02 News
02 News
02 News
Brett Kavanaugh should have
been disqualified | 9
Portraits How impor- Photo: John Cairns
college balls listed than those in print. Our apologies for are continual, involving sustained them to meet and establish partner-
this oversight. engagement with current potential ships with the world’s leading players
funders, donors and partners, and in education, in research, in national
Cherwell takes complaints about editorial content extensive worldwide travel. and international policy-making, as
seriously. Requests for corrections or clarifications “These are all legitimate expenses well as with the donors who support
should be sent to [email protected] or by post to The raised in the cause of keeping Oxford our outstanding contribution to
Editors, Cherwell, First Floor, Salters’ Yard, OX1 4JU. in the forefront of the worldwide understanding and the international
advancement of learning.” economy.
While there have been extensive Amount spent by Richardson on “They all host key guests from
investigations into the remunera- private drivers their respective fields at Oxford and
Write for Cherwell in MT18! tion of the Vice Chancellor by this travel frequently to build the links
paper, there has been little interest
professors haveto been
The Anchor Inn, in an expense which a modern, constantly inno-
in that of the University’s Pro
forced to Vice
resign in listed as ‘Drinking places (alcohol
the aftermath vating University requires.
Chancellors. of the scandal
bev.) - bars, taverns, nightclubs’. “In so doing, they incur expenses
Visit cherwell.org/write for info However, an FoI request seen by In similar fashion, former Pro Vice which are a legitimate part of their
Cherwell outlining the corporate Chancellor with responsibility for work maintaining and enhancing
on how to get involved! credit card statements of the various research, Professor Ian Walmsley, Oxford’s exceptional academic envi-
Pro Vice Chancellors does shed some spent £144 at Be At One on 2nd De- ronment.”