Is 2071 - 2
Is 2071 - 2
Is 2071 - 2
Indian Standard
( First Revision)
High Voltage Techniques Sectional Committee, ETDC 19
Chairman Repwenting
SHRI H. WNARAYANA RAO Mysorc State Electricity Board, Bangalore
SHRI N. S. S. AROKIA~WAMY Tami Nadu Electricity Board, Madras
SHRI V. BALMVBRAUANIAN Hindustan Brown Boveri Ltd, Bombay
sHRl K. P. H. SHARY.4 (Al&d )
DR S. C. BHATIA Siemcns India Ltd, Bombay
DR D. P. SAHQAL( Alternak ) .
Drascr0~ ( CPRI ) C~I~~~W;~~ & POWcrCommission ( Power Wing ),
Indian Standard
(-First Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part II ) ( First Revision ) was adopted by the
Indian Standards Institution on 17 January 1974, after the draft finalized
by the High Voltage Techniques Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
0.2 With a large number of high voltage and extra high voltage transmission
system being constructed in this country, expensive electrical equipments are
being put in service. It is necessary to ensure that such equipments are
capable of withstanding the over-voltages normally encountered in service.
This standard is intended to provide uniform methods of high voltage testing
of electrical equipments.
0.3 This standard covers various aspects of high voltage testing, such as
definition of terms, test procedures, requirements of the test objects and
approved measuring devices for dielectric tests with direct, alternating,
and impulse voltages, as well as impulse current. The Sectional Committee
decided to withraw IS : 2070-1962 which covered impulse voltage testing.
0.4 The revision of this standard was undertaken in view of the advancements
in high voltage technology.
0.4.1 This standard in addition, includes the procedures for carrying
out switching impulse voltage, artificial pollution test and the statistical
method of evaluating the test results.
0.5 This part ( Part II ) of the standard covers test procedures. The other
two parts are:
Part I General definitions and requirements
Part III Approved measuring devices.
0.6 In the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from
IRC Documents 42( Central Office ) 15, 20 and 20A Draft High-Voltage
Test Techniques, Test Procedures issued by the International Electrotechnical
9.7 In reporting the result of a test made in accordance with this standard
the final value, observed or calculated, is to be rounded off in accordance
with IS : Z-1960*.
1.1 This standard ( Part II ) covers the test procedures and methods for
generation and measurement of test voltage and currents for dielectric test
with direct voltages, alternating voltages, impulse voltages and impulse
currents. It also describes methods for the evaluation of test results and
specifies the criteria for acceptance,
2.l Definitions
2.1.l R&de - Ripple is the periodic deviation from the arithmetic mean
value. The magnitude of the ripple is defined as half the difference between
the maximum and minimum values. The ripple factor is the ratio of the
ripple magnitude to the arithmetic mean value of the voltage.
2.1.2 Vahe of Test Voltage - The value of the test voltage is defined by
its arithmetic mean value.
NOTE -The maximum value of the voltage is approximately equal to the sum of the
mean valueand the ripple amplitude.
IS : 2071 ( Part II ) - 1974
IS t 2071( Pal-s-Ix) - 1974
otherby several orders of magnitude for the same test object and test voltage
as follows:
a) The capacitance current, due to the initial application of the test
voltage and to any ripple or other fluctuations imposed on it;
b) The dielectric absorption current, due to slow charge displacements
within the insulation and persisting for periods of a few seconds
up to several hours. This process is reversible, currents of opposite
polarity being observed when the test object is discharged and
c) The continuous leakage current, which is the final steady current
attained at constant voltage after the components mentioned above
have decayed to zero; and
d) Partial discharge currents. Measurement of the first three components necessitates the use
of instruments covering a wide range of magnitudes. From the observed
current variation with time, information may sometimes be obtained con-
cerning the condition of the insulation in non-destructive tests. Mcasure-
ments of partial discharge pulse currents are made with special instruments
which are dealt with in the IS : 6209-1971*. The relative importance of each component depends on the type
and~the condition of the apparatus being tested, the purpose for which the:
test is made and the duration of the test. Accordingly, the measurement
procedures should be specified in the relevant standard when it is required
to distinguish a particular component.
2.2.5 Tesf Procedure The voltage should be applied to the test object starting with a
value sufficiently low to prevent overvoltage due to switching transients.
It should be raised sufficiently slowly to permit accurate reading of the
instruments but not SO slowly as to cause unnecessary prolongation of the
stressing of the test object near to the test voltage. These requirements
are in general met if the rate of rise above 75 percent of the estimated final
voitage is about 2 percent of this voltage per second. The polarity of the voltage or the order in which the voltage
of each polarity is applied, and also the rate of rise should be specified in the
relevant standard, in those cases where deviations are required from the
above specification. Assured withstand voltq<e test - The test voltage should be raised
to the specified value as described in It should be maintained for
thespecificd time and then reduced by discharging the smoothing capacitor
through a suitable resistor. The test is generally satisfactory if no disrupti\vc
discharge occurs on the test object.
- _II-
*Mcrhods for partial dischargemeasurements.
IS :-2071( Part II ) - 1974 Assured disruptive discharge voltage test - The test voltage should be
raised as described in until a disruptive discharge occurs on the test
object. The value of the test voltage reached just prior to the disruptive
discharge is the assured disruptive discharge voltage.
3.2.2 Generation Thetest voltage is generally supplied from a stepcup trans-
former but alternatively, it may be generated by means of a series resonant
NOTE - Attention is drawn to the possibility that non-sustained external disruptive
discharges may cause a large over-swing between the terminals of the test object. The
phenomenon may cause failure or flashover of the test objccr or of the testing trans-
former. A cure can usually be effected by changing the natural frequency of the voltage
source, or by introducing some attenuation into the rystcm.
Is:2071 (PartIx)-1979
IS : 2071( Part II ) - 1974
31.1 Deikxitions
4.1 .l Full Lightning Itnpulse - A full lightning impulse ( see Part I of this
standard ) is a lightning impulse which is not interrupted by a disruptive
IS : 2071 ( Part II ) - 1974 Virtual time of voltage collapse during chopping - The virtual time
of voltage collapse during chopping is 1.67 times the time interval between
points C and D ( see Fig. 3 and 4 ). Instant of chopping - The instant of chopping is the instant when
the initial discontinuity occurs.
0 i i i i ps
r-- P-
t , , , I , , , ,
0 2 4 6 8 lIS
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
8 PS
Tl = 1*67t
IS : 2071 ( Part f I) - 1974
4.1.8 Linearly Rising Front-Chopped Impulses - A voltage rising with appro-
ximately constant steepness, until it is chopped by the occurrence of a dis-
ruptive discharge, is described as a linearly rising impulse ( see Fig. 5 ).
I---- --
4.1.9 Curves Relating the Disruptive Discharge Voltage Peak to the Times to the
Disruptive Discharge ( Voltage/Time Curves )
IS : 2071( Part II ) - 1974
and those actually recorded are permitted when the measuring system meeti
the requirements of Part III of this standard.
Peak value f 3 percent
Front time & 30 percent
Time to half value f 20 percent
No corrections are accepted for measuring errors. Note however that the measure-
ment of impulses chopped at the front at times shorter than 0’5 PS, especially those of
high voltage, presents considerable technical difficulties. The same applies to the
measurement of oscillations on the wave front especially at frequencies above one MHz.
Is:2071 (PartIIj-1974
IS : 2071-( Part II ) - 1974
IS : 2071 ( Part II ) - 1974
prospective peak value, shape and polarity are applied. If each impulse
causes a disruptive discharge, the requirements of the test have beensatisfied.
Ifmore than one impulse fails to cause a disruptive discharge, the rcquire-
ments of the test have not been satisfied. If one impulse fads to cause dis-
ruptive discharge, ten additional impulses are applied. If each of these
additional impulses causes a disruptive discharge, the requirements of the
test have been satisfied.
4.3.4 Fajiy Percent Disrujdive Disdiurge Voltage Test -The voltage corres-
ponding to a 50 percent disruptive discharge probability U, 50 percent may
be determined as follows ( see also Appendix A ) .
4 At least ten impulses are applied at each of the several test voltage
levels, the steps in voltage being 2-5 percent of the expected 50
percent disruptive discharge voltage. The value of the 50 percent
disruptive discharge voltage is found from a curve of disruptive
discharge probability versus prospective test voltage. The accuracy
of the determination increases with increased number of voltage
applications but there is usually no need to go above 20 applications
at each level.
The same method can be used to determine the standard deviation
of the flashover voltage. See Appendix A, which also gives some
information on confidence limits both for the 50 percent voltage and
for the standard deviation.
b) The following is an alternative procedure to determine the 50
percent value. A voltage Uk is chosen which is considered approxi-
mately equal to the 50 percent disruptivedischarge level. A voltage
interval n U, approximately 3 percent of uk, is also chosen. One
impulse is applied at the level & If this does not cause a disrup-
tive discharge, the next impulse should have the level uk + A U.
If a disruptive discharge occurs at the level &, the next impulse
should have the level Uk - AU.
This procedure is repeated, a number of times each impulse having
a level determined by the effect of the proceeding impulse. ‘I’hc
number of impulse nv at each voltage level Uv, is counted and the
50 percent disruptive discharge voltage is determined as:
c nv 179
U,, percent =
In this equation, the first level taken into account should be one at
which two or more impulses were applied. This partially corrects
for the error which may be introduced if C$ is much too low or much
too high. For normally distributed flashover probabilitir, t!le
indicated value of US0 percent determined ,as abo\ e 6~
ZTZV - 220 will generally lie within the range from 30 percent to
70 perLent of the true disruptive discharge probability.
5.1 Definitions
5.1.1 Switching Impulse - A switching impulse which should be
distinguished from a lightning impulse is defined in Part I of this standard.
5.1.2 Value of Test Voltage - If not otherwise specified in the relevant
standards, the value of the test voltage is the prospective peak value.
5.1.3 Time to Peak Te, - The time to peak Z-,, is the time interval between
actual zero and the instant when the voltage has reached its peak value.
5.1.4 Time to Hdf V&e Tb - The’ time to half value Zi, is the time
interval between actual zero and the instant on the tail when the impulse
has first decreased to half the peak value.
5.1.5 Time Above 90 Pexent ‘2-a - The time above 90 percent T,t is the
time interval during which the impulse voltage exceeds 90 percent of its peak
Note to clauses 5.1.3 lo 5.1.5 - Practical reasons and theoretical consi-
derations have caused several different time parameters to be used to chara-
cterize a switching impulse. Two such parameters related to the wave
front are the time to peak and the virtual front time. The former is defined
in 5.1.3, the latter is defined either by analogy with virtual front time for
lightning impulses ( see 4.1.4 ) or by using some different reference points and
multiplying factors. The difference between wave front times defined accord-
ing to these various measures is usually small. For switching impulses with
time parameter as given in 5.2.1 and 5.2.2, the time to peak is between
1.4-l .8 timer the virtual wave front time.
Two other time parameters are related to the duration of the impulse;
they are the time to half value and the time above 90 percent. The latter
measurement is found practical in the cases where the wave form of the
impulse is dictated, for instance, by the saturation phenomena in the test
object or the test circuit, or when it is felt that the stress of the test object is
highly dependent on this parameter as for some kind of internal insulation.
These time parameters are defined in 5.1.4 and 5.1.5. It should be empha-
sized that, when defining a switching impulse, only one parameter related to
the wave front and one to the duration should be used.
6.1 Definitions
6.1.1 Impulse Currents--Two types of impulse currents are dealt with.
One has a shape which increases from zero to the peak value in a short time
and thereafter decreases to zero approximately exponentially or in the manner
of a heavily damped sine curve. This type is designated by the wave front
time and the time to half value, see 6.1.3 and 6.1.7.
6.1.2 Value of Test Current - The value of the test current is normally
defined by the peak value. With some test circuits overshoot of oscillations
*Method for voltage measurement by meam of sphere-gaps ( one sphereearth&).
may he present on the current. It will depend on the type of the test and also
whether the value of the test current shall be defined by the actual peak or a
smooth curve drawn through these oscillations.
6.1.3 Virtual Front Time T, - The virtual front time T, is defined as
l-25 times the interval between the instants when the impulse current is 10
percent and 90 percent of the-peak value.
If oscillations are present on the wave front, the 10 percent and 90
percent values should be derived from the mean curve drawn through these
NOTE-The difference between wave frant tima measured according to this de&&
tion and the one in 4.1.4 is generally less than 10 percent.
For 8120and4110 impulses
Peak value * 10 percent
Virtual front time, Tr f 10 percent
Virtual time to half value, 7s f 10 percent
Small overshoot and oscillations are tolerated provided that their single
peak amplitude in the neighbourhood of the peak value of the impulse is not
-more than 5 percent of the peak value. Any polarity reversal after the
current has fallen to zero, should be not more than 20 percent of the peak
The impulse current lnay induce high voltages in the impulse voltage
measuring circuit, thereby giving measuring errors. To check this, it is
recommended that the conductor which normally joins the voltage divider to
the live end of the test object, should be disconnected-from the live end and
connected to the earthed end of the test object but maintained in approxi-
mately the same loop. Alternatively, the test object is short-circuited or
replaced by a metal conductor. The voltage measured under this condition
when the generator is discharged should be substantially zero at least during
the part of the impulse, which is of importance fos evaluating the results.
( Clauses 4.3.3, 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 )
A-l.1 Statement of the Problem - As disruptive discharges are a random
phenomenon, statistical procedures are important to obtain more precise
information from the tests. It is assumed that, to each test voltage level V, a
probability p is attached, for~a disruptive discharge to take place at that level.
The aim of the tests is to determine the probability distribution function
p ( U ) relating p to U.
Usually the probability function is expressed in terms of certain para-
meters out of-which the mean value U, and the standard deviation o are
dealt with below. These parameters and the form of the function can be deter-
mined from a very large number of voltage applications if successive voltage
applications do not change significantly the characteristics of the test object,
or if a fresh test object is used for each application. In certain cases, such as
impulse tests on external insulation, the probability distribution function is
found to be approximately Gaussian from a few up to 95 or even 98 percent
flashover probability. The standard deviation usually is between 2 and 8
percent. Very large values of the standard deviation have been found
during impulse tests in internal insulation.
Little information is available on the character of the probability dis-
tribution function for internal insulation for any type of voltage and fol
external insulation for direct and alternating voltage.
In practical tests, the number of voltage applications is limited. Then
the parameters are determined only within certain limits with a certainty
which can be determined. The values so determined are called U and s.
A brief summary of some simple methods which have been found useful
in the analysis of high voltage test results are given below. The methods are
based on the above assumption of undisturbed test objects.
NOTE -Attention is drawn to the fact that the distribution function is not ncccssarily
symmetrical with reference to the average. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish bctwcen
the terms ’ the average value ’ and the ‘ the most probable value ‘,
IS: 2071 (PaMI)-
$2 = -
l ;(uv-c)’
Alternatively, nv/n+ 1 can be plotted on a probability paper as a function
of Uv where nv is the number of &shovers up to and including the voltage
Uv and n is the total number of voltage applications. The curve permits a
determination of U and s in the same manner as in A-1.2.1 but does not
necessarily give the same result as the numerical method described above.
A-l.3 Confidence Lb&s - F rom any set of n measurements, statistical
checks may be made to define the limits between which the true mean value
Um and the true standard deviation u may be stated to be with a given
probability PC of being correct. These limits are commonly expressed for
Pe = 0.95 and are then termed ’ 95 percent confidence limits ‘.
The limits for the-true mean value U, are then given by:
urn= f&p<
where tp is a function of& and n, n being the total number of voltage applica-
tions bothin the case of Class 1 and Class 2. The function t, for any value of
pc can be obtained from standard text books on statistics, but for pc = 95
percent and n = 20, the value tp = 2 may be used as an approximation:
Confidence limits for the value of the true standard deviation e of the
measurements may be found but with less accuracy from the expression:
For a more exact calculation of the confidence limits, the distribution function
shall be known.
NOTE - The assumption ofa Gaussian distribution leads to asymmetricd confidence
limits for a.
A-l .4 Determination of Voltages Corresponding to Very Low or Very
! High Disruptive Discharge Probabilities - In specific cases, a deter-
mination of very low or very high flashover probabilities of the test object is
Conventional assured withstand and assured &shover ( SCG4.3.2
and 4.3.3 ) tests are not suitable to provide such information. The probability
P of passing a conventional withstand test is:
where P is the probability of a flashover and account is taken of the additional
10 voltage applications if flashover occurs during the first 5.
Wii a test voltage corresponding to p = O-05 the object will have 90
percent probability P of passing the test. With p = O-01 the corresponding
value is P = O-99.
Thus, the fact that a test object has passed or failed such a test gives
little information concerning the actual flashover probability.
Even the test method described in A-1.2.1 is not particularly suited for
_the determination of low or high probabilities. A modified test procedure,
therefore, described below for the particular case of low flashover probabili-
ties. For high probabilities, see Note given at the end of~this clause.
In a first approach, several sets of three voltage applications are made,
starting at a level U. below the estimated withstand voltage. After every
set, the voltage level is increased by a constant amount E of between 2 percent
and 5 percent of Uo. This series of tests is finished at the level U, when the
first flashover occurs.
The test is then continued in a similar manner but with 25 voltage
applications eat each voltage level, starting at the level U, = U, - 3 L.
If no flashover occurs, then the voltage level is increased by successive steps
of E until a flashover occurs. If a flashover occurs during the series of
applications at U,, then the voltage level is reduced successively by steps of
2 E until 25 applications cause no flashover. Thereafter, the level is increaced
by steps of E until a flashover occurs once again.
The test result is taken as the highest voltage value which has not given
flashover during any series of 25 voltage applications. This value corres-
ponds to a flashover _probability of about one percent and is below eight
percent with 98 percent probability. Usually, the complete test requires
about 75 voltage applications.
NOTE- The above procedure applies also to the case of high probabilities; it is
s&‘icient to replace the words ‘withstand ’ and ‘prohability ’ of ‘withstand ’ by
‘ flashover ’ and ’ probability of flashover ‘. The voltage is decreased from a high value
instead of being increased from a low value.
( First Revision )
In this equation, nv should bl > 20, the first level taken into
account being one at which two or more impulses were applied. This
avoids any appreciable error if Uk is chosen much too high or much
too low. If a better accuracy in the determination of the 50 percent
disruptive discharge voltage is required, the number of voltage appli- L
Price Rs 1-z 1
(Page 24, clause A-1.2.1,Ens 4) -Substitute‘p = 0’5 ’ for
‘p = 50 ‘.
For II = 20, the 95 percent confidence limits thus are given by:
0.76 s < o i; 1.46 s
In the case of Class 1 or Class 3 tests, other methods for the calculation of
the confidence limits shall be used, for which reference should be made to the
(Page 25, clause A-1.4 ) - Substitute the following for the existing
’ A-1.4 lktermination of Voltages Corresponding to Very Low or
Very High Disruptive Discharge Probabilities - For some purposes, )
a determination is desired of voltage levels corresponding to very low or
very high probabilities of disruptive discharge of the test object.
The test procedures me &II con&i& iii a similar manner, but with
25 voltage applications at each voltage levei and starting at the level Uz= U,
-3 8. If no disruptive discharge occurs, the voltage level is increased after
eachseries of 25 by successive steps of the same amount I;, until a disruptive
discharge occurs. When a disruptive discharge does occur, say during the
series of applications at level Us, the voltage is then reduced in successive
steps equal to 2 Z until a full series of 25 applications has been applied with
no disruptive discharge. Thereafter, the level is increased in steps equal to
x until one more disruptive discharge is obtained.
The test result is then taken as the highest voltage value which has not
given disruptive discharge during any series of 25 voltage applications. This
vallie corresponds to a disruptive discharge probability of about 1 percent
and there is about 98 percent certainty that it will be less than 8 percent.
Usually, the complete test requires about 75 voltage applications.
NOTE - Almost identical procedures are used to determine the voltage corres-
ponding to very high probabihtics; the foregoing description applies if the words
‘ withstand ’ and cprobability of withstand ’ are replaced by ‘ disruptive discharge
and ‘ probability of disruptive discharge ‘. The voltage is first decreased from a high
value instead of being increased from a low value.
(ETDC 19)
._ - .._
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