Dewa Gede Satria Wibawa Resiartha - Assignment 7
Dewa Gede Satria Wibawa Resiartha - Assignment 7
Dewa Gede Satria Wibawa Resiartha - Assignment 7
There are two ways of relating what a person has said: direct and indirect.
In direct speech we repeat the original speaker’s exact words:
He said, “I have lost my umbrella.”
Remarks thus repeated are placed between inverted commas, and a comma is placed immediately before
the remark. Direct speech is found in conversations in books, in plays and in quotations.
In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without necessarily using the
speaker’s exact words:
He said (that) he had lost his umbrella.
There is no comma after say in indirect speech. that can usually be omitted after say and tell + object. But
it should be kept after other verbs: complain, explain, object, point out, protest etc. Indirect speech is
normally used when conversation is reported verbally, though direct speech is sometimes here to give a
more dramatic effect.
When we turn direct speech into indirect, some changes are usually necessary.
All those changes represent the distancing effect of the reported speech. Common sense, together
with the time aspect from the speaker’s point of view, are more important than the rules when
making the usual changes.
- A. J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, 1986
- R. Fernández Carmona, English Grammar… with exercises, Longman, 2000
- R. Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press 1990
- M. Harrison, Grammar Spectrum 2, Oxford University Press, 1996
- N. Coe, Grammar Spectrum 3, Oxford University Press, 1996
1. These people are saying these things. Report them, using says that.
a. Paul: “Atlanta is a wonderful city.” ____________________________________________________
He says that Atlanta is a wonderful city
b. Ruth: “I go jogging every morning.” ___________________________________________________
She says that she goes jogging every morning
c. Anna: “Jenny isn’t studying for her exams.” _____________________________________________
she says that Jenny isn't studying for her exams
d. Andrew: “I used to be very fat.” _______________________________________________________
He says that he used to be very fat
e. e.- Jim: “I can’t swim.” ______________________________________________________________
He says that he can't swim
2. People made these statements. Report them, using said.
a. “Mary works in a bank”, Jane said. ____________________________________________________
She said that Mary worked in a bank
b. “I’m staying with some friends”, Jim said. _______________________________________________
He said that he was staying with some friend
c. “I’ve never been to Russia”, Mike said. _________________________________________________
He said that he had never been to Russia
d. “Tom can’t use a computer”, Ella said. _________________________________________________
She said that Tom Couldn't use a computer
e. “Everybody must try to do their best”, Jill said. __________________________________________
She said that everybody must try to do their best
f. “Jane may move to a new flat”, Rachel said. ____________________________________________
She said that Jane might move to a new flat
He said that he would stay at home on Sunday
g. “I’ll stay at home on Sunday”, Bill said. _________________________________________________
7. Report the police-officer’s questions to the shop owner.
a. What’s your name? _________________________________________________________________
He asked me what my name was
b. Did you see the robbers? ____________________________________________________________
He asked me if I saw the robbers
c. What were they wearing? ___________________________________________________________
He asked me what we wearing were
d. How do you think they got in? ________________________________________________________
He asked me how I think they got in did
e. What did they take? ________________________________________________________________
He asked me what they take did
f. Has this ever happened before? ______________________________________________________
He asked if it had ever happened before
11. Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given.
a. “Sit down, Mary.” (he told)
He told mary to sit down
b. “Would you pass my suitcase?” (he asked)
He asked me to pass his suitcase
c. “Don’t go near the sea, children.” (the children’s mother warned)
The children's mother warned their children not to go near the sea
d. “Don’t be late, Tim.” (Tim’s father told)
Tim's father told him not to be late
e. “Be quiet, children.” (the librarian told)
The librarian told children to be quiet
f. “Have your tickets ready, please.” (the inspector told us)
The inspector told us to have our tickets ready