JB Personal and Academic Achievement Assignment
JB Personal and Academic Achievement Assignment
JB Personal and Academic Achievement Assignment
Assignment Instructions:
1. Complete both mind maps. One is for your personal achievement, and one is for your academic
achievement. Refer to the reflection guidelines below for filling in the sections on your mind
2. Select EITHER your academic OR your personal achievement and hand in a typewritten
a. Your reflection should be at least a page in length.
b. It should be thoughtful and provide insight into what success you have already earned.
c. It should illustrate thoughtful consideration on your part of how this success can be
applied in your future.
d. Each of the 5 reflection guidelines below must be addressed in your write up
(description, personal relevancy, skill development, self-awareness, and future
Working out and eating healthy and
sticking to a regular fitness schedule
Growing up I was a skinny boy.
and strict diet.
It impacted my self esteem and
I prepared a robust fitness schedule,
ACHIEVEMENT confidence level. I was often
working out 5 days/week for an picked up. Once I was able to
hour, sometimes longer. start working out, I had made a
Prepared a meal plan, where I
mental commitment to myself
incorporate protein, fiber and limit that I would work hard and
My relentless improve my physical stature and
my sugar intake and work towards a
daily calorie goal. motivation and appearance.
passion for fitness,
Working out at my gym at home
nutrition and over all
and prepared a fitness schedule
working on upper and lower body health and wellbeing
exercises, and ab exercises.
My grade 11 Marketing class with Ms. Personal interest
Dosanjh. It was a course where I learned
about practical marketing techniques and Enjoyed the course, and was
market trends, how to promote and sell
and make an appealing marketing plan ACHIEVEMENT able to focus as I enjoyed the
and selling a product. topic as I found it relevant to my
future career goals
Ms. Dosanjh was an inspiring teacher
who made the class fun and exciting. Knowing how and who to cater
I completed several assignments where I my marketing plan to
was able to use my creativity, make my
own advertisement in a niche market, of
Grade 11 Building connections with the
products that we made up, for example audience and niche markets
Kylie Puff cereal, marketing plan of the
4 ps, price, product, place and
Marketing Learning various tips and tricks
promotion, on marketing in general
Prepared a Red Robin marketing Course
business plan