Floralformulae Taxon PDF
Floralformulae Taxon PDF
Floralformulae Taxon PDF
• Floral formulae
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/635.35
Abstract This paper is a discussion and elaboration of a paper by Prenner & al. (2010), entitled “Floral formulae updated for
routine inclusion in formal taxonomic descriptions”. The aim of the Prenner paper was to promote the use of floral formulae
in botany and to reach a consensus among botanists for best practice. An important purpose of floral formulae is to induce
users to observe and describe flowers accurately. It is proposed that additional information on anther, ovule, style and stigma
should be included. Also, only visible organs should be included in a formula and theoretical speculations should be illustrated
with floral diagrams, which are complementary to formulae, unless there is good reason to include absent organs. We propose
a universal, standardized method to accurately shorthand a description of a flower. The level of detail given in the formula can
be highly flexible and depends on the intentions of the user.
INTRODUCTION to describe flowers. Prenner & al. (2010: 241) also suggested
that floral formulae should be an inherent component of plant
Flowers are remarkably conservative in their numbers diagnoses and taxonomic descriptions, “functioning as a logi-
of parts. Whichever flower of Erodium (Geraniaceae) a keen cal phenotypic counterpart to the DNA barcode”. It is clear that
observer will look at (see Fig. 1A), he will always find the same floral formulae have a clear advantage over lengthy descrip-
number of whorls and the same number of organs within each tions, as the structure of a flower can be presented in a suc-
whorl of the flower (five sepals and petals, two whorls of five cinct way, accessible to any reader. As such floral formulae
stamens, one of which is sterile, and five carpels: Fig. 1A). are a powerful incentive for consistent observations and also
Flower morphologists have sought for ways to succinctly a valuable teaching tool (Prenner & al., 2010). Prenner & al.
describe flowers, and a perfect tool was conceived in the form of advocate the use of symbols that can be reproduced easily with
floral formulae. The first floral formulae were created in the first a non-sophisticated computer, enabling its universal use.
decades of the nineteenth century and have been progressively Floral diagrams, two-dimensional representations of the
developed especially in Germany. For an overview of the history ground-plan of the flower, are the major counterpart to flo-
of the use of floral formulae we refer to Prenner & al. (2010). ral formulae in floral descriptions. As discussed in Ronse De
Although floral formulae (together with floral diagrams) Craene (2010), floral formulae have a disadvantage against
have been integral part of the basic teaching in botany, the floral diagrams in that it is difficult to describe the position
recent depreciation of botany at universities has not helped in of organs in the flower, and impossible to show any spatial
the recognition of the value of this methodology. Few recent arrangements or any conspicuous special structures, such as
papers or textbooks use floral formulae, often in a very simpli- nectaries, coronas or appendages. However, floral formulae
fied and frequently inconsistent form, such as Judd & al. (2002), have the advantage that they do not necessitate any pictorial
Stützel (2006), Tsou & Mori (2007), Leins & Erbar (2010), or means. They also open possibilities for comparative research
Simpson (2010). and the understanding of trends in flower evolution.
The value of floral formulae has been highlighted by We agree with Prenner & al. (2010) that floral formulae
Prenner & al. (2010) who proposed an updated list of symbols (as well as floral diagrams) are under-used tools in systematic
Received: 10 Mar 2014 | returned for first revision: 15 Apr 2014 | last revision received: 9 Jun 2014 | accepted: 9 Jun 2014 | published online ahead
of inclusion in print and online issues: 24 Sep 2014 || © International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) 2014
Fig. 1. Examples of flowers to illustrate different floral formulae. A, flower of Erodium corsicum Léman (Geraniaceae) with five equal petals.
The abaxial side of the flower is below. B, flower of Lewisia cotyledon (S.Watson) B.L.Rob. (Montiaceae). The flower consists of two median
bracteoles and a variable number of tepals (sepals), consisting of two outer lateral sepals (asterisks) and a variable number of median sepals.
C, flower of Penstemon sp. (Plantaginaceae) laid open, showing the arrangement of different parts. The androecium consists of two pairs of sta-
mens of different length. D, lateral view of flower of Blumenbachia hieronymi Urb. (Loasaceae). Note the white petals alternating with coloured
staminode complexes, which consist of five staminodes. E, large complex flower of Nymphaea sp. (Nymphaeaceae) showing an arrangement of
alternating whorls that can be detected in the sepals (white numbers) and outer petals (black numbers); the inner whorls are less clear but androe-
cium and carpels are arranged in ten orthostichies. F, asymmetric flower of Vigna linearis (Kunth) Maréchal & al. (Leguminosae). The abaxial
(keel) petals are transformed into a coil that holds androecium and twisted style.
research. Therefore, we believe that a broader use of these tools structures of unknown/unclear origin), K for calyx, Corolla,
should be encouraged. Ronse De Craene (2010: 39) came up Perigon, Androecium, Gynoecium), and a use of lower case
with a list of abbreviations comparable to Prenner & al. (2010), letters for specific structures that are part of organs, such as
although it was less elaborate. However, the advantages of flo- locules, ovules (including their position on the placenta), pollen
ral formulae for educational purposes are clear and lecturers sacs, styles and stigmas.
may adapt a personal approach (E. Smets, pers. comm.). As The inclusion of details of the flower, such as the number
suggested by Prenner & al. (2010), their proposed system is of pollen sacs or locules forces the user to accurately observe
open for discussion, and Taxon is probably a good medium to the flower to record as many details as possible. Not including
start this discussion. The ultimate aim is to reach consensus these details in a consistent manner may lead to inconsisten-
among botanists for the use of a balanced and universal system. cies in the recording of data, either by implying the presence
of floral characters, when these have never been checked,
or by assuming that the user will always know the relevant
A REEVALUATION OF FLORAL FORMULAE characters. Several qualitative features can be shown through
superscript symbols and Prenner & al. use this to great effect.
The following points are a criticism of the paper by Prenner For example, C stands for the number of petals, while c stands
& al. (2010) and suggestions for improvement. We also refer to for petaloidy, which can be used as a special feature of the
Table 1 for clarity. perigon. A calyx can often be pigmented, as, e.g., in Fuchsia
The floral formulae proposed by Prenner & al. (2010) are (Onagraceae) and this can be shown as Kc. Pc stands for a
very detailed and contain more information than classical for- petaloid perigon, when it is not possible to differentiate sepals
mulae, including extrafloral organs associated with flowers, from petals, as in tulips (Weberling, 1989).
such as bracts and bracteoles, and gynoecial characters, such Inclusion of bracts and bracteoles in floral formulas is use-
as the placentation and ovules. However, it is best to maintain ful, although strictly speaking they belong to the inflorescence.
a hierarchical arrangement with subcategories. Treating parts Bracteoles are generally paired in eudicots and single in mono-
of organs (i.e., ovules) at the same level as the organs leads to cots (Ronse De Craene, 2010). However, in some cases with a
confusion and makes the floral formulae appear too complex. multitude of bracts surrounding the flower a strict distinction
A better approach includes a restriction of capital letters to between bracts and bracteoles is not possible (e.g., Reaumuria
the main organs associated with the flower (see Table 1) Bract, in Tamaricaceae: Ronse De Craene, 1990). Boundaries of flow-
Bracteole, Epicalyx (i.e., agroup of structures below the flower ers can be vague, with no clear separation of bracts and sepals
resembling an extra calyx; this can be a whorl of bracts or (e.g., Strasburgeria in Strasburgeriaceae; Clusia in Clusiaceae),
Table 1. Proposal for an improved use of symbols in floral formulae (partly based on Prenner & al., 2010 and Ronse De Craene, 2010).
Median monosymmetry
Transverse monosymmetry
Oblique monosymmetry
Spiral flower
B Bract
Bt Bracteole
E Epicalyx (generally of bract origin but occasionally stipular)
K Calyx (number of sepals) (superscript = sepaloid organ)
C Corolla (number of petals) (superscript = petaloid organ)
P Perigon (number of tepals; no differentiation between calyx and corolla)
A Androecium (number of stamens) (superscript ∞ or definite number refers to stamen fascicles)
Aobd Obdiplostemony
Aobh Obhaplostemony
G Gynoecium (number of carpels)
G -G- G Position of ovary: superior, half-inferior, inferior
or with shifts of bracts within the limits of flowers in the form to be preferred. The symmetry symbol is placed before the epi-
of an epicalyx (e.g., Hibiscus in Malvaceae, Dipsacus in Cap- calyx members to show that the epicalyx is clearly connected
rifoliaceae). In the case of Thunbergia (Acanthaceae) and to the flower (e.g., Lewisia, Potentilla: Fig. 1B; Table 2). This
Calystegia (Convolvulaceae) the two large bracteoles behave is also shown for Meliosma, where bracteoles and sepals are
as an epicalyx enclosing the flower but they are still distinc- impossible to differentiate from each other (Table 2; Wanntorp
tive organs (Weberling, 1989). In some cases the epicalyx may & Ronse De Craene, 2007).
even replace the original calyx (e.g., Thunbergia, Acanthaceae: Prenner & al. (2010) also include the placentation and
Schönenberger & Endress, 1998). An epicalyx can have differ- ovules in the floral formulae. This information is generally
ent origins (possibly stipular in Rosaceae and bract-derived missing from formulae, which are restricted to the organs and
in Malvaceae: Eichler, 1878; Weberling, 1989), or the origin is their number, and in the case of carpels include their position
debatable (e.g., Lythraceae: Cadet, 1954; Mayr, 1969). In cases (superior, G; half inferior, -G-; inferior, G ). Prenner & al. use a
where the epicalyx is clearly developed, the use of the letter E is single symbol V for describing the number of ovules and refer
Table 1. Continued.
Elements of organs
lo Number of locules (allows for recognizing false septa)
ov Ovule number per ovary
ova Apical placentation
ovb Basal placentation
ovc Free-central placentation
ovl Laminar placentation
ovm Marginal placentation
ovp Parietal placentation
ovx Axile placentation
ovx-p Both axile and parietal present in the same ovary
ps Number of pollen sacs per anther
psl Longitudinal dehiscence
psp Poricidal dehiscence
pst Transversal dehiscence
psv Valvular dehiscence
sty Number of styles
stya Apical style(s)
styg Gynobasic style(s)
sti Stigma number (whether multilobed or single)
stia Apical stigma (not possible to define its position relative to the carpels)
stica Carinal stigma (opposite the carpels)
stico Commissural stigma (alternating with the carpels)
Additional information
+ Indicates when several whorls of the same organ can be distinguished
: Indicates differences within an organ whorl
Fusion of organs at three different levels: ( ), within the same whorl; [ ], involving two different whorls; { }, involving three differ-
( ) [ ] { } ent whorls. Symbols used for organs reflecting mainly congenital fusion or hypanthial growth
^ Represents a calyptra or fusion of pollen sacs and stigmas or styles; e.g., C^
° Refers to organ reduction (can be used for the whole organ category, e.g. G°, or for part of the organs (e.g., A5° + 5)
– Refers to a range of organ number. The most common number is shown in bold (e.g., K4–5–6)
∞ Many organs, when definite numbers cannot be counted or are unknown
♀ Female (pistillate) flower
♂ Male (staminate) flower
® Resupination
Table 2. Examples of floral formulae of flowers of diverse families encompassing variable structures. Note that the floral formulae proposed in this
table use a large number of possibilities for the description of the flower, but their ultimate application depends on the needs of users.
Species name Family Floral formula Reference
Amborella trichopoda Amborellaceae ♂ B1 Q Bt2 Pc9–11 A12–21 psl2:2 G0 Buzgo & al., 2004; Ronse De
Baill. ♀ B1 Q Bt2 Pc7–8 A°0–2 G4–5–6 lo1 sty0 stica1 ovb1 Craene, 2010
Nymphaea sp. Nymphaeaceae B1 Kc2+2 Cc4+8+4+4 A∞ psl2:2 -G-10–18 lo1 Fig. 1E; Ronse De Craene, 2010
sty0 stica1 ovl∞
Laurus nobilis L. Lauraceae ♂ B1 Pc2+2 A4+2+2+4 psv1:1 G0 L.P. Ronse De Craene, pers. obs.;
♀ B1 Pc2+2 A°2 G1 lo1 sty a1 stica1 ov a1 Watson & Dallwitz, 1992+
Canna indica L.* Cannaceae B1 Bt1 7 Kk(3) [Cc3 Ac1°–3°+11⁄2 :1⁄2°:2°] psl1/1°:0 Ronse De Craene, 2010; Almeida &
G(3) lo3 sty a1 stia1:1° ovx∞ al., 2013
Meliosma veitchiorum Sabiaceae B1 Bt2 Kk3 Cc2:3 A2:3° psv1:1 G(2) lo2 stya2 Wanntorp & Ronse De Craene, 2007;
Hemsl. stica2 ovm2 Ronse De Craene & Wanntorp, 2008
Lewisia cotyledon Montiaceae B1 Bt2 /n E2 Kc8–13 A6–8–11 psl2:2 G(2–3) lo3 Fig. 1B; Dos Santos & Ronse De
(S.Watson) B.L.Rob. sty a1 stico3 ov fc2 Craene, in prep.
Potentilla fruticosa L. Rosaceae B1 Bt2 Ek5 Kk5 Cc5 A10+5+5+10 psl2:2 G∞ lo1 Lindenhofer & Weber, 2000
sty a1 stica ov b1
Vigna linearis (Kunth) Papilionoid B1 Bt2 7 Kk(2:3)Cc2^7 :2:1 A(9:1) psl2:2 G1 lo1 Fig. 1F; Dwyer & al., 1980
Maréchal & al. Leguminosae sty a7 1 stica1 ov x10
Chamaecrysta desvauxii Caesalpinioid B1 Bt2 7 Kc5 Cc4:1 A5+5 psl2:2 G1 lo1 sty a1 stica1 Costa & al., 2007; A. Iwamoto,
(Colladi) Killip Leguminosae ov x11–13 pers. obs.
Mimusops elengi Wight Sapotaceae B1 Kc4+4 [Cc4+4 A8°+8] psl2:2 G(8) lo8 sty a1 Kümpers & al., subm.
stica8 ov x1
Fremontodendron califor- Malvaceae B1 Bt2 Kc5 C0 (A5°+52) pst2 G(5) lo5 sty a1 stica1 Von Balthazar & al., 2006; Van Heel,
nicum (Torr.) Coville** ov x∞ 1966
Blumenbachia hieronymi Loasaceae B1 Kk5 Cc5 A3°:2°:∞ psl2:2 G(3) lo1 sty a1 stia1 Fig. 1D; Hufford, 1990
Urb. ov p∞
Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllaceae ♂7 Q Pk7–12 A∞ psl2:2 Iwamoto & al., 2003; in prep.
demersum L.*** ♀ Pk5–9 G1 stya1 stia1 ov a1
* The fertile stamen consists of one theca, half of which is petaloid and the other half is fertile; the other theca is aborted (Almeida & al., 2013).
Therefore only one pollen sac is fertile.
** The sterile stamen is fused with two antepetalous stamens in a triplet resembling an ordinary, but highly fragmented stamen (von Balthazar &
al., 2006).
*** The perianth of Ceratophyllum is questionably present and could represent a series of bracts.
to the placentation as a secondary condition by an additional certain developmental stage but are absent in mature flowers
lowercase character (e.g., Va, for apical placentation). They use (e.g., Choob, 1999), has meaning for developmental floral for-
this symbol instead of the symbol O as they believe it avoids mulae (see below), but not for descriptions of mature flowers.
confusion with a zero. However, the use of V for ovules is Reduced organs obviously show a progression in their reduc-
counterintuitive. The use of lowercase and the symbol “ov” tion, as staminodes can be sterile stamens with aborted anthers,
removes this difficulty. Instead of describing the placentation or small, barely developed stubs (Ronse De Craene & Smets,
as a second lowercase character, we advocate the use of super- 2001; Ronse De Craene & al., 2002). If there is sufficient evi-
script, such as ovp for parietal placentation. dence for a staminodial nature, any stubs should be referred
The description of the flower is also incomplete and remains to as A°. Nectar leaves of Ranunculaceae are best described as
inconsistent by only describing ovules without mentioning the sterile stamens. In unisexual flowers the lost carpels or stamens
anthers with pollen sacs. Although anthers are generally dithe- can be represented in the floral formulae, as done in Table 2.
cal and tetrasporangiate in the majority of angiosperms with However, this decision lies with the user in the context of floral
two pollen sacs in each theca (symbol “ps”, shown as ps 2:2), evolution.
variation should be acknowledged, such as loss of one theca (ps A number of abbreviations in Prenner & al. (2010) are
2:0) or loss of one pollen sac in each theca (ps 1:1). Therefore for misleading or insufficiently clear (see Table 1). For example,
the sake of consistency, we propose the use of “ps” for pollen oblique monosymmetry is shown by the symbol “ø”, but
sacs as opposed to “ov” for ovules. Dehiscence of pollen sacs this does not convey any information about the orientation
can also be shown, as this is an important diagnostic character: of monosymmetry. We advocate the use of different arrows
psl for lateral dehiscence, psv for valvate dehiscence, pst for () reflecting the direction of oblique monosymmetry.
transversal dehiscence, and psp for poricidal dehiscence. Stützel (2006) followed a similar approach. The same applies
Although details provided by Prenner & al. (2010) enrich for disymmetry, using “ ” instead of “ + ”. Prenner & al. (2010)
our understanding of the flower structure, the list is not com- use a separate symmetry symbol for each type of organ in the
plete and there is room to add further details of style and flower. Symmetry obviously varies in the flower, but several
stigma. Style number (symbol “sty”) can be variable reflect- reasons can be responsible for this, including gravity and loss
ing the number of carpels or styles can be single. The vertical of organs (see Endress, 1999). For example, what can be done
insertion of the style (apical or gynobasic) can be shown with with cases where stamens are inserted in a regular whorl, but
the superscript characters stya and styg. While a style can hang down on one side of the flower? Is this to be described
be either present or absent, stigmatic tissue (symbol “sti”) is as a monosymmetric or a polysymmetric androecium as, e.g.,
most often developed. The horizontal insertion of styles and in several Amaryllidaceae? Flowers may also change their
stigmas relative to the carpels can be carinal (i.e., opposite the symmetry by late developmental processes (Endress, 1999;
carpels, shown with stica) or commissural (i.e., alternating Tucker, 1999). In the case of Vigna (Leguminosae) flowers
with the carpels, shown with stico). When the stigma is apical become asymmetric due to a coiling of the keel petals and
(i.e., terminal without clear association with the carpels), this style (Fig. 1F). In Chamaecrista and Senna (Leguminosae)
can be shown as stia. the flower is asymmetric by unequal growth of petals and sta-
Eichler (1875–1878) distinguished between empirical and mens and a twist in the ovary, starting early in development
theoretical floral formulae; the former being a description of (Tucker, 1999). This regulates specific pollen deposition on
what one actually sees in a flower and the latter can be a reflec- insects (Endress, 1999). A regular pentamerous flower often
tion of an evolutionary hypothesis. Stützel (2006) and Prenner has a trimerous gynoecium with a single symmetry plane as
& al. (2010) also used theoretical formulae in their distinction in Polemoniaceae and Caryophyllaceae.
of organ reduction (with superscript r) and organ loss (with Describing a different monosymmetry for each whorl obvi-
superscript 0). Ronse De Craene (2010) used the symbol “ ° ” ously adds to the complexity of the floral formula. We suggest
for reduced or sterile organs, such as staminodes (A°) and car- restricting the symbol of symmetry to the whole flower, as we
pellodes (G°). To include absent organs in a floral formula prefer to adhere to the overall perception of symmetry. How-
makes sense only when there is clear evidence for this, such as ever, it should be open to the user if they should wish to add a
absence of petals in a group where petals are generally present different symbol for each whorl, especially in cases where there
(e.g., Fremontodendron californicum in Malvaceae: Table 2). is a clear switch in symmetry between different organs. There
In the example of orchids used by Prenner & al., the androe- are several cases where the flower has a basically symmetrical
cium is presented as A3°+2:1°, following the hypothesis that groundplan, but where the flower is weakly monosymmetric
the androecium has been derived from the monocot ancestral (e.g., Rhododendron, Epilobium, Erodium). It is best to describe
condition A3+3. While this is probably true, a medium such these flowers as polysymmetric. Any indications of monosym-
as a floral diagram is more appropriate to show organ losses, metry in different whorls can be shown by the use of a colon.
where an asterisk shows the position of the lost organ. Depend- This is an important symbol, which shows differences in shape,
ing on the context, we advocate to show only organs that are including partial sterility of the androecium and gynoecium.
visible in the mature flower, even if they are present in early This was done independently by Ronse De Craene (2010) and
developmental stages and are lost at maturity (e.g., the abaxial Prenner & al. (2010) and is particularly useful to show the
petal of Melianthus: Ronse De Craene & al., 2001). Including orientation of petal lobes in a bilabiate flower. For example,
so-called phantom organs, viz. organs that may appear at a some Erodium show distinctive spots on the two adaxial petals
(E. leucanthemum Boiss., E. ×willkommianum Sünd.) or a dif- elements, although additional data complete the description of
ference in size (E. foetidum (L.) L’Her.) and this can be shown the flower that can be used as a shortened diagnosis (cf. Prenner
as C3:2 (L.P. Ronse De Craene, pers. obs.). Therefore C3:2 & al., 2010). The complexity of the floral formulae depends
indicates an arrangement of a lower lip with three petal lobes on the needs of the user. We refer to Table 2 for examples of
and an upper lip with 2 lobes (e.g., Penstemon, Fig. 1C). flowers with occasionally difficult structures.
Contrary to Donoghue & al. (1998) or Prenner & al. (2010)
we do not visualize the sequence from the adaxial (dorsal, pos-
terior) to the abaxial (ventral, anterior) side of the flower, but ADDITIONAL COMPLICATIONS FOR
from the abaxial to the adaxial, as this is the logical direction FLORAL FORMULAE
for a pollinator approaching the flower and also reflects the
sequence of initiation of the petals in many monosymmetric Floral formulae are not static and could be utilized for
flowers (e.g., Tucker, 1999 for Fabaceae; Endress, 1998, 1999 for developmental studies. Changes in the morphology of flowers
Lamiales). “Anterior” linguistically also reflects a precedence during development occur in several groups of plants, especially
in time and space. A partly sterile androecial whorl inserted in the symmetry of the flower (e.g., Endress, 1999; Tucker, 1999;
on different levels can be shown as A2:2:1° as is a common Ronse De Craene & Smets, 2001; Ronse De Craene & al., 2001;
condition in Lamiales (e.g., Penstemon, Fig. 1C). Olson, 2003; Iwamoto & al., 2003; Patchell & al., 2011). This
Pseudomonomery reflects the presence of a single fertile can be highlighted in floral formulae, as has been done for the
carpel out of multiple carpels and refers to an incompletely floral diagram of Tropaeolum by Ronse De Craene & Smets
fertile ovary (see Eckardt, 1937; Ronse De Craene & Smets, (2001). Tsou & Mori (2007) used floral formulae to describe
1998). This is an important diagnostic feature of some families different stages in the development of the complex flowers of
such as Anacardiaceae expressed as G(2°:1), where only a single Lecythidaceae. Leins & Erbar (2010) used symbols to show the
carpel out of three is fertile, while two locules are empty (e.g., direction of stamen development in multistaminate flowers.
Bachelier & Endress, 2009). A full gradation is possible, rang- Indeed, the floral formulae are a useful tool to describe flow-
ing from three fully fertile carpels to a single carpel without ers at different stages of their development and the sequence
any traces of the other two. Apart from Anacardiaceae, this is of initiation of organs, although they should be used for spe-
characteristic for Restionaceae (Ronse De Craene & al., 2002). cific comparative purposes, not involving mature flowers. For
The representation of the position of stamens in the flower example, a whorled centrifugal sequence of stamen initiation
is a feature of great systematic importance. In flowers with can be presented and read in a reversed order in a floral for-
two stamen whorls a distinction can be made between dip- mula (e.g., Capparis: Ronse De Craene & Smets, 1997). The
lostemony (the outer whorl inserted opposite the calyx) and gynoecium can also arise before the androecium, as described
obdiplostemony (the outer whorl inserted in antepetalous or in a number of families (e.g., Ge & al., 2007; Ronse De Craene,
alternisepalous position). In case of a single stamen whorl, it is 2011; Wanntorp & al., 2011). Studies in floral development are
either inserted opposite the calyx (haplostemony) or opposite useful in understanding the structure of the flower, which can
the corolla (obhaplostemony; alternisepalous). Obhaplostemony be obscured at maturity. Especially with large flowers having
and obdiplostemony also have strong phylogenetic significance numerous organs an early developmental sequence can help
as characters (see Ronse De Craene & Smets, 1995; Ronse De in understanding the number and arrangement of organs with
Craene, 2010). Although we agree with Prenner & al. (2010) that complex phyllotaxis, facilitating a depiction with floral formu-
it is important to show the anomalous condition of obdiploste- lae (e.g., Nymphaea in Nymphaeaceae: Fig. 1E; Anaxagorea
mony in the flower, a left-right arrow (n) does not clearly show in Annonaceae: Endress & Armstrong, 2011; Corbichonia in
the number of whorls and can be confused with the symbol of Lophiocarpaceae: Ronse De Craene, 2010; Brockington & al.,
disymmetry; in addition, if other organs are arranged as a series 2013).
of whorls with “+”, this makes little sense. It is better to use Another important issue with constructing floral formu-
“OBH” for obhaplostemony and “OBD” for obdiplostemony in lae is the interpretation of visually striking flower structures,
superscript after the symbol for the stamens (Aobh and Aobd). such as receptacular cups or hypanthia. There is an abundant
This allows for the use of stamen position to reconstruct the literature dealing with the controversy of floral cups being the
spatial understanding of flowers, even in the absence of petals result of fusions of organs or the result of zonal growth lifting
or sepals. organs into a common structure (see Weberling, 1989; Leins
An extreme case of a complex flower is Canna (Cann & Erbar, 2010). The distinction between congenital fusion and
aceae, see Ronse De Craene, 2010; Glinos & Cocucci, 2011; postgenital fusion of organs is intimately linked to this dis-
Almeida & al., 2013) with an androecium derived from two cussion (see Sattler, 1978; Leins & Erbar, 2010). As hypanthia
whorls (A3+3): the outer whorl is restricted to a single sta- or receptacular outgrowths are highly variable in flowers, it
minode and the inner whorl consists of two staminodes with is preferable to limit the use of floral formulae to what can
the fertile part of the androecium restricted to half of a theca: actually be observed in the flower as a connection between
A1°+11⁄2 :1⁄2°:2°. different organs. The use of three kinds of brackets allows for
In the case of Erodium (Fig. 1A), a complete floral formula additional detail although it does not necessarily reflect fusion
would be as follows: B1 Bt1 Kk5 Cc5 Aobd(5+5°) psl2:2 G(5) (see Table 1). Postgenital fusion can occasionally be shown
lo5 stya1 stica5 ovx5. It is not necessary to include all possible by the symbol “ ^ ”, as the connivent anthers in Asteraceae
and Asclepias (Asclepiadaceae) (A5^) or the development of a powerful tool to accurately describe and compare floral mor-
calyptrate corolla in Vitaceae (C5^). Prenner & al. (2010) use the phologies. Presenting exact floral formulae requires a detailed
brackets in subscript and superscript to show the difference in investigation of the flower by the user and is an excellent incen-
the level of fusion, as in Asteraceae with the common stamen- tive to observe flowers in the field and in the classroom.
petal tube shown by [ ] and the fusion of the anthers by ( ). Although there are several parallel systems for building
Nectaries or other appendages (corona appendages, obvi- floral formulae (e.g., the American versus European system),
ous concentrations of tufts of trichomes) are generally omitted we emphasize the need of a universal language that is clear and
from floral formulae, although they can be highly important concise. A consensus among botanists is a necessary require-
visual cues in flowers (e.g., the corona of Narcissus: Waters ment to make the use of floral formulae really worthwhile. We
& al., 2013). Unfortunately, nectaries or coronas are too variable believe that this paper is a step in the right direction.
in position and shape to be incorporated in purely descriptive
floral formulae, as they would add complexity to descriptions.
The use of floral diagrams is complementary in this way. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Another problem is the occasional loss of one of two peri-
anth whorls, leaving a single petaloid perianth, which can either We thank RBGE for providing facilities to organize a Floral Mor-
be derived from a calyx (e.g., in Daphne of Thymelaeaceae) phology Discussion Group, which led to the development of this paper.
or from a corolla (as in Osyris of Santalaceae). This difficulty
can be solved in the context of the knowledge of the phylogeny
of plants in question, where Kc4 C0 and K0 Cc4 can be used LITERATURE CITED
respectively, or a neutral approach can be advocated by using
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