Actress in this role. nual AWB event. All through
Eighth Anniversary Images of Hubble’s Smash Hits