Beastfolk Race PF v1 Benjamin Huffman

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Beastfolk Languages.

You begin with Common and

Beastspeech. Beastspeech can only be learned by
Whether born or cursed to the form, beastfolk are a
collection of humanoid races that each bear strong Beastfolk and, when speaking it, they can communicate
resemblance to an animal. Due to the dizzying variety with animals as if under the effect of the spell, speak
of animals in the world, and beastfolk that take after with animals.
them, as a whole beastfolk have few common bonds.
They may form small communities, particularly if they Breed Traits
all resemble the same animal, but often times they live All beastfolk have two of the following traits. Each trait
on the edges of civilization and only interact with those can only be selected once.
with the insight to see beastfolk are at least as much Adept Climber. Gain proficiency in your choice
human as they are animal. of Athletics or Acrobatics. You have a climb speed
equivalent to your walking speed.
Beast of Burden. You are considered one size larger
Born & Raised than you are for the purposes of determining carrying
The largest segment of beastfolk are born that way. In capacity and the amount you can push, drag, or lift.
most beastfolk families all members resemble the same Burrowing. While you have two free hands you have a
species of animal and these are the beastfolk most likely burrowing speed of 25 feet.
to form communities with others. These beastfolk grow Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground or the
up outside of settlements with other humanoids and night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim
typically have little if any contact with other races before conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
they begin their life of adventuring. Born and raised you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it
beastfolk tend to strike out adventuring when their were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
communities are threatened, destroyed, or are forced shades of gray.
into contact with the wider world. Echolocation. As a bonus action on your turn you can
emit a shriek inaudible to creatures without this trait.
Until the end of your next turn you have blindsight up to
Cursed & Broken 30 feet away while you are not deafened.
High Flyer. You have a fly speed equivalent to your
Fewer than the naturalborn beastfolk are the
base walking speed. You cannot fly while you are
unfortunate souls who were cursed to the shape.
carrying more than half of your maximum carrying
Whether they transgressed against the gods, crossed
capacity. While flying you make attack rolls and ability
a foul-tempered spellcaster, or provoked a curse from
checks at disadvantage, cannot maintain concentration
a sorcerous relic, these beastfolk began their life as
on spells, and cannot cast spells.
something else. Beastfolk who are cursed to the form
Jumper. Gain proficiency in your choice of Athletics or
may have been adventurers before they took on their
Acrobatics. Your jump distance is doubled.
bestial appearance. Regardless of when or how, many
Keen Senses. Gain proficiency in the Perception
beastfolk’s adventuring career consists of looking for a
skill and choose one sense. You gain advantage on
way to reverse the curse and return to their old selves.
Perception rolls that utilize that sense.
Some rare beastfolk eventually grow accustomed to Kin to Beasts. Gain proficiency in Animal Handling.
their new shape and abandon or even reject attempts to Your proficiency bonus is doubled when you make
return to their old form. Animal Handling checks.
Longstrider. Your base walking speed increases to 35
Breed True Natural Armor. When you aren’t wearing armor, your
All beastfolk have a physical resemblance to a AC equals 11 + your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
particular animal. Amongst their own kind they call this Natural Talent. Beasts of the earth, sky, and sea have
resemblance their breed. Beastfolk derive many benefits talents as varied as their shapes. You gain proficiency in
from their breed, from natural aptitudes with certain a skill of your choice.
abilities and skills to the ability to fly, breathe water, or Natural Weapon. You have a natural weapon that you
even use echolocation. are proficient in. This could be a bite, claw, quill, club
tail, or other bestial feature. You can choose to add your
strength or dexterity modifier to the attack roll and
Beastfolk Traits deal 1d4 + strength or dexterity modifier damage. The
damage type should be selected when you take this trait;
All beastfolk share the following features.
bludgeoning, piercing, poison, or slashing damage.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score
Scalekin. You have a swim speed equivalent to your
of your choice by 2 and a different ability score of your
walking speed and can breathe in air and water.
choice by 1.
Age. Beastfolk age as humans do.
Alignment. Beastfolk are true to their own hearts
more than any law or code of ethics making them more
often than not chaotic. They tend towards neutral more
than evil or good.
Size. Beastfolk come in sizes great and small. You can
choose to be Medium or Small.
Speed. Your basic walking speed is 30 feet.
Wild and Free. You have advantage on saving throws
against being charmed.
All Creatures Under the Sun. Gain 2 breed traits of
your choice.

Races | Beastfolk PF

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