Context/Setting/Grade Level(s)
6th Grade Choir 9:33 - 10:21 Period 3
Students will demonstrate their ability to analyze, critique, and evaluate their personal and group
Students will be able to perform a variety of music utilizing different elements (tone, tempo, dynamics,
melody, harmony, rhythm).
Choir folders
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Minutes Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Informal Assessments
1. Start with Part II “lai” harmony at m. 47-end (everyone sings
2. When Part II has mastered their part, have Part I sing their
own part from m. 47
3. Go back to m. 36 and sing to the end, focusing on a precise,
accurate ending (crescendo, cutoff)
1. I start snapping and students snap, I sing S2 part at B
2. I sing, they echo phrase by phrase
3. Students sing from B to C
4. I sing from letter A, students come in at B Have them put
their head down and lift it when it’s time to enter
5. I continue singing at C, students come in at D
1. Run through the piece for the first time, stopping for
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2. (If students start singing like soloists, have one student come
up to sing with me. I will sing louder than them and ASK
the class to give a thumbs up or down for balance and tone
Formative Assessment
Class observation during rehearsal:
Are the students able to hold onto their part without help from the piano and teacher?
Have students identified the form?
Is the ensemble balanced?
The students held onto their vocal part without assistance.
Never Always
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Never Always
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The students sung with unified vowels.
Never Always
1 2 3 4 5
Reflection on Teaching
In what ways did the lesson succeed in accomplishing the learning objectives?
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