Shelf Life Tests Paper Fish
Shelf Life Tests Paper Fish
Shelf Life Tests Paper Fish
Processing & Technology
This study assessed the effect of sodium citrate and black pepper (Piper guineense) on chemical, microbial and sensory
characteristics of smoked catfish slices during six 6 week storage at ambient temperature. The fresh catfish were processed,
soaked in the warm (45 ± 10˚C) spice extracts for 10 minutes, drained and smoke dried. It was thereafter subjected to the fol-
lowing treatments: 1% Sodium citrate (B) 1% Black pepper (C) 1% Sodium citrate +1% Black pepper (D) while the control (A)
sample was smoke-dried without soaking in any solution. The samples were analyzed using standard methods. Results of the
proximate analysis of sample after 6 weeks storage showed the following; moisture content ranged from 10.12-19.42% at day 0
and 13.54-17.87%; protein content ranged from 60.52 to 69.30% and 63.66-69.13%; fat content ranged from 14.24 to 16.66% and
12.05-15.00%; ash content ranged from 3.42 to 5.48% and 3.71-5.95%. There was significant (p>0.05) reduction in the Peroxide
Value (PV) and Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values in comparison with the control. The samples total plate count ranged from 3.24
to 3.88 log10 Colony Forming Units (CFU)/g at day zero and increased to 6.24 log10 CFU/g. The result of general acceptability,
however, shows that sample D was most acceptable. Using sodium citrate and black pepper singly and in combination have a
potent antioxidant and antimicrobial effect more than smoking.
Keywords: Cat-fish sodium citrate; Black pepper; Microbial; Sensory Aspergillus flavus and Achlya spp were the dominant microorganisms;
characteristics while unsmoked fish samples treated with different concentrations
of sodium benzoate had been reported to have reduced total viable
Introduction count of Enterobacter, Escherichia, Serratia, Bacillus, Staphylococcus,
Fish provides between 30% and 80% of the total animal protein Streptococcus, Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Achlyagenera.
intake of the coastal people of West Africa [1]. The amino composition of Food spoilage means alteration of the original nutritional
fish compared favourably well with egg, milk and meat. Catfish contain value texture and flavour making it harmful to and unsuitable for
high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, proteins, minerals, consumption [9]. Among the factors which contribute to the spoilable
and little or no saturated fat, and low in carbohydrates [2]. Catfish with are: degradation of protein, development of oxidative rancidity, vitamin
about 1,250 species cultured by farmers are raised in freshwater. It is degradation, enzymatic reaction, the action of microorganisms and
easily perishable and its loss in quality occurs rapidly after catch. Smoke- most importantly water activity [10]. The rate of microbial spoilage
dried fish is an important ingredient in the Nigerian traditional diet and depends upon the number of microorganisms present on the fish
is relished for its appetizing taste and flavour [3]. The smoke produce and the temperature at which the fish is kept. Rate of spoilage varies
antibacterial components like formaldehyde and phenols. Its heat effect depending on the specie
resulting in reduced water activity of the fish allow better preservation
causing microbial destruction and thus minimises spoilage, increase Recently, many researchers had evaluated the spoilage of seafood
storage and therefore increase fish availability to consumers [4]. in general and fish in particular [11]. The effects of different processing
and cooking methods on nutritional composition of different species of
Organic salts of sodium acetate, lactate and citrate were shown to fish have been studied [12,13].
possess antibacterial activities against various food-borne pathogens
like Staphylococcus aureus, Yesinia enterocolitica and Escherichia coli, Different processing and drying methods have different effects on
Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium botulinum, and to inhibit toxin nutritional compositions of fish. The effects could be chemical and
production of Clostridium botulinum [5]. Pathogenic bacteria identified physical changes increase digestibility due to protein denaturation
from whole catfish and fillets, include: Aeromonas sp., C. freundii, E. coli, and reduction in the content of the mobabile compounds and
H. alvei, K. pneumoniae, Listeria sp., P. shigelloides,Proteus sp., S. aureus, polyunsaturated fatty acids. The quality of fish using different methods
and Vibrio sp. Infections from Salmonella’s paratyphi B and Listeria differs and the shelf life of fish dried in an electrically operated oven
monocytogenes infections had been associated with consumption of varies from that of fish dried using a smoking kiln [12].
smoked fish [6].
The use of black pepper in combination with preservatives like *Corresponding author: Oyarekua Mojisola Adenike, Department of Microbiology,
sodium citrate can inhibit microbial growth in smoked fish during Federal University Oye PMB 375 Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, Tel: 234-
storage depending on the raw material, type of smoking, relative 8063040384; E-mail: [email protected]
humidity, velocity, temperature, density, and composition of the smoke, Received May 02, 2014; Accepted May 31, 2014; Published June 19, 2014
and the time of smoking [7]. Also, lipids oxidation contributes to catfish
Citation: Adenike OM (2014) The Effect of Different Processing Methods on the
spoilage by influencing the color, texture, nutrition, and safety, as well Nutritional Quality and Microbiological Status of Cat Fish (Clarias lezera). J Food
as the flavour of smoked fish. Process Technol 5: 333. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000333
Efiuvwevwere BJO [8] reported that after subjecting catfish Copyright: © 2014 Adenike OM. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
to smoke Gram-positive bacteria like Bacillus, Staphylococcus and use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
Streptococcus bacteria and spoilage molds Penicillium verrucosum, source are credited.
Page 2 of 7
Processing and preservation methods using canning and freezing Materials and Methods
are hardly used in Nigeria due to cost non-availability of equipment
Fresh river catfish (Clarias lezera) were purchased from a fish farm,
and cold storage system rather traditional techniques such as salting
spices black pepper (Piper guinensis) and sodium chloride and dried
brining, sun-drying and smoking are in use and have enhanced fish
(Mangifera indicia) were purchased from Gboko market Benue state
availability to consumers. The heat and dryness associated with hot
smoking reduces the water activity of the fish, pH thereby limiting
microbial growth [13]. Sample preparation
The use of smoke from smouldering wood for the preservation of Fish samples were selected, washed, paper towel dried, measured
perishable foods dates back to civilization [14] reported the various with Vanier caliper, and weighed using Precision balance. They were
kinds of woods in the tropics are suitable for fish smoking process. Fish eviscerated and re-washed in distilled water; water was drained by
is often smoked in southern parts of Nigeria with the persistent rainfall transferring to a sieving bowl. About 300 ml distilled water was added
and abundance of the semi-dried wood type in the region [13]. Effects to 20 g each of ground black pepper and sodium chloride. Each mixture
of brining and smoking on the organoleptic attributes of the fish are was boiled and refluxed for 5 minutes filtered hot through a sterile
important as the preservative effect [15]. The antimicrobial effect of cheese-cloth (300 mu). The filtrate was cooled to room temperature (29
smoking depends on temperature, humidity and density of the smoke, ± 1°C).
duration of smoking and concentration of active components in smoke Samples treatments
preparations [16].
Fish samples were soaked in warm (45 ± 1°C) spice extracts for
Nigeria’s high temperature, lack of processing and storage facilities 10 minutes, drained and smoke-dried by laying the fish samples over
can be responsible for the susceptibility of fish to damage and spoilage. the smoking kiln at 365°F, uniform smoking was achieved by turning
There is therefore enormous waste through spoilage of both fresh and samples over at intervals of 15 minutes for 2 h after which they were
dried fish [17]. cooled and weighed to a constant weight. The control sample was
smoke-dried without prior soaking in extract solution. The smoked
Piper guineenses samples stored at -20°C and analysed at day one, (0), two, four and six
Piper Guineenses of pepper family is widely cultivated in Nigeria; weeks of storage.
it contains compounds like piperine and and large amounts of Shelf-life studies
β-caryophyllene which is reported to be anti-inflammatory. In Nigeria
it is used in making stew where it adds pungent aroma. The peppers Smoke-dried fish was packaged in sterile low-density polyethylene
have preservative and anti-oxidant properties [18]. Brine concentration bag, and sealed using a heat sealer (Poly-pack, U.K. Reg. No., 1004306).
spices and brining time affects the texture of smoked fish [19]. The samples were kept in cardboard waxed paper boxes and stored at
room temperature (29 ± 1°C) for the shelf life study.
Sodium citrate
Proximate Analysis: Moisture content, crude proteins, Crude fat,
Antimicrobial preservatives can be intentionally added as Ash, Minerals were determined using methods of [22].
ingredients which inhibit microbial growth in catfish. Some
preservatives used are acetic acid, potassium sorbate, sodium acetate, The lipid oxidation assessment was conducted using the peroxide
sodium chloride and sodium citrate. Antimicrobial property varies value (PV) measurement (as milliequivalent peroxide per kg of sample)
with quality and quantity of preservatives, and time of exposure [20]. and the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) using UV-Vis spectrophotometer
(model UV-1200, Shimadzu, Japan). TBA value was expressed as
Fernandez CF et al., [21] reported that shelf-life of fillets treated milligram malonaldehyde absorbance measured at 532 mm per kg of
with 2% sodium lactate was extended from 4 to 7 days and aerobic plate fish sample.
counts and TBA values were lower (P<0.05) for fillets treated with 2%
sodium lactate, compared to controls. Microbiological evaluation
A 10 g representative sample from loin muscle of the fish was
Justification and objective
dissolved in sterile distilled water and serial dilutions (10-1-10-3) were
The popularity of smoked fish consumption is on the increase made using sterile water as diluents. Samples were homogenized for 60
and the traditional smoking process is being done without addition of seconds using a Sweard Stomacher Lab Blender at 40°C (Weber Science,
preservatives; preservation of smoked fish using chemical preservatives Hamilton, NJ). Total plate count which is the total number of visible
is imperative. In Nigeria, the incessant power outage has made cold bacterial colonies, was determined by the Grid-Membrane Filtration
storage non-realistic. Hence, the major viable and readily adapted method (GMFM) [23].
method of processing fish in Nigeria is smoked drying. The utilization Bacterial isolation
of indigenous spices and chemicals like sodium citrate as cat fish
preservative properties has not been widely exploited in Nigeria. The isolation of heterotrophic bacterial counts was carried out by
Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess the effect of sodium homogenizing ten (10 g) grams of each of the fish portions from head,
citrate and black pepper (Piper guineense) on chemical, microbial and skin and tissue aseptically into 90 ml of sterile peptone water. Tenfold
sensory characteristics of smoked catfish slices during 6 week storage at serial dilutions of the fish solution (homogenate) were prepared and
carried out accordingly. One milliliter (1 ml) of the diluents was pour-
ambient temperature.
plated on nutrient agar and consequently incubated at 30°C for 48
Its suitability will not only reduce post-harvest losses by fish farmers hrs. The means of duplicate colony counts were calculated and used
but also reduce cost of smoked fish, hence, making fish available for to compute the number of heterotrophic bacteria from the different
consumption. portions.
Page 3 of 7
Representative colonies were sub-cultured into freshly prepared treatments were determined by the Least Significant Difference (LSD)
nutrient agar for purification. They were then transferred into nutrient test, and the significance was defined at p<0.05. The differences which
agar slants for storage and further analysis after which they were are equal to or more than the identified LSD values are considered
identified. statistically significant.
Bacterial identification Results and Discussion
Biochemical tests carried out were Gram reaction, Catalase, The average length of the fish was 30 cm while their average weight
Coagulase, Indole test, Urea and Citrate utilization, Glucose, lactose, was 103 g (fresh weight)
sucrose and manitol while cultural appearances were observed on
MacConkey Agar. Proximate Composition of Sliced Catfish during Six Weeks Storage
Sensory evaluation The results of proximate composition are shown in Tables 1-4.
Generally, significant (p<0.05) differences existed between the samples
Trained panel lists were made to evaluate the effect of smoking in almost all the parameters.
and preservative spices on the organoleptic attributes of the catfish. The
descriptive 5-point hedonic scale was used for the sensory attributes Moisture content
(taste, texture, aroma, colour and general acceptability) of the samples
In Table 1, the initial moisture content at day 0 in the sliced catfish
at 0.05 level of significant. The parameters were assessed using ranking
ranged from 10.12 to 19.42% with sample B having the least value while
scores like extremely (5), like moderately (4), neither like nor dislike
sample A had the highest value. However, samples B, C and D showed
(3), dislike moderately (2) and dislike extremely (1) respectively.
significantly (p<0.05) lower moisture content values with the storage
Statistical analysis time, when compare with the control sample this might be due to the
loss of water during smoking [25] coupled with the addition of spices
All measurements were carried out in triplicates and subjected to
applied. By the end of the storage time, significant (p<0.05) differences
tests. All microbial counts were converted into base-10 logarithms of
were observed in the moisture content between the control (15.13%)
colony forming units per g of sliced catfish samples (log10 CFU/g). Data
and each of sodium citrate (NaC) and Pg-treated samples B and D
were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the General
which exhibited lower values of 13.54 and 14.64% respectively while
Linear Models procedure of the Statistical Analysis System software of
highest value (17.87%) was obtained in sample C.
SAS Institute [24]. Differences among the mean values of the various
The moisture content of samples treated with sodium citrate was
Storage Time (Week) 13.54%, which was lowest value of all treatments at the end of 6th week
Sample 0 2 4 6 storage. There was no significant (p>0.05) different in the moisture
A 19.42a ± 0.02 20.41a ± 0.01 19.04a ± 0.03 15.13b ± 0.02 content of all treatments throughout 6 weeks of storage except samples
B 10.12d ± 0.01 10.68d ± 0.01 13.06d ± 0.01 13.54d ± 0.03 A and C which showed significant (p<0.05) different at the last week of
C 16.23b ± 0.01 18.03b ± 0.02 18.01b ± 0.01 17.87a ± 0.01 storage.
D 13.51c ± 0.01 15.02c ± 0.01 15.02c ± 0.01 14.64c ± 0.02
Protein content
Values are means ± SD of triplicate determinations. Means with different
superscripts within each column are significantly (p<0.05) different. Key: A=Control, In Table 2, the initial protein content at day 0 in the sliced catfish
B=1% Sodium citrate, C=1% Black pepper, D=1% Sodium citrate+1% Black pepper ranged from 60.52 to 69.30% with sample A having the lowest value
Table 1: Effect of sodium citrate (NaC) and black pepper (Pg) treatments on while sample B had the highest value. By the end of the storage time,
moisture content (g/100g) of sliced catfish during six weeks storage.
significant (p<0.05) differences were observed in the protein content
Storage Time (Week)
between the control (69.13%) which had the highest value and each
Sample 0 2 4 6
of NaC and Pg-treated samples B, C and D which exhibited lower
A 60.52d ± 0.01 61.34d ± 0.02 65.17a ± 0.01 69.13a ± 0.01
values of 65.54, 63.66 and 65.54% respectively. The increase observed
B 69.30a ± 0.02 70.93a ± 0.05 66.08a ± 0.02 65.54b ± 0.02
in the protein content of the smoked catfish could be attributed to an
C 65.34c ± 0.03 64.05c ± 0.03 63.84b ± 0.02 63.66c ± 0.01
increase in the dry matter content per unit of weight following sample
D 66.58b ± 0.01 66.15b ± 0.02 66.15a ± 0.02 65.54b ± 0.03
dehydration during smoking in agreement to the finding of [26].
Storage time appeared not to have affected (p>0.05) the protein content
Values are means ± SD of triplicate determinations. Means with different
superscripts within each column are significantly (p<0.05) different. Key: A=Control,
of smoked catfish.
B=1% Sodium citrate, C=1% Black pepper, D=1% Sodium citrate+1% Black pepper
Fat content
Table 2: Effect of sodium citrate (NaC) and black pepper (Pg) treatments on protein
content (g/100g) of sliced catfish during six weeks storage. The initial fat content is shown in Table 3. At day 0 in the sliced
catfish ranged from 14.24 to 16.66% with sample C having the least
Storage Time (Week) value while sample A had the highest value. By the end of the storage
Sample 0 2 4 6 time, significant (p<0.05) differences were observed in the fat content
A 16.66a ± 0.02 15.48a ± 0.01 12.44d ± 0.02 12.05d ± 0.01 between the control (12.05%) which had the least value and each of
B 15.33c ± 0.02 14.51c ± 0.01 15.02a ± 0.02 15.00a ± 0.01 NaC and Pg-treated samples B, C and D which exhibited lower values
C 14.24d ± 0.02 14.17d ± 0.02 14.04c ± 0.02 13.93c ± 0.02 of 15.00, 13.93 and14.34% respectively. There was significant (p<0.05)
D 15.51b ± 0.01 14.55b ± 0.01 14.51b ± 0.01 14.34b ± 0.02
difference in the fat content of the samples among the treatments. The
Values are means ± SD of triplicate determinations. Means with different significant increase observed in the protein content of the smoked
superscripts within each column are significantly (p<0.05) different. Key: A=Control, catfish could be attributed to loss of moisture and an increase in the dry
B=1% Sodium citrate, C=1% Black pepper, D=1% Sodium citrate+1% Black pepper
matter content per unit of weight following sample dehydration. The
Table 3: Effect of sodium citrate (NaC) and black pepper (Pg) treatments on fat
content(g/100g) of sliced catfish during six weeks storage. reduction in the fat content on the 2nd week could be due to a sampling
Page 4 of 7
Storage Time (Week) and4.92% respectively. The significant increase observed in the mineral
Sample 0 2 4 6 content of the samples could be attributed to an increase in the dry
A 3.42d ± 0.01 2.98d ± 0.02 3.54d ± 0.02 matter content per unit of weight following sample dehydration,
B 5.48a ± 0.01 5.53a ± 0.01 5.86a ± 0.02 5.95a ± 0.02 the addition of NaC, Pg and smoke during the smoking process. In
C 4.25c ± 0.02 4.00c ± 0.01 4.14c ± 0.01 4.23c ± 0.02 addition, the ash content of samples treated with NaC was higher than
D 4.41b ± 0.02 4.23b ± 0.02 4.36b ± 0.01 4.92b ± 0.01 that of all other treatments. Storage time had no significant effect on ash
Values are means ± SD of triplicate determinations. Means with different
content of smoked catfish.
superscripts within each column are significantly (p<0.05) different. Key: A=Control,
B=1% Sodium citrate, C=1% Black pepper, D=1% Sodium citrate+1% Black pepper Lipid oxidation assessment of sliced catfish during six weeks
Table 4: Effect of sodium citrate (NaC) and black pepper (Pg) treatments on ash storage
content (g/100g) of sliced catfish during six weeks storage
Peroxide value (PV): The highly unsaturated fatty acids found
in fish lipids are very susceptible to oxidation. The primary oxidation
Effect of sodium citrate and black pepper on lipid products are the lipid hydroperoxides which are odour- and flavour-
oxidation(PV) in sliced catfish during six weeks storage less, thus the PV is not related to sensory quality of the fish. The result
of peroxide value also called primary lipid oxidation products [27] is
shown in Figure 1. The initial PV at day 0 in the sliced catfish analysed
ranged from 5.73 to 7.36 meq/kg with sample D having the least value
while sample A had the highest value. All the PV values obtained
were significantly (p<0.05) increased with the storage time. However,
A samples B, C and D showed significantly (p<0.05) lower PV values with
B the storage time, when compare with the control sample. By the end of
C the storage time, significant (p<0.05) differences were observed in the
PV between the control (9.23) and each of NaC and Pg-treated samples
2 D
B, C and D, which exhibited lower values of 6.08,5.97 and 6.15 meq/kg
respectively. PV of Pg-treated samples was also significantly lower than
0 2 4 6 that of NaC-treated sample. Storage time has a significant effect on the
Storage Time (wks) PV for each of the control and treated samples, nonetheless the PV in all
samples were below the acceptable level of 10-20 meq peroxide/kg fish
Figure 1: Effect of sodium citrate (NaC) and black pepper (Pg) treatments on
lipid oxidation (peroxide value) in sliced catfish during six weeks storage. fat [28]. This might be due to the extended storage and high temperature
exposure. A low PV as observed in this study during the storage can
indicate both an early phase of autoxidation and a late stage of oxidized
product, where most hydroperoxides have been broken down in dried
Effect of sodium citrate and black pepper on lipide oxidation fish [29]. Connell [30] reported that the PV (by iodometric titration)
(TBAV) in sliced catfish during six weeks storage should not be above 10-20 meq/kg fish fat.
1.8 Fatty fish are of course, particularly vulnerable to lipid oxidation
1.6 which can create severe quality problems such as unpleasant (rancid)
1.4 taste and smell, and also it may produce alterations in texture, color,
and nutritional value, even on storage at sub-zero temperatures [27,28].
1 The various reactions involved in the lipid oxidation are either non-
0.8 enzymatic or catalyzed by microbial enzymes or by intracellular or
0.6 digestive enzymes from the fish themselves. The relative significance of
0.4 these reactions, therefore, mainly depends on fish species and storage
0.2 temperature [28].
0 2 4 6 Thiobarbituric acid (TBA): The result of thiobarbituric acid
Storage Time (wks) value is shown in Figure 2. The initial TBA values (mg MA per kg of
Figure 2: Effect of sodium citrate (NaC) and black pepper (Pg) treatments fish sample) at day 0 in the sliced catfish analysed ranged from 0.14
on lipid oxidation (Thiobarbituric acid value) in sliced catfish during six weeks to 0.24 with sample B having the least value while sample A had the
storage. highest value. All the TBA values obtained were significantly (p<0.05)
increased with the storage time. However, samples B, C and D showed
problem, since on the 6th week of storage most of these samples showed significantly (p<0.05) lower TBA values with the storage time, when
results similar to that of the day 0. compare with the control.
By the end of the storage period (6thweek), NaC-treated sample B
Ash content
achieved significant (p<0.05) lower TBA value of 1.04 in comparison
In Table 4, the initial ash content at day 0 in the sliced catfish ranged with the control-treated sample, which attained a higher level of 1.73.
from 3.42 to 5.48% with sample A having the least value while sample Also, Pg-treated sample C showed significantly (p<0.05) lowest TBA
B had the highest value. By the end of the storage time, significant value (0.33 meg/kg) when compared with the control and samples B
(p<0.05) differences were observed in the ash content between the and D. TBA assay is a widely used indicator for the assessment of degree
control (3.71%) which had the least value and each of NaC and Pg- of lipid oxidation. The result of TBA assay corroborated that obtained
treated samples B, C and D which exhibited lower values of 5.95, 4.23 by the PV.
Page 5 of 7
TPC(log 10CFU/g)
4 A
0 2 4 6
Storage Time (wks)
Figure 3: Effect of different treatments on total aerobic plate count of catfish during six weeks storage.
Sample Cultural appearances on MacConkey Agar Biochemical Test Inference
A,B,C & D 0 day Nil nil nil
Pinkish or golden (pink, orange, yellow or Catalase-positive
A,B,C & D 2 weeks Staphylococcus aureus
creamy white) small medium size colonies. Coagulase-positive
Pinkish or golden (pink, orange, yellow or Gram positive spherical cocci with single or pairing
A,B,C & D 4 weeks Staphylococcus aureus
creamy white) small medium size colonies. cooci in short chains, non sporing, non-motile and
Non motile, Sugars (Glucose, Lactose, Sucrose and Klebsiella spp.
Late lactose fermenters, Manitol) Suspected
A,B,C & D 6 weeks
mucoid colonies Indole test negative Klebsiella aeroginoses or Klebsiella
Gram negative short rods/ bacilli pneumoniae
Table 5: Isolation and Identification of microorganisms from samples at 0, 2,4,6 wks of storage.
Significant effect of storage time on TBA values had been verified of the different treatments were still below 6 log10 CFU/g, while that
by Williams SK [21]. It is possible that effects of different treatments of control attained a count of 6.24 log10 CFU/g, which is in close
on lipid oxidation in fish products may be dependent on a variety of proximity to the maximal recommended limit of 7 log10 CFU/g for TPC
factors including the extent of microbial growth, packaging method, in raw fish [34]. Emberg [35] reported a maximum shelf life of t 20
and storage time. It has been proposed that the maximum level of TBA days for whole salmon (Salmosalar) stored at 2°C the variations in the
value indicating the good quality of the fish (frozen, chilled or stored antimicrobial effect of the spices applied singly and in combination on
with ice) is 5 mg malonaldehyde/kg, while the fish may be consumed the catfish confirmed a significant decrease in TPCs, along with shelf
up to the level of 8 mg malonaldehyde/kg. Schormuller [31] reported life extension of all the samples during the storage. The discrepancy of
that TBA above 10 µmol MDA-equiv per 1 kg fish will probably have sodium lactate (NaL) effects on the microbial growth in fish products
rancid flavours. In the current study, Figure 2, TBA values for control may be dependent on a variety of factors including the concentration of
and treated sliced catfish samples analyzed were much lower than such NaL used, the dipping time, the species of fish, the type of fish product,
proposed limit (7 μg/kg) throughout the 6th week storage period and the degree of microbial contamination, as well as the storage condition.
this is contrary to the values reported for filleted rainbow trout after 18
A little antimicrobial effect was also confirmed in both shrimp
days of storage in ice at 2 ± 0.5°C [32] and for Mediterranean fatty fish
(Penaeus spp.) and cat-fish fillets after dipping for 30 min into 2%
stored for at 1-3°C for 6 days. However, much lower TBA ranges were
sodium lactate when compared with the control samples [36]. The
reported for whole and gutted sea bass stored in ice at 2 ± 2°C for 16
comparatively lower shelf life of smoked sliced catfish (control) versus
days [33].
treated catfish can be attributed to the postharvest handling condition
Microbiological evaluation of sliced catfish during six weeks which involved higher bacterial contamination in sliced fish either from
storage handling, processing tables and knives or from the fish viscera during
preparation. Indeed, the initial microbial contamination, storage and
Total plate count (TPC): The result of total plate count value is packaging condition (aerobic storage, vacuum-packed, or packed
shown in Figure 3. The initial TPC at day 0 in the sliced catfish analysed under modified atmosphere) as well as the storage temperature can
ranged from 3.24 to 3.88 log10 CFU/g with sample C having the least play the major role in determining the shelf lives of fishery products.
value while sample A had the highest value. This indicated that dipping At the point of sensory rejection, the common number of total spoilage
of the sliced catfish in the different treatment solutions resulted in bacteria in aerobically stored fish products is typically 7-9 log10 CFU/g
drastic reduction of the initial TPC. [29,36]. Nevertheless, standards, guidelines, and specifications often
By the 6th week of storage, however, TPCs in sliced catfish for all use much lower total microbial counts as indices of acceptability [29].
Page 6 of 7
Page 7 of 7
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