Ece3414.7induction Machines I
Ece3414.7induction Machines I
Ece3414.7induction Machines I
The more generic term of electrical machine is necessary since the same
device can operate as a motor or a generator. Each electrical machine has
a stationary component and a moving component. The motion of the
moving machine component can be linear, oscillatory or rotational. The
most common type of motion is rotational. There are three types of
rotating machines.
1. Synchronous machines
2. Induction (asynchronous) machines
3. DC machines
Any rotating machine consists of two basic parts. The stationary (outside)
portion of the machine is called the stator. The rotating (inside) portion of
the machine is called the rotor. In between the stator and the rotor is an air
gap. The rotor is typically mounted on a steel rod, called the shaft.
The shaft is connected directly to the rotor. With regard to the
rotational velocity of the machine, the terms “machine speed, “rotor speed”
and “shaft speed” are synonymous. The rotor and the stator each consist
of three components.
Rotor/Stator Components
1. Core
2. Windings
3. Insulation
Winding Currents
Winding Types
Insulation Components
Rotor Types
where u is the vector velocity of the rotor conductors relative to the stator
magnetic flux density (Bs). This electromotive force (emf) induces currents
in the rotor conductors (Ir). These current carrying rotor conductors in the
applied stator magnetic flux experience a vector force given by
These forces on the conductors of the rotor set the rotor in motion. There
is an upper limit on the speed of the induction motor. If the rotor were
turning at the synchronous speed (the same speed as the stator mmf), there
would be no relative velocity between the rotor conductors and the stator
mmf. This would result in zero emf along the rotor conductors, no current
in the rotor conductors, and no force on the rotor conductors. Thus, the
induction motor never reaches synchronous speed and operates at some
speed less than synchronous speed.
The difference between the motor speed (n) and the synchronous
speed (ns) is defined as the slip speed (nslip) and given by
Note that if the motor speed equals the synchronous speed, s = 0. If the
motor is stationary, s = 1.
Note that the slip rpm can be written in terms of the slip as nslip = sns.
The frequency of the current and voltage in the rotor circuit (f 2) is
dependent on the relative speed between the stator mmf and the machine
speed (ns! n). Using the relationship between frequency and rotation speed
in rpm, we may write
where n2 represents the rotation speed of the field produced by the induced
currents in the windings relative to the rotor speed. Solving for the
frequency of the rotor signals gives
Thus, the frequency of the signals in the rotor equals the frequency of the
excitation in the stator times the slip. This frequency in commonly referred
to as the slip frequency.
Given that the rotor is rotating at the machine speed of n rpm, the
induced rotor field rotates in the air gap at a speed of n + n2 = ns.
Therefore, both the stator field and the rotor field rotate in the air gap at the
synchronous speed.
Example (Induction machine operation)
The total magnetic flux in the air gap between the stator and the rotor will
depend on the number of poles p for the induction machine. However,
windings associated with each pole will be connected in parallel and
produce the same induced voltage. Thus, the total magnetic flux needed in
the induced voltage equation is the total magnetic flux per pole Rmp. The
number of turns in each case will be N1 (stator winding) and N2 (rotor
winding) and represent the number of turns per phase. Also, the equation
for the stator and the rotor should include the frequency of the magnetic
flux density through the respective winding. Based on these factors, the
equations for the induced voltage in the stator and the rotor of the induction
machine are
There are additional geometric factors regarding how the windings are
arranged that affect (reduce) the induced voltages. These reduction factors
are included in the form of the winding factor KW. The induced voltages for
the stator and the rotor are then
where KW1 and KW2 are the winding factors for the stator and the rotor,
If the rotor of three-phase induction machine is open-circuited so that
no induced current can flow in the rotor, and a three-phase source is applied
to the stator, the stator field rotates at the synchronous speed while the rotor
stays stationary (standstill). This corresponds to a slip of s = 1 and an
induced voltage in the rotor at a frequency of
With the induced voltages in both the stator and the rotor at the same
frequency, the ratio of the stator voltage to the rotor voltage reduces to
The winding factors for the stator and the rotor for most induction
machines are normally equal, so that
Thus, the turns ratio of the induction machine is equivalent to the ratio of
the stator induced voltage to the rotor induced voltage at standstill.
When the induction machine is operating at a slip s, the frequency in
the rotor circuit is the slip frequency:
Thus, the induced voltage in the rotor when the machine operates at a slip
of s is equal to the slip times the induced rotor voltage at standstill.
There are three modes of operation for the induction machine. These
modes are defined by specific ranges of slip and speed.
1. Motor 0#s#1 0 # n # ns
2. Generator s<0 n > ns
3. Brake s>1 n<0
If the leads on the stator windings are reversed suddenly, the direction
of rotation for the stator field is reversed. The resulting slip is larger than
one. The motor will come to an abrupt stop. The motor is then
disconnected from the voltage source before it starts to rotate in the reverse
direction. This method of bringing motors to a quick stop is commonly
known as plugging.
Stator Winding
Rotor Winding
Per-phase Equivalent
Circuit (T=T2)
Note that this equivalent circuit represents the rotor as seen from the stator
since the circuit is now at the stator frequency T1. The resistance in this
equivalent circuit includes both the copper losses in the rotor and the
mechanical power developed by the induction machine. The copper losses
in the rotor can be separated from this resistance by manipulating the
equation as follows.
The final form of the rotor per-phase equivalent circuit is shown below.
Rotor Winding
Per-phase Equivalent
Circuit (T=T1)
Using this form of the rotor winding per-phase equivalent circuit, we
may identify the rotor copper loss and the total real mechanical power
developed by the induction machine.
The equation for the mechanical power shows that the induction motor
should be operated at a small value of slip for efficient operation. The
mechanical power term does include some loss components (windage and
friction). The remaining part of Pmech represents the power available as
output shaft power.
The overall per-phase equivalent circuit for the induction machine can
be found by reflecting the rotor circuit back to the stator side by using the
turns ratio for the machine. The resulting equivalent circuit is shown