Chapter III

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3.1 Research Design

This research was established to know the correlation between students’

vocabulary mastery, students’ self confidence and their speaking ability in 2nd

semester students of English Education Department. It applied quantitative

research design. The quantitative data deals primarily with numbers. Quantitative

research seeks to establish relationships among variables and look for and

sometimes explain the causes of such relationships. Quantitative research has

implication to verify a theory base on calculation. In quantitative study we rely

more on positivist principles and use a language of variables and hypotheses.

This research also applied co-relational method as method to know the

correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery, self confidence and their

speaking ability. Borg, W.R., Gall, M.D in Mohammad Adnan Latief (2014)

defined that correlation is the measurement of the co-relationship between two or

more variables using co-relational statistics. According Neil J. Salkind (2012:205)

co-relational research “describes the linier relationship between two or more

variables without any hint of attributing the effect of one variable on another.

Based on the previous statements, the major purpose of co-relational research is to

clarify our understanding of important phenomena by identifying relationships

among variable.


This research had been aimed to correlate three variables. They were

students’ vocabulary mastery, students’ self confidence and their speaking ability.

There are three variables in this research, namely variable X1, variable X2and Y.

Variable X1 was students’ vocabulary mastery, variable X2 was students’ self

confidence and variable Y was students’ speaking ability. Therefore, it

categorized as multiple correlation because it correlates two or more variables

called predictor variable and one criterion variable. Predictor variable involves

students’ vocabulary mastery and self confidence whereas criterion variable

involves students’ speaking ability. The data had been calculated by SPSS. 19 For


3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

Population is the whole objects or subjects in a district that fulfill

criteria and there is connection with problem of research.

In this research, researcher took all of 2nd semester students in

English Education Department of IAIN Ponorogo in academic year 2017-

2018 as population. Based on the data, the total numbers of the population

were 103 students and they were divided into 3 classes. Each class had

different numbers of students. There were 34 students in A class, 35

students in B class, and 34 students in C class.


3.2.2 Sample

Sample is part of population. According to Charles C.M, (1995) in

Mohammad Adnan Latief (2013) “sample is a small group of people

selected to represent the much larger entire population from which it is

drawn. Sample which is taken must be representative since it influence to

the result of research. It means, the representative sample will support the

research. There were some theories to calculate the number of sample. To

determine the number of sample, the researcher used a sampling technique

by Issac and Michael.

Table 3.1

Issac and Michael Table

N n

1% 5% 10%

103 87 78 73

The guidelines of sampling technique by Isaac and Michael were if

its population is 103, so the researcher took 78 students as sample by using

5% error level. All students in 2nd semester students of English Education

Department of IAIN Ponorogo were 103 students and they were the

population in this research. So, researcher took 78 students as sample with

5 % standard of error.

The way to get sample which is utilized by researcher is probability

sampling technique. Probability sampling technique is sampling technique


that gives same opportunity for each member of population that is used as

sample. There are some types of probability sampling and researcher

applied proportional random sampling as technique to get sample.

Proportional random sampling is way to get sample according the

proportion. Proportional random sampling is applied because the whole

students of each class are different. The concept proportional random

sampling in this research is researcher determines the proportions of each

class and then the researcher get sample randomly according the numbers

of proportion.

3.3 Instrument Data Collection

Actually, quantitative research is measuring something. Tool which

is used to measure variable in research called instrument. Instrument is

used to collect data of research by measuring each variable. Andita Dessy

Wulansari (2012:51) stated “Instrument is toll which is used to measure

nature phenomenon or social phenomenon in a research.”

In this thesis, researcher applied a test, questioner and

documentation as instruments for collecting data. A test utilized to obtain

data about students’ vocabulary mastery. Then, Questionnaire was

instrument to collect data about self confidence and documentation was

applied to collect data about students’ speaking ability. The numbers of try

out test items to get data about student vocabulary mastery were 25 items

and the numbers of try out items to get data about self confidence were 36

items. All items still required to fulfill validity test and reliability test.

The design instrument of students’ vocabulary test and

questionnaire of self confidence for validity test and reliability test are

shown at this table:

Table 3.2

Design instrument to collect data by vocabulary test for validity test (Tryout)


Students’ 1.The Form 1.1 Student can 1, 3, 5, 9,11, 11

vocabulary understand various 14,16,18,20,23,25
kinds of words
(part of speech)
1.2 student be able 2, 8, 10, 17, 24
to determine form
of words involves

2.The 2.1 students are 4, 6, 7, 12,13, 15, 9

Meaning able to understand 19, 21, 22,
the meaning of
words involves
(appropriate in
context, similar
meaning, opposite


Table 3.3

Design of Instrument to Collect Data by Questionnaire Technique

for validity test (Tryout)

Dimension Number of item Total

Favorable Unfavorable
1.Ambitious 1,13,25 7,19,31 6

2.Goal Oriented 8,20,32 2,14,26 6

3.Communication 3,15,27 9,21,33 6

4.Visionary 10,22,34 4,16,28 6

5.Loving and kind 5,17,29 11,23,35 6

6.Atractive 12,24,36 6,18,30 6


In the quantitative research, the instrument of data collection

qualified with the validity of instrument and reliability of instrument. Both of

them were utilized to avoid an error measurement in measuring each variable.

They also used to maximize ability an instrument for collecting data.

a. Validity of Instrument

Validity refers to the integrity of instrument. It means that validity

instrument was an appropriate instrument for measuring variable. Valid

instrument means an instrument can be used to measure what will be

measured. To measure whether the instrument is valid or not, researcher


applied the enter SPSS.19 windows programs. The result of validity test

were in the table below:


Table 3.4

Items validity of instrument for students’ vocabulary test

No Numb of test Indexes of r “table” characteristic

item correlation
1 Item 1 0,706 0,413 valid

2 Item 2 0,564 0,413 valid

3 Item 3 0,299 0,413 invalid

4 Item 4 0,645 0,413 valid

5 Item 5 0,540 0,413 valid

6 Item 6 0,451 0,413 valid

7 Item 7 0,621 0,413 valid

8 Item 8 0,670 0,413 valid

9 Item 9 0,629 0,413 valid

10 Item 10 0,240 0,413 invalid

11 Item 11 0,467 0,413 valid

12 Item 12 0,415 0,413 valid

13 Item 13 0,337 0,413 invalid

14 Item 14 0,656 0,413 valid

15 Item 15 0,468 0,413 valid

16 Item 16 0,580 0,413 valid

17 Item 17 0,726 0,413 valid

18 Item 18 0,252 0,413 invalid

19 Item19 0,580 0,413 valid


20 Item 20 0,295 0,413 invalid

21 Item 21 0,601 0,413 valid

22 Item 22 0,471 0,413 valid

23 Item 23 0,418 0,413 valid

24 Item 24 0,616 0,413 valid

25 Item 25 0,483 0,413 valid

The question means valid if the indexes of correlation ≥ r table. In

this research r table was 0,590 with 5% degree of significant. From the table

above, there were 20 questions with the indexes of correlation ≥ 0,413.

These intruments could be used as instruments as the sample of research.


Table 3.5

Items validity of instrument for self confidence questionnaire

No Numb of Indexes of r “table” characteristic

questionnaire correlation
1 Item 1 0,705 0,413 valid

2 Item 2 0,557 0,413 valid

3 Item 3 0,285 0,413 invalid

4 Item 4 0,607 0,413 valid

5 Item 5 0,755 0,413 valid

6 Item 6 0,512 0,413 valid

7 Item 7 0,015 0,413 invalid

8 Item 8 0,388 0,413 invalid

9 Item 9 0,738 0,413 valid

10 Item 10 0,468 0,413 valid

11 Item 11 0,504 0,413 valid

12 Item 12 0,514 0,413 valid

13 Item 13 0,611 0,413 valid

14 Item 14 0,416 0,413 invalid

15 Item 15 0,723 0,413 valid

16 Item 16 0,565 0,413 valid

17 Item 17 0,311 0,413 invalid

18 Item18 0,491 0,413 valid

19 Item19 0,450 0,413 valid


20 Item 20 0,375 0,413 invalid

21 Item 21 0,284 0,413 invalid

22 Item 22 0,360 0,413 invalid

23 Item 23 0,685 0,413 valid

24 Item 24 0,402 0,413 invalid

25 Item 25 0,548 0,413 valid

26 Item 26 0,683 0,413 valid

27 Item 27 0,716 0,413 valid

28 Item 28 0,473 0,413 valid

29 Item 29 0,485 0,413 valid

30 Item 30 0,524 0,413 valid

31 Item 31 0,402 0,413 invalid

32 Item 32 0,514 0,413 valid

33 Item 33 0,593 0,413 valid

34 Item 34 0,578 0,413 valid

35 Item 35 0,512 0,413 valid

36 Item 36 0,512 0,413 valid

The question means valid if the indexes of correlation ≥ r table. In

this research r table is 0,413 with 5% degree of significant. From 36

questions, there were 25 questions with the indexes of correlation ≥

0,413. These points could be used as the questionnaire instrument for

the true sample of research.


b. Reliability of Instrument

Not only validity, but also reliability is important for an instrument.

To measure whether the instrument is reliable or not, the researcher was

also used the enter SPSS windows programs

Table 3.6

The reliabilty of instrument for students’ vocabulary mastery

Out put reliability of vocabulary test


Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 23 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 23 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.891 20

From SPSS measurement, it proved that vocabulary test

instruments had reliability coefficient 0,891. The instrument were reliable

if the value of alpha croncbach > r table. Based on the calculation, the

result proved that the instruments were reliable and it has strong reliability

criteria. The instruments were already used to the true sample of research.

Table 3.6

The reliability of instrument for self confidence questionnaire

Out put reliability of questionnaire


Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 23 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 23 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

.921 27

Based on SPSS.19 measurement, it proved that questionnaire of

self confidence had reliability coefficient 0,921. It proved that the

instruments were reliable and it had very strong reliability criteria. Those

instruments were already used to the true sample of research.

3.4 Technique of Collection Data

Data is main requirement in a research activity. In this research,

researcher applied test, questionnaire and documentation as instruments

for collecting data about students’ vocabulary mastery, self confidence and

students’ speaking ability. To clear this technique, the writer discussed the

ways of collecting data using some instruments as follows:

a. Test

The first instrument of data collecting in this research was test.

The test was a method of measuring person’s ability or knowledge in a

given domain. This instrument for collecting data involved some

exercises which was applied to measure students’ knowledge,

aptitude, or their intelligence. In this research, test was used to gather

data about students’ vocabulary mastery.

b. Questionnaire

The second instrument of data collecting in this research was

questionnaire. Questionnaire was technique data collection that was

used with giving some questions to the respondent. It was appropriate

used in this research. Questionnaire likes question or statement that is

given to the respondent directly or it is sent via pos or internet.

Questionnaire will help to the respondent answer quickly and it will

help researcher to analyze data against all questionnaire that is


The researcher applied questionnaire to collect data about student’s

self confidence toward speaking skill in 2nd semester students’ of

English education department. Researcher used closed questionnaire

as form to collect data. It involve of several questions those are

espoused alternative answers that is provided. All items of


questionnaire are 25 numbers of multiple choice items that provide

with 4 answers. Scale that is used in this research is likert scale. Likert

scale is used to measure attitude, opinion, and statement by people

about social phenomenon. By this likert scale, the variable that

measured was developed into the some dimension. Then, those

dimensions were used as a starting point to arrange the items of

instrument. Scoring of multiple choice items related as following:

For the favorable answer:

a. The score of option (A) is 4

b. The score of option (B) is 3

c. The score of option (C) is 2

d. The score of option (D) is 1

For the unfavorable answer:

a. The score of option (A) is 1

b. The score of option (B) is 2

c. The score of option (C) is 3

d. The score of option (D) is 4

c. Documentation

Documentation is kind of important technique to get data about

everything or variable which is in form of note, transcript, book,

newspaper, magazine, meeting result, agenda, etc. Documentation

is a written record of an event, discussion, or observation by one or

more individual.

In this research, documentation was applied to obtain data

on students’ condition and students’ speaking achievement of the

2nd semester students of English Education Department of IAIN

Ponorogo in academic year 2017-2018.

Some steps that were applied to gather data from

documentation method as follow:

a. Researcher prepared for collecting data about students’

speaking achievement based on the result of final-test of 2nd

semester students in English education department of IAIN

Ponorogo in academic year 2017-2018. Based on data, the

lecture who teached speaking class of the second semester of

English education department was Mr. Dedi Hasnawan. He

teached all speaking classes of second semester students in

English education department of IAIN Ponorogo. He used

analytical scoring rubric as the guidelines for assessing

speaking. The analytical scoring rubric is shown at this table


Table : Analytical Scoring Rubric for Assessing Speaking

Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension Fluency Pronunciation

5 Equivalent speech on Equivalent to has Equivalent to
to that of all level is that of an complete an fully
an fully educated native fluently in accepted by
educated accepted speaker the educated
native and breadth language native
speaker of speakers
4 Error high degree Can understand able to use Errors in
grammar of any the pronunciation
are quite vocabulary conversation language are quite rare
rare within the range fluently on
of experience all level
3 Control vocabulary Comprehension Can Errors never
grammar is broad is quite discuss interfere with
is good enough that complete at a particular understanding
he rarely normal rate of interest of and rarely
has to speech contents disturb the
group for a with native
word reasonable speaker.
ease. rarely
has group
of word
2 Confident has Can get the gist can handle Accent is
control the speaking of most with intelligible
grammar vocabulary conversations confidence though often
sufficient to of non- but not quite faulty
express technical with
himself subject facility
most social
1 Too much Speaking Within the no specific Error in
error vocabulary scope of his fluency pronunciation
grammar inadequate very limited description are frequent
to express language but can be

anything experience, can understood by

but the understand a a native
most simple question speaker

No. Indicator Scoring

1. Grammar 5x4 20

2. Vocabulary 5x4 20
3. Fluency 5x4 20
4. Pronunciation 5x4 20
5. Comprehension 5x4 20
Total score 100

In collecting data, the researcher required 7 weeks and it had been done some

following steps, they were as folows:

No Time The activity of research

1 Researcher asked permission to the institution

2 Researcher conducted validity test to the 4th semester

of English education department

3 Researcher gave test and questionnaire to class A

4 Researcher gave test and questionnaire to class C

5 Researcher documented students speaking

achievement to Mr. Dedy Hasnawan as their teacher

6 Researcher gave test and questionnaire to class B


7 Researcher calculate and analyze the data

3.5 The Technique of Data Analysis

The data that have been collected by using research instrument will be

analyzed. Before using statistical formula, researcher needs to know the

assumption that is used in the use of the formula. By knowing the basic

assumption in using the formula, it would be more prudent in employing

formula and making calculation. Retno Widyaningrum (2011) said that the

calculation is required to test the assumption / requirement, so in the use of the

formula and the obtained result is do not deviate from the occur certainty. This

requirement test is occurred to use of the parametric formula which the data are

normal assumed. The data have to fulfill the requirement test that is normality

test. Therefore, the researcher applied SPSS 19 for windows to find out the

normality test.

After conduct normality test, the researcher was testing hypothesis using

correlation analysis, namely Product Moment Correlation and Multiple

Correlations as suggested by Andhita Dessy Wulansari. Andhita(2012) said

that Product Moment Correlation is correlation technique that is used to find

out correlation between two or more variable. And she also said that Multiple

Correlations is a value that indicates the strength of the relationship between

the two or more variables together with other variable. The formula of Product

Moment Correlation is aimed to find:


1. Test whether there is positive correlation between students’ vocabulary

mastery (X1) and speaking ability (Y)

2. Test whether there is positive correlation between self confidence (X2) and

speaking ability (Y)

Then, the formula of Multiple Correlations is purposed to:

3. Test whether there is positive correlation between students’ vocabulary

mastery (X1), self-confidence (X2), and speaking ability (Y)

Afterwards, the researcher applied SPSS 19 for windows to find out of

three hypotheses above. After getting the results from calculating hypotheses,

the statistical hypotheses can be formulated as follow:

1. H0 = rx1y < rt

It means that there is no correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery

(X1) and students’ speaking ability (Y)

Ha = rx1y > rt

It means that there is correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery

(X1) and students’ speaking ability (Y)

2. H0 = rx2y < rt

It means that there is no correlation between self-confidence (X2) and

students’ speaking ability (Y)

Ha = rx2y > rt

It means that there is correlation between self-confidence (X2) and

students’ speaking ability (Y)

3. Ho = Sig.F change > 0,05


It means that there is no correlation between students vocabulary mastery

(X1), self-confidence (X2) simultaneously and students’ speaking


Ha = Sig.F change < 0,05

It means that there is correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery

(X1), self-confidence (X2) simultaneously and students’ speaking


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