Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of Diesel Engine For Ship Navigation System Improvement
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of Diesel Engine For Ship Navigation System Improvement
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of Diesel Engine For Ship Navigation System Improvement
Email address
[email protected] (D. Faturachman), [email protected] (S. Mustafa), [email protected] (F. Octaviany),
[email protected] (T. D. Novita)
Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago, 2/3 of the country is covered by sea. But due to many factors a lot of ship
accidents occurred every year, and claiming a large number of casualties. Efforts have been done to improve the safety
of domestic sea transportation, as the result to be fully compliance to the SOLAS (Safety Of Live At Sea) regulations
regarding to the IMO (International Maritime Organization) convention, worsen by varying sea and cargo characteristic,
and low educated passengers, they are very vulnerable to accidents. There are so many accidents in sea transportation in
Indonesia, especially in 2005-2010 is due to human errors and only a few caused by natural factors and others. Most of
the accidents occur due to the low awareness of the aspects of security and safety. Equipment’s and system on board
ship, will not remain safe or reliable if they are not maintained. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) approach is
chosen as a risk assessment methodology in this paper to synthesize the potential failure modes and their associated
causes for product design, especially in ship diesel engine. In this paper, the study proposes the fuel oil system in the
ship diesel engine. Fuel oil system is extremely important system on a ship which is designed to supply clean fuel oil to
main engine, diesel generators and emergency diesel generators. FMEA is an effective tool or technique used for
identifying possible failures and mitigating their effects. In various life cycle phase of diesel engine, FMEA activities are
executed, and detailed FMEA documents are usually used as reference. Design changes can be executed according to the
existing FMEA documents, especially for the most dangerous failure modes with high prevention difficulty.
FMEA, Diesel Engine, Indonesia, Ship, Accident
reducing life cycle costs. Review of the available literature Maintenance, repair, and overhaul of complex industrial
indicates that the fuel injection and cooling subsystems are and marine systems have received considerable attention in
among the most problematic on diesel engines contributing the last decades, due to the high amounts of capital invested
to reduced readiness and increased maintenance costs. and the high availability rates requested. Especially to
These faults can be addressed and studied using scaled prevent the risky situations and to increase systems
testing to build the necessary knowledge base to quickly reliability on board ships, the prestigious marine engine
transition the methods to full-scale, more costly diesel manufacturers and ship operators have continuously
engines (Banks, et al 2001). evidence gathered from the past experiences.
Diesel engines play major roles in automotive and Current methods used to assess system reliability are
stationary applications (Nunney, 1998). The life cycle cost focused primarily on the hardware component of the
of diesel engine is largely determined by the design phase, system. At one end of the spectrum are the qualitative
and its inherent reliability is also heavily influenced by this methods that use historical and experimental hardware fail
phase. In order to improve the reliability of the engine, data to predict future failure rates and how various
similar diesel engine which have detailed FMEA (Failure hardware can fail by using Failure Modes and Effects
Mode and Effects Analysis) documents are usually used as Analysis (FMEA). By using FMEA we could identify
references for priority identification and risk estimation of where and how it might fail human factor tabulation data,
failures model in FMEA. assessing the relative impact of different failures, and
FMEA is a methodology designed to identify potential identifying the parts of the process most in need of
failure modes for the product, to assess the risk associated improvement with factor analysis. We can make the
with those failure modes, to rank the issues in term of worksheet data after determining the failure mode with the
importance, and to carry out corrective actions to address validation matrix.
the most serious failure modes. Failure modes may be In this paper, the ship has an important role in the
introduced in design, manufacture, and/or usage, and can shipping industry, and need to do an analysis of engine
be potential or actual. Effects analysis refers to studying the system service. This is done to prevent the failure of
consequences of those failures. FMEA is widely used in the components within the system that could cause a failure of
manufacturing industry in whole life cycle of a product the punitive damage portion of the ship's functions will
(Bowles & Bonnell, 1998). ultimately lead to decreased safety level and can endanger
In diesel engine design and manufacturing, it is common passengers and cargo transported even ships nearby. Bad
to perform FMEA. The aim of diesel engine FMEA is to fuel distribution system on a ship caused a breakdown in
find potential failure modes and implement design changes, the fuel to the main engines. This resulted in a delay in the
to eliminate critical failure modes, and to decrease the ship's anchor, necessitating regular care and held continue
maintenance cost when the engine is put into use. on the fuel distribution system. A technique used to identify,
prioritize and eliminate potential failure in systems used for
2. Problem Statement reviewing a process or operation in which systematically
acquainted with FMEA. FMEA is used as a risk assessment
Analyzed of the caused of accidents involving complex technique which synthesizes failure modes in order to
technological systems clearly indicates that a small identify early response and to take appropriate actions into
percentage of the major accidents are caused by failures of account. As a case application, crucial troubles in fuel oil
the systems (something less than 20%). Rather, the systems on board ship are investigated deeply to adopt an
accidents that caused by unanticipated actions of people effective preventive maintenance strategy for fuel oil
have undesirable outcomes (something more than 80 %). system in marine diesel engine.
These an unanticipated actions and outcomes can have root
source in design, construction, operation, and maintenance. 3. Ship Accident in Indonesia
Perrow (1999) states that the error inducing character of
the system in shipping lies in the social organization of the Indonesia is the maritime area that has a unique-features
personnel on board, economic pressure, the structure of in terms of its transport system, especially the technical and
industry and insurance and difficulties in international economic aspects, that should be examined more deeply
regulation. This review examines the current status of because the age of the current fleet are mostly old, this can
safety in the maritime industry and the human factors that cause damage that is not entirely unexpected and it may
may contribute to the causal chain in shipping accidents. also affect safety of other ships.
There is a particular combination of demand characteristic From the report of Trend Analysis of Sea Accident by PT.
of the maritime industry such as fatigue, stress, work Trans Asia Konsultan in year 2009, it states that the vessel
pressure, communication, environmental factors, and long must meet the requirements of the materials, the
periods of time away from home, which could be potential construction of buildings, machinery, and the electrification,
contributors. Exemplifying that in shipping “there are a governance, stability and structure of radio
number of workplace dangers in combination, something equipment/ship's electronics, accredited by a certificate,
rare in other industries” (Mc Namara, et al, 2000). that is obviously required after the inspection and testing.
8 Danny Faturachman et al.: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of Diesel Engine for Ship Navigation System Improvement
Vessels whose condition is excellent, and in accordance necessary to make a standardization of regulation system
with the legal provisions, and declared fit to sail, would be and procedures, as well as human resource professionals to
safe to take people and goods, otherwise the ship which is realize the service organization of the transport and works
in questionable when the condition is likely to find in order to hold everything intact. Then it is necessary to
resistance from maritime transport authority. If the ship was have a system of good governance, where Governments
damaged during the trip, it will require additional costs, have function in the transportation services which include
such as the exploitation of costs due to delay. It is certainly coaching in the aspects of setting up, monitoring and
not an easy thing to maintain. The State of the vessel which controlling the system (PT. Trans Asia Konsultan, 2009).
complies with the requirements and security, the prevention
of pollution, control of cargo, the health and well-being of 3.1. Indonesian Ship Accident Data (2005-
the crew, all of these require additional capital. In addition, 2010)
companies in business from cruise ships also require full The accident happened on a river, lake, and river
cooperation and assistance of the shipyards, while the crossings that are up to the Marine Court over voyage
current conditions of the shipyards are also faced with caused by human error, and just a little accident in the
lethargy. Therefore, the Government has a rule to play in waters caused by natural factors. Tracing the reason
devising desirable policy, particularly the aspects of the mentioned above should all the events of the accident can
capital and the creation of a favorable business climate, so be minimized while there are preventive efforts from all
that transport and shipbuilding company implement parties so as not to stumble on the same stone. As the image
rehabilitation, replacement and expansion of the current comparison between amphibious insertions accidents
fleet. caused by human error and natural factors can be seen in
Accidents occurring in sea, rivers, lakes, and crossing Figure 1.
that reached Marine Court in 2005-2010 was mostly due to
human error (65%), and only a few accidents in the waters
caused by natural factors (Danny & Shariman, 2012).
Given the reasons mentioned above, all accidents can be
minimized if prevention efforts are seriously performed by
all parties so as not to stumble on the same stone. Water
transport accidents occur mainly due to overcrowding and
navigation system, which is characterized by a large
number of passengers and goods compared to the draft Figure 1. Ship Accidents Factor.
Commission. For passengers who do not have the expertise
and skills in emergency situations, it is important to note A lot of ship accidents occurred every year on Indonesia
that users of the waterway in the category of vulnerable water, described in Table 1, source from Marine Court,
population groups. Efforts to ensure the safety of Secretary General, Ministry of Transportation (2011).
passengers and crew must be considered as a serious issue,
including this trivial security equipment such as buoys. 4. Safety of the Ship
Current conditions, many ships that do not have safety
equipment should be able to buoy passengers and crew 4.1. Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) of the
when the vessel having accident. Most of the accidents Ship
occur due to the low awareness on the aspects of security
and safety of the crew. The figures differ from the manifest Current models of Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) is a
of passengers and number of passengers on the ground model widely used to analyze accidents at sea where the
become common place. Transportation is the lifeblood of safety assessment is based on the model risk. Formal Safety
society and the economy in Indonesia. Transportation Assessment (FSA) was developed by the UK Marine Safety
development activities in Indonesia are out of various Agency (1992). The concept of the FSA adopted by IMO in
dimensions (marine transport and others) and increasing. the form Guidelines to Formal Safety Assessment (FSA)
This is an impacts of economic activity and socio-cultural through memorandum MSC/Circ. 1023-MEPC/Circ. 392
activities and community. In addition, the process of (IMO, 2002) and updated through 2006 included an
regulatory reform in the field of national transportation evaluation of FSA Guidelines risk criteria. The FSA is
deregulation has also triggered an increase in transport basically put their risk factors, in which the process is
activity. To understand fully that human consciousness systematically using the scientific method approach.
towards the preservation of the environment are International Maritime Organization (IMO), Maritime
increasingly high, so that sea transportation accidents Safety Committee (MSC) in 1995 decided to adopt the
which can cause damage to the environment (pollution) concept of FSA. This was done in the hope of improving
should be a significant consideration. In order to further the IMO rule-making process, and thus further enhancing
integrate transport infrastructure and facilities that meet the the safety of shipping. As stated by Wang (2001), it is
requirements of security and safety of transport, it is considered that ‘‘Marine safety may be significantly
International Journal of Service Science, Management and Engineering 2014, 1(1): 6-16 9
improved by introducing a formal ‘goal-setting’ safety support its application and further development in practice.
assessment approach so that the challenge of new Since that time, several FSA trial applications and case
technologies and their application to ship design and studies have been carried out in various IMO member
operation may be dealt with properly’’. For a more specific states around the world. Some of the studies have been
discussion on the expected benefits of the FSA as a issued in direct support for the formulation of new IMO
regulatory tool, and as a potential framework for safety safety regulations (e.g. DNV (Det Norke Veritas), 1997a;
assurance in shipping companies, the reader is referred to IMO, 1997b, 2000a,b), while in some other studies the
MSA (1993),Wang (2001) and Peachey (2002). Following objective has been to provide the justification for rule
the development and introduction of the FSA method, amendments or provisions allowing deviation/exemptions
interim guidelines for FSA application were issued by IMO from a particular rule (e.g. DNV, 1997b). For a further
(1997a) to describe and explain the new method and to discussion on ways of FSA applications, see Wang (2001).
Table 1. Number of Ship Accident According to Marine Court Decision 2005-2010.
No Description Accidents Type Quantity 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
1 Sunk Accidents 7 12 9 13 11 4
2 Collision Accidents 10 9 4 15 9 2
3 Grounded Accidents 5 5 5 2 3 6
4 Fired Accidents 5 6 9 4 5 5
5 Others Accidents 2 6 5 1 5 2
Total 29 38 32 35 33 19
Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) is a rational and comparison between existing and possibly improved
systematic process for the proactive management of safety regulations, with a view to achieving a balance between the
based on principles of hazard identification, risk analysis various technical and operational issues, including the
and cost-effectiveness evaluation of the efforts in human element, and between maritime safety or protection
controlling the risks. FSA can be used as a tool to help in of the marine environment and costs.
the development of new safety regulations or in analyzing FSA consists of five steps:
an existing set of regulations, and thus achieve a balance 1 Identification of hazards (a list of all relevant
between various technical and operational issues, including accident scenarios with potential causes and
human element and costs. The characterization of hazards outcomes);
and risks should be both qualitative and quantitative, 2 Assessment of risks (evaluation of risk factors);
consistent with the available data, and should be broad 3 Risk control options (devising regulatory measures
enough to include the range of options for reduction of to control and reduce the identified risks);
risks. A typical FSA exercise in a ship type according to the 4 Cost benefit assessment (determining cost
IMO Guideline would proceed as follows: effectiveness of each risk control option); and
Problem definition: 5 Recommendations for decision-making
The problem under analysis and its boundaries should be (information about the hazards, their associated
carefully defined. While defining the problem, the risks and the cost effectiveness of alternative risk
following parameters may be considered relevant; control options is provided).
a) Ship category (e.g. type, length or gross tonnage, new In simple terms, these steps can be reduced to:
or existing) 1 What might go wrong? = identification of hazards
(a list of all relevant accident scenarios with
a) Ship systems (e.g. type layout, subdivision, potential causes and outcomes)
propulsion,) 2 How bad and how likely? = assessment of risks
b) Ship operation (e.g. in ports and/or during (evaluation of risk factors);
navigation) 3 Can matters be improved? = risk control options
c) Accident category (e.g. collision, explosion, fire) (devising regulatory measures to control and reduce
d) Risk category (e.g. injuries and/or fatalities to the identified risks)
passengers and crew, environmental impact, 4 What would it cost and how much better would it
damage to ship or port). be? = cost benefit assessment (determining cost
By considering the characteristic of the ship, a formal effectiveness of each risk control option);
safety assessment of the ship is described in detail in this 5 What actions should be taken? = recommendations
chapter regarding by IMO. FSA is a structured and for decision-making (information about the hazards,
systematic methodology, aimed at enhancing maritime their associated risks and the cost effectiveness of
safety, including protection of life, health, the marine alternative risk control options is provided).
environment and property, by using risk analysis and cost It is equally admitted however, that the application of
benefit assessment. FSA can be used as a tool to help in the absolute numerical risk criteria may not always be
evaluation of new regulations for maritime safety and appropriate as the whole process of risk assessment
protection of the marine environment or in making a
10 Danny Faturachman et al.: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of Diesel Engine for Ship Navigation System Improvement
Iden Mission Failure Effects
al Failure Failure Effect For
tifica Phase/
Identification Function Modes and Next Detection M/E
tion Operationa Local
(Nomenclature Causes Higher End effects Method Critical
No. l Mode effects
) Effects
Fuel oil Fire Danger of Direct
Leakage Fuel losses
Fuel oil supply less hazard explosion observation
1 Storage Tank No
storage Fuel oil Excess Fire Danger of Direct
supply less charge hazard explosion observation
Less pressure
and the
Reduce the supply of
resulting lack Main
fuel flow fuel to
of Fuel oil engine Pressure
and the flow another
capacity.(Low supply less performanc indicator
become sub-
output) e decrease
small system
Drain the 2002)
fuel oil Noise and
from vibration on
supply of Main
service pump Damaged
Fuel oil fuel to the engine Direct
tank to (Vibration pumping
supply less main performanc observation
main and Noise) fast
2 Transfer Pump engine e decreased Yes
engine (OREDA
Raise the The
Leakage on
pressure supply of Main
pump seal Damaged
low of Fuel oil fuel to the engine Direct
(Leakage) pumping
fuel oil supply less main performanc observation
(OREDA fast
engine e decreased
Pump cannot
spin Damaged The fuel
Fuel oil engine Direct
(Breakdown) pumping supply is
supply less cannot observation
(OREDA fast cut off.
early and Fuel oil Fire Danger of Direct
3 Settling Tank Leakage Fuel losses No
heating supply less hazard explosion observation
fuel oil
Purity Main Water
the fuel Purifier Fuel oil
levels of Viscosity engine transducer
4 Purifier oilfrom cleaning is viscosity is Yes
fuel does ineligible burning not Direct
water and bad not enough
not qualify perfect observation
The unit Low fuel
Regulatin the
cannot be quality as
g the flow pressure
The seal has spinning as well as a
De-Aerator of fuel oil Seal tight on the Direct
5 corrosion and well as the decline in Yes
chamber to the decreased pipe observation
leakage presence of performanc
main leading to
fluid out of e of main
engine the main
the seal unit engine
A place of Fuel oil Fire Danger of Direct
shelter Leakage Fuel losses
supply less hazard explosion observation
6 Service Tank fuel No
advanced Fuel oil Excess Fire Danger of Direct
that ready supply less charge hazard explosion observation
12 Danny Faturachman et al.: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis of Diesel Engine for Ship Navigation System Improvement
Iden Mission Failure Effects
al Failure Failure Effect For
tifica Phase/
Identification Function Modes and Next Detection M/E
tion Operationa Local
(Nomenclature Causes Higher End effects Method Critical
No. l Mode effects
) Effects
to use