BBU Interconnection (SRAN9.0 01)
BBU Interconnection (SRAN9.0 01)
BBU Interconnection (SRAN9.0 01)
Issue 01
Date 2014-04-30
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2 Overview.........................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Upgrade to Triple-Mode Base Stations..........................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 BBU Slots....................................................................................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Cable Connections.......................................................................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Application Scenarios..................................................................................................................................................5
2.2.4 Restrictions..................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2.5 Supported Features and Functions...............................................................................................................................7
2.3 UMTS Baseband Capacity Expansion...........................................................................................................................7
2.3.1 Cable Connections.......................................................................................................................................................8
2.3.2 Application Scenarios..................................................................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Restrictions..................................................................................................................................................................9
3 Related Features...........................................................................................................................11
4 Impact on the Network...............................................................................................................12
4.1 Impact on System Capacity..........................................................................................................................................12
4.2 Impact on Network Performance..................................................................................................................................12
5 Engineering Guidelines.............................................................................................................13
5.1 When to Use BBU Interconnection..............................................................................................................................13
5.2 Information to Be Collected.........................................................................................................................................13
5.3 Network Planning.........................................................................................................................................................13
5.3.1 Software Versions......................................................................................................................................................13
5.3.2 Subracks and Hardware Configurations for the BBUs..............................................................................................14
5.3.3 Transmission Modes..................................................................................................................................................14
5.3.4 CPRI-based Topologies.............................................................................................................................................17
5.3.5 Clocks........................................................................................................................................................................21
5.4 Feature Deployment.....................................................................................................................................................21
6 Parameters.....................................................................................................................................38
7 Counters........................................................................................................................................56
8 Reference Documents.................................................................................................................57
1.1 Scope
This document describes the BBU Interconnection feature, including its implementation
principles, network impact, and engineering guidelines.
This document applies to macro base stations (BTS3900, BTS3900L, BTS3900A, BTS3900AL,
BTS3900C, and DBS3900) and LampSite base stations.
Any managed objects (MOs), parameters, alarms, or counters described in this document
correspond to the software release delivered with this document. In the event of updates, the
updates will be described in the product documentation delivered with the latest software release.
SRAN9.0 01 (2014-04-30)
This issue does not include any changes.
2 Overview
In BBU Interconnection, two BBUs are connected using a BBU interconnection signal cable.
The BBU Interconnection feature applies to the following scenarios:
Unless otherwise specified, the BBU in this document refers to both the BBU3900 and BBU3910.
2.1 Introduction
Figure 2-2 Inter-BBU cable connections in the two interconnection methods in a triple-mode
base station
In the connected BBUs shown in Figure 2-2, BBU 0 and BBU 1 are the root BBU and leaf BBU,
respectively. You can identify whether a BBU serves as the root BBU or leaf BBU by using the
following methods:
l In the UCIU+UMPT interconnection, the BBU configured with a UCIU is the root BBU.
l In the UMPT+UMPT interconnection, the BBU at the end with the Master color-coding
on the BBU interconnection signal cable is the root BBU. Fiber optic cables cannot connect
BBUs in this interconnection method.
The root BBU and leaf BBU are determined in the site hardware planning.
A BBU interconnection signal cable is logically called CTRLLNK for an eGBTS, a NodeB or
an eNodeB and is logically called BTSCTRLLNK for a GBTS. By default, BBU 1 is the local
node and BBU 0 is the upper-level node of a CTRLLNK or BTSCTRLLNK.
In UCIU+UMPT interconnection, SingleRAN9.0 supports a maximum of two CTRLLNKs for
a NodeB or an eNodeB and two BTSCTRLLNKs for a GBTS.
In UMPT+UMPT interconnection, SingleRAN9.0 supports only one CTRLLNK for an eGBTS,
a NodeB or an eNodeB and one BTSCTRLLNK for a GBTS.
l In a co-MPT base station where two BBUs are interconnected, the primary and secondary main control
boards are configured in BBU 0 and BBU 1, respectively. The modes configured in BBU 1 must also
be configured in BBU 0. GSM cannot be configured in BBU 1.
l In triple-mode base stations, a board of a certain mode must be configured in the same BBU as the
main control board of this mode. For details about the board configurations for each mode, see the
BBU Hardware Description.
2.2.4 Restrictions
When UCIU+UMPT interconnection is used in a triple-mode base station, the following
restrictions apply:
l The distance between BBU 0 and BBU 1 must be less than or equal to 5 m.
l BBU 1 must be configured with a UMPTb.
l If BBU 0 is configured with the GTMU, WMPT, or LMPT, cascaded RRUs cannot be
connected to BBU 1.
l Only BBU interconnection signal cables provided by Huawei can be used. Fiber optic
cables cannot be used.
l Transmission cables must be connected to BBU 0.
In the UMPT+UMPT interconnection and only one UMPT connects to external transmission equipment
scenario, if the transmission cable is removed from the original UMPT and reconnected to the other UMPT,
you need to reset the later UMPT by pressing the reset button on the UMPT or removing and reinserting
the UMPT.
Supported Features
l Co-Transmission
When two BBUs are interconnected, the BBUs support co-transmission between two or more
modes. For details, see Common Transmission Feature Parameter Description.
l Common Clock
When two BBUs are interconnected, the BBUs support a common clock between two or more
modes. For details, see Common Clock Feature Parameter Description.
l Inter-BBU SDR
In inter-BBU SDR, a multimode RF module is connected to both BBUs. Figure 2-3 shows an
example of inter-BBU SDR in which BBU 0 supports GSM and BBU 1 supports LTE. The RXU
(GL) is connected to both BBU 0 and BBU 1.
Inter-BBU SDR clock signals for the secondary BBU must be synchronized with those for the
primary BBU. The clock signal synchronization mode is selected according to the following
l If the primary BBU uses frequency synchronization, the secondary BBU must use
frequency synchronization.
l If the primary BBU uses time synchronization, the secondary BBU can use either time or
frequency synchronization.
Figure 2-4 shows the inter-BBU cable connections for UMTS baseband capacity expansion.
Figure 2-4 Inter-BBU cable connections for UMTS baseband capacity expansion
A UMTS baseband board and a UMTS main control board are installed in both BBU 0 and BBU
1, and the two UMTS baseband boards are interconnected using a BBU interconnection signal
cable. Among UMTS baseband boards, WBBPf boards and UBBPd boards can provide HEI
ports for UMTS baseband interconnection. A WBBPf board or UBBPd board can be installed
only in slot 2 or slot 3 (preferred) in either BBU.
A BBU interconnection signal cable between WBBPf boards transmits baseband data and
expands baseband resources. A BBU interconnection signal cable between WBBPf boards
cannot be used interchangeably with that for UCIU+UMPT or UMPT+UMPT interconnection.
A BBU baseband interconnection signal cable is logically called BBPLNK. Either end of a
BBPLNK can be configured as the link head. It is recommended that you configure the end on
the BBU 0 side as the link head. SRAN9.0 supports only one BBPLNK.
A CTRLLNK (for NodeB/eNodeB) or BTSCTRLLNK (for GBTS) must be set up before a BBPLINK.
In the preceding scenarios, both BBU 0 and BBU 1 are configured with UMTS main control
For details about the board configurations for each mode, see the BBU Hardware Description.
2.3.3 Restrictions
Both BBU 0 and BBU 1 must be configured with one UMTS main control board to expand the
UMTS baseband capacity, with the UMTS main control board in BBU 0 as primary and that in
BBU 1 as secondary. If the ACT indicator on a main control board is steady on, this board is the
primary board. If the ACT indicator on a main control board is steady off, this board is the
secondary board.
The following local operations can be performed only on the primary main control board:
l The secondary UMTS main control board in BBU 1 does not support co-transmission.
l Boards in the same BBU must have the same subrack and slot numbers. Boards in different
BBUs must have different subrack and slot numbers. Otherwise, common boards, such as
the UCIU, cannot function.
l Inter-BBU baseband resource sharing is supported only in the downlink.
l BBU interconnection cannot enable two NodeBs to be upgraded to one NodeB.
l Inter-BBU multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is not supported. The main and
diversity RRUs serving MIMO cells must be connected to the same BBU.
l RRUs serving multi-RRU cells, distributed cells, or two cells in a DC-HSUPA or DC-
HSDPA group must be connected to the same BBU.
3 Related Features
5 Engineering Guidelines
Table 5-1 Mapping between software versions and BBU interconnection methods
BBU3910 BBU3910
In UCIU+UMPT interconnection, the UCIU is controlled by only one single-mode main control
board. Otherwise, ALM-26274 Inter-System Board Object Configuration Conflict is reported.
UCIU-related alarms are reported only to the single-mode main control board controlling the
When deploying a new Multimode base station, you are advised to comply with the following
rules to set the control mode for the UCIU:
l In UMTS baseband capacity expansion scenarios, UMTS is preferred to control the UCIU.
l In other scenarios, the mode priority descends from GSM, to UMTS, and then to LTE.
l In capacity expansion scenarios, it is recommended that the controlling mode of the UCIU
remain unchanged. Alternatively, you can modify the controlling mode based on
information provided in Table 5-2.
Table 5-2 lists the mode recommended for controlling the UCIU in each scenario.
Table 5-2 Mode recommended for controlling the UCIU in each scenario
During new Multimode base station deployment, the mode deployment order remains unchanged
no matter whether the mode controlling the UCIU is first deployed. However, it is recommended
that the mode controlling the UCIU be first deployed. By doing this, UCIU-related alarms can
be reported in time.
l Independent transmission
l Inter-BBU co-transmission
Independent Transmission
In a triple-mode base station deployment scenario, each mode is connected to the transport
network through its own port and is deployed in the same way as that in a single-mode base
In UMTS baseband capacity expansion scenarios, both BBUs have a UMTS main control board,
it is recommended that BBU 0 be connected to the RNC.
Inter-BBU Co-Transmission
For engineering guidelines about co-transmission, see Common Transmission Feature
Parameter Description. A multimode base station supports the following co-transmission modes
to implement inter-BBU co-transmission:
In new multimode base station deployment scenarios, the UTRPc has the following
configuration restrictions:
l The UTRPc can be controlled by only one mode whose main control board is installed in
the same BBU as the UTRPc.
l When deploying a new multimode base station, it is recommended that you deploy the
control mode of a UTRPc following a priority descending from LTE, to UMTS, and then
to GSM. By default, the UTRPc is controlled by UMTS before delivery.
Table 5-3 lists the mode recommended for controlling the UTRPc and the related mode
deployment order when an Multimode base station works in different modes.
Table 5-3 Mode recommended for controlling the UTRPc and related mode deployment order
when the Multimode base station works in different modes
In transmission mode transformation scenarios, you must minimize the impact on ongoing
services when selecting a control mode for the UTRPc.
For engineering guidelines about co-transmission, see the Common Transmission Feature
Parameter Description.
In UMPT+UMPT interconnection, only the star topology is supported for BBU 1 when the BBU
0 is configured with the GTMU, WMPT, or LMPT, as shown in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4 show two dual-star topology examples with GU RFUs and GU RRUs,
For details about the CPRI-based topologies and specifications of CRPI ports, see RF Unit and Topology
Management Feature Parameter Description and CPRI MUX Feature Parameter Description.
5.3.5 Clocks
With BBU Interconnection, a base station uses one of the following clocks:
l Independent reference clock
l Common reference clock
Step 1 Designate BBU0 and BBU1. Plan the cabinet number and subrack number for each BBU.
If BBU0 and BBU1 are configured in the same cabinet, their subrack numbers must be different.
If they are configured in different cabinets, their subrack numbers can be the same.
Step 2 Plan the control links.
The control link is logically CTRLLNK for NodeB or eNodeB, and BTSCTRLLNK for GBTS.
Physically, the control link is the BBU interconnection signal cable between the UCIU and
The two ends of each CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK must be designated. By default, BBU1 is the
local node and BBU0 is the upper-level node. The number of each CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK
for the base station must be unique. The link numbers of all the CTRLLNKs/BTSCTRLLNKs
need to be planned.
Step 1 Designate BBU0 and BBU1. Plan the cabinet number and subrack number for each BBU.
If BBU0 and BBU1 are configured in the same cabinet, their subrack numbers must be different.
If they are configured in different cabinets, their subrack numbers can be the same.
Step 2 Plan the control links. For details, see 2.2 Upgrade to Triple-Mode Base Stations.
The baseband processing link is logically BBPLNK. Physically, the baseband processing link
is the BBU interconnection signal cable between WBBPf boards.
The two ends of the BBPLNK must be designated. Either end of a BBPLNK can be configured
as the link head. It is recommended that you configure the end on the BBU 0 side as the link
head. The default port number of the link head or tail is 6.
The number of the BBPLNK needs to be planned. Only one BBPLNK is supported in
See M2000 Online Help for detailed operations of exporting CME configurations as a
configuration script, find procedure through the follwing path: CME Management > CME
Guidelines > System Management > Script Management > Exporting Incremental Scripts from
the Planned Data Area.
See M2000 Online Help for detailed operations of activating CME configurations, find
procedure through the follwing path: CME Management > CME Guidelines > System
Management > Managing the Script Executor.
Step 2 Check the status of the HEI indicator on the WBBPf to determine whether BBPLNK is operating
The two BBUs are classified into main subrack and extension subrack. If the subrack number of one end
of the BBU interconnection signal cable is 0, the mode at this end is deployed in the main subrack. If the
subrack number of this end is 1, the BBU at the other end is the main subrack.
whether CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK is operating correctly.
l Run the MML command DSP BBPLNK command to check whether BBPLNK is
configured as planned.
Scenario 1: Figure 5-5 shows the hardware configuration before and after BBU Interconnection
(UCIU+UMPT) is implemented.
Figure 5-5 Hardware changes in an upgrade from a GU dual-mode base station to a GU+L triple-
mode base station (scenario 1)
BBU subrack 1 -
UMPT 1 -
LBBP 1 -
UCIU 1 -
l Hardware installation
Step 1 Install the UMPT_L and LBBP in BBU 1. Then, connect the power cables, monitoring signal
cables, transmission cables, clock signal cables, and CPRI cables to the UMPT_L and LBBP.
Step 3 Use a BBU interconnection signal cable to connect the M0 port on the UCIU in BBU 0 to the
CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1.
When remove and reinstall BBU interconnection cable, you need to reset the main processing board in
BBU 1.
For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial
Configuration Guide. Find Procedure through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station
Initial Configuration Guide > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the
CME) > Creating Base Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base
Station > Configuring Device Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring
BBU Interconnection Links.
Step 1 On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSBRD to add a UCIU for BBU 0.
Step 2 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a cabinet for BBU 1.
Step 3 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1.
Step 4 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_L for BBU 1.
Step 5 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add an LBBP for BBU 1.
Step 6 On the UMTS and LTE sides, run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK to add a control link.
On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For
parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4.
Scenario 2: Figure 5-6 shows the hardware configuration before and after BBU Interconnection
(UMPT+UMPT) is implemented.
Figure 5-6 Hardware changes in an upgrade from a GU dual-mode base station to a GU+L triple-
mode base station (scenario 2)
BBU subrack 1
l Hardware installation
Step 1 Install the UMPT_L and LBBP in BBU 1. Then, connect the power cables, monitoring signal
cables, transmission cables, clock signal cables, and CPRI cables to the UMPT_L and LBBP.
Step 2 Use a BBU interconnection cable with a Master color-coding at one end to connect BBU 0 and
BBU 1. Connect the end with the Master color-coding to the CI port on the UMPT_U in BBU
0 and the other end to the CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1.
l The BBU interconnection signal cable connecting two UMPTs in the BBUs has a Master color-coding at
one end. When connecting two UMPTs, you must connect the end with the Master color-coding to the CI
port on the UMPT in BBU 0.
l In the UMPT+UMPT interconnection and only one UMPT connects to external transmission equipment
scenario, if the transmission cable is removed from the original UMPT and reconnected to the other UMPT,
you need to reset the later UMPT by pressing the reset button on the UMPT or removing and reinserting the
l When remove and reinstall BBU interconnection cable, you need to reset the main processing board in BBU
l Data reconfiguration
For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial
Configuration Guide. Find Procedure through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station
Initial Configuration Guide > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the
CME) > Creating Base Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base
Station > Configuring Device Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring
BBU Interconnection Links.
Step 1 On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSBRD to add a UCIU for BBU 0.
Step 2 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a cabinet for BBU 1.
Step 3 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1.
Step 4 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_L for BBU 1.
Step 5 On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add an LBBP for BBU 1.
Step 6 On the UMTS and LTE sides, run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK to add a control link.
On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For
parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4.
l The BBU interconnection signal cable refers to the one used to connect any of ports M0 through M4 on the
UCIU to the CI port on the UMPT.
l The Huawei QSFP electrical cable is used to connect the WBBPf boards in two BBUs.
l Scenario 1: From GU+L triple-mode base station (with WBBPf in BBU0 slot 3) to GU+UL
triple-mode base station
Figure 5-7 shows the hardware before and after BBU Interconnection.
Figure 5-7 Hardware changes for UMTS baseband capacity expansion (scenario 1)
WBBPf 1 -
UMPT 1 -
l Hardware installation
Step 2 Use a BBU interconnection signal cable to connect the M0 port on the UCIU in BBU 0 to the
CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1.
Step 3 Use a Huawei QSFP electrical cable to connect the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 2 in BBU 1
to the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0.
l Data reconfiguration
For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial
Configuration Guide. Find Procedure through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station
Initial Configuration Guide > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the
CME) > Creating Base Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base
Station > Configuring Device Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring
BBU Interconnection Links.
Step 1 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1.
Step 2 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_U for BBU 1.
Step 3 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 1.
Step 4 On the UMTS and LTE sides, run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK to add a control link.
On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For
parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4.
Step 5 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BBPLNK to add a baseband processing link.
For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-5
Uplink resource groups cannot be configured across BBUs. Downlink resource groups can be configured
across BBUs. The number of resource groups depends on the actual planning for each site.
l Scenario 2: From GU+L triple-mode base station (with the WBBPd in slot 3 of BBU0 and
slot 2 of BBU0 empty) to GU+UL triple-mode base station
Figure 5-8 shows the hardware before and after BBU Interconnection.
Figure 5-8 Hardware changes for UMTS baseband capacity expansion (scenario 2)
WBBPf 2 -
UMPT 1 -
l Hardware installation
Step 3 Use a BBU interconnection signal cable to connect the M0 port on the UCIU in BBU 0 to the
CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1.
Step 4 Use a Huawei QSFP electrical cable to connect the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 2 in BBU 1
to the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0.
l Data reconfiguration
For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial
Configuration Guide. Find Procedure through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station
Initial Configuration Guide > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the
CME) > Creating Base Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base
Station > Configuring Device Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring
BBU Interconnection Links.
Step 1 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 0.
Step 2 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1.
Step 3 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_U for BBU 1.
Step 4 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 1.
Step 5 On the UMTS and LTE sides, run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK to add a control link.
On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For
parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4.
Step 6 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BBPLNK to add a baseband processing link.
For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-5.
Uplink resource groups cannot be configured across BBUs. Downlink resource groups can be configured
across BBUs. The number of resource groups depends on the actual planning for each site.
l Scenario 3: From GU+L triple-mode base station (with WBBPds in slots 2 and 3 of BBU0)
to GU+UL triple-mode base station
Figure 5-9 Hardware changes for UMTS baseband capacity expansion (scenario 3)
WBBPf 2 -
UMPT 1 -
l Hardware installation
Step 2 Remove the CPRI fiber optic cable from the WBBPd in slot 3 in BBU 0 and move the WBBPd
to slot 0 in BBU 1.
Step 4 Connect the fiber optic cable removed in Step 4 to the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0.
Step 5 Use a BBU interconnection signal cable to connect the M0 port on the UCIU in BBU 0 to the
CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1.
Step 6 Use a Huawei QSFP electrical cable to connect the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 2 in BBU 1
to the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0.
l Data reconfiguration
For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial
Configuration Guide. Find Procedure through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station
Initial Configuration Guide > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the
CME) > Creating Base Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base
Station > Configuring Device Data >Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring
BBU Interconnection Links.
Step 1 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1.
Step 2 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_U for BBU 1.
Step 3 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 1.
Step 4 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPd for BBU 1.
Step 5 On the UMTS and LTE sides, run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK to add a control link.
On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For
parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4.
Step 6 On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BBPLNK to add a baseband processing link.
For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-5.
Uplink resource groups cannot be configured across BBUs. Downlink resource groups can be configured
across BBUs. The number of resource groups depends on the actual planning for each site.
5.7 Troubleshooting
Table 5-6 lists the alarms related to BBU Interconnection. For details, see the related alarm
reference documents.
6 Parameters
7 Counters
8 Reference Documents