Re Lesson Plan Pre-Primary/ Primary

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Unit of work: Friends Together Salvation topic: Church Human person Topic: Jesus’
Year Level: 1 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
Previously in this unit of work students will have
B1 Jesus had friends.
covered topics such as:
Loving Friendships
Learning Point(s): - Identifying the qualities that make a friend.
- Exploring the idea that friends can share
B1.1 Explores the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus
God who wants us to be friends with one another
- Expression of wonder at God who wants us
to be friends.
God loves us
- Celebrating God’s love for us.
Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

*** I have highlighted parts within the lesson content that connect/incorporate the spiritual and religious capabilities.

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Orders 4 images from the Bible story chronologically.

 Completes the sentence ‘Jesus showed love when he…” twice.

 Performs mime according to the story of Zacchaeus and Jesus.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
• Gifted:
Lesson Aim: Provide an increased number of boxes for
The story of Jesus and Zacchaeus is a key foundation in the imagery story order activity.
and representation of love in friendship. It is important to highlight this Ask the student to create their own sentence
and Jesus’ modelling of true friendship. about their own friendship with Jesus and how
they can show love to him.
Collect: Choose One from:
- Slips of paper with sentence “Jesus showed love when he...” • ADHD:
- Glue. Ask student to verbally recall the scenes they
- Colouring pencils. textas, crayons. remember from the story to an EA (EA should
- iPads. write these down and cut them up to give to
- Dress ups for Mime. another student).
- Template for story order activity. Once again for the Word Wall, ask the student
- Bouncy ball for sharing at the end of lesson. to draw a picture, verbally recall or even
- Godly play script (Zacchaeus and Jesus).
- Godly play kit. perform through drama (recorded on iPad by
- Clip boards. EA).
- Scissors. For mime activity, pair student with a child who
- Pins/bluetack to pin work to word wall. will cooperate well with the child and help
Create a spot in the classroom for the students work to hang as a Word support them to stay on task.
Read the story of Zacchaeus and Jesus.

LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
10min Begin by introducing the topic of the lesson: Jesus’ Friends and how we where they will be introduced.
should be friends by following his example.
Read the Godly Play script attached to this document and act out using Attached at the bottom of this
the Godly play kit characters.
Ask the Wonder questions also part of the script. Diocese of Ballarat. (2010).
Encountering the World
Explain activities (listed below). through Godly Play. Retrieved
** Important to note that students will complete every activity this lesson. from
Therefore, rotations must be timed using a timer and be no longer than
10 minutes each. Any unfinished work may be completed later. **

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

10min Group 1: Story Puzzle.

- Children are to group into pairs.

- Place a clipboard barrier between the two.
- Ask them to draw the four parts of the story they remember in
order on the sheet provided (attached to this document).
- Students must then cut the four parts up and shuffle their order.
- The pair are to then swap their story timeline and put into order.
- The fastest person wins.
- Once in order, the students must glue this into their RE book to
be marked.

10min Group 2: Word Wall.

- Each child must complete the sentence on 2 slips of paper

(attached to this document).
- The sentence is “Jesus showed love when he…”
- These are then to be displayed as a word wall in a section of the

10min Group 3: Mime Time.

- Students are to pair up and create a mime, re-enacting the story

of Zacchaeus and Jesus.
- An iPad must be used by one of the students within the pair to
record the other child’s mime.
- This activity can be completed in groups of 2-4.
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

5min Gather the students to the mat.

Once the students are on the mat, ask them to sit in a circle formation.
Explain that when the ball is rolled to you, you must share with the class
something you remember from the story of Zacchaeus or something new
you learnt.
Begin by modelling a personal answer for the students.

Once several students have shared (in accordance with the time) ask the
students to close their eyes and cross their hands as you pray for the
lesson’s message of friendship and recess.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Students are to now go out to recess.

Send each faction off one at a time to collect their lunch box and wash
their hands, then go outside.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be

- Assess objective 1, 2 and 3 using a checklist and work samples.
(Attached below).
Story Ordering Template
Story Ordering Template (Extension)
Jesus Showed love when he…

Jesus showed love when he…

Extension: How can we show love to Jesus in our

friendship with him?

*** Cut these up prior to students using them.

Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3:
Oder’s 4 images Completes the Performs mime
from the Bible story sentence ‘Jesus according to the
chronologically. showed love when story of Zacchaeus
he…’ twice. and Jesus.
Childs name
Childs name
Childs name
Childs name
Childs name
Childs name
Childs name
Marking Key:
o Incomplete.

 Satisfactory

 Completed, Good.

 Excellent, Very Good.

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