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Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research

Review Article Open Access

Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism

of production and labeling concern
Abstract Volume 1 Issue 4 - 2014

Development of modern biotechnological achievements resulted in the Genetic

Ajay Singh,1 Viney Kumar,2 Poonam,2 Gupta
modification or genetic engineering in the form of genetically modified plants and
genetically modified organisms and ultimately the outcomes in the form of genetically
H R3
Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh sahib, India
modified food, which can be a key point to eradicate hunger, poverty and malnutrition 2
Department of Biochemistry, Kurukshetra University, India
from the country, however some labeling issues, mis and myth conceptions resulted in 3
Department of Dairy Technology Division, National Dairy
the failure of all biotechnological advancement. This review indicate the mechanism Research Institute, India
of group of actions with various biotechnological tool utilize to carry out genetic
modification, their benefits, labeling issues etc. India has approved cultivation of Correspondence: Ajay Singh, Department of Dairy Technology
some GM crops but due to lack of proper knowledge and religious factors lead to Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-136118 (HR),
stunted outcomes ignoring environment cleanliness and hunger of malnourished Tel +919896300039, Email [email protected]
segments. So more attention still needed for its adoption globally by ensure its safety
for human utilization. Received: July 15, 2014 | Published: August 13, 2014

Keywords: bacillus Thuringiensis, genetically modified crops, genetically modified

foods, genetically modified organisms

Abbreviations: Bt, Bacillus thuringiensis; GMC, genetically of DNA which is the basis for biological revolution. Other Scientist
modified crops; GMF, genetically modified foods; GMO, genetically made the transgenic modification in plants and animals food possible.
modified organisms; GBSS, granule bound starch synthase; Psy,
phytoene synthase; Lyc, lycopene cyclase; hp, high pigment; AmA, Why genetically modified plants?
amaranth seed albumin; PLU, price look up By genetically modifying the plant in the laboratory it is possible
to have stricter control over the genes. With GM, the desirable genes
Introduction can be separated from the undesirable genes. It is also possible by GM
For years, farmers have been selecting for certain features in crops to cross species that would not breed together naturally (Figure 1).
producing plants that are easier to grow, tastier and bigger without The following are some reasons for genetic modifications:
knowing the exact mechanism of how this occurs. Recognizing
valuable traits and incorporating them into future generations is very
important in plant breeding. Advances in plant biotechnology have
made it possible to identify and modify genes controlling specific
Now a day scientists can transfer genes from one organism
to another unrelated organism, producing what is now known as
“genetically modified organism” or “transgenic animal/plant”.  Any
food produced this way is called Genetically Modified food. In India,
a total area of 8.4million hectares is used in the production of GM
crop especially cotton.1 The foods obtained by added or deleted gene Figure 1 Involves the insertion of DNA from one organism into another
sequence is called genetically modified foods. Supplement of essential (OR) Modification of an organism’s DNA in order to achieve a desired trait.
nutrients in diet is called Nutrition. The Purpose of this issue is to
• Improved yields
provide an independent analysis of the scientific basis for assessing
the benefits of most of GM foods. In this paper, the section deals with •  More resistant to disease
the various GM Foods. In addition, it also indicates current needs,
benefits and limitations that hamper further developments in the area •  Less likely to be damaged by insect
of GMF production and their usage. • Tolerance to herbicides
Essential amino acids which are deficient in cereals are Lys, Trp, • Better nutritional value
Thr and pulses for sulfur containing amino acids like Met, Cys and
Trp.2 Nutritional deficiency causes many diseases like kwashiorkor, • Increased shelf life
sterility, blindness, anemia and abnormal child birth. In order to full- • Better climatic survival by increasing tolerance to draught, flood
fill the basic needs; many scientists have made attempts to improve or frosty conditions to allow the use of previously inhospitable
the nutritional value of food crops through genetical modification. land
Two Scientist, Watson and Crick discovered the double helix structure
• Higher crop yields

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© 2014 Singh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern ©2014 Singh et al. 122

• Reduced farm costs

• Increased farm profit
• Improvement in health and environment

What is genetically modified food?

•  Food that contain an added gene sequence
•  Food that have a deleted gene sequence
•  Animal products from animals fed GM Feed.
Figure 2 Genetic modifications.
• Products produced by GM organisms.

Why produce GM food?

Traditionally, combining the desirable genes in one plant is a tough
task that utilizes longer time and so much attention, involving crossing
one plant to another plant of the same species or related species.
From economical and agricultural standpoints, it is advantageous
to grow crops that have higher yield or improved quality, pest or
disease resistance, or tolerance to heat, cold and drought. Desirable
genes may provide means for plants to combat these conditions.
The development of transgenic technology allows useful genes from
various living sources to be brought together in a relatively simple

How is genetic modification possible?

The component of DNA is same in all organisms in the form of
amino acid sequence that are responsible for genetic make-up of the
organism. This amino acid sequence can be altered or moved from
one organism to another by recombinant technology, molecular
cloning and genetic engineering (Figure 2). There are two enzymes
which play major role in the process:
1. Restriction Enzyme: are used to “CUT” DNA Segment from one Figure 3 Shifting of DNA from one organism to other.
2. DNA Ligases: are used to “PASTE” them into another genome.
Methods of transformation:
1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Shifting of DNA from one organism to other
2. Electroporation
• Find an Organism with the desired trait.
3. Polyethylene Glycol
•  Isolate the gene sequence that Code for the desired trait.
4. Silicon carbide fiber
• 7 Insert the gene sequence into the genome of the plant cell.
5. Gene Gun
• Allow the genetically engineered cell to grow into a plant.
6. Microinjection
•  Allow the Plant to propagate.
Agrobacterium tumefaciens:3 Plant transformation mediated
•  A vector can carry DNA. The vector can be a gene gun, viruses
by Agrobacterium tumefaciens Virulent Strain of Agrobacterium
and bacteria also can be utilized to transfer gene (Figure 3).
tumefaciens & Agrobacterium rhizo genes contains a large plasmid
Transformation method known as Ti plasmid. These bacteria possess the ability to transfer
T-DNA, Causing the Crown of Gall Disease & Hairy root (Figure 4).
Transformation system should allow for stable integration of The initial results of T-DNA transfer process to plant cells demonstrate
DNA into the host genome without structural alteration and the whole three important features:-
process comprises of three basic steps as follows:
• Tumor formation is the results of the integration of T-DNA into
• Integration of a distinct number of copies of the transforming DNA plant cells.
• Stability of the new phenotype over several generations • The T-DNA genes are transcribed only in plant cells.
• Character regulation of the inserted gene Every DNA sequence can be transferred to plant cells

Citation: Singh A, Kumar V, Poonam, et al. Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern. Adv Plants Agric Res.
2014;1(4):121‒127. DOI: 10.15406/apar.2014.01.00020
Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern ©2014 Singh et al. 123

and applications of genetic engineering in agriculture, medicine,

the environment, food production and the manufacturing industry. A
number of examples are listed below:
In agricultural area:
• Herbicide tolerant crops
•  Insect resistant crops
• Virus resistant crops
In the field of medicine:
• Insulin to treat diabetic mellitus
• Production of human growth hormone
• Production of blood clotting factors VIII and IX

Figure 4 Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

• The treatment of cystic fibrosis

Electroporation:4 In this, Material is incubated in a buffer solution •  Research into human and animal diseases
containing DNA and subjected to high voltage electric pulses. In other areas:
DNA migrates through high voltage, introduces pores in the plasma
membranes & integrates into the genome. Mainly Used for: - Rice, • Environmental clean-up of soil spills
Wheat and Maize. • Treatment of contaminated land and water
Polyethylene glycol: Plant Protoplast can be transformed with • Manufacture of useful chemicals such as enzymes
naked DNA by treatment with Polyethylene Glycol in the presence
of divalent Cation (Ca2+). They both help in destabilizing the plasma • Plants providing renewable sources of industrial chemicals
membrane of plants and make it convenient for DNA penetration.
Once the DNA enters the nucleus, it gets integrated into the genome. Crops under development
Silicon carbide fiber:5 In this, plant material is introduces into a i. Sweet potato resistant to the feathery mottle virus.
buffer containing DNA and silicon carbide fibers. The fibers penetrate ii. Further development of golden rice to increase levels or bioavai-
the cell wall and plasma membranes allowing the DNA to gain access lability of iron, zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A and improve the quality
to inside of the cell. of protein.
Gene gun method:6 A particle gun is used to shoot small bits of iii. Maize with increased levels of the amino acid lysine and protein
metals coated with the gene into the plant (Figure 5). for animal feeds.
Microinjection:7 This method involves the use of a fine needle to iv. Transgenic rice has been developed by a California company to
inject the DNA material in the form of a solution into developing improve oral rehydration therapy for diarrhea. In sub-Saharan
embryo. Africa and parts of Latin America and Asia, diarrhea is the second
highest infectious killer of children under the age 5.

Common genetically modified food

i. Soybean, Corn & sugar-beet:- resistant to glyphosate by inserting
herbicide resistant gene
ii. Cottonseed oil:- by inserting pest resistant Bt crystal protein gene
iii. Tomato:- by removing the gene that codes for polygalacturonase,
responsible for softening of fruits after harvesting
iv. Potatoes:- Amylopectin rich variety by switching off of GBSS
(granule bound starch synthase) gene, responsible for amylose
Figure 5 Plant transformation process using particle bombardment includes production.
following steps:
v. Rapeseed (canola):- with high oleic acid content by adding new
(1) Isolate protoplasts from leaf tissue. (2) Inject DNA-coated particles into
protoplasts using particle gun. (3) Regenerate into whole plants. (4) Acclimate
the transgenic plants in a greenhouse. vi. Rice:- with high Vitamin A by inserting gene from daffodils

Uses of genetic modification Golden rice

Genetic modification in the laboratory was first reported in the It was created by Ingo Potrykus. Golden rice is a variety of
early 1970s. Since then, there has been a wide range of research rice produced through genetic modification to biosynthesize the

Citation: Singh A, Kumar V, Poonam, et al. Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern. Adv Plants Agric Res.
2014;1(4):121‒127. DOI: 10.15406/apar.2014.01.00020
Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern ©2014 Singh et al. 124

precursors of beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) in the edible parts of rice

More than 120million children in the world suffer from vitamin
A deficiency. Golden Rice has the potential to help prevent the 1
to 2million deaths each year caused by a deficiency in this vitamin
(Figure 6).

Figure 7 Process flow diagram for development of golden rice.

Figure 6 Golden rice.

In the part of rice that people eat the endosperm, the rice plant can
naturally produce beta-carotene, which is a carotenoid pigment that
occurred in the leaves and involved in the photosynthesis. However,
the plant does not normally produce the pigment in the endosperm
since photosynthesis does not occur in the endosperm.
Golden rice was created by incorporating rice with two beta
Figure 8 Cold tolerant tomato.
carotene biosynthesis genes.
i. Psy (Phytoene synthase) The recombinant DNA, including the antifreeze gene, is placed
in a bacterium. The bacterium is allowed to reproduce many times
ii. Lyc (lycopene cyclase) producing lots of copies of the recombinant DNA (Figure 9).
The psy and lyc genes were transformed into the rice nuclear Tomato plant cells are infected with the bacteria. As a result, the
genome and placed under the control of an endosperm specific antifreeze gene in the plasmids in the bacteria becomes integrated into
promoter, so that they are only expressed in the endosperm. The the tomato plant cell DNA. Tomato cells are placed in the growth
end product of the engineered pathway is lycopene, but if the plant medium that encourages the cells to grow into plants. Now these
accumulated lycopene the rice would be red. Recent analysis has tomato plant seedlings are planted.
shown that the plant’s endogenous enzyme process the lycopene to
beta carotene in the endosperm, giving the rice the distinctive yellow In tomato, beta-carotene expressing gene called hp (high pigment)
colors for which it is named. gene and OG-c (crimson) gene which is antagonistic to hp gene are
present naturally.
In 2005, a new variety called golden rice-2 was announced which
produces up to 23 times more beta carotene than the original variety If hp gene is expressed, the fruit gets a red color and beta-carotene
of golden rice (Figure 7). content increases by 40%. If OG-c gene is also expressed, the fruit
gets a crimson color and beta-carotene content is decreased by 40.
Iron enriched rice Vitamin rich tomato
As cereal grains are deficient in certain essential mineral nutrients, The Agrobacterium naturally infects the plants by causing various
including iron, several approaches have been used to increase the iron diseases, so by replacing that gene with desirable ones results into the
accumulation and alter iron metabolism. Since ferritin is a general new genetic makeup with advantageous traits. The bright orange color
iron storage protein in all living organisms, the ferritin genes has been of carrots comes from beta-carotene, which works as the precursor for
added to rice and wheat plants to increase their iron content. the synthesis of vitamin A in our body. So by inserting this color gene
Cold tolerant tomato into the tomato enhance its appearance as well as its vitamin A level
to the desired level (Figure 10).
Scientists have created a frost resistant tomato plant by adding
an antifreeze gene from a cold water fish to it. The antifreeze genes Protein enriched sweet potato for NASA
come from the cold water flounder, a fish that can survive in very cold Dr. Marceline Egnin and her colleagues at Tuskegee University
conditions (Figure 8). have developed a protein enriched sweet potato by incorporating a
The flounder has a gene to make chemical antifreeze. This is synthetic protein storage gene. To provide sufficient protein and amino
removed from the antifreeze DNA and is joined onto a piece of DNA acids to astronauts with their complete nutritional requirements,
called a plasmid. This hybrid DNA, which is a combination of DNA NASA is looking for such nutritionally rich crops. Sweet potato is a
from two different sources, is known as recombinant DNA. good source of energy because it has high level of carbohydrates and

Citation: Singh A, Kumar V, Poonam, et al. Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern. Adv Plants Agric Res.
2014;1(4):121‒127. DOI: 10.15406/apar.2014.01.00020
Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern ©2014 Singh et al. 125

Figure 9 Tomato plant by adding an antifreeze gene from a cold water fish.

Figure 10 Creating a vitamin rich tomato with a carrot gene.

Amflora potatoes W.H.O. for a nutritionally rich protein.
The gene for granule bound starch synthase (GBSS) (the key iv. This protein was used due to its non-allergenicity in its purified
enzyme for the synthesis of amylose) was switched off by inserting form. When the AmA1 gene was inserted into a potato 2.5 to 4
antisense copy of the GBSS gene. fold increases in lysine, tyrosine, methionine and cysteine content
and 35 to 45% increases in total protein content was reported in
Rotein modified potato transgenic tubers.
i. The Potato is a non-cereal food crop limited in the amount of lysi- Bt soybean
ne, tyrosine, methionine and cysteine.
The two target insects for insect-resistant, transgenic soybeans
ii. A tuber-specific protein amaranth seed albumin (AmA1) has been are the velvet bean caterpillar and the soybean looper. These pests
used to transform potatoes. feed on the leaves of the soybean plant and can severely limit yield.
iii. The AmA1 protein has a well-balanced amino acid profile. In fact Velvet bean caterpillar populations can reach damaging levels rapidly.
its amino acid composition exceeds values recommended by the Many producers in areas where velvet bean caterpillar is a significant

Citation: Singh A, Kumar V, Poonam, et al. Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern. Adv Plants Agric Res.
2014;1(4):121‒127. DOI: 10.15406/apar.2014.01.00020
Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern ©2014 Singh et al. 126

problem apply a preventive treatment of Dimilin when plants are in pointed to the possibility that erucic acid, consumed in large quantities,
full bloom. Scientist have incorporated Bacillus thuringiensis gene may cause heart damage. Feed meal from the rapeseed plant was
into soybean which has insecticidal protein that maintains the yield not particularly appealing to livestock, due to high levels of sharp-
of the crop. Bacillus thuringiensis, a ubiquitous soil bacterium is the tasting compounds called glucosinolates, and they would not eat it.12
source of the gene for insect resistance (Figure 11). A variety developed in 1998 is considered to be the most disease and
drought-resistant Canola variety of rapeseed to date.13
Canola oil: Approximately 43% of canola seed is oil14 that remains
is a rapeseed meal that is tolerated by livestock and has become a high
quality animal feed. 22.68kilograms of rapeseed makes approximately
10 liters of canola oil. Canola oil is a key ingredient in many foods. Its
reputation as a healthy oil has created high demand in markets around
the world.
Canola oil is low in  saturated fat  (less than 7%),  is high
in monounsaturated fat, and has a beneficial omega-3 fatty acid profile
Figure 11 Infestation of a transgenic Bt soybean with velvet bean caterpillar.
(which has well established heart benefits)  and is recognized by
The non transgenic control on the right shows extensive defoliation.
many health professional organizations including the American
Roundup ready soybean Dietetic Association, and American Heart Association. Although wild
rapeseed oil contains significant amounts of erucic acid, a known
The  Roundup  Ready soybean is a transgenic soybean that has toxin, the  cultivar  used to produce commercial food-grade canola
been immunized to the Roundup herbicide. Since the soybean’s oil was bred to contain less than 2% erucic acid, levels that are not
natural  trypsin  inhibitors provide protection against pests, the only believed to cause harm in humans and no ill health effects has been
major problem in soybean farming was weeds, thus making soybean associated with consumption by humans of the genetically modified
revolutionary. The  glyphosate  in the herbicide would inhibit the oil.15
soybean plant’s ESPSP gene, which is involved in the maintenance of
the “biosynthesis of aromatic metabolites,” and cause the plant to die
along with the weeds for which the herbicide was meant. A plasmid
which was transferred to the soybean cells through the cauliflower
mosaic virus was soon developed to provide immunity to glyphosate-
containing herbicides, and, after this process was perfected, the
Roundup Ready soybean was ready, first hitting the US market in

Genetically modified maize (corn)

Corn has been deliberately  genetically modified  (GM) to have
agronomically desirable traits. Traits that have been engineered into
corn include resistance to  herbicides and resistance to  insect  pests,
Figure 12 Genetically modified maize (corn).
the latter being achieved by incorporation of a  gene  that codes for
the  Bacillus thuringiensis  (Bt) toxin.  Transgenic maize was grown Papaya
commercially in 11 countries, including the  United States  (where
85% of the maize crop was genetically modified), Brazil (36% GM), Papaya cultivation is threatened by papaya ring spot virus, a
Argentina (83% GM), South Africa (57% GM), Canada (84% GM), disease that sharply lowers the fruit yield. The University of Hawaii
the Philippines (19% GM) and Spain (20% GM) ( developed a ring spot virus disease resistant papaya. To do this,
com).9 certain viral genes encoding  capsid proteins  were transferred to the
papaya genome. These viral capsid proteins elicit something similar
Corn varieties resistant to  glyphosate  herbicides (Liberty to an “immune response” from the papaya plant. The first resistant
and Roundup) have been produced. Pioneer Hi-Bred has marketed corn papaya varieties were grown commercially in 1999 in Hawaii. These
hybrids with tolerance to imidazoline herbicides under the trademark genetically modified papayas are approved for consumption both in
“Clearfield” - though in these hybrids, the herbicide-tolerance trait US and in Canada.16
was bred without the use of genetic engineering (Figure 12).
Consequently, the regulatory framework governing the approval,
Labeling of genetically modified food
use, trade and consumption of transgenic crops does not apply for The Price look up (PLU) code mentioned on fruits help you identify
imidazoline-tolerant corn. Herbicide-resistant GM corn is grown in if the fruit was genetically modified, organically grown or produced
the United States.10 with chemical fertilizers, fungicides, or herbicides. For fruits grown
with chemicals, the PLU code on the sticker consists of four numbers.
Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by
The name “canola” was derived from “Canadian  oil,  low  acid”
the number 9. Genetically engineered fruit has a five-numeral PLU
in 1978.11 Rapeseed oil had a distinctive taste and a disagreeable
prefaced by the number 8.
greenish color due to the presence of  chlorophyll. It also contains
a high concentration of  erucic acid. Experiments on animals have For example, a conventionally grown banana would be: 4011. An

Citation: Singh A, Kumar V, Poonam, et al. Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern. Adv Plants Agric Res.
2014;1(4):121‒127. DOI: 10.15406/apar.2014.01.00020
Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern ©2014 Singh et al. 127

organic banana would be: 94011. A genetically engineered banana Conflict of interest
would be: 84011.
The author declares no conflict of interest.
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Citation: Singh A, Kumar V, Poonam, et al. Genetically modified food: a review on mechanism of production and labeling concern. Adv Plants Agric Res.
2014;1(4):121‒127. DOI: 10.15406/apar.2014.01.00020

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