Medico-Legal Aspects of Physical Injuries
Medico-Legal Aspects of Physical Injuries
Medico-Legal Aspects of Physical Injuries
Physical Injury
-is the effect of some forms of stimulus on the body.
-is the solution of the natural continuity of any tissue of the living body.
1.As to severity:
a. Mortal Wound
-Wound which is caused immediately after infliction or shortly
thereafter that is capable of causing death.
Parts of the body where the wounds inflicted are considered mortal:
a. Heart and big blood vessels.
b. Brain and upper portion of the spinal cord.
c. Lungs
d. Stomach, liver spleen and intestine.
b. Non-mortal
-Wound which is not capable of producing death immediately after
infliction or shortly thereafter.
5.As regards to the Relation of the Site of the Application of Force and the
Location of the Injury:
Coup Injury – Physical injury which located at the site of the application of the
Contre-coup Injury - Physical injury found opposite the site of the application
Coup Contre-Coup Injury – Physical injury located at the site and also opposite
the site of the application of force.
Locus Minoris Resistance - Physical injury located not at the site nor opposite
the site of the application of force but in some areas offering the least
resistance to the force applied.
Extensive Injury - Physical injury involving a greater area of the body beyond
the site of the application of force.
Defense Wound
– Wound which is the result of the person‘s instinctive reaction of
self protection.
Patterned Wound
- Wound in the nature and shape of an object or instrument causing it.
Self-Inflicted wound
- Self-inflicted wound is a wound produced on oneself.
1. petechiae - this is a circumscribed extravasations of blood in the subcutaneous
tissue or underneath the mucous membrane
2. Contusion – is the effusion of blood into the tissues underneath the skin on
account of the rupture of the blood vessels as a result of the application of
blunt force or violence.
3. Hematoma – is the extravasation or effusion of blood in a newly form cavity
underneath the skin
1. Musculos- Skeletal Injuries.
a .Sprain
b. Dislocation
c. Fracture
d. Strain
e. Subluxation
2. Internal Hemorrhage
Rupture of blood vessel which may cause hemorrhage ma due to the ff.
a. Traumatic intracranial hemorrhage.
b. Rupture of parenchymatous organs.
c. Laceration of other body
3. Cerebral Concussion
- is the jarring or stunning of the brain characterized by more or less
complete suspension of its functions, as a result of injury to the head ,
which leads to some commotion of the cerebral substance.
. Abrasion- It is an injury characterized by the removal of the superficial
epithelial layer of the skin caused by a rub or friction against a hard rough
Forms of Abrasion:
a. Linear
b. Multi-Linear
c. Confluent
d. Multiple
Types of Abrasion:
Scratch - this cause by a sharp-pointed object which slides across the skin, a pain,
thorn or fingernail.
Graze – These are usually cause by forcible contact with rough, hard objects
resulting to irregular removal of the skin surface.
Impact or Imprint Abrasion – Those whose pattern and location provides
objective evidence to show cause, nature of the wounding material or instrument
in the manner of assault or death.
2. Incised wound
-this is produce by a sharp edge (cutting) or sharp linear edge of the
After 12 Hours - Edges are swollen; adherent with blood and with leucocyte
After 24 Hours - Proliferation of the vascular endothelium and connective-
tissue cells.
After 36-48 hours -Capillary network complete; fibrolasts running at right angles
to the vessels.
After 3-5 days - Vessels show thickening and obliteration.
3. Stab wound
-is produced by the penetration of a sharp-pointed and sharp edged
instrument, like knife, saber, dagger, scissors.
4.Punctured wound
-is the result of a thrust of a sharp pointed instrument.
5.Lacererated wound
-is a tear of the skin and the underlying tissues due to forcible contact with
a blunt instrument. It may be produced by a hit with a piece of wood, iron bar,
fist blow, stone , butt of firearm, or other objects without sharp objects.
Kinds of Mutilation
1. Physical injuries which incapacitate the victim for labor from one to nine days
require medical attendance for the same period.
2. Physiacl injuries which did not prevent the offended party from engaging in his
habitual work or which did not require medical attendance.
3. Ill treatment of another by deed without causing any injury.
The following rules must always be observed by the physician in the examination
of wounds:
1. All injuries must be described, however small for it may be important
2. The description of the wounds must be comprehensive, and if possible a
sketch or photograph must be taken.
3. The examination must not be influence by any other information obtained
from others in making a report or a conclusion.
The following must be included in the examination of the wound. The report
made in connection with such examination also included in the detail the
following items:
a. Character of the Wound
b. Location of the Wound
c. Depth of the Wound
d. Condition of the Surroundings
e. Extent of the Wound
f. Direction of the Wound
g. Number of Wounds
h. Condition of the Locality
1.Degree of hemorrhage
2.Evidence for struggle
3.Information as to the position of the body
4.Presence of letter or suicide note
5.Condition of the weapon
Determination whether the wounds were inflicted during life or after death
In the determination whether the wounds were inflicted during life or after
death, the following factors must be taken into consideration:
1. Hemorrhage
2. Signs of Inflammation
3. Signs of repair
4. Retraction of the Edges of the Wound
In the approximation of the length of survival of the victim after receipt of the
physical injury, the following factors must be taken in consideration:
1. Degree of healing
2. Changes in the body in relation to the time of death
3. Age of the blood stain
4. Testimony of the witness when the wound is inflicted
Relative Position of the Victim and Assailant when Injury was Inflicted:
1.Location of the wound in the body of the victim.
2.Deriction of the wound .
3.Nature of the instrument used in inflicting the injury.
4.Testimony of the witnesses.