Ubd Madeline Hartwell Reflection

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UbD Template 2.

0 Madeline Hartwell

Stage 1 Desired Results

Students will be able to independently use their learning to…analyze the qualities needed to
Students will understand the risks and become an entrepreneur and the steps to start their own business.
rewards of entrepreneurship through a
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, Meaning
opportunities, threats) analysis. UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS
Students will understand that… ● What are the qualities needed to
Students will compare the characteristics of become an entrepreneur?
different types of business ownership in ● Entrepreneurship has advantages and
both product-based and service-based disadvantages. ● Do you have interests or hobbies that
businesses. ● Evaluation of one’s strengths and you could turn into a business
weaknesses are necessary opportunity?
Students will analyze the need for business
plan development. ● Products or services must meet a
market need ● What are the advantages and
● Extensive research and planning is disadvantages of being an
required to become a new business entrepreneur?
● The business plan is the blueprint for ● What information do you need to
a business know to get started in a business?

● What is a business plan? What is it

used for? Why we need one? How to
start the process?
Students will know… Students will be skilled at…

● entrepreneurship is not for everyone ● identifying the knowledge, skills,

abilities and resources for business
● the traits/characteristics successful ownership.
entrepreneurs possess
● investigating entrepreneurial
● the legal forms of business ownership opportunities.

● what business they would like to start ● Researching legal requirements to

start a business
● what steps are necessary to start their
own business. ● promoting a new business venture

Stage 2 – Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
● Does my background prepare me to
run this kind of business? Creation of a document which will include all of the students’ research
● Accurate investigation …. Is there a Creation of a prototype of a product or a tri-board displaying a service they have created
Creation of a logo and a slogan and other promotional items
market in my community for this
Development of a business plan
kind of business?
● Projection of money necessary to
start this type of business

● Financial goals before starting a OTHER EVIDENCE:

business Work samples
● Non-monetary reasons for creating Class presentation
this business opportunity
Class Discussions
Teacher Observations
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
● Begin by having students read aloud “What do you do with an idea?” by Kobi Yamasa.
● Introduce and discuss what it means to be an entrepreneur.
● Show and discuss the Ray Kroc Video.
● Have students identify what they are good at…students complete the hobbies and personal interest survey
● Identify experience and skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur
● Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of starting a company
● Students listen to and question a guest speaker (local entrepreneur) about his/her business
● Students develop a product idea-- Students are encouraged to work individually or they can work in teams to make a prototype
● Have students identify their target market
● Students must research the different legal forms of business ownership—sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation
● Have students investigate the legal requirements for their type of business. Report out and discuss their choice of ownership
● Have students research how to get a DBA
● Discuss the basic elements of a business plan beginning with a sales promotion plan for their business idea
● Teacher models how to develop a logo and a slogan
● Students will create a logo and a slogan for their business
● Have students work in groups brainstorming a radio and television commercials/other marketing strategies that can be used to
promote their products as well as on-line advertisements and business cards
● Discuss economics and economic vocabulary that will be used within the unit
● Show and discuss the purpose of financial statements needed for a business plan
● Have students do the math…work with students in figuring money needed to produce their product or offer their service…i.e. costs of
goods sold, potential fixed and variable costs
● Have students research costs associated with opening their business, i.e.… cost of goods sold, equipment needs/costs
● Have students consider philanthropic characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
● At the conclusion of the unit, students will present their product or service along with their business plan to their fellow classmates
and visiting entrepreneurs.


The 3 Column Table designed by L. Dee Fink (2003) encourages you to look at the end result and lesson goal in order
to build your plan with the results already in mind. The UbD template created by Wiggins and McTighe (2005) is better
at designing smaller areas of instruction with a lot more detail; whereas, Fink’s 3-column table is much more suited to
planning for an entire course. After working on both assignments, I have found that it was a positive that I worked
through Fink’s 3-Column table first. It made me see the course I am teaching as a whole. With UbD, I was able to
come up with many more lessons that truly go with the learning outcomes.

After working through Fink’s 3-column table last week and the UbD template this week I prefer the UbD template much
more than the 3-Column table. After reviewing both designs, the UbD is more effective as far as I am concerned and it
fits more closely with the process that I go through on a weekly basis as I focus on lesson planning from week to week.
UbD is better at designing smaller areas of instruction with a lot more detail.

I actually understand the UbD better than the 3-Column table. By doing the 3-Column table, as well as the UbD it helps
me better understand how I can implement my Innovation Plan which details my goal to implement blending learning by
using technology in my CTE classroom.
Tomlinson, C. & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction & understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2011). The understanding by design guide to creating high quality units. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

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