Ubd Madeline Hartwell Reflection
Ubd Madeline Hartwell Reflection
Ubd Madeline Hartwell Reflection
0 Madeline Hartwell
Stage 2 – Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
● Does my background prepare me to
run this kind of business? Creation of a document which will include all of the students’ research
● Accurate investigation …. Is there a Creation of a prototype of a product or a tri-board displaying a service they have created
Creation of a logo and a slogan and other promotional items
market in my community for this
Development of a business plan
kind of business?
● Projection of money necessary to
start this type of business
The 3 Column Table designed by L. Dee Fink (2003) encourages you to look at the end result and lesson goal in order
to build your plan with the results already in mind. The UbD template created by Wiggins and McTighe (2005) is better
at designing smaller areas of instruction with a lot more detail; whereas, Fink’s 3-column table is much more suited to
planning for an entire course. After working on both assignments, I have found that it was a positive that I worked
through Fink’s 3-Column table first. It made me see the course I am teaching as a whole. With UbD, I was able to
come up with many more lessons that truly go with the learning outcomes.
After working through Fink’s 3-column table last week and the UbD template this week I prefer the UbD template much
more than the 3-Column table. After reviewing both designs, the UbD is more effective as far as I am concerned and it
fits more closely with the process that I go through on a weekly basis as I focus on lesson planning from week to week.
UbD is better at designing smaller areas of instruction with a lot more detail.
I actually understand the UbD better than the 3-Column table. By doing the 3-Column table, as well as the UbD it helps
me better understand how I can implement my Innovation Plan which details my goal to implement blending learning by
using technology in my CTE classroom.
Tomlinson, C. & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction & understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD
Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2011). The understanding by design guide to creating high quality units. Alexandria, VA: ASCD