ANSWERS For ACT 8910111213 and Coverage of Lab Exam
ANSWERS For ACT 8910111213 and Coverage of Lab Exam
ANSWERS For ACT 8910111213 and Coverage of Lab Exam
Lactose in urine (Lactosuria)
Lactose may appear in urine in:
late in normal pregnancy or during lactation
Patients who had been on a milk diet for a long time
Small amount is normally excreted in the urine about 50mg in 24 hours
Increased levels are seen in urine in times of lactase deficiency (Lactose intolerance: high levels of
sugars accumulate in the gut, and lactose will be absorbed and excreted in urine) and when there is
intestinal damage
C. Mucic Acid Test Concentrated HNO3 (nitric Fine white precipitate of mucic
acid) acid crystals indicates presence of
Water lactose or galactose
Lactosazone Crystals
Fructose in urine (Fructosuria)
Is a rare benign condition due to deficiency of fructokinase, blood levels become elevated after
ingestion of fructose and it appears in the urine.
As a result of excessive fruit or honey ingestion
Seliwanoff’s test:
Precautions necessary for a positive test for fructose:
The concentration of the hydrochloric acid must NOT be more than 12 percent
The reaction (red color) and the precipitate must be observed after not more than 20-30
seconds of boiling.
Glucose must NOT be present in amounts exceeding 2 percent. Glucose in the urine may be
transformed to fructose by the catalytic action of hydrochloric acid causing a false positive
Pentose in urine (Pentosuria)
Xylose, arabinose and ribose
Excessive fruit (plum and cherries) ingestion
Rare genetic defect due to L-xylulose reductase deficiency
1. Frommer’s Test Potassium hydroxide Intense red purple ring
Principle: One molecule of powder
salicylic aldehyde combines 10% alcoholic solution of
w/ one molecule of acetone salicylic aldehyde
to form oxybenzol-acetone.
Oxybenzol-acetone in the
presence of strong alkali
forms dioxy-dibenzol acetone
responsible for the intense red
Confirmatory procedure:
Boil the preparation showing a
Bordeaux or wine red colour
Principle: Most of the tests for bile pigments are based on their precipitation by certain chemicals followed by
their oxidation to various coloured compounds such as biliverdin (green), bilicyanin (blue), biliprasin (violet),
choletelin (yellow) and other derivatives, w/c cause the appearance of bands of rainbow colours at the
junction of the oxidizing agent and the pigments present in the urine sample.