Singing Rubric 1
Singing Rubric 1
Singing Rubric 1
Student Name :
Outstanding Great Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Criterias Score
5 4 3 2
Able to sing the song Able to sing the song with a Able to sing the song with a Not able to sing the song
with a clear volume clear volume in two parts of clear volume in one part of with a clear volume from
Pronunciation from the beginning to the song (beginning, the song (beginning, the beginning to the end
the end of the song. middle, and end). middle, and end). of the song.
Able to demonstrate Able to demonstrate either Able to demonstrate body Not able to demonstrate
body language and body language or mimcs language or mimics but do any style or expression
Body language
mimics that match that match the contents of not match to the contents of (body language or mimic)
& Mimics the contents of the the song. the song. while singing.
Show great respect Show respect and Show respect and Do not show any respect
and enthusiasm enthusiasm while singing enthusiasm while singing in or enthusiasm while
Attitude while singing from the song (in beginning, or in one part of the song singing from beginning to
beginning to end. the middle, or at the end). (beginning, middle, and end.
Comments: Final
Rubric explanation
1. “SINGING ASSESSMENT RUBRIC” is the title of the rubric adapted by your teacher.
2. “Description” is the explanation about the content that students learn throughout the topic.
3. “Parent’s signature” can be filled after the whole process of grading is completed. It is important for
teachers to always inform students’ progress to their parents because parents are the primary educators
of students.
4. There are 3 criterias assessed in this rubric, namely voice volume, styles & expressions, and attitude. All
of it is assessed while the student is singing.
5. The phrase “from the beginning to the end of the song”, “two parts of the song”, or “one part of the
song” means students’ consistency while singing. It is often found that students are good in singing at
the beginning but become unserious at the end of the song, or vice versa.
6. In the criteria of “Attitude” there are two main attitudes that are assessed, namely respect and
7. This rubric is arranged by ABCD (Audiences, Behavior, Condition, Degree) method. For instance, check
the following one of the criterias’ condition: “Able to sing the song with a clear volume from the
beginning to the end of the song.” Let us break down that statement into ABCD:
a. Audience : student
b. Behavior : sing the song
c. Condition : clear volume
d. Degree : from beginning to the end