D&D 3.5 - Complete Mage Errata

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Complete Mage

When the text within a product contradicts itself, our general policy is that the primary source (actual rules text) is correct and any secondary reference (such as a table or character's statistics block) is incorrect. Exceptions to the rule will be called out specifically. Page 17 Feats to Avoid [Revision] The Fortify Spell entry suggests that Heighten Spell affects spell resistance, which it does not. Taking this into account, the Fortify Spell feat should not be considered a feat to be avoided because it provides a benefit for overcoming spell resistance. Page 19 Dispel Magic [Deletion] The Dispel Magic entry should not recommend the Fortify Spell feat, as dispel magic is unaffected by spell resistance. Page 21 Best Spells [Revision] The source for the necrotic skull bomb spell should be listed as the Forgotten Realms supplement, Champion of Ruin (page 32), not Spell Compendium. Page 37 Alacritous Cogitation [Addition] Revise end of first sentence to read, ...cast any arcane spell you know of the same level or lower and of casting time no longer than 1 round. Page 47 Storm Bolt [Addition] Under benefits, add A successful Reflex save halves damage. Page 50 Becoming an Abjurant Champion [Substitution] The section on becoming an Abjurant Champion should read, ...any martialoriented character can qualify by taking minimal levels in an arcane spellcasting class, such as one level in wu jen or two levels in bard. Page 51 Abjurant Champion Class Features [Deletion] Under the abjurant armor ability, remove mention of mage armor at the end of the paragraph. The abjurant armor ability does not affect mage armor, but the spell is still useful to an abjurant champion. Page 70 Expanded Spellbook [Revision] First sentence should read, When you reach 2nd level, you can add one wizard spell of your chosen school to your spellbook. Page 71 Moderate School of Esoterica [Addition] Add the following to the last sentence of the first paragraph of this abilitys decription, (Unless otherwise noted). Page 96 Arcane Fusion [Addition] Include clause, If applying a metamagic feat to a spell, use the adjusted spell level and casting time for purposes of determining eligibility for Arcane Fusion. Page 98 - Caustic Mire [Addition] Spell type should read Conjuration [Acid] Page 98 - Caustic Smoke [Addition] Spell type should read Conjuration [Acid] Page 99 - Channeled Sound Burst [Revision]/[Addition] Area should indicate to See text The option for expending 2 full rounds to cast the spell should indicate that the spells caster is unaffected by the spells effects. Page 101 - Deadly Sunstroke [Substitution]

Spell type should read Evocation [Fire], not Evocation [Light] Page 06 Heart of Air [Substitution] The spells wu jen 2 (air) tag should instead read wu jen 2 (general). Page 108 - Immediate Assistance [Substitution] Should be of the Transmutation school. Page 110 - Melf's Slumber Arrows [Substitution] Spells short entry should read Will partial instead of Fortitude partial. Page 114 - Reaving Aura [Revision] The last sentence should read, This spell has no effect on creatures that have more than 0 hp. Page 119 - Tactical Teleport [Deletion] This spell targets only willing creatures, so the sentence that reads, Only objects held or in use (attended) by another individual receive savings throws and spell resistance, should be removed. Similarly, the Saving Throw entry at the top should not include a Will save for objects because they cannot be targeted. Page 123 Cold Comfort [Substitution] Least should replace Lesser.

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