Edtpa Lesson Plan 1 Website Version
Edtpa Lesson Plan 1 Website Version
Edtpa Lesson Plan 1 Website Version
National Standards:
Content Standard 1: Content Standard: Singing alone, and with others, a varied
repertoire of music
Content Standard 4: Content Standard: Composing and arranging music within
specified guidelines
Content Standard 5: Content Standard: Reading and notating music
Common Errors & Misconceptions: Students may incorrectly write rhythms, writing
a composition that lasts for more than four beats.
Day-O from Making Music: Grade 5 pp. 18-19 and recording found on CD 1-28
Four-Beat Rhythm Composition Worksheet
Essential Questions:
How do I clap a new rhythm correctly the first time I see it?
How do I maintain a steady rhythm against different rhythms?
1. The teacher will project the four-beat rhythm composition sheet on the enoBoard
and will ask the students, what is composing? (to write or create) The
students will give varied responses, provide additional lines of questioning until
the answer is reached.
2. The teacher will explain the class objective, We are going to compose rhythmic
patterns in small groups of 3-4 to perform to Day-O. The teacher will point out
the symbols in the key of the worksheet (half note, quarter note, eighth note, and
quarter rest) and will check prior knowledge by asking what the names of the
symbols are and their durations.
3. Once the symbols names and durations are established the teacher will ask for
volunteers to compose the first rhythmic pattern. When the first pattern is
completed, the teacher will ask the students to self-evaluate their first
composition. (Guided Practice)
Self-assessment: The students will be asked to evaluate their first composition as a
class. They will be asked, are their four beats in the measure? If not, what can we
change and why? Invite a student up to revise the composition and repeat the process
until there are four beats in the measure.
4. The teacher will ask the students to perform the first pattern using rhythm
syllables (ta, ti-ti, rest). The students will perform the first composition with
rhythm syllables. The teacher will ask for a volunteer to create the second line in
the composition. The students will self-assess in the same way as in the first
composition. Students will perform the second pattern using rhythm syllables.
The teacher will split the class in half and the two groups will perform lines one
and two simultaneously. The teacher will ask the students what they can do
improve on for the next performance, the students will provide feedback. The
feedback will be applied immediately for a second performance of the two lines
5. The teacher will split the class into small groups of 3-4 based on the color of their
carpet spots (i.e. red row is a group, dark green row is a group, ect) and will
instruct each group by singing to get one sheet of paper from the piano and one
6. The students will compose their rhythms independently in small groups, the
teacher will circulate around the room and check work. The students are
expected to have correct stem direction and the proper number of beats per
measure. Once a group finishes, the teacher will instruct the students in the
group to teach their rhythms to each other.
7. The students will pick a group leader to hand in their completed compositions to
be rehearsed and performed for next week.
504/IEPs- For student with speech or language impairment: rhythm syllables are
written under each rhythm to aid comprehension, repeated directions and slower
delivery of direction
For student with heightened anxiety levels: Positive reinforcement for correct rhythmic
For student with selective mutism: Student will be allowed to work with a peer buddy to
write rhythms and ask for help/feedback during composing
Closure: While students are lined up and waiting for their teacher to arrive, the
teacher will ask the students, what did we learn today? (Composing, review of half,
quarter, eighth notes and quarter rests)
Language: Function: The students compose a four beat composition and apply
knowledge of half, quarter, eighth notes and quarter rests.
Content Specific Vocabulary: Rhythm syllables (ta, ti-ti, rest), half note, quarter note,
eighth note, quarter rest, repeat sign, 4/4, rhythm, composition
Assessments Used:
Informal- Informal Assessment: The teacher will observe which students are
successfully stomping the beat steadily and which are struggling, and which students
can clap the response rhythm successfully and which students are struggling. Record
results on a scale of 1-3 (1 struggling, 2 - successful with occasional errors, 3
exceptional) on seating chart.
Informal Assessment: The teacher will check student work and look for correct stem
direction and correct number of beats per measure.
For the student with speech and language impairment, the teacher will model the
steady beat in the feet and the response rhythm in the hands to aid understanding of
the task.
For the student with heightened anxiety, the teacher will model the steady beat in the
feet and the response rhythm in the hands and give positive reinforcement for the
students participation.
During the composition self-assessment, the student with selected mutism can show
understanding by correcting student mistakes on the enoBoard, instead of verbally
correcting mistakes.