Chapter III
Chapter III
Chapter III
describe the student comprehension about text genre. ³Descriptive study involves
collecting data to answer question concerning the currents status of the subject of the
study´1. This study is also defined as a quantitative research. ³The quantitative research
is a kind of research analysis which is done with statistical procedure´2. This research
use quantitative because the topic of discussion will be measured described in form of
1. Population
In this research the researcher use random sampling, that is, ³the way of sample
withdrawal from population member at random without consider the strata of population
research is all of the English Student in 2007/2008 year. The numbers of populations are
82 students.
Kountur, Ronny. 2009. Metode Penelitian. Buana Printing: Jakarta. P. 108.
Ibid.P. 105.
Riduan, M.B.A, ÷ , Bandung: Alfabeta, 2003.
No Class Numbers
1 VI A 24
2 VI B 31
3 VI C 27
Total 82
. Sample
all of the students. According to Nasution,´ The Quality of the research, not always
depend on the big of sample but also depend on the basic of the research, design of the
research, quality of the research process and its preparation´.5 So in this research, the
researcher use 35 students who were take randomly from three classes. The researcher
just takes 35 students as the sample because 35 students have been assumed can deputize
all population.
1. Questionnaire
questionnaire in this research is open questionnaire. It is open and question that give
freedom for respondent to answer the question. This questionnaire used to find the data
Op.cit. P.142.
Riduan,Op.Cit .P.12
Amirul Hadi dan Haryono. 1998.
. Pustaka Setia.:Bandung. P. 137.
. Test
people.´7 The researcher uses the test to collect the data about student comprehension
about text genre. The writer gives a multiple choice test, which is focused on descriptive,
narrative, procedure, hortatory exposition and spoof text. This test consists of 50 items.
The genre materials are stated in the 1994 English curriculum and the 2004 curriculum
for Senior High School. Therefore, this test is valid since it used content validity.
Content validity is concerning level of truth from an instrument measure content of area
which is wanted to measure.8 The valid test must provide consistently accurate
measurements. It must reliable. It means that a valid test must be reliable as well.
D. Instrument
1. Questionnaire
questionnaire in this research is open questionnaire. It is open and question that give
freedom for respondent to answer the question. This questionnaire used to find the data
Op.cit. P. 30.
Ronny. Op. Cit. P.164.
. Test
people. The researcher uses the test to collect the data about student comprehension
about text genre. The writer gives a multiple choice test, which is focused on descriptive,
narrative, procedure, hortatory exposition and spoof text. This test consists of 50 items.
The genre materials are stated in the 1994 English curriculum and the2004 curriculum
for the junior and senior high school. Therefore, this test is valid since it used content
validity. The valid test must provide consistently accurate measurements. It must
1. After the students do test. The result of the test will be collected. To find out
percentage of the true answer from each item of test, the researcher will make it in
S = the percentage that is found
2. Getting result of the percentage. And After classifying in every category researcher,
M = Mean percentage
3. Finally, after knowing the percentage of students comprehension about text genre, the
researcher will conform the result into the five scale based on Nugriyantoro :
For addition information, researcher will give open questionnaire to get information
Op.cit. P.48.
Ibid. P.49