RDF - Adf - Navi Aids Midterm

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Midterm: Quiz #__ / 2nd Semester SY 2019 – 20

Name: Section:
Student No.: Date: Score

I. Instruction: (Onepoint per item)Select the best answer from the list of choices. Avoid erasures and double answers.

A 1. A device for finding the direction to a radio the direction of radio signals received from
source. selected stations operating in the low and
A. Radio Division Finder medium frequency range of 90 kHz to 1,800
B. Automatic Direction Finder kHz.
C. Position Fixing A. Radio Division Finder
D. Maritime Navigation B. Automatic Direction Finder
C. Position Fixing
A 1. Works by comparing the signal strength of a D. NDB
directional antenna pointing in different
directions. D Are identified by a CW signal modulated with a
A. Radio Division Finder 1,020-Hz tone that transmits a three-letter
B. Automatic Direction Finder identification code
C. Position Fixing A. Radio Division Finder
D. Maritime Navigation B. Automatic Direction Finder
C. Position Fixing
C 1. Also called Radio Compass. D. NDB
A. Radio Division Finder
B. Automatic Direction Finder D – When an _____ is used in conjunction with
C. Position Fixing instrument landing system markers, the
D. Maritime Navigation beacon is referred to as a compass locator. 
A. Radio Division Finder
C 1. It most often refers to a device used to B. Compass Locator
check the position of a ship or aircraft, C. Position Fixing
although it may also direct a craft’s course D. NDB
or be used for military or investigative
purposes. C In ADF, _______are identified by a continuously
A. Radio Division Finder transmitted CW two-letter identification code.
B. Automatic Direction Finder A. Radio Division Finder
C. Position Fixing B. Compass Locator
D. Maritime Navigation C. Position Fixing
B 1. is a very important and integral part of
radio navigation. B 1. Identified by voice transmission of the
A. Radio Division Finder station call letters.
B. Automatic Direction Finder A. Radio Division Finder
C. Position Fixing B. Compass Locator
D. Maritime Navigation C. Standard AM broadcast stations
B 2. It provides the pilot with an indication of

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