Entrep12 W2-D1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon

Daily Lesson Plan in Introduction to Entrepreneurship 12

of Ms. Ma. Bernadette N. Castillo
August 5, 2024-Monday

DLP No.: 5 Learning Area: Grade Level: Semester: Duration: Code:

Entrepreneurship 12 Grade 12
Quarter: 1st 1 hour CS_EP11/12
Quarter ENTREP-0a-2

Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of concepts, underlying

principles, and processes of developing a business plan.

Performance Standard The learner independently or with his/her classmates presents an

acceptable detailed business plan.

Learning Recognize a potential market

1.1 Identify the market problem to be solved or the market need to be
CONTENT Development of Business Plan
Techniques on Seeking, Screening, and Seizing Opportunities

LEARNING DepEd Entrepreneurship (Q1-Module 1), Powerpoint Presentation



Introductory Activity - Prayer

- Greetings
Time Frame: 5mins - Checking of Attendance
- Before you proceed to the new lesson, let’s try to review the previous lesson.
Explain which of the career opportunities discussed is the most attractive
to you.
Activity Social media has been very active in terms of spreading the word about
practically anything and everything. As a budding entrepreneur, how can you
Time Frame: 5 mins take advantage of this trend to generate potential opportunities? List down at
least 3 potential business opportunities that you see. Briefly explain your
1. ________________
2. ________________
3. ________________
Analysis (Discussion of the Topic)

Time Frame:20 mins The Entrepreneurial Process

It is a step-by-step procedure in establishing any kind of business
that an entrepreneur has to undergo.

Four Aspects
Opportunity Spotting and Assessment

Developing a Business Plan

Determining the capital needed

Running the business

● Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
- This is the beginning of the process and is considered the most
difficult. Entrepreneurs at this point take note of interesting trends in
their environment. Consumers are reliable sources of opportunity
information because market needs originate from them.
- Entrepreneurs should already think in advance how they will position
the product or service in the market and showcase its unique selling
● Developing a Business Plan
- Entrepreneurs should formulate a business plan when they have
already spotted and assessed the opportunities for a market.
- A business plan is a comprehensive paper that details the marketing,
operational, human resource, financial, strategic direction, and
tactics of the business. The business plan will be the core guide and
direction of the entrepreneur in calculating the resources needed,
assessing how to obtain these resources effectively, and running the
business sustainably.
● Determining the capital needed
- It is mandatory in the entrepreneurial process to calculate the
resources needed to establish the business and compare this against
the entrepreneur’s current resources.
- Allowance must be considered as well because there will be times that
resources will be inadequate or unsuitable.
● Running the Business
- This is the part where the entrepreneur use the resources allocated
for the new venture.
- All aspects of the business plan should be critically observed from
operations, marketing and sales, human resources, finance, and
strategy implementation.
3S of Opportunity Spotting and Assessment

What is Opportunity?
It is an entrepreneur’s business idea that can potentially become
a commercial product or service in the future.

It is the first step and is the most difficult of all due to the number
of options that the entrepreneur will have to choose from. It involves
the development of new ideas from various sources.

Macro-environmental Sources Micro-market

1. STEEPLED. This is a mnemonic 1. Customer
for sociocultural, technological, preferences,
economic, environmental, interests, and
political, legal, ethical and perception
demographic factors. This 2. Competitors
represents the general 3. Unexpected
environment where an opportunities from
entrepreneur identifies business customers
opportunities from and where the 4. Talents, hobbies,
future business is about to skills and expertise
operate. 5. Irritants in the
2. Industry. This is the source of marketplace such as
current trend on what is deterrents or
happening in the industry where discouragements
the future business will belong to. because of the price,
3. New Discovery of Knowledge. problems,
These are new trends that can be complaints, and
the core business of a new delays
venture. 6. Location
4. Futuristic Opportunities. These
are future business ideas that are
like portraits entrepreneurs paint
in their mind and set out to
It is the process of cautiously selecting the best opportunity. The
selection will depend on the entrepreneur’s internal and external intent.

It is the last step in opportunity spotting and assessment. This is

the “pushing through” with the chosen opportunity.

Abstraction Processing question/s:

A. What is Entrepreneurial Process?
Time Frame:5mins
B. What can be the various sources of business opportunity?

C. Why is it necessary to spot and assess business opportunities?

Application ACTIVITY (Written Work / Task):

1. Try to observe the community where you belong and then list top
Time Frame:10mins three most looking for products/services. Describe briefly the
products/services’ purpose or benefits to the community. Write
your answer in paragraph form. (3 paragraphs, maximum of 5
sentences each and minimum of 3)

Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

Criteria Satisfactory Improvement
(5 pts) (3 pts)
(4 pts) (2 pts)
Organization Information Information Information Information
is very is organized is organized appears to be
organized with well- but disorganized.
with well- constructed paragraphs
constructed paragraphs. are not well-
paragraphs. constructed.
Amount of All questions All questions All questions All questions
Information are are are addressed are addressed
addressed addressed and answered and answered
and and in 1 with only 2
answered in answered in paragraph sentences and
complete 2 paragraphs below
Quality of Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are not Ideas is
Information clearly and clearly so clear. unclear.
well- presented.
Spelling and No spelling Few spelling A number of So many
grammar or errors and spelling and spelling and
grammatical minor grammatical grammatical
errors grammatical errors error that it
errors interferes with
the thought
Assessment Read and analyze carefully. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on
your answer sheet.
Time Frame:10 mins 1. It is a comprehensive paper that details the marketing, operational, human
resource, financial, strategic direction, and tactics of the business.
a. Business Plan c. Research Paper
b. Business Papers d. Feasibility Study
2. It is a step-by-step procedure in establishing any kind of business that an
entrepreneur has to undergo.
a. Developing a Business Plan
b. Entrepreneurial Process
c. Running the Business
d. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
3. It is the first step in Opportunity Spotting and Assessment and is the most
difficult of all due to the number of options that the entrepreneur will have
to choose from. It involves the development of new ideas from various
a. Seeking c. Seizing
b. Screening d. Spotting
4. This is the step where entrepreneurs take note of interesting trends in their
a. Determining the capital needed
b. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
c. Developing a Business Plan
d. Running the business
5. It is mandatory in this process to calculate the resources needed to establish
the business and compare this against the entrepreneur’s current resources.
a. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
b. Determining the capital needed
c. Developing a Business Plan
d. Running the business
6. This is the part where the entrepreneur uses the resources allocated for the
new venture.
a. Opportunity Spotting and Assessment
b. Determining the capital needed
c. Developing a Business Plan
d. Running the business
7. It is an entrepreneur’s business idea that can potentially become a
commercial product or service in the future.
a. Interest c. Preference
b. Opportunity d. Source
8. It is the process of cautiously selecting the best opportunity. The selection
will depend on the entrepreneur’s internal and external intent.
a. Seeking c. Seizing
b. Screening d. Spotting
9. These are future business ideas that are like portraits entrepreneurs paint
in their mind and set out to create.
a. STEEPLED c. New Discovery of Knowledge
b. Industry d. Futuristic Opportunities
10. It is the last step in opportunity spotting and assessment. This is the
“pushing through” with the chosen opportunity.
a. Seeking c. Seizing
b. Screening d. Spotting

Assignment Interview an entrepreneur whose business is very successful now. Ask him/her
what questions did he ask himself/herself before he started his/her business.
Time Frame:5mins Accomplish this using e-mail, SMS or FB messenger.

Concluding Activity

Time Frame:



Prepared by:


SHS Teacher I

Checked by:

SHS Focal Person

Noted by:


Head Teacher III/ Officer-in-Charge

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