Anilari Ras
Anilari Ras
Anilari Ras
Research Article
4PG Professor & HOD, Department of Panchakarma, S.V. Ayurvedic Medical College, TTD, Tirupati, A.P.
Rasasastra is a branch of Ayurvedic medicine, MATRIALS AND METHODS
which deals with preparation of the drugs with metals The raw drugs for Anilari Ras were collected
and minerals having higher therapeutic efficacy with from local market in Vijayawada. The experiment was
quick action even in small dose. Triturating mineral conducted at S.S.Ayurvedic Pharmacy (SSAP), Tirupati
drugs with herbal liquids (Bhavana) increases the and analytical study was conducted at physics
efficacy of formulation. Puta (incineration) in the department of S.V. University, Tirupati.
preparation imparts Laghutva (easily assimilating) Materials used for preparation of the drug are
property, helps in particle reduction and facilitates nano- Shodit parad2 (Purified Mercury) 800 gms, Shodhit
particle formation which enhances rapid action of the Gandhak3 (Purified Sulphur) 1600 gms, Shodit Tamra4
medicine. However in modern era there is a need for (Purified Copper) 800 gms, Nirgundi patra swarasa (Juice
proper standardization of Ayurvedic drugs at various of Vitex negundo Linn.), Eranda mula kashaya (Decoction
levels starting from the selection and collection of raw of Ricinus communis Linn. Root) and Citraka mula
material to the final product to provide quality kashaya (Decoction of Plumbago zeylanica Linn. root)
treatment. For this study Anilari Ras1 was selected due to The equipments used are Khalwa yantra (Mortar), Cotton
its unique technique for processing of drugs. This cloth and Fuller’s earth, Gajaputa pit & cow dung cakes,
technique would satisfy a better quality of output drug. Valuka yantra (Furnace) & sand and Household stove for
With a hypothesis that systematic blend to all the Kashaya preparation.
ingredients of the drug can result in making of highly
effective formulation. This classical formulation1 was
selected for pharmaceutical and analytical study to Purification of Mercury was done by Samanya
standardise the pharmaceutical process and also find out sodhana procedure2. Sudha (Lime stone) was taken equal
the standard chemical structure of the drug. to Mercury and triturated in automated Khalwa yantra to
form a grey colour powder. It was filtered through
threefold cloth to obtain Mercury. Later Lasuna (garlic)
Wrapping Kajjali in Tamra Sheets Cotton thread tied to Kajjali wrapped Tamra sheets
Covering Earthen Valuka Yantra with Sarava Placing Valuka Yantra in Gaja Puta
Observations of Incinerated Material
Traces of Cinnabar (Red) Incinerated Tamra along with Meta Cinnabar and
SEM Image of Anilari Ras at 5K magnification SEM Image of Anilari Ras at 7K magnification
XRD Graph of Anilari Ras