Anilari Ras

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AYUSHDHARA ISSN: 2393-9583 (P)/ 2393-9591 (O)

An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and Allied Systems

Research Article


G.Siva Ram1*, B.Mahadev2, G.Rama Mohan Rao3, A.Shankar Babu4, T.Maheshwar5, G.Babu6
*1Senior Consultant (Ayu), 2SRF (Ayu), 5Research Officer, 6Assistant Director In charge, RARISD, CCRAS, New Rajiv
Nagar, Vijayawada, A.P.
3PG Professor & HOD, Dept. of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana, S.V. Ayurvedic Medical College, TTD, Tirupati, A.P.

4PG Professor & HOD, Department of Panchakarma, S.V. Ayurvedic Medical College, TTD, Tirupati, A.P.


Bhasma, Bhavana, Kajjali. Rasasastra is a branch of Ayurvedic medicine which deals with preparation of the
drugs with metals and minerals having higher therapeutic efficacy with quick
action in minute dose. Present preparation Anilari Ras is a herbo-mineral
formulation used for treating all types of Vata disorders. This drug is a variety of
Tamra bhasma (incinerated Copper) preparation processed with Shodit parad
(Purified Mercury), Shodit Gandhak (Purified Sulphur), Shodit Tamra (Purified
Copper) and Bhavana dravyas (liquids used for trituration) are Nirgundi patra
swarasa (Vitex negundo Linn.), Eranda mula kashaya (Ricinus communis Linn)
and Citraka mula kashaya (Plumbago zeylanica Linn). Triturating Rasa drugs with
herbal liquids (Bhavana) increases the efficacy of formulation. Puta in the
preparation imparts Laghutva (easily assimilating) property, helps in particle
reduction and facilitates nano particle formation which enhances rapid action of
*Address for correspondence
the medicine. The pharmaceutically developed drug was subjected for certain
G. Siva Ram
Analytical tests like Organoleptic, Physico-chemical, Scanning Electron
Senior consultant (Ayu),
Microscope (SEM), Energy- Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray
RARISD, CCRAS, Vijayawada, A.P.
diffraction (XRD), with a view to standardize the formulation. The results show
Phone Number: 7675026175
major peaks of Meta Cinnabar (HgS), Covellite (CuS) and minor peaks of Sulphur
Email ID: [email protected]
(S8). The Average grain size in SEM at 5K X is 218.4 nm and at 7K X is 210.0 nm.

Rasasastra is a branch of Ayurvedic medicine, MATRIALS AND METHODS
which deals with preparation of the drugs with metals The raw drugs for Anilari Ras were collected
and minerals having higher therapeutic efficacy with from local market in Vijayawada. The experiment was
quick action even in small dose. Triturating mineral conducted at S.S.Ayurvedic Pharmacy (SSAP), Tirupati
drugs with herbal liquids (Bhavana) increases the and analytical study was conducted at physics
efficacy of formulation. Puta (incineration) in the department of S.V. University, Tirupati.
preparation imparts Laghutva (easily assimilating) Materials used for preparation of the drug are
property, helps in particle reduction and facilitates nano- Shodit parad2 (Purified Mercury) 800 gms, Shodhit
particle formation which enhances rapid action of the Gandhak3 (Purified Sulphur) 1600 gms, Shodit Tamra4
medicine. However in modern era there is a need for (Purified Copper) 800 gms, Nirgundi patra swarasa (Juice
proper standardization of Ayurvedic drugs at various of Vitex negundo Linn.), Eranda mula kashaya (Decoction
levels starting from the selection and collection of raw of Ricinus communis Linn. Root) and Citraka mula
material to the final product to provide quality kashaya (Decoction of Plumbago zeylanica Linn. root)
treatment. For this study Anilari Ras1 was selected due to The equipments used are Khalwa yantra (Mortar), Cotton
its unique technique for processing of drugs. This cloth and Fuller’s earth, Gajaputa pit & cow dung cakes,
technique would satisfy a better quality of output drug. Valuka yantra (Furnace) & sand and Household stove for
With a hypothesis that systematic blend to all the Kashaya preparation.
ingredients of the drug can result in making of highly
effective formulation. This classical formulation1 was
selected for pharmaceutical and analytical study to Purification of Mercury was done by Samanya
standardise the pharmaceutical process and also find out sodhana procedure2. Sudha (Lime stone) was taken equal
the standard chemical structure of the drug. to Mercury and triturated in automated Khalwa yantra to
form a grey colour powder. It was filtered through
threefold cloth to obtain Mercury. Later Lasuna (garlic)

AYUSHDHARA | January - February 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 453

G.Siva Ram et al. Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Anilari Ras: A Herbo Mineral Compound
in equal quantity and Rock salt half the quantity were then trituration was done. Fresh liquid was added time
added to Mercury and triturated till the whole mixture to time and Kajjali was collected after it was completely
becomes a black coloured paste. The mixture was dried.
washed with hot water to obtain purified mercury. After that one part of Copper and three parts
Purification of Sulphur is done by Bhudara puta method Kajjali was taken for Puta paka procedure. Bolus of
3.Sulphur was coarsely powdered and spread over a
Bhavita Kajjali was wrapped with purified Copper sheets
twofold cotton cloth tied to a wide mouthed pot and tied with a cotton thread. Later it was covered by 3
containing milk. The pot was sealed with another layers of cotton cloth and Fuller’s earth. It was then dried
earthen vessel and placed inside a pit. Cow dung cakes of in hot air oven. This mud-covered material was placed
two layers were arranged above it while remaining inside earthen Valuka yantra and Sandhi bandhana was
portion is buried under the soil. The Cow dung cakes done. This whole apparatus was placed inside Gaja Puta
were ignited and left for self cooling which lasted for 4 pit containing cow dung powder. Puta was ignited and
hours. Pot was taken out from the pit and purified left for self-cooling. After self-cooling Valuka yantra was
Sulphur was collected from the bottom of the pot while opened and the resultant material wrapped inside
the impurities rested on the cloth. Purification of Copper Fuller’s earth was separated. Tamra bhasma (incinerated
sheets was done by Gomutra tivra pachana (intense Copper) thus obtained was 1.8 Kg with a loss of 36%. To
boiling in cow’s urine) for a period of one Yaama (3 this incinerated material again Bhavana was given with
hours) 4. Nirgundi patra swarasa, Eranda mula Kwatha & Citraka
Purified Mercury and purified Sulphur were mula kwatha for one day each 7.
taken in Khalva yantra (mortar and pestle) triturated for RESULTS
three days to get Dviguna Gandhaka Kajjali5 (Black Analytical tests
Sulphide of Mercury) with Kajjalābha (black colour),
The pharmaceutically prepared Anilari ras was
Rekhapuranatwa (entering minute pores of fingers) and
subjected for certain Analytical procedures like
Nischandratwa (lustreless) properties. This Kajjali was
Organoleptic, physico-chemical, SEM, EDS and XRD with
triturated (Bhavana) with Nirgundi patra swarasa and
a view to standardize the formulation.
Eranda mula Kwatha for one day each 6. For Bhavana
liquid was added until the whole Kajjali was soaked and
Table 1: Classical Characteristics of Tamra Bhasma
S.No. Parameter Result
1. Rekhapurnatva10 Positive
2. Varitaratva11 Positive
3. Dadhi Pariksha12 Passed
Table 2: Organoleptic tests of Anilari Ras
S. No. Parameter Result
1 Touch Soft powder
2 Colour Dark black
3 Taste Astringent
4 Odour Pungent
Table 3: Physico Chemical parameters of Anilari ras
Values in % w/w Arithmetic Mean of
S. No Test name
1st time 2nd time 3rd time three attempts

1. Moisture value 13 15.23 15.11 15.34 15.22% w/w

2. Total Ash value14 85.01 84.58 84.60 84.73% w/w
3. Acid insoluble Ash15 15.67 15.46 15.23 15.45% w/w
4. Water soluble Ash16 67.50 67.94 67.81 67.75% w/w
Table 4: EDS Result of the Quantity of all elements in Anilari Ras
Cu 27.81 19.91
Hg 19.52 04.16
S 52.66 75.92
Total 100.00 100.00
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AYUSHDHARA, 2016;3(1):453-459
Table 5: Result of XRD of Anilari Ras
Elements/ Molecules Angle 2θ position D Spacing (A0) Intensity in counts
26.28 3.37 106
30.50 2.93 34.32
43.76 2.06 55
51.82 1.76 43.21
54.31 1.68 8.73
63.60 1.46 7.07
27.68 3.22 23.45
29.28 3.05 39.04
31.73 2.81 60
CuS 32.85 2.72 32.38
47.94 1.90 38
52.71 1.74 50
59.32 1.56 31
S 31.42 2.84 27.43
Metallic drugs should always be reduced to in Anilari Ras is of good quality and there is no free
Bhasma form for internal use. Main aim of present elemental copper in the preparation. Total Ash values of
process is to make Kajjali react with Tamra and reduce it Anilari Ras is 84.73% w/w which is relatively more
to Bhasma form. Most of the reactions that happen because majority of Meta Cinnabar, Sulphur present in
between metals and Sulphur are Redox type. Redox is a the sample evaporates at 4500C and major portion
kind of reaction in which electrons are transferred, Copper Sulphide remains stable at that temperature.
thereby oxidizing some atoms, and reducing others8. Unlike the ash colour of organic samples (usually white),
Sulphur readily reacts with metals (by reducing) because ash colour is black due to presence of sulphides of
of its valency i.e. 2, and tends to gain electrons and Copper. Anilari Ras pH value is 5.8. It is acidic. Covellite,
becomes S-2. Metals oxidize by sharing its electrons of Meta Cinnabar or Sulphur do not contain H+ ions. But due
outer orbits. Rapidity of these reactions depends upon to Bhavana of herbal liquids it was possible to get the pH
temperature and pressure. If metals were allowed to value of Anilari Ras.
react with Sulphur in open air most of the sulphur reacts Major peaks in XRD were identified as
with atmospheric oxygen to form oxides. If the same Metacinnabar and Covellite. Minor peaks in XRD graph
metal is allowed to react with Sulphur at required were of Sulphur. Formation of HgS is temperature
temperature in complete absence of oxygen, they form specific. Though Mercury reacts with Sulphur at
only into metallic sulphides. Before estimating the temperature as low as 50°C, it forms into cinnabar only
reactions that may happen in the contents, it is important at a temperature more than 450°C. It forms
to note few important salient points of current Metacinnabar when process at lower temperatures.
procedure. Chemicals are completely isolated and sealed Although Cinnabar (red) was formed in the product, it
from external oxygen. was only found in traces. Hence there were no detectable
Copper sulfides exist in a wide variety of Cinnabar peaks in XRD graph. Maximum HgS was in the
compositions, ranging from Copper-rich Chalcocite form of Meta Cinnabar. Copper has enough sulphur to
(Cu2S) to Copper-deficient Villamaninite (CuS2) with react and hence it formed CuS. Stoichiometrically
other intermediate compounds, in-between, such as Sulphur is in excess quantity. Clear peak of Sulphur
Covellite (CuS), Djurleite (Cu1.95S), and Anilite (Cu1.75S). proves occurrence of this phenomenon. It contains large
Although, Copper sulphides can be synthesized by a number of non-significant peaks of organic compounds
reaction between elemental Copper and Sulphur 9, direct due to presence of plant extracts and powders.
reactions of the elements at low temperatures (<150°C) Particle size of drug plays an important role in
do not proceed completely because CuS surface layers absorption. Hence the final drug was subjected to
that formed on copper sheets act as a passivating layer analyze through SEM to find its partial size and structure.
that prevents further reaction. Higher temperatures Particles were spherical to irregular and agglomerated
(>165°C) are required like that of in Bhasma making, to due to presence of organic matter gained from Bhavana
enhance reaction and yield pure CuS in the solid-state of herbal liquids. Smallest particle size was found to be
reaction. ranging between 218.4 nm at 5K magnification to 210.0
Deep black color of the final product is due to CuS nm at 7K magnification. This proves that the drug can be
(dark blue) and Meta Cinnabar (Dark black) mixture. easily absorbed in body and exhibit its therapeutic effect
Positive result in Dadhi pareksha proves Tamra bhasma quickly.

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G.Siva Ram et al. Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Anilari Ras: A Herbo Mineral Compound
CONCLUSION 6) Ashok D. Sapute. Rasendra Sara Sangraha (English
The standard quality parameters for Anilari ras translation) 2/22; 1st edition. Varanasi;
are- EDS shows Hg, Cu and S peak. XRD shows major Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series; 2003.
peaks of Meta Cinnabar (HgS), Covellite (CuS) and minor 7) Ashok D. Sapute. Rasendra Sara Sangraha (English
peaks of Sulphur (S8). Average grain size in SEM at 5K X translation) 2/23; 1st edition. Varanasi;
is 218.4 nm and at 7K X is 210.0 nm. Anilari Ras is a best Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series; 2003.
suitable method of Tamra bhasma preparation. This drug 8)
can safely used for treatment of different varieties of dictionary.html#R
Vata vyadhis. 9) R. Blachnik, A. Muller, Thermochim. Acta 361
REFERENCE (2000) 31e52
1) Ashok D. Sapute. Rasendra Sara Sangraha (English 10) Shri Sadananda Sharma. Rasa Tarangini (Kasinath
translation) 2/22-24; 1st edition. Varanasi; Sastra, editor) 2/54-55; 12th edition. Delhi; Motilal
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series; 2003. Banarasidas; 1979.
2) Shri Sadananda Sharma. Rasa Tarangini (Kasinath 11) Shri Sadananda Sharma. Rasa Tarangini (Kasinath
Sastra, editor) 5/27-29; 12th edition. Delhi; Motilal Sastra, editor) 2/53; 12th edition. Delhi; Motilal
Banarasidas; 1979. Banarasidas; 1979.
3) Siddhi Nandan Mishra. Rasendra Chudamani (Hindi 12) Ashok D. Sapute. Rasendra Sara Sangraha (English
translation) 11/12-14; Re-edition. Varanasi; translation); 1st edition. Varanasi; Chowkhamba
Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2009. Sanskrit Series; 2003. P. 198.
4) Dr.Siddhi nandan Mishra. Rasaratna samuccchaya 13) Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India; Part-I e-Book;
(Edited with Siddhiprada Hindi commentary) 5/52; Appendix Vol- I (2.2.9). p. 214
First edition. Varanasi; Chaukhambha Orientalia; 14) Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India; Part-I e-Book;
2011. Appendix Vol- I (2.2.3). p. 213
5) Dr. Siddhi nandan Mishra. Rasendra chudamani 15) Ibid
(Siddhiprada Hindi translation) 4/6; Reprint
16) Ibid
Edition. Varanasi; Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2009.

Cite this article as:

G.Siva Ram, B.Mahadev, P.V.Mahesh Babu, T.Maheshwar, G.Babu. Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of
Anilari Ras: A Herbo Mineral Compound. AYUSHDHARA, 2016;3(1):453-459.
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

AYUSHDHARA | January - February 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 456

AYUSHDHARA, 2016;3(1):453-459
Study Photographs

Samanya Sodhita Parada Purified Gandhaka

Purified Tamra Sheet Dwi-Guna Gandhaka Kajjali

Eranda Eranda Mula Swarasa (Kwatha Method)

Nirgundi Nirgundi Patra swarasa

AYUSHDHARA | January - February 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 457

G.Siva Ram et al. Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Anilari Ras: A Herbo Mineral Compound

Citraka Mula Citraka Mula Swarasa (Kwatha Method)


Wrapping Kajjali in Tamra Sheets Cotton thread tied to Kajjali wrapped Tamra sheets

Covering Earthen Valuka Yantra with Sarava Placing Valuka Yantra in Gaja Puta
Observations of Incinerated Material

Traces of Cinnabar (Red) Incinerated Tamra along with Meta Cinnabar and

AYUSHDHARA | January - February 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 458

AYUSHDHARA, 2016;3(1):453-459
Powder of Anilari Ras

SEM Image of Anilari Ras at 5K magnification SEM Image of Anilari Ras at 7K magnification
XRD Graph of Anilari Ras

EDS Graph of Anilari Ras

AYUSHDHARA | January - February 2016 | Vol 3 | Issue 1 459

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