Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 12448-2-4 (1988): Basic testing procedures and measuring

methods for electromechanical components for electronic
equipment, Part 2: General examination, electrical
continuity and contact resistance tests, insulation tests,
voltage stress tests, Section 4: Voltage stress tests [LITD
3: Electromechanical COmponents and Mechnical Structures
for Electronic Equipment]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
UDC 621’38’038-871 : 621’317’32 IS : 12448 ( Part 2/Set 4 ) - 1988

( Reaffirmed 2002 )
Indian Standard



Section 4 Voltage Stress Tests

1. Scope - This standard ( Part 2/Set 4 ) covers voltage withstand test for electromechanical

x 2. Test 4a: Voltage Proof

.. 2.1 Object - The object of this test is to determine the ability of a component to withstand
specified test voltage applied in a specified manner.
n 2.2 Mounting of Specimen - The specimen shall be mounted in accordance with the detail
2.3 Test Methods - A dc or ac peak test voltage shall be applied for 60 & 5 s using method
A, B or C, as specified in the detail specification.
If an ac test voltage is used, it shall have a frequency of 45 to 60 Hz and shall be approxi-
mately sinusoidal in waveform. The rate of application of test voltage shall not exceed 500 V/s.
2.3.1 Method A - The specimen shall be subjected to the test voltage as specified in the detail
specification, between each termination in turn and the housing and/or the mounting plate, all
other terminations being connected together and to the housing and/or the mounting plate,
2.3.2 Method B - Alternate terminations shall be connected together. Where practical, no
one group shall contain adjacent contacts.
Note - In the case of terminations arranged in two or more rows, it will be necessary to form a second
E arrangement of two groups in order to measure the withstand voltage of each pair of adjacent terminations.

E The specimen shall be subjected to the test voltage as specified in turn, between the follow-
.g ing:
s a) The first group of terminations and the second group connected to the housing and/or the
mounting plate, and
b) The second group of terminations and the first group connected to the housing and/or the
mounting plate.
2.3.3 Method C - The specimen shall be subjected to the test voltage between adjacent
terminations, as specified by the detail specification.
2.4 Test Requirements - There shall be no breakdown or flashover and maximum permissible
leakage current shall not be exceeded when the voltage specified by the detail specification is
2.5 Details to be Specified - When this test is required by the detail specification, the following
details shall be specified:
a) Method to be used;
b) Value and nature of the test voltage;
c) Maximum permissible leakage current, where applicable;
d) Contacts to be tested;
e) Environmental conditions;

Adopted 23 September 1986 @ March 1989, BIS Gr 2



NEW DELHI 110002
Is : 12448 ( Part 2/Set 4 ) i 1988
f) Operated conditions in the case of switches; and
g) Any deviation from the standard test method and/or conditions.
Note - Reduced voltage values should apply for altitude, low air pressure and temperature conditions based on
the tables of derating factors stated in the relevant general requirement specification.

3. Test 4b: Partial Discharge

3.1 Object -- The object of this test is to detail a standard method to assess the ability of an
electromechanical component to be used under specified voltage conditions without showing
partial discharges.
Note - This test is basically the same ‘as the one given in IS : 6209-I 982*. The measuring circuit, however,
is dimensioned such as to meet the specific requirements of electromechanical components having relatively
small inductances and capacitances.

3.2 Test Method

3.2.1 Test equipment - The partial discharge extinction voltage shall be measured with the
basic circuit shown in Fig. 1.




The values of the equipment shown in Fig. 1 shall be as follows:

a) Frequency band of the oscilloscope: 500 kHz
b) Sensitivity of the oscilloscope: 2 to 10 mm/mV
c) Time base scale: 2 ms/Division
d) Inductance L: 20 to 40 mH
e) Capacitance C ( including the capacitance of the oscilloscope, wiring and coil: 80 to 120
f) Frequency of test voltage: 40 to 60 Hz.
If required, a current-limiting resistor ( Rv ) may be used. To minimize the influence of the
measuring set-up, low-impedance coupling and, if necessary, an amplifier may be used.
Care must be taken to ensure that the cable/wire used is capable of meeting a higher require-
ment than the specimen under test.
3.2.2 Test procedure - The test voltage shall be applied and steadily increased up to a value
where partial discharges are observed on the oscilloscope. In order to determine the partial
discharge extinction voltage, the test value of the voltage shall then be noted.
The test voltage shall in no case exceed the proof voltage as specified for the application of
Test 4a.
3.3 Requirements - The partial discharge extinction voltage shall be not less than that specified
in the detail specification.
If no discharge occurs below the proof voltage, the specimen shall also have passed the test.
3.4 Details to be Specified - When this test is required by the detail specification, the following
details shall be specified:
a) Preparation of the specimen, including cable/wire to be used;
b) Operated conditions;

*Methods for partial discharge measurements ( first mhh ).

IS : 12448 ( Part 2/Set 4 ) - 1988

c) Minimum extinction voltage;

d) Proof voltage; and
e) Any deviation from the standard test method.
4. Test 4c: Voltage Proof of Pre-Insulated Crimp Barrels
4.1 Object - The object of this test is to detail a standard method to determine the ability of
pre-insulated crimp barrels to withstand the crimp operation without damage to the insulation.
4.2 Preparation of the Specimen - The specimen shall consist of a crimp contact or a terminal,
and having a pre-insulated crimp barrel and the appropriate cable,‘wire, and shall be prepared in
accordance with the detail specification.
The cable/wire, stripped as specified, shall be fitted to the crimp barrel and then crimped in
the normal manner. The conductive area of the contact/terminal end and the end of the conduc-
tor to which it is attached shall be sealed, for example, by beeswax or other suitable sealing
compound, ensuring that the sealing used does not cover the area of contact deformed by the
crimping tool.
4.3 Test Method - The end of the specimen with the contact/terminal end shall be immersed in
a 5 percent aqueous sodium chloride solution to a depth such as to cover the crimp indentations
but not immerse the open end.
A voltage shall be applied between the specimen and an immersed electrode placed at a
distance not more than 50 mm from the specimen. The voltage shall be steadily increased at a
rate not exceeding 500 V/s up to the proof voltage specified in the detail specification and kept
at the value for 60 f 5 s.
4.4 Requirement - There shall be no breakdown.
4.5 Details to be Specified - When this test is required by the detail specification, the following
details shall be specified:
a) Preparation of the specimen,
b) Cable/wire to be used,
c) Type and die setting of crimping tool,
d) Proof voltage, and
4 Any deviation from this standard test method.

This standard ( Part 2/Set 4 ) is based, without any technical change, on IEC Publication
512-2 ( 1985 ). ‘Electromechanical components for electronic equipment; Basic testing proced-
ures and measuring metods: Part 2 General examination, electrical continuity and contact resistance
tests, insulation tests and voltage stress tests’, issued by the International Electrotechnical
Commission ( IEC ).


Printed at Printograph, New Delhi, India

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