Bab 3 Skripsi Bhs Inggris
Bab 3 Skripsi Bhs Inggris
Bab 3 Skripsi Bhs Inggris
A. Research Design
pre-test and post-test design. The design is formulated as the following tables:
(O1) X (O2)
O2 the post-test
X the treatment
(Gay, 1981:22)
1. Variable
There were two variables of the research namely, independent variable and
dependent variable
a. Independent variable was the use of culture oriented materials for the
experimental class.
2. Indicator
The indicators of this research were the use of culture oriented materials
the literal reading category that involves thinking the ideas and facts that are
directly stated on the printed pages. It was the skill of getting the literal
1. Population
The population of the research was taken from the students at the
2. Sample
which every member of the population has the same opportunity to be the
reading test that which was consisted of essay test where it was
Pre-test was intended to find out the prior levels of students reading
and the improvement of the treatment. The test for pre-test was the same
1. Pre-test
Reading Comprehension.
2. Treatment
this case, the researcher taught the students by using Culture Oriented
to present this method. Treatments were held for 4 (four) meetings where
a. First Meeting: The researcher gave the students’ reading material “the
3. Post-test
learning reading comprehension. In this part, the students’ gave the test
with the same question with pre-test. It was to know the students’ before
reading comprehension.
The data collected through the pre-test and post-test were analyzed
this formula :
4 Did not identify the main idea of the story or provided any 1
1. Scoring the students’ correct answer in pre-test and post-test by using this
(Sugiono, 1997:52)
2. Classifying the students’ score into seven base on the following criteria:
No Score Criteria
1 9.6 to 10 Excellent
3. Test significance
Calculating the value of the t-test to show the mean score of pre-test
was significantly different from that of the post test by applying this
t = t = test of significance
(Ʃ𝐷)² D = the different of mean score
√Ʃ𝐷²− 𝑁
𝑁(𝑁−1) D2 = deviation standard quadrate
Ʃ = sigma
N = number of students
The mean score that the students achieve both pre-test (X1) and post-
test (X2) in their reading comprehension test were calcuted by using the mean
Where :
𝑋= 𝑋 = mean score
∑𝑥 = total score
N = number of students