Curs Limba Engleza2
Curs Limba Engleza2
Curs Limba Engleza2
Clasa a XII-a
Frecvenţă redusă
Sem al II - lea
I/we shall/will go
(eu, noi) (voi, vom) (merge)
You/he/she/it/they will go
It’s cold in here. I will/I’ll close a window. (Este frig aici. Voi
inchide un geam)
Tom will be three years old in September. (Tom va avea trei ani in
Lucy will be writing letters all day long. (Lucy va scrie scrisori
toata ziua)
Tipul 1
Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara
Future Present
I will go to the seaside if the weather is fine.
(Voi merge la mare daca vremea va fi buna.)
I will stay at home if it rains.
(Voi sta acasa daca va ploua.)
Tipul 2
Propozitia principala Propozitia secundara
Present Conditional Subjonctiv cu forma de Past Tense
I would go to the seaside if the weather were fine.
(As merge la mare daca vremea ar fi buna.)
I would stay at home if it rained.
(As sta acasa daca ar ploua.)
Present past
Future future-in-the-past
o tipurile 2 si 3 nu se schimba:
these that
here those
now there
today then
tonight that day
tomorrow that night
yesterday the next day
ago the following day
next the day before
the day after tomorrow the previous day
the day before yesterday before
the next
in two day’s time
two days before
As for the tenses used in Indirect Speech it must be shown that,when the
reporting verb is in the Present Tense or in the Present Perfect,no tense change
occurs in Indirect Speech.
But,when the reporting verb is in the Past Tense,the following change of tense
takes place:
A) PRESENT----------------------PAST TENSE
C) FUTURE-------------------------FUTURE-IN-THE-PAST
1.He didn’t switch on the light lest his wife should wake up.
2. Do you consider it right that these people should be treated like that?
3. They were surprised that you should have been seen there at that time.
4. She left orders that it should be changed at once.
5. It is inconceivable that she should not have known anything about it.
6. She is shocked that such a thing should have happened in her house.
7. It is quite wrong that people should be forced to say what they don’t want
8. You insisted that she should be present, too.
9. She suggests that our work be finished at once.
10. I propose she should be asked to resign.