E-Compusoft Online English Training: Lesson 28

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E Compusoft Online English Training (Second Edition)

E-Compusoft Online English Training



Review 1 : Discuss the Story in Short, Complete, Short & Complete Answers

Review 2 : Retelling

A. You are the writer

B. You are Sally Jones
C. You are her mother


When Country Capital

Sunday Rome Italy

Monday France Paris
Tuesday Japan Tokyo
Wednesday England London
Thursday Australia Sidney
Friday Spain Barcelona
Teguh Handoko
0819 05977 907


©Copyright e-Compusoft Indonesia
E Compusoft Online English Training (Second Edition)

The Simple Past Tense :

A. With Tobe (Nominal) : I was in Rome last Sunday

B. With Verb (Verbal) : I went to Rome last Sunday

P1 (Present) P2 (past) P3 (Participle)

go went gone
sing sang sung
cut cut cut

walk walked walked

work worked worked
kill killed killed

Bandingkan antara Simple PRESENT dengan Simple PAST

( + ) You go to school every day ( + ) You went to school yesterday

( - ) You DO not go to school every day ( - ) You DID not go to school yesterday
( ? ) DO you go to school every day? ( ? ) DID you go to school every day?

NB. Semua kalimat negative dan interrogative PASTI menggunakan auxiliary verb (kata kerja
..tobe, must, may, can, will, shall, do/does, have, dsb.

Contoh perubahan Verb (kata kerja)


learn learned learned come came come

prepare prepared prepared meet met met
ask asked asked speak spoke spoken
answer answered answered say said said
practice practiced practiced tell told told
look looked looked write wrote written
visit visited visited see saw seen
get got got
do/does did done
have had had

Practice 2

(+) You went to shool

(- ) You didn’t go to school
(? ) did you go to school?

1. You went to office 5. You wrote a letter

2. You came to my house 6. You gave me
3. You slept late 7. You bought a book
4. You saw the film 8. You told me

Practice 3 : Reading Comprehension

My name is Gustin and my full name is Gustin Prayogo. I am 30 years old but I am not married
yet. I was born in Malang, I was born on January 3rd, 1979. I am javanese. I come from Malang

©Copyright e-Compusoft Indonesia
E Compusoft Online English Training (Second Edition)

but now I live in Jakarta. Oh yes, I am a graduate (tamatan) of IKIP Malang. I graduated
(tamat) in 2003 My major (kejuruan) of study is Biology but I like English very much.
Because I think English is very important (penting) for my career. Last month, I saw a website.
It was e-compusoft and the teacher was Mr. Teguh. He gave (give-gave-given = memberi) me
some free lessons from 1 up to (hingga) 6. And I tried (try-tried-tried= mencoba) all the
lessons. I was surprised (terkejut), the lessons were very easy and fun (menyenangkan)

After that I registered (mendaftar) directly (langsung). Now, I am a student of e-compusoft. I

always practice (melatih) the lessons diligently (dengan rajin) everyday. Now I can speak
English well, beside that I am also active in learning Grammar. I am an authorized student
(siswa resmi) of e-compusoft online English Training, that’s why (itulah mengapa), I can
contact Mr. Teguh in 0819 05977 907. That’s all for today. Thank you

Practice 4 : Transform into Negative and Interrogative

1. This is a book 7. Our father teaches English

2. These are books 8. My brothers speak English
3. There is some water 9. Your name is Charles
4. You have some money 10. His brother will come
5. She has some money 11. The students were here
6. You can be my friend 12. The students came here last night

PS. Ini adalah pertanyaan2 yang saya tanyakan pada Review 1

1. is sally 6 years old?

2. how old is she?
3. does she go to school every day
4. is her hobby Music?
5. is her hobby painting
6. does she paint pictures at home
7. where does she paint pics
8. does she show the pics to her father?
9. who does she show the pics
10. can her mother understand them
11. talking about the picture, is it a house
12. is there a tree in the picture
13. is the tree in front of the house?
14. where is the tree
15. is her mother in the picture too
16. is her mother in the kitchen
17. where is her mother
18. will Sally paint pictures again tomorrow?
19. where will she paint pictures
20. Will Sally bring them home

Pastikan Anda adalah siswa yang sah daripada www.teguhhandoko.com. Semua peserta baik
online maupun melalui pembelian CD namanya tercantum di www.teguhhandoko.com

©Copyright e-Compusoft Indonesia

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