Activity Sheet On Biotech
Activity Sheet On Biotech
Activity Sheet On Biotech
Modified Organisms
2) Suggest 5 specific candidate organisms that you would like to enhance their
potential through genetic engineering and be more beneficial to humans. Fill out
the table below:
Enhancement /
Organism Normal Characteristics Improvements
1. rice uniformity of size and Pest resistance, increase
shape, whiteness, long growth rate, fortification
and thin uncooked grains
2. corn 3 m (10 ft) in height, stem Pest resistance, increase
is commonly composed growth rate
of 20 internodes
3. cotton seed They are strong, dye Cosmetic preservation,
absorbent and can stand increase growth rate
up against abrasion wear
and high temperature
4 soy extremely high in protein Pest resistance,
content fortification
5 dairy products rich in protein, rich in Increase growth rate,
carbohydrates. very rich cosmetic preservation,
in fats fortification
Pros Cons
Artificially implanting DNA from one GMOs are not always tested thoroughly.
species to another can save many, many The shortest GMO testing times are a
years of research. mere 90 days, which many fear is simply
not enough time to ascertain all of the
GMO experimentation can be used to GMOs could affect those with allergies in
manipulate animal cells to be healthier or unpredictable ways.
genetic modification can increase the Often GMO products are not clearly
nutritional value of foods labelled, meaning people do not have the
choice to decide whether or not they wish
to consume GMO products.
5) What is your opinion on GMO’s? Should we continue to use them? Why or why not?