Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

1 +, 1 + 01 ' 5
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
The Right to Information, The Right to Live Step Out From the Old to the New

IS 11000-1-1 (1988): Fire hazard testing, Part 1: Guidance

for the preparation of requirements and test specifications
for assessing fire hazard of electronic and electrical
items, Section 1: General guidance [LITD 1: Environmental
Testing Procedure]

! $ ' +-
Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge

! > 0 B

Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
- Y

IS:11000 (Partl/Secl)G1998
( Reaffirmed 2003 )
Indian Standard

Section 1 Gqnera~ Guidance

UDC 62138038+62131 : 614841

, @ Copyright 1989


NEW DELHI 110002

Gr 2 February 1989
IS : 11000( Part l/See 1) - 1988 I .I
. . .

Indian Standard
Section 1 General Guidance


0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part l/Set 1 ) was in actual practice may accept some concepts in
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on whole while departing from others in order to
14 March 1988, after the draft finalized by the control the hazard relating to their specific
Environmental Testing Procedures Sectional applications more adequately.
Committee had been approved by the Electro-
nics and Telecommunication Division Council. 0.4 While preparing this standard, considerable f
.assistance is derived from IEC 695-l-l ( 1982 ) . i
0.2 The risk of fire is present in any electrical Fire hazard testing - Part 1 : Guidance for the I
circuit which is energized. With regard to this preparation of requirements and test specifica-
risk, the objective of component circuit and tions for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical
equipment design and the choice of material products --General guidance, issued by the
shall be such as to reduce the likelihood of fire International Electrotechnical Commission
even in the event of foreseeable abnormal use, (IEC).
malfunction or failure. The practical aim shall i
0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a parti-
be to prevent ignition due to the electrically cular requirement of this standard is complied
energized part but, if ignition and fire occur, to with, the final value, observed or calculated, I
control the fire preferably within the bounds of expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded
enclosure of electronic and electrical item. ;
off in accordance with IS : 2-1960. The num-
ber of significant places retained in the rounded 4
0.3 This standard is intended as guidance to off value should be the same as that of the
other Technical Committees and may be used in specified value in this standard.
part or whole with respect to their individual ,;
applications. However, Technical Committees *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised).

1. SCOPE the electronic and electrical items, when ex-

posed to an external fire, need to be considered
1.1 This standard ( Part l/Set 1 ) covers general to ensure that they do not contribute to the risk
guidance for the preparation of requirements of fire spread, smoke, etc, to a greater degree
and test specifications for assessing fire hazard than is permitted for the building materials and
of electronic and electrical items. structures which are replaced.
2.3 Consideration should also be given to toxi-
2. HAZARD CONCEPTS city, opacity and corrosivity of significant
quantities of smoke and other emissions from a
2.1 Care should be taken to minimize the risk burning product, but these hazards are- second-
of electronic and electrical items causing a fire ary in nature and interrelated to combustibility
by electrically induced ignition within the item. factors. Relevant test methods are under
Unusual external events such as the outbreak of development. ,
a fire in the environment or deliberate misuse of
electronic and electrical items contrary to the 2.4 The emission of gases may also, under certain
operating instructions and conditions for its use, circumstances, lead to a risk of explosion.
shall in general be disregarded as a basis for fire
hazard requirements. 3. ASPECTS FOR EVALUATION OF
2.2 Certain electronic and electrical items such
as large enclosures, insulated cables and con- 3.1 The severity of a fire hazard is basicall; *
duits, may in fact replace large portions of determined by the likelihood of harm to life
surfaces and finishing materials of building con- and damage to property if a fire starts and
struction. In these circumstances, the surfaces of develops in an uncontrolled manner.

. 01
IS : 11000 ( Part l/Set 1) - 1988

Basic Aspects Seve;ria;$ Fire Particular Aspects Severity of Fire

iii) Maintenance and none regular
high _ low inspection
iv) Mobility of product fixed hand-held
a) Harm to life likely unlikely
v) Connection of supply continu- temporary
b) Damage to property major minor ous
vi) Duration of use long short
3.2 The following list shows some aspects
which need particular attention for each item NOTE- The above list is not exhaustive and as
regards some aspects assessment of fire hazard should
when specifying requirements and test severities be left to individual expert judgement of the circum-
related to fire hazard testing: stances concerned.

Particular Aspects Severity of Fire 4. MAIN OBJECTLVES

4.1 In order to design an electronic and electri-
cal item with an acceptable characteristic with
high _ low regard to prevention of fire hazard there shall
be clear objectives.

a>Environmental conditions: 4.2 Careful attention shall be paid to permissi-

ble mechanical, electrical and thermal stresses
i) Ambient temperature high low
so as to minimize the possibility of fire hazard
ii) Dust and humidity present none under conditions of normal use, foreseeable
( tracking > abnormal and faulty operation conditions.
iii) Atmospheric pressure high low
iv) Association with corn- uncon- none 4.3 The required properties of electronic and
bustibles* trolled electrical items, their sub-assemblies and com-
ponents, along the hazard concepts as outlined
v) Fire/explosion risk present none in 2, can be achieved:

b) Installation conditions: a) by using parts and/ or circuit-design and

protection which under overload of failure
9 Controlled available high low are not likely to ignite or to cause ignition,
power and/or
ii) Voltage high low
iii) Connection to supply non- polarized b) by using parts, including enclosures,
polarized which are suf?iciently resisfant to probable
ignition sources and heat within an
iv) Overvoltage and surges high low electronic and electrical items, and/or
on supply mains
v) Association with close separated c>by design such that propagation of fire
combustibles? and spread of flame are adequately res-
vi) Fire detecting and ex- none installed
tinguishing devices
4.4 Selection of materials, components and sub-
vii) Height of building high low assemblies, special means of installation and
viii) Position in building inside outside operation can all be applied to fulfil the require-
ments along the hazard concepts according to 2.

c) Use conditions : 4.5 A limited level of ignitability for parts of

i) Attendance by operator none continuous electronic and electrical items may be defined
where appropriate, usually as a basic require-
ii) Experience of operator layman qualified

*For example, furnilure/furnishings, textiles, packag- 5. TYPES OF FIRE TESTS

ing and display materials, rubbish, dust.
iFor example, building materials and structures, 5.0 Technical Committees engaged in the pre-
furniture/furnishmgs. paration of requirements and test specifications

IS : 11000 ( Part l/Set 1) - 1988

with regard to fire hazard of electronic and the tests can be related and take into
electrical items are mainly interested in the account the relevant scope and significance
following types of tests. of the existing test procedures.
5.1 Hazard Assessment Tests - These tests d) If an existing test procedure appears suit-
examine the behaviour of electronic and electri- able, check its provisions against the
cal items, often full size, and are aimed to be following features:
as representative as possible. of the use of the i) Environmental Conditions - In practice
item in practice. Since the real conditions of simplifications become necessary but
use ( including foreseeable abnormal use, the conditions finally adopted should
malfunction or failure ) of a product are simulat- bear as much relationship as possible
ed as closely as possible and the design of the to the environment which is being
test procedure is related to the actual risks, such modelled.
tests assess the relevant aspects of the fire hazard
associated with the use of an item. Hazard ii) Realistic Examination - The validity
assessment test is a new term for such types of of test data is related to the mauner of
tests which are in common use, by safety autho- use and installation of the item and
rities and others, in codes and regulations. its association with other items.
The findings of such tests may not be valid iii) Discriminafion - Those properties and
when a change of design is made or when characteristics of the test procedure
the conditions of use are changed from those which are of interest should be
simulated in the test. checked for their sensitivity, re-
producibility and repeatability.
5.2 Combustion Characteristic Tests - These iv) Expression of Resulrs - The test results
tests examine the behaviour of standardized
shall be given in easily understood
specimens under defined conditions and are used
terms giving a fully objective descrip-
in most cases to give data on properties related
tlon. All indefinite ( subjective) phras-
to burning,behaviour and for comparative evalua-
eology shall be avoided.
tion. The data provided by such combustion
characteristic tests are usually not representative e> If a new test procedure is to be developed,
for other conditions to which the specimen may quantify the essential features as listed
be subjected. above. Further important features are
the purpose of the test, the limitations of
Combustion characteristic tests can be quite the test, the use of the information it
useful when designed to simulate as closely as provides, and the ease of operation.
possible the situation to which a material or
part may be exposed in actual use. They may
f> Specify acceptance criteria appropriate to
the resistance to ignition and propagation
then lead to proper selection of materials, com- of fire of the tested item.
ponents, and parts which will meet the appro-
priate requirement when testing the complete d Undertake an investigation of the pro-
posed test procedure and study its ability
product. to meet the objectives.
6. PREPARATION OF REQUIREMENTS h) Prepare the standard for the test method
AND TEST SPECIFICATIONS including the relevant information on its
field of application, its limitations and
6.0 When preparing requirements and test reservations, and on the use of the test
specifications with regard to fire hazard testing results obtained. Make reference in the
of electronic and electrical items it is suggested standard to a recommended test procedure
that the committees follow the procedure shown wherever possible.
below. 6.2 Terminology - It is recommended that all
In case where fire tests are not yet specified technical committees:
and need to be developed or altered for the a) use the latest vocabulary and definitions
special purpose of any other technical com- in the field of fire tests, and
mittee, this should be done in close liaison with
the committee responsible for the preparation b) avoid merely descriptive phraseology,
of this standard. such as fiercely burning, easily ignitable,
non-combustible, etc, which may be mis-
6.1 Procedure leading in the field of fire hazard testing.
a>Establish the need for a test, its type and 6.3 Decision Tree - As far as the hazard concepts
identify the main objectives. of 2 are concerned, the preparation of require-
b) Examine the known existing and recom- ments and test specifications with regard to fire
mended test procedures developed for a hazard testing of electronic and electrical items
similar purpose and their possible suita- can be facilitated and the presence of intended
bility and shortcomings. and appropriate measures can be verified by
4 Collect as much background information taking into consideration the decision tree given
as possible on the fire aspects to which in Appendix A.


( Clause 6.3 ) ,_ .:

, Fire hazard concept Safety objectives Requirements for protection Means of proteciion

I Prevent ignition -Control heat-energy souree p. -Limit presence of hea!-energy
- l -Limit by design -- Hazard asscssm!:nt test
e Limit by user action -.-__- Use conditions w
L-Limit rate of heat-energy Limit power supply -I___ Installation conditions
release %!
I- Control heat-energy transfer l Control heat-transfer process - l Provide bnrricr or - ~-- --- Hazard assessment test
-o- separation
-Control conduction, convection ~~-- Installation conditions

and radiation
i Control fuel transport Provide barrier or ~---~---- Hazard assessment te<t
Control fuel response -Lnnit fuel presence e -L.imit by design -.~ Il.tzard assesmcnt tcst

-Limit by user action ~---__- t_!se conditions

T .-Limit poucr supply --_ Installation condttions

I Control fuel ignitability Control combustion -_I_ Combustion characteristics rest

Manage fire-rimpact combustion process - ~Control fuel l -Control fuel properties --__ Combustion characteristics test

-Control fuel quanlity Installation-, environmental-,

and use-conditions
Control the envtronment 1 Control fuel distribution ~

Control fire by construction Control movement of fire - . -Contain fire, provide Installation conditions, and
barrier hazard assessment test
Suppress fire Provide fire detection and e Vent fire, provide path Installation-, use-conditions
suppression device

$ or-gate. -
(i9 and/or-gate. .*<

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