Sap Payrolls Chema
Sap Payrolls Chema
Sap Payrolls Chema
As per the diagram Set of Operations make a Rule which in turn attached to some functions and those
functions embedded in Schemas or Sub-schemas (Inside the main schemas) to decide the flow of the
payroll program.
Structure of a Schema:
Rules are used for holding a set of operations for a particular requirement to be accomplished.
1. Program Class.
a. There are two program classes to be assigned to the rule while creating.
i. Payroll (C).
ii. Time (T).
2. Country Grouping.
a. For Payroll program class the country grouping should be mentioned. (E.g. 40 for India).
b. For Time management rule the country grouping should be (*).
3. Employee Sub-grouping.
a. All the wagetypes have an attribute of employee sub-grouping.
b. It varies client to client.
c. Value 3 means EE sub-grouping is 3.
d. Value * means all EE Sun-groupings.
4. Wagetypes.
a. The wagetype in the internal table which is meant to be processed by the rule.
b. If a value for Wagetype is being given then the particular wagetype is being queried for
c. If **** has been given then all the wagetypes present in the particular internal table will be
Structure of the Rule.
The Payroll driver uses lots of internal tables used for storing data temporarily in the program for
processing. Some of the important internal tables are:
EE Sub-grouping:
1. The Wagetype is assigned to a particular Employee sub-group.
2. 3 is a particular employee subgroup for basic pay wagetype.
3. * value means for all EE sub-grouping.
Wagetype Code:
1. The Wagetype code number is the number assigned to a particular pay component.
Wagetype Description:
1. The description for the wagetype code.
1. If there is a split for the wagetypes then this NUM field will make them different.
2. If A person’s basic salary is changed in the mid of the month then the wagetype will be split in
two amounts with NUM = 01 and NUM = 02.
1. The RTE column stores a value for;
a. Rate of interest.
b. Number of leave days.
c. Projection factor. Etc.
2. E.g. In the above diagram /401 wagetypehas RTE value 10 which is the projection factor used
for different calculations.
1. This column possesses the amount of the particular wagetype.
• While the payroll driver encounters a function and operation it would call a subroutine written
in the payroll driver.
• The subroutine name for the operation will be OP****, Where **** will be the name of the
For E.g. for Operation AMT the subroutine name would be OPAMT.
• The code written for the function will be found as a subroutine in payroll driver as FU****,
where **** will be the name of the function.
For E.g. for function INEPF the subroutine name would be FUINEPF.
1. This Operation would fetch the Amount of the wagetype queried in the rule, in the Variable
AMT for processing.
2. The Syntax of the Operation is ZZZOVVVV.
3. ZZZ -> AMT.
4. O -> Operand.
5. VVV -> Value or Variable.
6. For E.g. (AMT= 1000) will fetch the Amount of Wagetype 1000 into AMT.
7. Pressing F1 on the AMT Operation will provide the documentation.
1. This Operation would fetch the Rate of the wagetype queried in the rule, in the Variable RTE
for processing.
2. The Syntax of the Operation is ZZZOVVVV.
3. ZZZ -> RTE.
4. O -> Operand.
5. VVV -> Value or Variable.
6. For E.g. (RTE= /401) will fetch the Rate of Wagetype /401 into RTE.
7. Pressing F1 on the RTE Operation will provide the documentation.
1. This Operation would fetch the Split indicator of the wagetype queried in the rule, in the
Variable NUM for processing.
2. The Syntax of the Operation is ZZZOVVVV.
3. ZZZ -> NUM.
4. O -> Operand.
5. VVV -> Value or Variable.
6. For E.g. (NUM= 1000) will fetch the Split indicator of Wagetype 1000 into NUM.
7. Pressing F1 on the NUM Operation will provide the documentation.
1. This Operation will append one more row in the internal table (Processed by the rule).
2. After calculating an amount from a particular wagetype the amount can be assigned to another
wagetype and append to the internal table.
3. For E.g. ADDWT 2050 will add the NUM, RTE, AMT calculated to the NUM, RTE & AMT
of the wagetype 2050.
4. If the Wagetype 2050 is not there before in the internal table then NUM, RTE & AMT would
be 0.
5. If any value of these three variables are present before then they will be added to the
calculated ones.
1. This function will read the internal table IT (Input table).
2. The function will hold a rule as first parameter.
1. This function will read the internal table RT (Results table).
2. The function will hold a rule as first parameter.
1. This function will read the internal table IT (Input table).
2. The function will hold a rule as first parameter.
1. This function will read the internal table ORT (Old results table).
2. The function will hold a rule as first parameter.
1. This function will read the Infotype 0014 for processing.
2. The function will hold a rule as first parameter.
The documentation for all the Operations and Function is being provided, which can be viewed
in PE04 (Editor for Operation and Function).
Few examples and live scenarios on writing PCRs related to Time schema.
Scenario. 1
The employees in a company accrues 2.5 days of Privilege Leave (PL) per month . But if they go
on Unpaid leave (Ex: Education leave) or there is unrecorded absences the accrual entitlement
has to be reduced. Actually if there is more than 10 days of Unpaid Leave and Unrecorded
absences per month then the PL earned by an employee during the month is 0 else it is 2.5 Days
The organization has gone in for HR-Positive time keeping with clock-times and every employee
has specific shift on any given day . The HR team runs time evaluation on a daily basis which
basically compares the employee’s planned work schedule with actual attendance and decides on
the employee’s attendance status . If there is no information from the employees on a working
day the system marks him/her unrecorded absence. Also if there is authorized Unpaid leave
(Study Leave) the HR Team enters the leave data in to the system
Implementation steps
Solutions Description
Configure Leave types :
Table : V_T554S
Table : V_554S_O
IMG Path: Personnel Time Management–> Time Data Recording and Administration –
>AbsencesàAbsence Catalog–>Absence Counting–>Assign counting rules to absence types
Table : T556C
Counting rules need to be assigned to Absence types
Absence type 0100
Counting rules : 100
Check ‘Quota Deduction’ Check box
Absence type 0401
Counting rule : 401
DO NOT check Quota deduction check box
Rule ZI01:
This rule is written to compute the Unpaid absence days and store the same in Time type 9P35.
In this context whenever an employee avails leave under leave type 0401 these leave days are
stored in time type 9P35.This rule should be called by the function PTIP.(Refer Scenario 1)
Rule ZI02
This rule moves the unrecorded Absences to 9P36 from 9P63 .(Please refer Scenario 1)
Rule ZI06
This rule is written to compute and Populate the time type 9P01 (PL Quota Multiplier). If period
Balance of 9P35 and 9P36 is less than or equal to 10, the rule should move 1 to 9P01 else move
0 to 9P01
This rule should be called by function ACTIO and should be called just before CUMBT function
The employees have a specific planned work schedule and they need to clock-in to the work
place at a particular time and are supposed be in the work spot for a specific number of working
hours . If an employee clocks-in later than the planned start time , then he should be penalized
for ‘Late-Coming’ and if an employee clocks-out earlier than the planned work end time then he
should be penalized for ‘Early going’. However there are physically challenged employees who
are allowed to clock-out earlier than the planned end time for a specific number of minutes . The
penalty for Late-coming or Early-going is not exactly the number of minutes the employee
clocked-in late or clocked-out early , but rounded as per the business rules of the Organization.
The penalty is in the form of deducting amount from the salary in Payroll , proportional to the
‘Late Coming’ / ‘Early Going’ minutes/ hours .
The organization has gone in for HR-Positive time keeping with clock-times and every employee
has specific shift . The HR team runs time evaluation on a daily basis which basically compares
the employee’s planned work schedule with actual attendance and decides on the employee’s
attendance status .
Technical Interpretation
The employee’s time events are compared with the planned start time and planned end time of
the scheduled shift . The time pairs are formed by the system on this basis . Whenever the
unrecorded time pair exists with the start time of the time pair as same as start time of the
planned shift then the duration of such time pair can be designated as Late Coming Hours .
Similarly Whenever the unrecorded time pair exists with the End time of the time pair as same
as End time of the planned shift then the duration of such time pair can be designated as Early
Going Hours
Solutions Description
Table : V_T555A
Following time type needs to be configured:
Table : V_T559R
Table : V_T555Z
The time type 9P18 has been configured as Unrecorded absence during planned working hours
For handicapped employees through Master data maintenance ‘Additional Indicator’ in Infotype
50 need to be maintained as ‘1′ .
Write following rules for computing the Late coming / Early going / Unrecorded gaps
Rule ZI03:
This rule is written to segregate the Late coming . Early going and other unrecorded gaps
separately and also move the late coming hours to the time type 9P22. If the pair is early going
pair the rule branches off to sub rule ZI05 and if the pair is unrecorded gaps then the rules
branches off to sub rule ZI04
Rule ZI04
This rule moves the unrecorded gap hours to the time type 9P24.This rule is called by the rule
Rule ZI05.
This rule basically computes the early going hours . For handicapped employees this rule checks
against the allowed limit of early going hours by looking at the Payroll constant ZIT01 . If the
actual early going hours is less than the allowed hours then the early going is ignored else the
hours of the time pair is passed onto the time type 9P23 .This rule is called by the rule ZI03
Rule ZI13
This rule rounds off the late coming and early going hours and also ensures that sum of Early
going , Late coming and unrecorded gaps does not exceed the planned working hours .The
rounded and processed Late coming Days, Early Going days and Unrecorded gap days are stored
in the time types 9P26, 9P27 and 9P28 respectively. Finally sum of 9P26, 9P27 and 9P28 is
passed on to the time wage type 9T28 for deduction of salary in Payroll.
Both these rules (ZI03 and ZI13) should be called in schema TM00 after the function TIMTP.