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Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
( Reaffirmed 1998 )
Indian Standard
Q BIS 1993
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Plastics Sectional Committee had been approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related
Products Division Council.
Plastics are now being used on a large scale for packaging of foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals.
Where direct contact occurs between the packed commodity and the plastics, the high molecular
mass polymer itself does not pose a toxic hazards being inert and essentially insoluble in food.
There is, however, a likelihood that some transfer may occur of polymer additives, adventitious
impurities such as monomers, catalyst remnants and residual polymerization solvents and of low
molecular mass polymer fractions from the plastics into the packaged material with consequent
toxic hazard to the consumers. The occurrence of acute toxicity due to plastics material in
contact with food is most unlikely, since only trace quantities of potentially toxic materials are
likely to migrate. However, the accumulation of these toxic materials with time may lead to
hazards which may be serious.
Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers, commonly referred to as EVA copolymers or simply as EVA,
may be produced to cover the complete range of comonomer ratios form 99 : 1 ( ethylene : vinyl
acetate ) to 1 : 99. However, copolymers containing up to 50 percent vinyl acetate are classified
as thermoplastics. EVA copolymers are produced commercially by continuous bulk and solution
polymerization process.
EVA copolymer is an inert material and offers good flexibility and toughness even at low tem-
p erature, low heat sealing temperature, excellent environmental stress crack resistance, etc.
EVA copolymers are particularly useful in the packaging industry. EVA copolymers may be
injection moulded, blow moulded or extruded. EVA copolymers with vinyl acetate content
up to 18 percent may also be converted into films by conventional processing methods, such as
blown, co-extrusion, cast, lamination and coating.
EVA copolymers may be combined with other polymers in co-extrusion, for example, LDPE/
EVA, HDPE/EVA, BOPP/EVA, Polyester/EVA, etc, giving improved performance in flexible
packaging in the form of multllayer films which are widely used for food packaging.
EVA copolymers may also be blended with other polymers like LDPE, HDPE, PP, PVC, etc, to
improve properties such as impact, flexibility and easy heat sealability.
EVA copolvmers are considered as safe for use as articles or components of articles intended
for safe use in contact with foodstuffs, in accordance with the code of Federal Regulation, FDA
( USA ) ( 28 CFR 177. 1350 ).
This standard is intended to be used with the series of Indian Standards on plastics for food
contact applications which is given in Annex A.
It is emphasized that these standards need to be used in combination to provide a system of
control to the manufacturers of plastics as well as the fabricators of thermoplastic packaging
materials to derive maximum benefits. Besides, it may also serve as basis for official agencies to
frame suitable legislation to ensure effective safeguards for the safety and health of consumers
where thermoplastics for food contact applications are concerned.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied
with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be
rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘.
The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of
the specified value in this standard.
IS 13601:19!U
Indian Standard
1.1This standard specifies the requirements 4.1 Basic Resins
and methods of sampling and test of ethylene
vinyl acetate ( EVA, ) copolymer for the manu- A basic resin produced by the co-polymeriza-
facture of plastic items used in contact with tion of ethylene and vinyl acetate.
foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water. 4.1.1 Vinyl Acetate (VA) Content
1.2 This standard does not purport to establish In the EVA copolymers, the VA content shall
the suitability of the packing media with parti- be between 3 percent and 50 percent when
cular foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking tested in accordance with the methods prescri-
water, from other than toxicological considera- bed in Annex B.
4.1.2 Additive Concentrates
The total level of slip agent and/or anti-block
The following standards contain provisions agent added to the copolymer shall not exceed
which through reference in this text, constitute 2.5 percent by mass.
provisions of this standard. At the time of
publication the editions indicated were valid. 4.2 Material
All standards are subject to revision, and
parties to agreements based on this standard The material shali also comply with the thres-
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of hold limits of the manufacturing residues,
applying the most recent editions of the polymerization ingredients, auxiliary items as
standards indicated below: prescribed in IS 13449 : 1992.
4.3 Pigments and Colourants
IS No.
In case coloured material is used for food
4905 : 1968 Methods for random sampling packaging applications, it shall comply with the
9833 : 1981 List of pigments and colourants list and limits of the pigments and colourants
for use in plastics in contact prescribed in IS 9833 : 1981.
with foodstuffs, pharmaceuti-
cals and drinking water 4.4 Overall Migration
9845 : 1986 Methods of analysis for the The material shall also comply with the overall
determination of specific and/ migration limits of 60 mg/l, Max of the simu-
or overall migration of consti- lant and 10 mg/dm2, Max of the surface of the
tuents of plastics materials and material or article, when tested by the method
articles intended to come into prescribed in IS 9845 : 1986.
contact with foodstuffs, phar-
maceuticals and drinking water 4.5 Storage and Control
13449 : 1992 Positive list of constituents of 4.5.1 Storage
ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA )
copolymers for safe use in con- Plastics materials intended for food contact use
tact with foodstuffs, pharma- shall be stored separately from other materials
ceuticals and drinking water in closed, properly identified containers.
IB 13601:1993
process or manufacturing area and shall main- accordance with the EEC Directive 80/590/EEC
tain appropriate written records of the issue of ‘Symbol’ that shall accompany materials and
such materials. articIes intended to come into contact with
foodstuff ):
AS.3 Adequate standards of hygiene shall be
maintained at all times and plant operators
and storemen shall be trained in proper hygiene
5.1 Packing
The material shall be packed in paper/plastics
bags with suitable liner, as agreed between the
purchaser and the supplier, in a manner so as
to ensure that the items do not become conta-
minated during storage.
5.2 Marking
5.2.1 Each package ‘shall be clearly marked
with the following information:
a) Indication of the source of manufacture,
and trade-mark, if any;
b) Name and type of material; 5.2.3 The package may also be marked with the
c) .Month and year of manufacture; Standard Mark.
d) Net mass of the material; and 6 SAMPLTNG
e) Lot and batch number.
The method of drawing representative sample
5.2.2 The package shall also carry the following of the material and the criteria for conformity
symbol clearly embossed/printed on it ( in shall be as prescribed in Annex C.
( Foreword )
IS 13601: 1993
( CZause 4.1.1 )
B-l METHOD-I BY PYROLYSIS vapourized acetic acid into the absorbing
B-l.1 Outline of the Method Solution.
The polymer is pyrolysed at 400°C. The pyro- B-2 APPARATUS
lysate is bubbled through sodium hydroxide
solution where acetic acid formed during pyro- B-2.1 Any suitable combustion furnaces capable
lysis is absorbed. Excess sodium hydroxide is of being maintained at a temperature of 4OOC.
then back titrated with standard hydrochloric
acid ( Cr.1N ) solution using phenolphthalein as B-2.2 Combustion tube with B 29 ground glass
indicator. A nitrogen purge is used to force the joints - Outside diameter 32 mm, length 36 mm.
4 .
IS 13601: 1993
IS 13601 : 1993
B-12.2.4 Wait till the set temperature is B-13.2 Type CONFIG, ENTER and then press
reached. Fl. Then press Est. Press Y ENTER.
B-12.2.5 Pressurize with help of motor and
lever to 5 tons for the scheduled time B-13.3 Type BOMEN ENTER and then press
( see B-12.2.8 ). any key to continue. Original menu will be
displayed on the screen.
B-12.2.6 Stop heaters and open the water tap
for cooling. As soon as the room temperature B-13.4 Press Fl ( reference ) and feed appro-
is reached, release pressure and remove the priate range as per the requirement. Press Fl
plates. ( start acquisition ). Once the reference
B-12.2.7 Clean the spacer by acetone or xylene. spectrum appears on the screen, then press Est.
Original menu will be displayed.
B-12.2.8 Operating conditions of hydraulic
press are as under: B-13.5 Keep the sample in the sample compart-
12 - 02 130 80 130 15
14 ‘- 08 125 75 125 15
18 -02 120 70 120 15
18 - 10 120 70 120 15
28 - 06 100 50 95 15
28 - 25 90 40 85 15
28 - 150 80 40 75 10
28 - 350 65 40 65 10
28 - 400 65 40 65 10
B-12.2.9 Switch off the heaters at the time of applying high pressure.
B-12.2.10 For sample containing 28 percent vinyl acetate, put in ice water for 5 minutes after
machine cooling.
B-12.2.11 Weight of the sample to be taken as per the size of the spacer as follows:
Spacer Thickness, Spacer Size, Material EVA Grade
mm mm Quantity, g
0.38 150 x 150 9 07-02, 12-02,
14-08, 18-02,
18- 10
0.38 150 x 150 75 26-06, 28-25,
28-25, 28- 150,
28-350, 28-400
B-13 OPERATION OF TYPICAL FTIR ment and feed sample details. Then press F3
( BOMEN MODEL - MB 100 ) (absorbance). Press Fl (start acquisition). After
few minutes sample spectrum will be displayed
B-13.1 Switch on computer and monitor. On on the screen. Then press Esc, till the original
the screen C:/> will be displayed. menu appears.
B-13.6Press F5 ( display ) to confirm whether B-13.7.2 Type method name and then press
it is saved or not. Then press Esc to get ENTER. If the results are to be printed, then
original menu. press Fl ( see that printer is connected ). Press
F3 ( select files and RUN ).
B-13.7 For quantitative estimation of vinyl
acetate content in plate follow steps mentioned B-13.7.3 Mark files to analyse by pressing space
below. bar. Move the cursor from experiment to sub
files by pressing arrow keys and then press
B-13.7.1 Press F6 - Batch analysis space bar and press ENTER.
Press Fl - Quantitative analysis B-13.7.4 Concentration will be displayed on the
Press P2 - Run method screen.
( Clause 6.1 )
#C-l GENERAL a consignment is known to consist of packages
belonging to the different batches of manufacture
C-l.1 In drawing, preparing, storing and hand- of different forms, the packages belonging
ling samples, the following precautions and to the same batch of manufacture and same
directions shall be observed. form shall be grouped together and each such
C-l.2 Sample shall not be taken in an exposed group shall constitute a lot.
place. C-2.2 For ascertaining the conformity of the
C-l.3 The sampling instrument, whenever appli- material to the requirements of this specifica-
cable, shall be made of stainless steel or any tion, samples shall be tested from each lot
other suitable material on which the material separately. The number of packages to be
shall have no action. The instrument shall be sampled shall depend on the size of the lot and
clean and dry. shall be in accordance with co1 1 and 2 of
Table 1.
C-1.4 Precautions shall be taken to protect
the samples, the material being sampled, the Table 1 Scale of Sampling
sampling instrument and the containers for
samples from adventitious contamination. No. of Packages Sample Size
in the Lot
C-1.5 The samples shal1 be placed in a suitable, (1) (2)
clean, dry, air-tight metal or glass containers up to 50 3
on which the material has no action. The 51 to 150 4
sample containers shall be of such a size that 151 to 300 5
they are almost completely filled by the sample. 301 to 500 7
C-l.6 Each sample container shall be sealed 501 and above 10
air-tight with a stopper after filling and marked
with full details of sampling, such as the date C-2.2.1 These packages shall be selected at
of sampling, the month and year of manufacture random from the lot and in order to ensure the
of the material, etc. randomness of selection, procedures given in
IS 4905 : 1968 may be followed.
C-l.7 Samples shall be stored in such a manner
that the temperature of the material does not C-3 PREPARATION OF TEST SAMPLES
vary unduly from the normal temperature.
C-3.1 From each of the packages of material
SC-2 LOT selected, small portions of material shall be
,C-2.1 In a single consignment all the packages drawn with the help of a suitable sampling
of the same class, same type, same form and instrument. The total quantity of material col-
belonging to the same batch of manufacture lected from each package shall be sufficient to
shall be grouped together to constitute a lot. If test all the requirements given in 4.
C-3.2In the case of packages consisting of con- The lot shall be declared as conforming to the
tainers vials, rolls or films the number of items requirements of various characteristics if:
to be selected from a package for testing each
of the requirements given in 4 shall be one. X+ KR < the maximum value specified; and
where the value of K shall be chosen from
C-4 NUMBER OF TESTS table given below:
The tests for determining all the requirements Value of K for Various Sizes and AQL
given in 4 shall be carried out on the individual
test samples. _-
Sample A&L
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to
promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality
certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced
in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use,
in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type
or grade designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director
( Publications ), BIS