Syntax2 - Handout 1
Syntax2 - Handout 1
Syntax2 - Handout 1
ž š
d VIOVE! Will you pleose get r,+ Fosition the computeí screen an arm's length arvay, adjusting the
......... of the woy! height ($Jbr l in orderfor l so as to l sa íhat your eyes are in line
e I want o much bigger one, This witlr tlre top.
is woy ,....,... smoll!
,/: \4ake sure there is sufficient light foi. ycur desk. (5) ,4s well /
If you take extro trouble, you 90
..,....,. of your woy to do Con,sequeníly l Holueyer l Therefore try not to allow light
something. to reflect offyour screen
g She's deiermined to hove her causing a glare. ť-,z-t
...,.....woy. -:: Tilt your screen siightly rT-T--ř
t1 If you're lost, you can olwoys
dowrrwards: wlren your- TTT,
..,...... the woy.
head is angied down
i ... lrut some people prefer to try
your eyelids cover nrore
onci ......... the woy therrrselvesl
of your eyeballs, (6) for
i lf you go first, you ... the
. . . . . .
}< You shouldn't Eet lost if you helps l that helps to keep
......,". the woy, tlrenr moist.
l This is iiae wroirgllrv,r..,,....,! :|:'|-on'! put r:eading
nrateriai fiai on tlre desk. (7} fu additioll l ín.stea.d lOtlrcry,,ise l
{Jnles,g put paper on a eopy-holcler oi- statrd so you can read
,iueatn ía us§ yollť mouse wiitrx lroth lrarrds (8) for l it can l
ín order ío l uthich pťevent Repetiti"le Strz,rn injui.y.
mwďeg§e §
holidoy in Greece.
i think Mlchelle's ot the hoirdresser. She's probobly
....,.,.. (hoir i clone) right now.
i'm sorry about the meo"I ... I forgot I'd put it in the
oven ond j ihlnk ii.......,..... @t;rn),
}.Io_toliq ......... (ears / pierced) w}ren she
wcs irisi c tortroXer,"