What Is ANSI?: Why Are Standards and Conformance So Important?

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Headquarters Operations

1899 L Street, NW, 11th Floor 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20036 New York, NY 10036
Tel: 202.293.8020 Tel: 212.642.4900



The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization
Behind the scenes, standards make everyday life work. They establish quality and performance specifications
What Is ANSI?
that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity for products, processes, personnel, and systems. Voluntary consensus standards are those developed through AN OVERVIEW
assessment system. Founded in 1918, the Institute works in close collaboration with a process where all views are considered, and affected parties (including government, consumers, and
stakeholders from industry and government to identify and develop standards and business) have reached consensus on the contents. Hundreds of standards developing organizations (SDOs)
conformance–based solutions to national and global priorities. and consortia are engaged in the creation and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards used in virtually
every industry sector. These SDOs — and the experts who populate their committees — work to enhance
Together, standards and the conformity assessment measures that ensure their quality of life and improve the competitiveness of U.S. businesses operating in the global marketplace.
effective use impact more than 80% of global commodity trade, helping to increase
Conformity assessment is a vital link between standards that define product characteristics and the products
efficiency, open markets, and reduce costs. And ANSI is the U.S. leader in fostering
themselves. It provides demonstration that a product, process, system, person, or service fulfills the requirements
that potential for the benefit of businesses across every industry and consumers
identified in a specific standard. It can verify whether a particular product meets a given level of quality or safety.
around the world. ANSI is not itself a standards developing organization. Rather,
And it can provide information about the product’s characteristics, the consistency of those characteristics, and
the Institute oversees the development and use of thousands of standards and
the performance of the product. Testing, inspection, and auditing of products and management systems is as
guidelines by accrediting the procedures of standards developers and approving important as the standard in ensuring that products and systems are safe and perform as expected.
their documents as American National Standards. As an accreditation body, the
Institute assesses the competence of these organizations – as well as conformity
assessment bodies in a variety of disciplines – in assuring marketplace trust and
confidence that goods and services meet standards’ requirements.
An ANSI affiliate organization, Workcred is strengthening the workforce by improving the
Representing the diverse interests of more than 125,000 companies and credentialing system, ensuring its ongoing relevance, and preparing employers, workers,
organizations and 3.5 million professionals, ANSI provides a neutral forum educators, and governments to use it effectively. www.workcred.org
for collaboration between the private and public sectors. ANSI empowers
organizations to strengthen their position in the global economy, while helping to
assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment. A joint initiative of ANSI and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),
the Standards Alliance provides training and support for developing regions’ capacity-
building efforts in standards and conformance. standardsalliance.ansi.org

ANSI MISSION A community-wide partnership administerd by ANSI, Standards Boost Business is showing
To enhance the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating the world how standardization can help companies in every sector increase efficiency and
voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. strengthen their bottom line. www.standardsboostbusiness.org
Headquarters Operations
1899 L Street, NW, 11th Floor 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20036 New York, NY 10036
Tel: 202.293.8020 Tel: 212.642.4900



The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization
Behind the scenes, standards make everyday life work. They establish quality and performance specifications
What Is ANSI?
that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity for products, processes, personnel, and systems. Voluntary consensus standards are those developed through AN OVERVIEW
assessment system. Founded in 1918, the Institute works in close collaboration with a process where all views are considered, and affected parties (including government, consumers, and
stakeholders from industry and government to identify and develop standards and business) have reached consensus on the contents. Hundreds of standards developing organizations (SDOs)
conformance–based solutions to national and global priorities. and consortia are engaged in the creation and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards used in virtually
every industry sector. These SDOs — and the experts who populate their committees — work to enhance
Together, standards and the conformity assessment measures that ensure their quality of life and improve the competitiveness of U.S. businesses operating in the global marketplace.
effective use impact more than 80% of global commodity trade, helping to increase
Conformity assessment is a vital link between standards that define product characteristics and the products
efficiency, open markets, and reduce costs. And ANSI is the U.S. leader in fostering
themselves. It provides demonstration that a product, process, system, person, or service fulfills the requirements
that potential for the benefit of businesses across every industry and consumers
identified in a specific standard. It can verify whether a particular product meets a given level of quality or safety.
around the world. ANSI is not itself a standards developing organization. Rather,
And it can provide information about the product’s characteristics, the consistency of those characteristics, and
the Institute oversees the development and use of thousands of standards and
the performance of the product. Testing, inspection, and auditing of products and management systems is as
guidelines by accrediting the procedures of standards developers and approving important as the standard in ensuring that products and systems are safe and perform as expected.
their documents as American National Standards. As an accreditation body, the
Institute assesses the competence of these organizations – as well as conformity
assessment bodies in a variety of disciplines – in assuring marketplace trust and
confidence that goods and services meet standards’ requirements.
An ANSI affiliate organization, Workcred is strengthening the workforce by improving the
Representing the diverse interests of more than 125,000 companies and credentialing system, ensuring its ongoing relevance, and preparing employers, workers,
organizations and 3.5 million professionals, ANSI provides a neutral forum educators, and governments to use it effectively. www.workcred.org
for collaboration between the private and public sectors. ANSI empowers
organizations to strengthen their position in the global economy, while helping to
assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment. A joint initiative of ANSI and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),
the Standards Alliance provides training and support for developing regions’ capacity-
building efforts in standards and conformance. standardsalliance.ansi.org

ANSI MISSION A community-wide partnership administerd by ANSI, Standards Boost Business is showing
To enhance the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating the world how standardization can help companies in every sector increase efficiency and
voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. strengthen their bottom line. www.standardsboostbusiness.org
Government Outreach and the Public-Private Partnership Standards Coordination American National Conformity Assessment Activities Crossing nearly all industries, sectors, and disciplines, the ANSI Standards Week conference invite

One of the great strengths of the U.S. approach to standards and Responding to national priorities Standards Quality conformity assessment programs enhance confidence
federation of members comprises thousands of individuals ANSI members from across all

conformance is the “public-private partnership” – the cooperative and areas requiring cross- representing companies, organizations, trade associations, groups to get together on topics
To help make standards and trust in market transactions. ANSI administers a broad
working relationship between the public and private sectors that sector collaboration are key government agencies, academia, international bodies, and of interest to the entire community.
development in the U.S. an portfolio of third-party accreditation programs that recognize
fosters solutions for national priorities. With a long history as focuses for ANSI’s activities. The consumer and labor groups. The Institute works to coordinate
equitable and open process the competence of a range of conformity assessment bodies
a trusted, neutral forum, ANSI plays a key role in facilitating Institute establishes ongoing standards panels, collaboratives, this diverse constituency’s efforts to develop and implement
that serves both industry and the public good, ANSI accredits in accordance with guidelines and requirements defined in Benefits of ANSI Membership
that robust partnership. The Institute bridges the gap between and partnerships as well as timely workshops to address standards and conformity assessment systems that strengthen the
standards developing organizations (SDOs) against a set of international standards.
competitiveness of U.S. business in the global marketplace. n The ability to influence technical and policy developments
industry and government and enables information exchange standardization needs. These initiatives coordinate the efforts of criteria to assure openness, balance, due process, and consensus
and optimize market position via access to global standards
and access among standards developing organizations and the private and public sectors to identify gaps in existing standards in standards development – ANSI’s Essential Requirements. These programs are increasingly specified by local, state, and
Member Forums and Events and conformance, trade, and regulatory bodies
public-sector leaders, agencies, and legislators. and make recommendations for future work. They rely on the federal governments, and include organizations that:
n Cross-industry global networking opportunities
cooperation of volunteers from across industries and sectors. The Institute does not develop standards itself; rather, ANSI- Bringing together the collective expertise of the ANSI federation
n Certify products, personnel, processes, services, and systems n Opportunity to influence ANSI’s strategic positions and
ANSI works with its members to create outreach programs to accredited SDOs may submit their documents for approval as is a key focus of the Institute’s membership activities. Member
legislators, to increase understanding of the private-sector Recent areas of standards coordination activity include: n Validate or verify assertions, labels, or declarations related Forums provide a venue for exchange of insights and experiences impact U.S. national and international positions
American National Standards (ANS). An ANS is a document
standards and conformance community among agencies, and to environmental impact on critical standardization issues, and the opportunity to network n Communications on key public policy information and
n Energy efficiency n Service economy that has been sponsored by an ANSI-accredited SDO and then
to provide testimony when requested by legislative committees. n Issue education and training certificates with other Company, Government, and Organizational members. government affairs support
approved by ANSI’s Board of Standards Review as meeting
n Electric vehicles n Nanotechnologies n
Among the Institute’s vehicles for government outreach are certain criteria regarding due process in its development. The Consumer Interest Forum promotes the education of consumers Help with international standards and conformance,
congressional briefings, the monitoring of legislative issues, and
n Homeland security n Cybersecurity regarding ANSI and the standards development community, and policy, and trade issues
ANSI also serves the marketplace via the affiliate ANAB (ANSI-
topical events for collaborative discussions on Capitol Hill. n Smart cities n Nuclear energy ANSI’s SDO accreditation and ANS approval processes work ASQ National Accreditation Board) brand, which accredits offers engagement opportunities for representatives of consumer n Easy access to standards and updated information
in tandem to safeguard the value of the ANS designation, and testing and calibration labs, inspection bodies, reference material organizations, industry, and government. Periodic Joint Member n Discounts on standards and site-licensing agreements
www.ansi.org ANSI’s impartial audits oversee the integrity of this system. To producers, and management systems and certification bodies. Forum meetings and special events like the annual World n Professional development and training opportunities
date, there are more than 11,000 American National Standards, And ANSI and ANAB operate a joint program to accredit
comprising the work of thousands of experts from hundreds of conformity assessment bodies providing certification under the www.ansi.org/membership

SDOs representing every industry sector. Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program.

www.ansi.org/psa www.ansi.org/accreditation
ISO, IEC, and Other Standardization Organizations ANSI accredits U.S. TAGs to ISO
committees, and delegates ISO
Strong U.S. leadership in international standardization is critical
for continued competitiveness in the global economy. Among and IEC committee Secretariats to ANSI Webstore Site Licenses
efforts that strengthen that position, ANSI serves as the U.S. appropriate U.S. organizations.
As the most comprehensive source ANSI Site Licenses provide convenient, cost-effective access


member of the International Organization for Standardization And to further strengthen the U.S.
for standards from U.S. and to thousands of standards delivered at the right time, to the
(ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) via voice and promote participation, ANSI offers guidance and
international developers, ANSI’s right place, and to all the right people. When standards
the U.S. National Committee (all IEC activities are undertaken support services to members serving as U.S. and USNC TAG
webstore enables users to easily: need to be shared, when access to standards data is critical
Administrators and ISO and IEC committee Secretariats. Designed for newcomers and longtime standards professionals StandardsLearn.org
by the USNC, a committee of ANSI), the Pacific Area Standards to business needs, and when an organization is looking
alike, ANSI’s education and training programs offer a range n Search for standards from over 200 publishers by
Congress (PASC), and the Pan American Standards Commission Providing anyone interested with for a competitive edge, customized ANSI Site Licenses are
International Trade Policy and Market Access of services that promote understanding of and participation keyword or document number
(COPANT); and a member of the International Accreditation Forum an easy-to-access introduction the perfect solution.
in standards activities, and maximize the benefits of getting n Purchase standards packages covering key industry areas
(IAF) and the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC). The Institute Assisting members and stakeholders with international trade to standards and conformity
involved. The Institute’s instructor-led and web-based training
represents U.S. interests in work with the European standardization issues affecting their business is another way ANSI fosters U.S. assessment activities, ANSI’s StandardsLearn website offers webstore.ansi.org webstore.ansi.org/SiteLicense
programs provide guidance on the national and international
organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI); serves as a liaison to regional competitiveness. Services can include compliance and market free, self-paced e-learning resources. A variety of courses
standards development processes. ANSI’s Committee on
standardization organizations in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East; access facilitation, policy advocacy, and help with standards highlight the value and importance of standards and NSSN
Education offers opportunities and free resources for K–12 and
and fosters bilateral agreements with national standards bodies. and conformance issues in China, India, and other regions. compliance programs in the U.S. and globally, and present
university students and faculty, helping to bring standardization Developed by ANSI with support from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the NSSN search engine provides
The Institute’s StandardsPortal provides free online information
into the classroom and show the next generation its importance.
clear summaries of key organizations and processes of the information on over 300,000 standards from a wide range of U.S. and international standards developers. www.nssn.org
With the support of dedicated volunteers and experts across all on standards and conformance requirements to facilitate trade standardization system. And a series of case studies illustrates
industries, ANSI participates in almost the entire technical program between the U.S. and a number of its largest trading partners. www.ansi.org/education the real-world application of standards and conformance.
of both ISO and the IEC, and administers many key committees, U.S. For more information on these and many other ANSI programs and activities, visit
www.StandardsPortal.org www.ansi.org/students www.standardslearn.org
Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) and international Secretariats.
Government Outreach and the Public-Private Partnership Standards Coordination American National Conformity Assessment Activities Crossing nearly all industries, sectors, and disciplines, the ANSI Standards Week conference invite

One of the great strengths of the U.S. approach to standards and Responding to national priorities Standards Quality conformity assessment programs enhance confidence
federation of members comprises thousands of individuals ANSI members from across all

conformance is the “public-private partnership” – the cooperative and areas requiring cross- representing companies, organizations, trade associations, groups to get together on topics
To help make standards and trust in market transactions. ANSI administers a broad
working relationship between the public and private sectors that sector collaboration are key government agencies, academia, international bodies, and of interest to the entire community.
development in the U.S. an portfolio of third-party accreditation programs that recognize
fosters solutions for national priorities. With a long history as focuses for ANSI’s activities. The consumer and labor groups. The Institute works to coordinate
equitable and open process the competence of a range of conformity assessment bodies
a trusted, neutral forum, ANSI plays a key role in facilitating Institute establishes ongoing standards panels, collaboratives, this diverse constituency’s efforts to develop and implement
that serves both industry and the public good, ANSI accredits in accordance with guidelines and requirements defined in Benefits of ANSI Membership
that robust partnership. The Institute bridges the gap between and partnerships as well as timely workshops to address standards and conformity assessment systems that strengthen the
standards developing organizations (SDOs) against a set of international standards.
competitiveness of U.S. business in the global marketplace. n The ability to influence technical and policy developments
industry and government and enables information exchange standardization needs. These initiatives coordinate the efforts of criteria to assure openness, balance, due process, and consensus
and optimize market position via access to global standards
and access among standards developing organizations and the private and public sectors to identify gaps in existing standards in standards development – ANSI’s Essential Requirements. These programs are increasingly specified by local, state, and
Member Forums and Events and conformance, trade, and regulatory bodies
public-sector leaders, agencies, and legislators. and make recommendations for future work. They rely on the federal governments, and include organizations that:
n Cross-industry global networking opportunities
cooperation of volunteers from across industries and sectors. The Institute does not develop standards itself; rather, ANSI- Bringing together the collective expertise of the ANSI federation
n Certify products, personnel, processes, services, and systems n Opportunity to influence ANSI’s strategic positions and
ANSI works with its members to create outreach programs to accredited SDOs may submit their documents for approval as is a key focus of the Institute’s membership activities. Member
legislators, to increase understanding of the private-sector Recent areas of standards coordination activity include: n Validate or verify assertions, labels, or declarations related Forums provide a venue for exchange of insights and experiences impact U.S. national and international positions
American National Standards (ANS). An ANS is a document
standards and conformance community among agencies, and to environmental impact on critical standardization issues, and the opportunity to network n Communications on key public policy information and
n Energy efficiency n Service economy that has been sponsored by an ANSI-accredited SDO and then
to provide testimony when requested by legislative committees. n Issue education and training certificates with other Company, Government, and Organizational members. government affairs support
approved by ANSI’s Board of Standards Review as meeting
n Electric vehicles n Nanotechnologies n
Among the Institute’s vehicles for government outreach are certain criteria regarding due process in its development. The Consumer Interest Forum promotes the education of consumers Help with international standards and conformance,
congressional briefings, the monitoring of legislative issues, and
n Homeland security n Cybersecurity regarding ANSI and the standards development community, and policy, and trade issues
ANSI also serves the marketplace via the affiliate ANAB (ANSI-
topical events for collaborative discussions on Capitol Hill. n Smart cities n Nuclear energy ANSI’s SDO accreditation and ANS approval processes work ASQ National Accreditation Board) brand, which accredits offers engagement opportunities for representatives of consumer n Easy access to standards and updated information
in tandem to safeguard the value of the ANS designation, and testing and calibration labs, inspection bodies, reference material organizations, industry, and government. Periodic Joint Member n Discounts on standards and site-licensing agreements
www.ansi.org ANSI’s impartial audits oversee the integrity of this system. To producers, and management systems and certification bodies. Forum meetings and special events like the annual World n Professional development and training opportunities
date, there are more than 11,000 American National Standards, And ANSI and ANAB operate a joint program to accredit
comprising the work of thousands of experts from hundreds of conformity assessment bodies providing certification under the www.ansi.org/membership

SDOs representing every industry sector. Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program.

www.ansi.org/psa www.ansi.org/accreditation
ISO, IEC, and Other Standardization Organizations ANSI accredits U.S. TAGs to ISO
committees, and delegates ISO
Strong U.S. leadership in international standardization is critical
for continued competitiveness in the global economy. Among and IEC committee Secretariats to ANSI Webstore Site Licenses
efforts that strengthen that position, ANSI serves as the U.S. appropriate U.S. organizations.
As the most comprehensive source ANSI Site Licenses provide convenient, cost-effective access


member of the International Organization for Standardization And to further strengthen the U.S.
for standards from U.S. and to thousands of standards delivered at the right time, to the
(ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) via voice and promote participation, ANSI offers guidance and
international developers, ANSI’s right place, and to all the right people. When standards
the U.S. National Committee (all IEC activities are undertaken support services to members serving as U.S. and USNC TAG
webstore enables users to easily: need to be shared, when access to standards data is critical
Administrators and ISO and IEC committee Secretariats. Designed for newcomers and longtime standards professionals StandardsLearn.org
by the USNC, a committee of ANSI), the Pacific Area Standards to business needs, and when an organization is looking
alike, ANSI’s education and training programs offer a range n Search for standards from over 200 publishers by
Congress (PASC), and the Pan American Standards Commission Providing anyone interested with for a competitive edge, customized ANSI Site Licenses are
International Trade Policy and Market Access of services that promote understanding of and participation keyword or document number
(COPANT); and a member of the International Accreditation Forum an easy-to-access introduction the perfect solution.
in standards activities, and maximize the benefits of getting n Purchase standards packages covering key industry areas
(IAF) and the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC). The Institute Assisting members and stakeholders with international trade to standards and conformity
involved. The Institute’s instructor-led and web-based training
represents U.S. interests in work with the European standardization issues affecting their business is another way ANSI fosters U.S. assessment activities, ANSI’s StandardsLearn website offers webstore.ansi.org webstore.ansi.org/SiteLicense
programs provide guidance on the national and international
organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI); serves as a liaison to regional competitiveness. Services can include compliance and market free, self-paced e-learning resources. A variety of courses
standards development processes. ANSI’s Committee on
standardization organizations in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East; access facilitation, policy advocacy, and help with standards highlight the value and importance of standards and NSSN
Education offers opportunities and free resources for K–12 and
and fosters bilateral agreements with national standards bodies. and conformance issues in China, India, and other regions. compliance programs in the U.S. and globally, and present
university students and faculty, helping to bring standardization Developed by ANSI with support from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the NSSN search engine provides
The Institute’s StandardsPortal provides free online information
into the classroom and show the next generation its importance.
clear summaries of key organizations and processes of the information on over 300,000 standards from a wide range of U.S. and international standards developers. www.nssn.org
With the support of dedicated volunteers and experts across all on standards and conformance requirements to facilitate trade standardization system. And a series of case studies illustrates
industries, ANSI participates in almost the entire technical program between the U.S. and a number of its largest trading partners. www.ansi.org/education the real-world application of standards and conformance.
of both ISO and the IEC, and administers many key committees, U.S. For more information on these and many other ANSI programs and activities, visit
www.StandardsPortal.org www.ansi.org/students www.standardslearn.org
Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) and international Secretariats.
Government Outreach and the Public-Private Partnership Standards Coordination American National Conformity Assessment Activities Crossing nearly all industries, sectors, and disciplines, the ANSI Standards Week conference invite

One of the great strengths of the U.S. approach to standards and Responding to national priorities Standards Quality conformity assessment programs enhance confidence
federation of members comprises thousands of individuals ANSI members from across all

conformance is the “public-private partnership” – the cooperative and areas requiring cross- representing companies, organizations, trade associations, groups to get together on topics
To help make standards and trust in market transactions. ANSI administers a broad
working relationship between the public and private sectors that sector collaboration are key government agencies, academia, international bodies, and of interest to the entire community.
development in the U.S. an portfolio of third-party accreditation programs that recognize
fosters solutions for national priorities. With a long history as focuses for ANSI’s activities. The consumer and labor groups. The Institute works to coordinate
equitable and open process the competence of a range of conformity assessment bodies
a trusted, neutral forum, ANSI plays a key role in facilitating Institute establishes ongoing standards panels, collaboratives, this diverse constituency’s efforts to develop and implement
that serves both industry and the public good, ANSI accredits in accordance with guidelines and requirements defined in Benefits of ANSI Membership
that robust partnership. The Institute bridges the gap between and partnerships as well as timely workshops to address standards and conformity assessment systems that strengthen the
standards developing organizations (SDOs) against a set of international standards.
competitiveness of U.S. business in the global marketplace. n The ability to influence technical and policy developments
industry and government and enables information exchange standardization needs. These initiatives coordinate the efforts of criteria to assure openness, balance, due process, and consensus
and optimize market position via access to global standards
and access among standards developing organizations and the private and public sectors to identify gaps in existing standards in standards development – ANSI’s Essential Requirements. These programs are increasingly specified by local, state, and
Member Forums and Events and conformance, trade, and regulatory bodies
public-sector leaders, agencies, and legislators. and make recommendations for future work. They rely on the federal governments, and include organizations that:
n Cross-industry global networking opportunities
cooperation of volunteers from across industries and sectors. The Institute does not develop standards itself; rather, ANSI- Bringing together the collective expertise of the ANSI federation
n Certify products, personnel, processes, services, and systems n Opportunity to influence ANSI’s strategic positions and
ANSI works with its members to create outreach programs to accredited SDOs may submit their documents for approval as is a key focus of the Institute’s membership activities. Member
legislators, to increase understanding of the private-sector Recent areas of standards coordination activity include: n Validate or verify assertions, labels, or declarations related Forums provide a venue for exchange of insights and experiences impact U.S. national and international positions
American National Standards (ANS). An ANS is a document
standards and conformance community among agencies, and to environmental impact on critical standardization issues, and the opportunity to network n Communications on key public policy information and
n Energy efficiency n Service economy that has been sponsored by an ANSI-accredited SDO and then
to provide testimony when requested by legislative committees. n Issue education and training certificates with other Company, Government, and Organizational members. government affairs support
approved by ANSI’s Board of Standards Review as meeting
n Electric vehicles n Nanotechnologies n
Among the Institute’s vehicles for government outreach are certain criteria regarding due process in its development. The Consumer Interest Forum promotes the education of consumers Help with international standards and conformance,
congressional briefings, the monitoring of legislative issues, and
n Homeland security n Cybersecurity regarding ANSI and the standards development community, and policy, and trade issues
ANSI also serves the marketplace via the affiliate ANAB (ANSI-
topical events for collaborative discussions on Capitol Hill. n Smart cities n Nuclear energy ANSI’s SDO accreditation and ANS approval processes work ASQ National Accreditation Board) brand, which accredits offers engagement opportunities for representatives of consumer n Easy access to standards and updated information
in tandem to safeguard the value of the ANS designation, and testing and calibration labs, inspection bodies, reference material organizations, industry, and government. Periodic Joint Member n Discounts on standards and site-licensing agreements
www.ansi.org ANSI’s impartial audits oversee the integrity of this system. To producers, and management systems and certification bodies. Forum meetings and special events like the annual World n Professional development and training opportunities
date, there are more than 11,000 American National Standards, And ANSI and ANAB operate a joint program to accredit
comprising the work of thousands of experts from hundreds of conformity assessment bodies providing certification under the www.ansi.org/membership

SDOs representing every industry sector. Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program.

www.ansi.org/psa www.ansi.org/accreditation
ISO, IEC, and Other Standardization Organizations ANSI accredits U.S. TAGs to ISO
committees, and delegates ISO
Strong U.S. leadership in international standardization is critical
for continued competitiveness in the global economy. Among and IEC committee Secretariats to ANSI Webstore Site Licenses
efforts that strengthen that position, ANSI serves as the U.S. appropriate U.S. organizations.
As the most comprehensive source ANSI Site Licenses provide convenient, cost-effective access


member of the International Organization for Standardization And to further strengthen the U.S.
for standards from U.S. and to thousands of standards delivered at the right time, to the
(ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) via voice and promote participation, ANSI offers guidance and
international developers, ANSI’s right place, and to all the right people. When standards
the U.S. National Committee (all IEC activities are undertaken support services to members serving as U.S. and USNC TAG
webstore enables users to easily: need to be shared, when access to standards data is critical
Administrators and ISO and IEC committee Secretariats. Designed for newcomers and longtime standards professionals StandardsLearn.org
by the USNC, a committee of ANSI), the Pacific Area Standards to business needs, and when an organization is looking
alike, ANSI’s education and training programs offer a range n Search for standards from over 200 publishers by
Congress (PASC), and the Pan American Standards Commission Providing anyone interested with for a competitive edge, customized ANSI Site Licenses are
International Trade Policy and Market Access of services that promote understanding of and participation keyword or document number
(COPANT); and a member of the International Accreditation Forum an easy-to-access introduction the perfect solution.
in standards activities, and maximize the benefits of getting n Purchase standards packages covering key industry areas
(IAF) and the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC). The Institute Assisting members and stakeholders with international trade to standards and conformity
involved. The Institute’s instructor-led and web-based training
represents U.S. interests in work with the European standardization issues affecting their business is another way ANSI fosters U.S. assessment activities, ANSI’s StandardsLearn website offers webstore.ansi.org webstore.ansi.org/SiteLicense
programs provide guidance on the national and international
organizations (CEN, CENELEC, ETSI); serves as a liaison to regional competitiveness. Services can include compliance and market free, self-paced e-learning resources. A variety of courses
standards development processes. ANSI’s Committee on
standardization organizations in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East; access facilitation, policy advocacy, and help with standards highlight the value and importance of standards and NSSN
Education offers opportunities and free resources for K–12 and
and fosters bilateral agreements with national standards bodies. and conformance issues in China, India, and other regions. compliance programs in the U.S. and globally, and present
university students and faculty, helping to bring standardization Developed by ANSI with support from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the NSSN search engine provides
The Institute’s StandardsPortal provides free online information
into the classroom and show the next generation its importance.
clear summaries of key organizations and processes of the information on over 300,000 standards from a wide range of U.S. and international standards developers. www.nssn.org
With the support of dedicated volunteers and experts across all on standards and conformance requirements to facilitate trade standardization system. And a series of case studies illustrates
industries, ANSI participates in almost the entire technical program between the U.S. and a number of its largest trading partners. www.ansi.org/education the real-world application of standards and conformance.
of both ISO and the IEC, and administers many key committees, U.S. For more information on these and many other ANSI programs and activities, visit
www.StandardsPortal.org www.ansi.org/students www.standardslearn.org
Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) and international Secretariats.
Headquarters Operations
1899 L Street, NW, 11th Floor 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20036 New York, NY 10036
Tel: 202.293.8020 Tel: 212.642.4900



The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization
Behind the scenes, standards make everyday life work. They establish quality and performance specifications
What Is ANSI?
that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity for products, processes, personnel, and systems. Voluntary consensus standards are those developed through AN OVERVIEW
assessment system. Founded in 1918, the Institute works in close collaboration with a process where all views are considered, and affected parties (including government, consumers, and
stakeholders from industry and government to identify and develop standards and business) have reached consensus on the contents. Hundreds of standards developing organizations (SDOs)
conformance–based solutions to national and global priorities. and consortia are engaged in the creation and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards used in virtually
every industry sector. These SDOs — and the experts who populate their committees — work to enhance
Together, standards and the conformity assessment measures that ensure their quality of life and improve the competitiveness of U.S. businesses operating in the global marketplace.
effective use impact more than 80% of global commodity trade, helping to increase
Conformity assessment is a vital link between standards that define product characteristics and the products
efficiency, open markets, and reduce costs. And ANSI is the U.S. leader in fostering
themselves. It provides demonstration that a product, process, system, person, or service fulfills the requirements
that potential for the benefit of businesses across every industry and consumers
identified in a specific standard. It can verify whether a particular product meets a given level of quality or safety.
around the world. ANSI is not itself a standards developing organization. Rather,
And it can provide information about the product’s characteristics, the consistency of those characteristics, and
the Institute oversees the development and use of thousands of standards and
the performance of the product. Testing, inspection, and auditing of products and management systems is as
guidelines by accrediting the procedures of standards developers and approving important as the standard in ensuring that products and systems are safe and perform as expected.
their documents as American National Standards. As an accreditation body, the
Institute assesses the competence of these organizations – as well as conformity
assessment bodies in a variety of disciplines – in assuring marketplace trust and
confidence that goods and services meet standards’ requirements.
An ANSI affiliate organization, Workcred is strengthening the workforce by improving the
Representing the diverse interests of more than 125,000 companies and credentialing system, ensuring its ongoing relevance, and preparing employers, workers,
organizations and 3.5 million professionals, ANSI provides a neutral forum educators, and governments to use it effectively. www.workcred.org
for collaboration between the private and public sectors. ANSI empowers
organizations to strengthen their position in the global economy, while helping to
assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment. A joint initiative of ANSI and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),
the Standards Alliance provides training and support for developing regions’ capacity-
building efforts in standards and conformance. standardsalliance.ansi.org

ANSI MISSION A community-wide partnership administerd by ANSI, Standards Boost Business is showing
To enhance the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating the world how standardization can help companies in every sector increase efficiency and
voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. strengthen their bottom line. www.standardsboostbusiness.org

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