690-2 - Aircraft Operations
690-2 - Aircraft Operations
690-2 - Aircraft Operations
Aircraft Operations
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
1A. Purpose
Ensuring operation with all necessary approvals and with an effective system of documented
operational procedures.
1B. Expectations
The aircraft operator holds a valid Air Operator Certificate (AOC) or equivalent, issued by
the responsible regulatory authority, that covers the aircraft type(s), all aspects of the type
of operation and the geographic area relevant to the contract. The AOC includes up-to-date
Operations Specifications.
1C.1 The aircraft operator has a suite of Operations Manuals with the necessary content, approved
(or when applicable, accepted) by the responsible regulatory authority. This may be in one
or more volumes and include or be supported by appropriate procedures. The Operations
Manual covers normal and emergency operations and is suitable for the operational
circumstances and the aircraft types operated.
1C.2 The aircraft operator demonstrates to the responsible regulatory authority that its
management team, organisational structure, method of control and supervision of flight
operations, training programs, ground handling, airworthiness and production arrangements
meet the minimum standards defined by local regulations.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
2. Management of personnel
2A. Purpose
Ensuring operation with all necessary approvals and with an effective system of documented
operational procedures.
2B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has competent and experienced personnel in key management positions.
2C.1 The aircraft operator has the following management and operational positions
2C.1.1 The Accountable Manager for the Air Operators Certificate.
2C.1.2 A person with overall responsibility for managing the flight department
2C.1.3 A person responsible for managing flight training.
2C.1.4 A person responsible for safety and quality assurance.
2C.1.5 A person or third party responsible for managing continuing airworthiness
requirements and aircraft maintenance.
2C.1.6 A person responsible for managing ground operations (appropriate to the size of
the operator).
2C.1.7 Where the organisation has more than one operating base, the management
structure addresses the required responsibilities at all locations.
2C.2 The aircraft operator has a documented procedure for the assessment of competence and
experience for the above management and operational positions.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
3. Insurance
3A. Purpose
To provide protection against the risk of financial resulting loss from a safety event and to
correctly apportion potential liabilities.
3B. Expectations
The aircraft operator holds the necessary insurance coverage for its operations.
3C.1 The aircraft operator has the required insurance coverage as specified by the Company
throughout the period of the contract.
3C.2 The Company is named as an additional insured party under the policy.
Other references
Land/General SAR/Emergency
Impact Survival Flotation Underwater Escape Sea Survival Alerting Post-Accident
Survival Response
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
4A. Purpose
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience.
4B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has a documented policy on the use/abuse of alcohol, medicines, and
4C.1 The policy establishes a pre-hire, post-accident, for cause, and random testing policy and is
compliant with national legislation.
4C.2 The policy defines an acceptable level of alcohol consumption for staff in safety-critical roles,
including an alcohol-free period before duty.
4C.3 The policy provides guidance on which over-the-counter and prescribed medication can
impair an individual’s ability to perform in the cockpit or workplace.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
5. Automation
5A. Purpose
Ensuring controlled flight can be sustained with, or without, the use of automation.
5B. Expectations
5C.1 The automation procedures contain requirements for the appropriate use of automation to
reduce cockpit workload and increase standardisation.
5C.2 The automation procedures are defined for all phases of flight.
5C.3 Type-specific procedures for the use of automation are based on those published in the
Flight Crew Operating manual (FCOM).
5C.4 The policy includes procedures for manual flight control to maintain flight proficiency
including those conditions under which automation systems may be deselected and manual
flight undertaken.
5C.5 The Minimum Equipment List (MEL) has clear requirements for the AFCS to be serviceable
for night or IFR flights.
5C.6 For equipment details, see 690-5 - Equipment Fit, Section 3C.1
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
6A. Purpose
6B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has documented procedures for the use of TAWS and Helicopter Terrain
Awareness Warning Systems (HTAWS).
6C.1 Flight crew SOPs and training includes the response to TAWS/HTAWS alerts.
6C.2 If available and certified for the type, offshore modes are installed.
6C.3 There is a process to ensure that the latest version of the database for predictive terrain
hazard warnings is installed.
6C.4 For equipment details, see 690-5 - Equipment Fit, Section 6C
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
7A. Purpose
7B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has documented procedures for the use of ACAS.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
8A. Purpose
The use of flight data to obtain operational feedback and reduce risks.
8B. Expectations
8C.1 A Helicopter Flight Data Monitoring (HFDM) programme is established, documented, and
aligned with the HeliOffshore HFDM Recommended Practices (HO-HFDM-RP-v1.0).
8C.2 Personnel are appointed to fill specific positions within the HFDM programme (such as
analyst, gatekeeper or pilot liaison) and training is provided for all personnel appropriate to
their responsibilities.
8C.3 HFDM data is downloaded from all aircraft daily as a minimum and a process for the review
of the data is in place.
8C.4 HFDM event thresholds are implemented based on flight manual limitations, flight profiles,
and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):
8C.4.1 Data is analysed for threshold exceedance events daily (operational flight days)
through either operator in-house data analysis or third-party services.
8C.4.2 At least three levels of operational risk for each event (Low, Medium, and High)
are set and assessed.
8C.4.3 Medium and High operational risk events which require Flight Crew contacts are
8C.4.4 Tracked Flight Crew contacts are made for every Medium and High operational
risk HFDM event.
8C.4.5 For those events assessed as Medium operational risk, the crew contact, is at a
minimum, an advisory contact by email or other means, to alert the Flight Crew of
the event.
8C.4.6 For those events assessed as High operational risk, a more comprehensive
contact is made, which involves a meeting between the pilot liaison and the Flight
Crew involved.
8C.4.7 Trend monitoring of events, including Low operational risk events, as a routine
part of the HFDM process, is in place.
8C.5 A process for communication and reporting of the HFDM data is established.
8C.6 A serviceability policy for both airborne and ground station equipment has been established.
8C.6.1 System unserviceability is not to exceed 25 flight hours between data downloads.
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
8C.7 The data download rate as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is tracked and the target is 95%.
8C.8 An HFDM review group meets at regular intervals to:
8C.8.1 Validate the reports, including a periodical review of de-identified HFDM data
8C.8.2 Investigate significant events identified by the HFDM Programme.
8C.8.3 Reviews KPIs and trends.
8C.8.4 Make recommendations for suggested changes to operational procedures or the
training syllabus and tracks their implementation.
8C.8.5 Periodically determine the effectiveness of thresholds.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
9A. Purpose
Ensuring flight operations and continuing airworthiness choices minimise the risk of critical
failures and provide assurance of safe outcomes during all engine failure modes.
9B. Expectations
All CAT operations to offshore destinations are carried out in PC1, PC2E, PC2DLE, or PC2.
9C.1 Onshore take-offs, departures, approaches, and landings for the purpose of carrying
passengers are conducted in accordance with PC1 criteria, unless specific circumstances
dictate the use of PC2 criteria and then only when a safe forced landing can be assured in
the event of a critical power unit loss.
9C.2 When performance planning for offshore take-offs, departures, approaches and landings,
there is no exposure to deck edge strike or to a forced landing in the event of a critical power
unit loss.
9C.3 The RFM PC1/PC2/PC2DLE/PC2e flight profiles are used, both onshore and offshore as
Other references
System Early Diagnosis of Enhanced Airworthiness Error Tolerant
Maintenance/ Supply Chain
Failure Potential Failures Reliability Management Designs
Tool Control
1 For definitions of performance classes, see Definitions, and for basic certification requirements, see 690-5 – Helicopter and Equipment
Section 1 – Certification Standards.
2 It is acceptable to vary from flight profiles if published in the Operations Manual provided that the aircraft mass is in accordance with
the approved performance data.
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
10A. Purpose
10B. Expectations
Crew have suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the environment.
10C.1 All crew wear lifejackets meeting ETSO-2C504 with Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) and
Compressed Air Emergency Breathing Systems (CA EBS).
10C.1.1 PLBs with 121.5MHz, GPS and 406MHz capability, Advanced Automatic
Identification System (AIS) are desirable
10C.1.2 PLBs are assessed for compatibility with the aircraft ELT
10C.2 Immersion suits are worn when required by regulation or by contract
10C.2.1 Immersion suits meet ETSO-2C502 or ETSO-2C503 or national aviation authority
approved TSO and which have been tested for compatibility with the lifejacket.
Other references
• ETSO-2C502
• ETSO 2C503
• BARSOHO Implementation Guidelines v4 20.4 – Sea Survival
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Land/General SAR/Emergency
Impact Survival Flotation Underwater Escape Sea Survival Alerting Post-Accident
Survival Response
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
11A. Purpose
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience.
11B. Expectations
11B.1 Pilots are licensed and current in accordance with national regulatory requirements.
11B.2 Pilots (contracted and subcontracted) meet the required experience and qualification levels.
11C.1 Flight crew demonstrate the specified experience and qualification levels by one of three
• Method 1 - Ab-Initio Entry Competency Based-Programme
• Method 2 - Commercial Pilot License (CPL) Entry Competency-Based Programme
• Method 3 - Experienced Flight Crew – Alternative requirements
11C.2 The operator demonstrates compliance with the chosen method through its training and
assurance processes and is able to demonstrate to the Company, on audit and on request, that:
11C.2.1 There is a formal, modular, competency-based progression scheme for pilots from
basic (ab initio/new hire/conversion) to command and for aircraft type conversion,
(see Method 1 below), based on the specifications in Table 1 and the pilot aircraft
conversion syllabus in 690-2, Section 45 - Pilot aircraft conversion syllabus and
minimum hours.
11C.2.2 The content of the training syllabus, including comprehensive ground and flight
training, particularly for entry at the CPL stage (see Method 2 below), is based on
regulatory training schemes.
11C.2.3 There is a formal command progression scheme for pilots from ab initio
to command, including Crew Resource Management (CRM) and simulator
programmes including Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT).
11C.2.4 Training records demonstrate a structured command course, competencies to be
achieved and the associated checking process.
11C.2.5 There is a process for the selection, training, and designation of LTCs
11C.2.6 Base and Line training staff have defined competencies and these staff
themselves are regularly checked.
11C.2.7 The programme being offered meets FAA and/or EASA regulatory requirements
standards at the highest level of flight training.
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
11C.3 For Ab-Intio entry a pilot commences the programme at Table 1 – Stage 1 and follows the
defined stages.
11C.4 When a candidate is selected to enter with a CPL the following conditions apply:
11C.5 Individual aptitude testing is completed in accordance with Table 1 - Stage 1
11C.6 The candidate holds an ATPL theory qualification.
11C.7 Full training records are held for the CPL training including records of stage and final check
flights, and total hours are validated by the training provider.
Table 11-1: Ab initio and CPL Competency-based programme (See Notes 1,4,5)
1 Detailed pilot aptitude testing required Testing includes evaluation of language skills, cognitive abilities, hand-eye
Ab-Inito prior to enrolment in the programme coordination, ability to apply theory and team coordination, etc.
2 CPL(H) training at approved flight training ATP theory required for operations on multi-pilot helicopters
organisation (FTO) (See Note 1)
4 CPLH/IR(H) Individual may pass the entry process for operator ab initio programme
CPL Entry with CPL or can enter programme with CPL as result of structured
recruitment process
8 Line flying under supervision of a Line Minimum 10 offshore landings by day and night
Training Captain (LTC) Progress report required for all flights.
9 Line check as co-pilot by different LTC Includes an offshore landing and take-off.
10 Released to line Ab initio pilots and CPL(H) holders with less than 1000 hours – with any
commander who has no less than 500 hours PIC time including 100 hours
on type
Day only unless fully night qualified.
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
11 Progressive monitoring online as First 2 qualifying flight reports per month with a Training Captain or LTC
Officer (FO) Recurrent training and OPC/LPC checks
6-monthly progress reviews with training staff
Written records of above elements
Can be released to any PIC when has 500 hours
13 Command Course (at approximately the Minimum requirements – ATPLH, helicopter. May time as PICUS gained in
4-year point) accordance with the Operator’s procedures
Technical exam
RHS checks
FS or FTD 3 Training and Assessment
CRM assessment
Command Line Training
Command Line Check by different LTC.
14 Promotion to Command Initially only qualified to fly in command with co-pilots who have 500 hours
total experience including 100 hours on type until the new commander has
accumulated 500 hours in command.
Table notes
1. The State approved flight training school(s) and curriculum are to EASA/FAA or equivalent standards.
2. For details on the Multi Crew Co-operation Courses refer to EASA approved flight training establishments.
3. The programme meets FAA and/or EASA standards.
4. Detailed training records are maintained for all phases of the training programme.
5. These records reflect the results of each training session and include the standards to which the pilot was able to complete the
exercise or flight requirement.
11C.8 If an operator training programme does not support the Method 1 Ab-Initio Entry or Method
2 CPL - Entry programmes above, the experience levels in Tables 2 and 3 apply.
Qualification Experience
Total hours previous 90 days (See note 1) 50 hours of which at least 10 on type
Dangerous Goods awareness Every 2 years or in accordance with local regulatory requirements
Table 2 Notes:
1. If hours are not met, a line check (which maybe a normal revenue flight) is conducted by a Line Training Captain.
2. One-night cycle consists of a night take-off, approach and landing to an offshore location. A simulator of the same type or series
being flown may be used to meet the night recency requirements, provided this is acceptable under national legislation, and it has the
visual fidelity to replicate landing on an offshore facility.
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
Table 3 Notes:
1. These hours to be fully on helicopters. Up to 10% may be achieved in a flight simulator approved for the purpose by the regulatory
2. These hours include a minimum of 25 hours of night offshore time.
3. For PICUS requirements see Section 12; Co-pilots who do not meet 100-hour captain experience may be used provided that each
co-pilot has successfully completed the following training which is documented in the pilot’s training records:
• An approved type rating course for the aircraft type
• A technical, emergencies and CRM course or Operator Proficiency Check at the appropriate type-specific flight simulator prior to
commencing operational flying
• 50 hours of operational line flying with an approved Training Captain
• A successful Line Check flight by a different Check and Training Captain
4. Total hours may be reduced by 1000 hrs when total hours in aircraft of similar complexity exceeds 1000 hrs and no dispensation has
been granted for the other Commander qualification requirements.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
12A. Purpose
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience.
12B. Expectations
Co-pilots are permitted to log PICUS time to meet the requirements of command time in
Tables 1.6.2 and 1.6.2.
12C.1 In those countries where the regulator has an allowance for logging these hours, the
operator uses the approved national programme.
12C.2 The logged time as PICUS meets the requirements of 1.6.2 and 3, provided:
12C.2.1 the operator has control and supervision over the programme
12C.2.2 the flight time is recorded in the pilot’s training records
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
13A. Purpose
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience.
13B. Expectations
All pilots hold a valid medical certificate appropriate to their age and licence (e.g., CPL, ATPL)
13C.1 The local National Aviation Authority and/or company policy determines the frequency of
medical examinations.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
14A. Purpose
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience.
14B. Expectations
The aircraft operator may use subcontracted pilots subject to certain conditions.
14C.1 Subcontracted pilots meet all the operators flying qualification and experience level
14C.2 Licence Proficiency Checks (LPC) or Operational Proficiency Checks (OPC) (or equivalent)
conversion training is in accordance with national regulations. If time between engagements
exceeds time between required OPCs, the operator’s absence and recency requirements also
apply to the subcontracted pilots – see 690-2, Section 40 .
14C.3 Subcontracted pilots inform the aircraft operator of all their flight and duty times.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
15A. Purpose
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skill and experience.
15B. Expectations
Pilots may fly more than one type subject to certain conditions
15C.1 The aircraft operator has a written policy on the subject, which applies across their
operations, and which complies with national legislation.
15C.2 The policy includes the requirement for the pilot to maintain recency and proficiency on
those types on which he is permitted to fly Commercial Air Transport (CAT).
15C.3 Recency and proficiency on multiple types is closely monitored.
15C.4 The aircraft operator schedules pilots to fly only one type in any one day or block of days and
normally limits flying a maximum of two types or significantly different variants in any one day.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
16A. Purpose
Ensuring flight crew handling and monitoring duties are appropriately divided, defined, and
conducted in line with human factors principles
16B. Expectations
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
17A. Purpose
17B. Expectations
17C.1 Additional restrictions may be required for particularly demanding flights, such as offshore
shuttling, or for operations in locally high ambient temperatures.
17C.2 Maximum flight times meet the criteria in the table 17-1:
Maximum flight time in period for dual-pilot crew (hours) 10 45 120 1200
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
18A. Purpose
18B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has established limits for flight crew duty times
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
19A. Purpose
Ensuring the flight crew are suitable rested for the type of operation.
19B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has established a rest policy for rotating crews, if applicable.
19C.1 Crews on rotating assignments that arrive following prolonged or overnight travel, or travel
exceeding four time zone changes, are not rostered for flying duties until the minimum ten-
hour rest period is met.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
20A. Purpose
Ensuring the flight crew are suitable rested for the type of operation.
20B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has established a policy for night standby duty, if applicable.
20C.1 After a day duty period, each pilot has at least 12 hours rest prior to being rostered for night
standby duty.
20C.2 Pilots nominated for night standby duty (at their place of rest) who are not called out to fly,
may be considered available for duty in the following day period. If the pilots are called out to
fly during the night, they have a minimum of 12 hours rest after completion of their FDP.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
21A. Purpose
Establishing weather limitations consistent with the capabilities of the aircraft and rescue
assets are applied to each flight, with provision for appropriate training in anticipated conditions.
21B. Expectations
21C.1 IFR operations comply with local regulatory IFR weather minima unless more stringent
Company requirements are issued.
21C.2 The flight may be conducted under VFR, if this is a safer option, or when IFR flight is not possible
21C.3 VFR minima are described in table 21-1
500 5000 ICAO Minima
(See note 1)
2000 Offshore inter-field use only
300 400
(See note 2) if sector is less than 10nm
1. Minimum cloud base may be reduced to 500ft subject to NAA approval
2. Minimum visibility may be reduced to 800m subject to NAA approval
3. Minimum visibility may be reduced to 1500m subject to NAA approval
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
22A. Purpose
Establishing weather limitations consistent with the capabilities of the aircraft and rescue
assets are applied to each flight, with provision for appropriate training in anticipated conditions.
22B. Expectations
An Adverse Weather Policy has been developed by the company in conjunction with the aircraft
22C.1 An Adverse Weather Policy is in place which has been developed by the company in
conjunction with the aircraft operator.
22C.2 The Adverse Weather Policy clearly states under what conditions flying operations are be
restricted or temporarily halted and is supported by appropriate procedures. Situations include:
• Excessive wind over helidecks prohibiting personnel movement to and from the helicopter;
• Adverse sea conditions resulting in an unacceptable risk of immediate capsize, or
preventing effective offshore search and rescue available for the area of operations;
• Significant Wave Height (SWH) over the ditching certified capability of the helicopter, see
690-5 – Equipment Fit – Section 16C.2.
22C.3 It considers the aircraft type and survival equipment in use, the available SAR capability
and applicable Emergency Response Plans and is revised when material changes to these
considerations occur.
Other references
Land/General SAR/Emergency
Impact Survival Flotation Underwater Escape Sea Survival Alerting Post-Accident
Survival Response
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
23A. Purpose
Ensuring a safe envelope for vessel movements to enable a safe landing and stability when on
the helideck.
23B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has established pitch, roll and heave limits for helideck operations.
23C.1 Unless approved to operate to other national limits, the limits in the Helideck Certification
Agency’s Helideck Limitations List Part C are used: http://www.helidecks.org/download%20
23C.2 These limits are only applicable for landing, not for takeoff.
Other references
Heliport/ Vessel Pitch, Roll Heliport and Helideck Multiple Helicopter Heliport/
Helideck Heave Limits Management Operations Helideck Design
Fuel Exhaustion/ (Hot) Refuelling Fuel Flight Offshore Fuel Fuel Testing/
Contamination Procedures Checks Planning Alternates Reserves Inspection
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
24A. Purpose
Ensuring a safe envelope for vessel movements to enable a safe landing and stability when on
the helideck.
24B. Expectations
The aircraft operator only operates to moving helidecks when the reported motion is within
limits for the helicopter.
24C.1 When mandated by local operating requirements, and otherwise where available, electronic
deck motion and wind monitoring equipment is used that meets the latest requirements of
CAP 437 or an equivalent standard.
24C.2 The helideck motion and wind information is available to and used by pilots for pre-flight
planning and updated information is passed to the crew before landing, and at any time there
is a significant change in conditions (see 690-2 Section 25 - Significant change in helideck
conditions) The flight crew must verify that the reported helideck motion is within limits
before landing.
24C.3 When a vessel gives clearance for a helicopter to land on deck, the vessel intends to
maintain the existing heading while the helicopter remains on the deck. The monitoring
station providing deck motion limits and wind data is manned during the entire time the
helicopter is operating on the deck.
Other references
• CAP 437
• HSAC RP 163 – 2nd Edition (January 2020)
• ICS Guide to Helicopter-Ship Operations Chapters 3.7.3, 4.2.3
• Helideck Certification Agency - Helideck Limitations List Part C
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Heliport/ Vessel Pitch, Roll Heliport and Helideck Multiple Helicopter Heliport/
Helideck Heave Limits Management Operations Helideck Design
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
25A. Purpose
Ensuring a safe envelope for vessel movements to enable a safe landing and stability when on
the helideck.
25B. Expectations
The helicopter flight crew are informed if there are any significant changes to helideck conditions.
25C.1 The helicopter crew are notified immediately by radio if any of the following occurs:
25C.1.1 The vessel goes off heading by 10° or more
25C.1.2 There is a vessel/installation or station keeping/handling problem
25C.1.3 Helideck Motion exceeds the limits in the Helideck Certification Agency’s Helideck
Limitations List Part C or other national limits
25C.1.4 There is a significant change in the relative wind of 30° or more
25C.1.5 The monitoring equipment indicates a red deck
25C.1.6 There is any other abnormal event
Other references
• CAP 437
• Helicopter Safety Advisory Committee (HSAC) Recommended Practices (RP) 163 – 2nd Edition
(January 2020)
• ICS Guide to Helicopter-Ship Operations Chapters 3.7.3, 4.2.3
• Helideck Certification Agency - Helideck Limitations List Part C
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Heliport/ Vessel Pitch, Roll Heliport and Helideck Multiple Helicopter Heliport/
Helideck Heave Limits Management Operations Helideck Design
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
26A. Purpose
26B. Expectations
Other references
• CAP 437
• ICS Guide to Helicopter-Ship Operations Chapters 3.7.3, 4.2.3
• Helideck Certification Agency - Helideck Limitations List Part C
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Fuel Exhaustion/ (Hot) Refuelling Fuel Flight Offshore Fuel Fuel Testing/
Contamination Procedures Checks Planning Alternates Reserves Inspection
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
27A. Purpose
Ensuring aircraft depart with sufficient fuel reserves to avoid fuel exhaustion.
27B. Expectations
Other references
Fuel Exhaustion/ (Hot) Refuelling Fuel Flight Offshore Fuel Fuel Testing/
Contamination Procedures Checks Planning Alternates Reserves Inspection
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
28A. Purpose
Ensuring offshore alternates are only used when OEI performance and alternative decks are
28B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has a documented policy on the use of offshore alternates, if applicable.
28C.1 Offshore installations are only used as alternates in exceptional circumstances and when
agreed by the company. The following minimum requirements are applied before use of
offshore alternates is approved:
28C.1.1 There is a procedure in the operations manual for the use of offshore alternates,
and that procedure has been approved or accepted by the NAA
28C.1.2 A Point of No Return (PNR) is established:
28C.1.2.1 Before the PNR, an onshore alternate is available
28C.1.2.2 The PNR is within 30 minutes planned flying time from the destination
calculated by using en-route weather reports
28C.1.3 OEI landing capability is assured at the alternate
28C.1.3.1 The use of an offshore alternate is restricted to helicopters that can
achieve OEI IGE hover at an appropriate power rating at the offshore
28C.1.3.2 Where the surface of the offshore alternate helideck, or prevailing
conditions (especially wind velocity), precludes an OEI IGE hover, OEI
OGE hover performance at an appropriate power rating is used to
compute the landing weight.
28C.1.3.3 The landing weight is calculated from data provided in the aircraft
flight manual. When calculating this landing weight, account is
taken of helicopter configuration, environmental conditions and the
operation of systems that have an adverse effect on performance.
28C.1.3.4 The planned landing weight of the helicopter, including 30 minutes of
final reserve fuel, will not exceed the OEI landing mass at the time of
approach to the offshore alternate.
28C.1.4 Deck availability is guaranteed.
28C.1.4.1 The dimensions, configuration and obstacle clearance of individual
helidecks or other sites is assessed in order to establish operational
suitability for use as an alternate by each helicopter type used.
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
28C.1.5.2 Where fog is forecast, or has been observed within the last two hours
within 60 NM of the destination or alternate, offshore alternates are
not be used.
28C.1.6 When an offshore alternate is planned, the meteorological observations at the
destination and alternate, are taken by a qualified observer, or AWOS acceptable to
the NAA.
28C.1.7 The helicopter MEL reflects essential requirements for this type of operation and there
are no open defects relating to MEL items required for the use of offshore alternates.
28C.1.8 Any spare payload capacity is used to carry additional fuel, if it would facilitate the
use of an onshore alternate.
28C.1.9 The installation selected as suitable for nomination as an offshore alternate must
have an approved aircraft refuelling capability with all recent serviceability and
fuel testing checks completed.
28C.1.10 Mechanical reliability of critical control systems and critical components are
considered when determining the suitability of the alternate.
Other references
Fuel Exhaustion/ (Hot) Refuelling Fuel Flight Offshore Fuel Fuel Testing/
Contamination Procedures Checks Planning Alternates Reserves Inspection
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
29A. Purpose
Ensuring offshore alternates are only used when OEI performance and alternative decks are
29B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has a documented policy on the use of offshore alternates, if applicable.
29C.1 Before passing the PNR, the following actions are completed:
29C.1.1 Confirmation that navigation to the destination and offshore alternate is assured.
29C.1.2 Radio contact with the destination and offshore alternate (or responsible radio
operator) has been established.
29C.1.3 The landing forecast at the destination and offshore alternate has been obtained
and confirmed to be above the required minima as listed in Table 28.1.
29C.1.4 The requirements for an OEI landing have been checked to ensure that they can be
29C.1.5 The availability of the offshore alternate has been guaranteed by the duty holder
(rig operator for fixed installations and the owner for mobiles or vessels) until
landing at the destination, or the offshore alternate, has been achieved (or until
offshore shuttling has been completed).
Other references
Fuel Exhaustion/ (Hot) Refuelling Fuel Flight Offshore Fuel Fuel Testing/
Contamination Procedures Checks Planning Alternates Reserves Inspection
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
30A. Purpose
Ensuring a safe flightpath with early identification of deviations and timely corrective action.
30B. Expectations
30C.1 Flight procedures (SOP or Operations Manual) are used by the aircrew in the performance of
their duties, referencing the FCOM if available. These procedures include cockpit procedures,
use of checklists, automation policy, and crew monitoring procedures including confirmation
of actions, mode settings, aircraft responses and deviation calls. The procedures are
described concisely so that aircrew will recognise and act on deviations from standards in a
timely manner.
30C.2 FDM or FOQA programs are used to monitor trends regarding these procedures.
30C.3 The use of CRM/TEM/ADM, crew responsibilities including pre-flight planning, adverse
weather avoidance, arming of flotation gear, awareness of potential birdstrike risk, and care
of passengers are defined and understood by aircrew.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
31A. Purpose
Ensuring a safe flightpath with early identification of deviations and timely corrective action.
31B. Expectations
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
32A. Purpose
Ensuring a safe flightpath with early identification of deviations and timely corrective action.
32B. Expectations
32C.1 Stabilised approach procedures are documented that define when to conduct a missed
approach or abort a landing if deviation criteria for a stabilised approach are not met.
32C.2 The procedures are written with reference to the HeliOffshore Flightpath Management
Recommended Practices (HO-FPM-RP-v2.0);
32C.3 Stabilised approach procedures are specific to the aircraft type or use a TC Holder issued
Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM).
32C.4 Procedures are characterised by defined speeds, climb/descent rate, vertical flight-path and
configuration, through a series of defined ‘gates’ as necessary.
32C.5 Stabilised approach criteria confirm that:
32C.5.1 The aircraft is on the correct flight path and only requires small changes in
heading, attitude and power to remain on the correct flight path.
32C.5.2 The aircraft is in the correct landing configuration and all briefings and checklists
have been conducted.
32C.5.3 The power setting is appropriate for the aircraft configuration, not below the
manufacturer’s minimum if specified in the Aircraft Flight Manual or Flight Crew
Operating Manual (FCOM).
32C.5.4 Flight crew procedures include monitoring of the flight path and the requirement
to announce deviations and subsequent actions using specified criteria.
32C.6 Unique approach procedures or abnormal conditions that require a deviation from stabilised
approach criteria require a special briefing.
32C.7 Procedures are in place for no-fault, mandatory go-arounds if any approach not be
stabilised, and pilots practice all-engine operating (AEO) go-arounds as part of their
proficiency training.
32C.8 The aircraft operator uses HFDM analysis, within its SMS to assist with the identification of
specific risks in the conduct of flight procedures.
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
Ensuring a safe flightpath with early identification of deviations and timely corrective actions.
The aircraft operator has established a procedure for flight crew to confirm the location of
offshore destinations.
33C.1 There is a process to identify the relative risk (high, medium, or low) of a wrong deck landing
at a particular destination or vessel during flight planning. This process considers factors
such as the location of mobile installations and vessels, proximity of adjacent decks, physical
similarity of adjacent installations or vessels, similarity in naming conventions, etc.
33C.2 Procedures are in place to review this risk during all pre-flight briefings and discuss in pre-
landing briefings (unless the risk in that area is continuously low).
33C.3 There are procedures in the operations manual/normal checklists for verification of the
destination position and facility name when approaching all vessels and installations.
Other references
Heliport/ Vessel Pitch, Roll Heliport and Helideck Multiple Helicopter Heliport/
Helideck Heave Limits Management Operations Helideck Design
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
34A. Purpose
Ensuring the aircraft is correctly prepared for flight and any defects are properly recorded.
34B. Expectations
The aircraft operator has established procedures for the use of the aircraft technical log and MEL.
34C.1 Flight Crew responsibilities for the use of the MEL and ATL are clearly defined.
34C.2 The aircraft is prohibited from departure with a defect that has not been processed in
accordance with the MEL.
34C.3 Flight crews record all defects after every flight.
34C.4 A protocol is in place for flight crew to debrief maintenance personnel post-flight.
Other references
System Early Diagnosis of Enhanced Airworthiness Error Tolerant
Maintenance/ Supply Chain
Failure Potential Failures Reliability Management Designs
Tool Control
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
35A. Purpose
35B. Expectations
35C.1 A satellite flight following system is installed that records aircraft position when the aircraft
is outside an effective Air Traffic Control (ATC) surveillance service (Radar, Voice or Automatic
Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B)).
35C.2 Satellite position reporting frequency is a maximum interval of two minutes
35C.3 When satellite tracking is in use, the aircraft’s position is shown on a monitor which is in
direct view of trained operations personnel who keep the aircraft under constant surveillance
during the whole flight.
35C.4 When the aircraft is not under ATC surveillance, Contractor’s flight following personnel
are able to initiate the Emergency Response Plan if required. There is a reliable means
of direct communication available between the aircraft and flight follower throughout the
flight. Activation of an Emergency Response Plan will occur in event of distress or loss of
35C.5 When the aircraft is not under ATC surveillance and the satellite flight following system is
inoperative, procedures are in place for regular “ops normal” calls at least every 15 minutes.
Such calls include heading, speed, position and are recorded in a log.
35C.6 Job descriptions are documented that include the roles and responsibilities for flight
following positions, the associated training requirements, and the process by which their
ongoing competencies are assured. The documented training requirements adequately
address management of the flight following function in both normal and emergency
Other references
Land/General SAR/Emergency
Impact Survival Flotation Underwater Escape Sea Survival Alerting Post-Accident
Survival Response
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
36A. Purpose:
Ensuring that helicopter operations do not compromise the safety of perforating operations.
36B. Expectations:
36C.1 The aircraft operator respects the 500m safety zone and radio silence when perforating
operations are in progress.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
37A. Purpose:
Ensuring effective bird control measures are in place to minimise bird strikes.
37B. Expectations:
The aircraft operator has established procedures to minimise the risk of birdstrikes.
37C.1 Aircraft routing considers bird sanctuaries, known nesting areas, and migratory bird paths as
far as practical.
37C.2 In area where bird strike risk is identified defined, speed limits according altitude are be
37C.3 Flight crews are aware of bird avoidance techniques.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
38A. Purpose:
Ensuring the accurate and safe aircraft loading within approved limits.
38B. Expectations:
38C.1 Cargo carried inside the passenger compartment is adequately secured and does not
obstruct normal or emergency exits;
38C.2 Cargo carried in the cabin is subject to approval by the Company.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
39A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
39B. Expectations:
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
40A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
40B. Expectations:
The aircraft operator has a documented training programme for flight crew
40C.1 Pilots fly a ‘reorientation’ flight after an absence from flying for a period of 45 days or longer,
to enable them to be refamiliarised with the operational environment. The flight may be
conducted on a revenue flight or in an Level C or Level D FFS (or type -specific Type III, IV or
V devices as described in ICAO Doc 9625 Vol 2) with an instructor, line training captain, or an
experienced line pilot approved by the base chief pilot monitoring the flight.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
41A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
41B. Expectations:
The aircraft operator has established a recurrent training programme for flight crews.
41C.1 All pilots receive annual recurrent training to the standards of the NAA, and flight checks
every six months. These flight checks include an annual instrument rating proficiency check/
renewal (where applicable), a six-monthly OPC which includes emergency drills, and an
annual LPC.
41C.2 Where distinct climatic seasons exist, training is related to seasonal changes.
41C.3 Before being scheduled for flight duties in a new location, all crewmembers undergo at least
a documented orientation line check, including a review of local procedures and policies.
41C.4 Before being scheduled for Maintenance Check Flights crew receive appropriate training, see
690-5 - Engineering, Section 18 – Maintenance Check Flights.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
42A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
42B. Expectations:
The aircraft operator has established a recency requirement for flight crews.
42C.1 Pilots fly a total of 50 hours in the preceding 90 days to maintain recency. Hours in a Level C
or Level D FFS (or type -specific Type III, IV or V devices as described in ICAO Doc 9625 Vol
2) may be included in this total. If the requirement is not met, a line check (or LPC/OPC) is
carried out by an LTC (or TRE/TRI) – Note 1.
42C.2 In cases where 90-day minimum requirements cannot be met due to low contracted flight
hours, a risk assessment with appropriate mitigation is presented to the Company.
Note 1: A line check (which may be a normal revenue flight) is conducted by a line training captain at least annually as
part of the recurrent training program. It can also be used for other purposes, such as resetting currency after a time of
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
43A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
43B. Expectations:
43C.1 Flight crews are to seated at their normal flight control stations to receive credit for
simulator time.
43C.2 FSTDs include landing area visual simulations that are representative of those being used by
the operator, including for example, helideck visuals with markings representative of those
being used in daily operations.
43C.3 Instructors can communicate effectively with the trainees.
43C.4 Where differences exist between the aircraft and training devices (e.g., equipment fit,
software version), a gap analysis is conducted, and suitable mitigations applied.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
44A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
44B. Expectations:
44C.1 Aircrew undergo training in an approved FSTD at a frequency of at least every 6 months.
Level C or Level D FFS (or type -specific Type III, IV or V devices as described in ICAO Doc
9625 Vol 2) are used where available for the type.
44C.2 Where an FFS or ICAO 9625 equivalent is not available for the aircraft type or where the
configuration of the FFS is not sufficiently representative of the contracted commercial
aircraft, FTDs may be used in accordance with the following guidelines:
44C.2.1 FTD Level 3 or equivalent for medium rotorcraft above 3175 kg (7,000 lb).
44C.2.2 FTD Level 2 for small rotorcraft with a maximum weight of 3175 kg (7,000 lb) or
less and certified with nine or less passenger seats.
44C.2.3 The FSTD training syllabus incorporates LOFT scenarios and Threat and Error
Management (TEM) training, including those emergencies that cannot be
practised in the air.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
45A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skillS, and experience.
45B. Expectations:
45C.1 Commanders have at least 100 hours on type and co-pilots have at least 50 hours on type.
45C.2 When new types are introduced into service, or when changing to alternate types, operations
are permitted with fewer hours, provided the crews have followed an integrated structured
training programme for the initial type rating.
45C.3 The programme is approved by the NAA and is run either by the OEM or by an approved and
licenced ATO; if applicable, it includes time spent in an FSTD.
45C.4 The hours to be achieved during type conversion or an initial type rating (including any initial
conversion training) is agreed with the company.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
46A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
46B. Expectations:
The aircraft operator has a Crew Resource Management (CRM) training programme in place.
46C.1 A CRM training programme is in place, with initial and annual refresher training.
46C.2 The annual CRM refresher is carried out either as ground instruction or as part of the annual
line check.
Other references
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
47A. Purpose:
Ensuring only appropriately packaged and documented DG are carried in the appropriate
aircraft hold locations.
47B. Expectations:
47C.1 Dangerous Goods Awareness training, compliant with local regulatory requirements, is in
place for all pilots at least every 2 years to ensure that they are aware of the requirements,
including relevant legislation, limitations and documentation, for the carriage of hazardous
Other references
• ICAO Annex 18
• IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
48A. Purpose:
48B. Expectations:
48C.1 Flight crew complete a HUET course to a recognised standard (e.g., OPITO) that includes the
use of a Modular Egress Training Simulator (METS) at least every four years, unless local
regulation requires greater frequency.
48C.2 In HUET devices the emergency exit types and sizes are representative of the aircraft flown in
offshore operations.
48C.3 All HUET trained personnel or their companies maintain a documented record of the training
Other references
• OPITO Training Standard - Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) with Compressed
Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Land/General SAR/Emergency
Impact Survival Flotation Underwater Escape Sea Survival Alerting Post-Accident
Survival Response
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
49A. Purpose:
49B. Expectations:
49C.1 HUET includes training in the use of the CA-EBS to ensure user proficiency at least every
four years, unless local regulation requires greater frequency.
49C.2 The CA-EBS is compatible with the lifejacket (and immersion suit, if required).
49C.3 An appropriate Maintenance Program (including pre-flight inspection) is in place for these
Other references
• O
PITO Training Standard - Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) with Compressed
Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)
• EN4856:2018
• ETSO 2C519
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Land/General SAR/Emergency
Impact Survival Flotation Underwater Escape Sea Survival Alerting Post-Accident
Survival Response
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
50A. Purpose:
Ensuring safety critical personnel are competent to fulfil their duties by having appropriate
training, qualifications, knowledge, skills, and experience.
50B. Expectations:
Other references
• CAP 437
• HeliOffshore Safety Performance Model
Report 690-2 - Aircraft Operations
51A. Purpose:
To prevent injuries following an accidental flight controls input while rotors running on the
51B. Expectations:
51C.1 When loading or unloading passengers from helicopters with rotors running, a member of
the flight crew remains guarding the controls and only performs cockpit duties related to the
identification of external hazards and passenger movement around the aircraft.
Other references