Passiue Playtime: Student A Student B

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Student A Student B

r ^^ . , i 4

What/pasta/make/from? r What/otiveoit/makelfrom?(otives)

z (Greece)
Where/Moussaka/traditionally/eat? z (Spain)

3 water?(la-lS'/')
Howmuchof the earth/cover/by ice?(about987.)
Howmuchof Antartica/cover/by

a by?(aneditor)
Who/anewspaper/run by?(headteacher/master/

Where/thecityof Prague/situate?
Repubtic) 5 (Chile)
Where/thecityof Santiago/situate?

tennisfor an hour? Howmanycalories/use/walking
for an hour?
G8o-+6o) (r8o-z4o)

7 forservicein USA?(rS7")
Howmuch/customers/charge Howmuch/people/charge
for drivingthrough

answer?(w) 8 Whatletter/notpronounce/in (c)
the wordscience?

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1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 r0 7 T L2
t 3 L 4 75 76
r Choose a squareandlistento yourpartner's sentence.
r ls it rightor wrong?If it'swrong,correctit. lf you choosecorrectlyput a crossor a noughtin
the square.
o Nowit'sotherteam'sturn.
r Thewinneris theonewithmostnoughtsor crosses
at theend.Yougetan extrapointforthreenoughts
or crosses
in a row.

Sentences A Sentenees B
1 My brother's
me.(X- no the) r Themanon my left is a doctor.(/)
z Thisis the onethat I want.(/) 2 My brotherworksas fire fighter.(I - a fire fiShter)
3 I'mgoingto applyon a job. (I - applyfor) 3 is verybeautifu[.(X- no the).
4 (X- no the)
Theotdpeopleshouldbe respected. 4 She'sthe tallestgirl in the class.(/)
5 ld [il<eto be a pilotin the futur:e(/) 5 I'vebeenlisteningthe radio.(/y- listeningto).
6 She'stallandthe hairis curly.(X- my hair). 6 Susanis at university
at the moment.(/)
7 CanI havea milkplease.(,y- somemitk) 7 lt witlbe difficutt (/)
to climbthe mountain.
8 Sheagreesthe otherperson.(X- agreeswith) 8 | wentout with the friendlastnight.(,{- a friend).
9 Peteris a old friend.(/r- an) 9 Doyouwantthe lunchnow?(X- no the)
10 Pacificoceanis verybig.(X- fne) 10 There'sa in centre.(X* the centre)
tt I knowthe familysittingoverthere.(/) tt I usuallyspenda lot on ctothes.(/)
a2 Everest
is a veryhighmountain.(4 !2 Pollutionis a big probtem.(/)
13 Wittyou passme butter.(X- tne butter) tj I stayedat a hotelin southof ltaty.(X- the south)
t4 I am worriedaboutmy exams.(/) 14 It depends (X- depends
oftheteacher. on)
15 TheSpanishareusualtydark.(4 15 | tikethe orangesbest.(I - no the)
t6 | don'ttikethe catsat alt.(X- no the) t6 Lastweekendshestudieda tot.(/)

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