My First Book
My First Book
My First Book
Well, that
means you
want to
request to
your friend
to do
as you want.
Look at the following photo. Then answer the
Activity 1
question orally.
Activity 2 Pronounce these words correctly and find the meaning
Turn On tɜrn ɑn
Pick up pɪk ʌp
Hang up hæŋ ʌp
Clean up klin ʌp
Activity 3 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Agung: Excuse me, would you open that door? It’s very hot here
Dialogue II
Rara: Certainly
Dialogue III
Kiki: I wonder if you can take these letters to the post office.
Titin: I’m afraid I can’t because I have to rush off to my sister’s after the
Dialogue IV
Activity 4 Ways to say it
Perhaps you ever heard your friends ask you or order you to do
something. The expression used by your friends, structurally is called
as the expression of making request. Study this following form!
Activity 5 Act the following dialogues with your friend and answer
the questions
Mrs. Field: Lisa, please pick up your things. They’re all over the living room floor.
4. Who is Lisa?
Activity 6 Work in pairs. Try to make request of help and response
it agree or refuse, using the situations below.
Activity 7 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Ravik: Yes. I am
Dialogue II
Dialogue III
Activity 8 Ways to say it
You can use these expressions to ask for items from someone.
• Can I have ...?
• Can you give me ...?
• May I have ...?
~ 10 ~
Activity 9 Work in pairs. Try to ask items and response it agree or
refuse, about the pictures below.
~ 11 ~
Chapter 2
Does it smell good?
~ 12 ~
I want to ask a fact
to my friend. But I
don’t know how to
do that.
Well, that
means you
want to ask
happen to
your friend
You need to
use the
expression to
tell your
question. Let’s
take a look the
explanation in
this chapter
~ 13 ~
Look at the following photo. Then answer the
Activity 1
question orally.
~ 14 ~
Activity 2 Pronounce these words correctly and find the meaning
Fact fækt
Admit ədˈmɪt
Deny dɪˈnaɪ
Flower ˈflaʊər
Botanical bəˈtænɪkəl
Surprise sərˈpraɪz
Beautiful ˈbjutəfəl
Smell smɛl
Wonder ˈwʌndər
Lie laɪ
Accident ˈæksədənt
Tree tri
Massive ˈmæsɪv
Lorry ˈlɔri
Traffic ˈtræfɪk
Jam ʤæm
Headache ˈhɛˌdeɪk
True tru
False fɔls
~ 15 ~
Activity 3 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Dialogue II
Ria: I heard that your sister won swimming competition last week?
Lia: No, that’s not true. I did not come because I got headache.
Dialogue III
Joy: Is it your first day to go to this school? I never see you before!
Vay: Absolutely!
Dialogue IV
~ 16 ~
Activity 4 Ways to say it
Admitting Fact
- Here’s the fact/story. …
- Let me tell you. …
- Well the facts/story is like this …
- Yes, it’s true.
Denying Fact
- It’s not true …
- No, it never happens.
- No, I do not do that.
~ 17 ~
Activity 5 Act the following dialogues with your friend and answer
the questions
Baron and Jaja are visiting the Bogor Botanical Garden. Jaja wants to
see the Raflesia flower.
Jaja: I’ve never seen a Raflesia flower.
Baron: You’ll be surprised when you see it?
Jaja: Why? Is it beautiful?
Baron: Yes, because it is big and very beautiful.
Jaja: Does it smell good!
Baron: Yes, it smells very good.
Jaja: I can’t wait to see it.
After a few minutes, they arrive at the Raflesia flower place.
Baron: Anyway, that is the Raflesia flower. (Pointing at the Raflesia flower)
Jaja: Wow, it is beautiful.
Baron: Just like I said, right?
Jaja: Yes. But I still smell something. The smell is stronger now. I wonder
Ron, you said a Raflesia flower smells good, didn’t you?
Baron: I didn’t lie to you.
Jaja: Yes, you did. You lied to me. This flower doesn’t smell good at all. It
smells very bad.
Baron: Yes, it does. I lied to you.
Jaja: Now you admit it.
Baron: I was just trying to give you a surprise for you.
~ 18 ~
Activity 6 Work in pairs. Try to make conversation about admitting
or denying fact, using the situations below.
1. Your sister, Muti, has passed the civil servant test as a mathematics
~ 19 ~
Activity 7 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Syifa: Yes I know seruit. By the way, which one is more delicious? Seruit or
sate of mushroom?
Syifa: I don’t think so. I think sate of mushroom is more delicious than seruit
because sate of mushroom is my favorite food.
Syifa: I think so
Dialogue III
Daniel: This store has various items. There are many clothes and souvenirs
Miley: Yes, you’re right.
Daniel: What do you think about this shirt?
Miley: Mm… but I don’t think red is the right color for you. I think blue will
be better.
Daniel: Do you really think so? I think red is nice.
Miley: Actually, I think red is too bright for you.
Daniel: Mm… I guess you’re right.
Miley: But there is no blue shirt here. Let’s ask to the shopkeeper.
Daniel: Yeah…
~ 20 ~
Activity 8 Ways to say it
You can use these expressions to say that you agree with the opinion.
• Yes, I agree.
• That’s true.
You can use these expressions to say that you disagree with the opinion.
• I don’t agree.
• No, I don’t think....
~ 21 ~
Activity 9 Work in pairs. Try to make conversation about asking
opinion and the response about the things in the pictures
~ 22 ~
Chapter 3
I am going to have my birthday party
~ 23 ~
I will have a party
tonight. But I don’t
know how to invite
my friends
Well, that
means you
want to
request to
your friend
to go
as you want.
You need to
use the
expression to
tell your
Let’s take a
look the
explanation in
this chapter
~ 24 ~
Look at the following photo. Then answer the
Activity 1
question orally.
~ 25 ~
Activity 2 Pronounce these words correctly and find the meaning
Party pɑrti
Permission pərˈmɪʃən
Anniversary ænəˈvɜrsəri
Celebrating sɛləˌbreɪtɪŋ
Cake keɪk
Birthday ˈ bɜrθˌdeɪ
Guest gɛst
Gift gɪft
Candle ˈ kændəl
Decoration ˌ dɛkəˈreɪʃən
Food fud
Balloon bəˈlun
~ 26 ~
Activity 3 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Ahmad: I’m fine too. By the way, I would like to invite you to my wedding
Dialogue II
June: Pretty good. By the way, can you come to my house tomorrow night;
we will have a party with friends.
Dialogue III
Bob: Would you like to come to my birthday party next Saturday night?
Ginny: I’m awfully sorry but I’ve got to go somewhere that night.
~ 27 ~
Activity 4 Ways to say it
~ 28 ~
Activity 5 Act the following dialogues with your friend and answer
the questions
Dialogue 1
Diana, her friends Shinta and Toni are walking home from school.
They are talking about a party at Diana’s house tonight.
Diana: Shinta, I am going to have a party tonight. Would you like to come?
Shinta: I’d love to! By the way, what are you celebrating?
Diana: That’s my birthday party.
Shinta: Oh Happy Birthday
Diana: Thank you. Will you come to my party?
Toni: I’m sorry, I can’t. My parents are going to go to the hospital. I may be
late getting to your party, is that all right?
Diana: Yes, it’s all right as long as you are allowed by your parents.
Shinta: Hmm, speaking about parents, I have to call my father to ask his
Dialogue 2
Shinta is using her cell phone to call her father at her
Shinta: Hello, good afternoon, Dad!
Mr. Kusye: Afternoon, Shinta.
Shinta: Dad, can I go to Diana’s party tonight, please?
Tomorrow is a holiday. I don’t have any homework.
Mr. Kusye: Yes, certainly, but what time will the party be over?
Shinta: I think about 11 p.m., Dad.
Mr. Kusye: Well, I’m afraid I can’t let you stay until 11, Shinta. We are
going to go to your grandparents the next morning. How about if I
pick you up at 10, so you’ll have time to rest before you go for
the trip.
Shinta: All right, Dad. Thanks. See you later.
~ 29 ~
Answer the questions orally based on the previous dialogues.
1. Who is going to have a party?
2. Does Shinta accept the invitation to the party?
3. How about Toni? Does he accept the invitation too?
4. Is Toni going to come to the party?
5. Does Shinta’s father allow Shinta to stay at Diana’s party until the party is over?
Why or why not?
~ 30 ~
Activity 6 Complete the dialogues below using the expression of
accepting and declining invitation
1. Your friend invites you to come to his/her house to do homework
Nia: Do you want to come to my house? We can do our homework together.
Adi :………………………………………………………………………..
2. It is late in the evening, your friend asks you to come to his/ her house
for a drink.
Ajeng : Come and have a drink at my house.
Ika : ………………………………………………………………………..
3. You are invited by your new friend to watch a football match at the
football stadium. Your favourite team is going to play.
Bayu : Would you like to come and watch the football game with me? The
Indonesian team is going to play against the All-Star team.
Ikbal : ………………………………………………………………………..
5. Your father is having dinner in the dining room. He asks you to come
with him. But you’ve already eaten your dinner.
Mr Ray : Donny, have you had your dinner yet? Come to join me?
Donny : ………………………………………………………………………..
~ 31 ~
Activity 7 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Dialogue II
Dialogue III
Dialogue IV
Hana: Which one do you think the most beautiful country in the world?
Ari: I think is my country Indonesia
Hana: Yeah, I think so.
~ 32 ~
Activity 8 Ways to say it
Agreeing in English
Strong agreement
Partly agreeing
"Yes, but…"
Disagreeing strongly
~ 33 ~
Activity 9 Fill in the blank with appropriate expression
Donny: (Agree)……………………………………………………..
Danu: (Disagree)……………………………………………………..
Rara: (Agree)……………………………………………………..
Gilang: (Disagree)……………………………………………………..
Lina: (Agree)……………………………………………………..
Jane: (Disagree)……………………………………………………..
~ 34 ~
Chapter 4
~ 35 ~
My friend wins a
competition. But I
don’t know how to
congratulate him,
Well, that
means you
want to
praise for a
You need to
use the
expression to
tell your
Let’s take a
look the
explanation in
this chapter
~ 36 ~
Look at the following photo. Then answer the
Activity 1
question orally.
~ 37 ~
Activity 4 Pronounce these words correctly and find the meaning
Congratulation kənˌgræʧəˈleɪʃən
Economics ˌ ɛkəˈnɑmɪks
Competition ˌ kɑmpəˈtɪʃən
Trophy ˈ troʊfi
Success səkˈsɛs
Team tim
Astronomy əˈstrɑnəmi
First fɜrst
Second ˈ sɛkənd
Third θɜrd
Fight faɪt
Modify ˈ mɑdəˌfaɪ
Motorcycle ˈ moʊtərˌsaɪkəl
Accessories ækˈsɛsəriz
Paint peɪnt
Medical ˈ mɛdəkəl
Headmaster ˈ hɛdˈmæstər
Mathematics ˌ mæθəˈmætɪks
Compliment ˈ kɑmpləmənt
~ 38 ~
Activity 3 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Boby: Hi, Don. I heard that you got the best grades in this year exams,
didn’t you?
Dony: That’s right.
Boby: Congratulations!
Dony: Thank you.
Dony’s father: Well done, Don. I’m very proud of you.
Dony’s mother: I’m glad to hear that.
Dony: Thank you, Dad, Mom
Dialogue II
Dialogue III
~ 39 ~
Activity 3 Ways to say it
Congratulating Someone
I congratulate you on your achievements
Congratulation on your success
Congratulation on your achievements
Good job!
Nice work!!
Well done, congratulation for you
How fortunate
You did very well
You have done a good work
I’d be the first to congratulate you on your success
I’d like to congratulate you on your success
Thank you
It’s very kind of you to say so
Thanks you very much for saying so
Thanks for your saying
I am glad you think so
Oh, it’s nothing special actually
Thank you, I still have to learn more
Oh, not really
Oh, it was really nothing
Nothing to it
~ 40 ~
Activity 5 Act the following dialogues with your friend and answer
the questions
Rahel: Hey, Daniel! How was the economics competition? Did you and your
team go home with the trophy?
Daniel: Thank God, we did. Fortunately we succeeded to get the first place.
Rahel: Wow that’s a good job, Dan. Congratulation on your team success!
Daniel: Thank you very much for saying so, Rahel. So, how about you and
your team in astronomy competition?
Rahel: Unfortunately, I and my team didn’t get the first place. We got the
third place but I was really happy since we had won over many other teams
and gone that far.
Danie: That’s the spirit, Rahel! I am sure you and your friend did it very well.
I congratulate you on your great success.
Rahel: Thank you very much, Daniel. We still have to learn more to be the
first like your teams did.
Daniel: Cool! Let’s fight for the next competition!
~ 41 ~
Activity 6 Complete the dialogues below using the expression
Situation I
Andy: ……………………………………………
Situation II
1. Your friend got the predicate as the best student in the international mathematics
~ 42 ~
Activity 8 Act the following dialogues with your friend.
Dialogue I
Dialogue II
~ 43 ~
Activity 9 Ways to say it
~ 44 ~
Activity 10 Work in pairs. Try to make conversation about
compliment and the response about the things in the
pictures below.
~ 45 ~
Turn On (tɜrn ɑn): To activate or cause to flow, operate, or function by or
as if by turning a control
Turn Off (tɜrn ɔf): To stop the flow of or shut off by or as if by turning a
Deny (dɪˈnaɪ): State that one refuses to admit the truth or existence
~ 46 ~
Wonder (wʌndər): A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by
something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar
Tree (tri): A woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk
growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some
distance from the ground.
Cake (keɪk): An item of soft sweet food made from a mixture of flour, fat,
eggs, sugar, and other ingredients, baked and sometimes iced or decorated
~ 47 ~
Birthday (bɜrθˌdeɪ): The anniversary of the day on which a person was born,
typically treated as an occasion for celebration and the giving of gifts
Food (fud): Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or
those plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth
Balloon (bəˈlun): A small coloured rubber bag which is inflated with air and
then sealed at the neck, used as a child’s toy or a decoration
~ 48 ~
Second (sɛkənd): Two
Paint (peɪnt): A coloured substance which is spread over a surface and dries
to leave a thin decorative or protective coating
Hair style (hɛr staɪl): A particular way in which a person’s hair is cut or
~ 49 ~
Astrid, A. (2014). Let's Talk II (Speaking II). Palembang: IAIN Raden Fatah.
Agustya, F., Amalia, S., Qudus, C, A. (2011). Perfection: Perfecting your english,
understanding the culture. Palembang.
~ 50 ~
About the Author
~ 51 ~