Curs Limba Engleza2

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Limba Engleză

Clasa a XII-a
Frecvenţă redusă
Sem al II - lea

prof. Zigoli Dragos


There are several different ways of expressing future actions in English

and the choice among them is on whether the action is planned, intended,
scheduled, expected or imminent.

1 The Future Simple

- se formeaza adaugand persoanei de exprimat will/shall si verbul de

conjugat la infinitiv, dupa cum urmeaza:


I/we shall/will go
(eu, noi) (voi, vom) (merge)

You/he/she/it/they will go


Shall/Will I/we go?

Will he/she/it/they go?


I/we shall not/will not (won’t) go

You/he/she/it/they will not (won’t) go

Folosim viitorul simplu in urmatoarele cazuri:

1. Decizii luate in momentul vorbirii

It’s cold in here. I will/I’ll close a window. (Este frig aici. Voi
inchide un geam)

2. Predictii despre viitor, bazate pe ceea ce gandim, credem sau ne

imaginam, folosind verbe precum think, believe, expect, expresii
precum be sure, be afraid si adverbe precum probably, certainly,
He will probably come later. (Probabil ca el va veni mai tarziu)

3. Pentru a exprima promisiuni, amenintari, avrtismente, cereri,

sperante sau oferte

Will you help me was the dishes?

4. Pentru a exprima actiuni, evenimente, situatii care se vor intampla

cu siguranta in viitor si pe care nu le putem controla

Tom will be three years old in September. (Tom va avea trei ani in

2. The Future Continous

- se formeaza adaugand persoanei de exprimat will/shall, apoi verbul to

be la infinitiv si verbul de conjugat cu terminatia -ing, dupa cum


I/we shall/will be going

(eu, noi) (voi, vom) (merge)

You/he/she/it/they will be going


Shall/Will I/we be going?

Will he/she/it/they be going?


I/we shall not/will not (won’t) be going

You/he/she/it/they will not (won’t) be going

Folosim viitorul continuu in urmatoarele cazuri:

1. Pentru a exprima o stare sau activitate viitoare care va incepe si va
continua dupa un anumit moment din viitor

This time tomorrow we shall be watching the match. (Maine pe

vremea asta ne vom uita la meci)

2. Pentru a indica o activitate sau stare care se va extinde asupra unei

intregi perioade din viitor

Lucy will be writing letters all day long. (Lucy va scrie scrisori
toata ziua)

3. Pentru a exprima evenimente viitoare deja planificate

We shall be spending our next holiday in the mountains. (Noi ne

vom petrece viitoarea vacanta la munte)

Frazele conditionale (If-Clauses)

Exista trei tipuri de fraze conditionale:

Tipul 1
Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara
Future Present
I will go to the seaside if the weather is fine.
(Voi merge la mare daca vremea va fi buna.)
I will stay at home if it rains.
(Voi sta acasa daca va ploua.)

Tipul 2
Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara
Present Conditional Subjonctiv cu forma de Past Tense
I would go to the seaside if the weather were fine.
(As merge la mare daca vremea ar fi buna.)
I would stay at home if it rained.
(As sta acasa daca ar ploua.)

Vorbirea directa: John said: „She is not at home"

Vorbirea indirecta: John said she was not at home.
Pentru a trece o propozitie de la vorbirea directa la vorbirea
indirecta, trebuie respectate o serie de reguli.

1. Atunci când verbul din propozitia principala este la trecut,

ceea ce se intâmpla in majoritatea cazurilor, in propozitia
secundara se schimba timpurile dupa cum urmeaza:

Present past

Present perfect past perfect

Past past perfect

Future future-in-the-past

Ex. – He said „I am ill". He said he was ill.

o He said „I have been working hard. He said he had

been working hard.
o He said „I was ill". He said he had been ill.
o He said „I will do the exercise". He said he would do
the exercise.

1. Se schimba pronumele, in functie de sens.

Ex. He said: „She gave me a book".

He said she had given him a book.

2. Se schimba o serie de cuvinte in functie de sens.

Ex. today that day

yesterday the day before/the previous day

the day before yesterday two days before

tomorrow the next day/the following day

the day after tomorrow in two days’ time

next week the next/the following week

Ex. He said: „I’ll be at home today". He said he would be at

home on that day.

He said: „I am going to do this traslation tomorrow". He said

he was going to do that translation the next day.

3. Frazele conditionale sunt trecute la vorbirea indirecta in

modul urmator:

o tipul 1 devine tipul 2:

"If it rains, I will stay at home."

He said if it rained he would stay at home.

o tipurile 2 si 3 nu se schimba:

"If it rained, I would stay at home."

He said if itrained he would stay at home.

"If it had rained, I would have stayed at home."

He said if it had rained he would have stayed at home.

1. Verbele modale would, should, ought to, could, might ramân

neschimbate la vorbirea indirecta.

Ex. He said: „I might be late"

He said he might be late.


I he/she
my they
our his/her
this their

these that
here those
now there
today then
tonight that day
tomorrow that night
yesterday the next day
ago the following day
next the day before
the day after tomorrow the previous day
the day before yesterday before
the next
in two day’s time
two days before

As for the tenses used in Indirect Speech it must be shown that,when the
reporting verb is in the Present Tense or in the Present Perfect,no tense change
occurs in Indirect Speech.

‘’I shall buy this book tomorrow’’ Jane says.(Direct Speech)\

Jane says that she will buy this book tomorrow.(Indirect Speech)

But,when the reporting verb is in the Past Tense,the following change of tense
takes place:

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

A) PRESENT----------------------PAST TENSE

‘’I live in this house now,’’the girl explained.

The girl explained that she lived in that house then.


‘’We saw this film yesterday,’’the children told me.

The children told me that they had seen that film the day bevore
‘’I have not visited New York yet,’’ the tourist said.
The tourist said that he had not visited New York yet.

C) FUTURE-------------------------FUTURE-IN-THE-PAST

‘’We shall not be late,’’my friends promised.

My friend promised that they would not be late.

In engleza contemporana, subjonctivul nu are formele lui proprii.

El apare cu forme de infinitiv, de Past Tense si de Past Perfect. De
asemenea, exista echivalenti de subjonctiv care constau in verbele
should, may, might, would + infinitiv.

1. Subjonctiv cu forma de infinitiv

a. Apare in propozitii exclamative, exprimând o lozinca, o

urare, o dorinta sau un blestem.
Ex. Long live the king!
Traiasca regele.
Come what may.
Fie ce-o fi.
God forgive you!
Fie ca Domnul sa te ierte!
Curse this fog!
Blestemata fie aceasta ceata!

b. Poate fi intâlnit in poezia clasica, in situatii in care, in

engleza contemporana, ar fi inlocuit cu prezentul.
Ex. Shakespeare: „If this be error"…
If this is error
Byron: „Though the hart be still as loving" …the heart is

c. Poate fi folosit ca o modalitate de a da ordine.

Ex. Everybody leave the hall.
Toata lumea sa paraseasca sala.
Somebody bring me a glass of water.
Cineva sa-mi aduca un pahar cu apa.

d. Dupa constructii de tipul: it is impossible that, it is desirable

that, it is necessary that, it is likely that.

Ex. It is necessary that you be present.

E necesar ca tu sa fii prezent.
It is desirable that we finish the translation first.
Este de dorit ca noi sa terminam intâi traducerea.
It is impossible that he do this.
Este imposibil ca el sa faca aceasta.
e) Dupa verbe ca: to propose, to suggest, to insist, to demand, to
urge, to recommend, to order

Ex. I recommended that his proposal be accepted.

Am recomandat ca propunerea lui sa fie acceptata.
The doctor insisted that I keep indoors.
Doctorul a insistat ca eu sa stau acasa.

1. Translate the following sentences containing subjunctives with should into


1.He didn’t switch on the light lest his wife should wake up.
2. Do you consider it right that these people should be treated like that?
3. They were surprised that you should have been seen there at that time.
4. She left orders that it should be changed at once.
5. It is inconceivable that she should not have known anything about it.
6. She is shocked that such a thing should have happened in her house.
7. It is quite wrong that people should be forced to say what they don’t want
8. You insisted that she should be present, too.
9. She suggests that our work be finished at once.
10. I propose she should be asked to resign.

2. Translate the following sentences into English using should + Infinitive :

1. A cerut sa I se dea o alta camera.

2. Ei au solicitat sa-l vada pe director.
3. I-am sugerat sa incerce o alta pereche de pantofi.
4. Le-am propus sa astepte acolo o jumatate de ora.
5. Am sfatuit-o sa ia toate medicamentele.
6. Ai insistat ca toti sa fim prezenti acolo la ora zece.
7. Am hotarat ca toate robinetele sa fie inlocuite.
8. I-am ordonat san u se miste.
9. De ce sa-I asteptati aici?
10.Am recomandat ca ei sa repete toate cuvintele.

3.Translate into Romanian the following sentences containing analytical

subjunctives constructed with may/might:

1. He hurried so that he might catch the train.

2. All good luck may attend you!
3. David works hard so that he may pass this difficult exam.
4. Tired as you may be, try to do your best and finish your work today.
5. I wish he might find much understanding there.
6. However much money you might have, don’t spend it in one day.
7. Give him my new address so that he may answer letter.
8. Whoever he may be, don’t open the door!
9. Whatever she might say about me, don’t believe her!
10.They hoped that I might come back.

4. Translate the following sentences into English using the Analytical

Subjunctive made up of may/might + Infinitive:

1. Il voi pedepsi pe vinovat, oricine ar fi el.

2. Sa aveti mult success, dragii mei!
3. Au plecat de la birou cu doua ore mai devreme, ca sa vada meciul la
4. Oricat de mult costa aceste carti, trebuie sa le cumparati pe toate.
5. Desi s-ar putea ca Peggy sa nu stie inca rezultatul examenului, eu nu voi
aminti nimic despre el.
6. Sunt sigur ca-l voi gasi, oriunde s-ar ascunde.
7. Am sfatuit-o sa ia medicamentul acela ca sa-si revina din criza.
8. Orice ai vedea acolo, nu-mi spune nimic, fiindca nu ma intereseaza.
9. Desi s-ar putea ca vremea sa se imbunatateasca, eu num erg cu voi in
excursie maine.
10. Am sa-I dau cateva albume ca sa vada cum arata Londra cu adevarat.
11. Margaret se teme ca va aud vecinii.
12. Indiferent ce crezi tu despre mine, eu am sa te ajut.

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