GC5 iSMA-B-FCU Programming EN v1.0
GC5 iSMA-B-FCU Programming EN v1.0
GC5 iSMA-B-FCU Programming EN v1.0
User Manual
FCU programming
Modification of default application or creating a new one, can be done only online (in
real time), using SOX protocol and WorkPlace. Size of application cannot exceed 64 kB.
Value of available memory can be checked in Mem Available slot (under Plat
Using FCU Updater, modificated or created application can be downloaded from one
iSMA-B-FCU device and upload to other iSMA-B-FCU device(s). iSMA-B-FCU device has
two built-in RS485 ports:
COM1 – port with screw connector, port can be used to communication using
Modbus RTU/ASCII protocol or BACnet protocol (including BACnet Master Slave
COM2 – port with two RJ12 connectors, port can be used to communication using
Modbus Async protocol.
Each iSMA-B-FCU device has set of kits, which are installed with firmware. These kits
are needed for the proper operation of default application and can be also used to create
custom application. The kits cannot be changed or delayed. iSMA-B-FCU device has the
following kits:
sys – Sedona core system module
control – Basic function block library
inet – IP and UDP/TCP Socket APIs
sox – Sox service for remote management
iSMA_BACnetMasterSlave – Kit for Master - Slave communication
o iSMA-B-FCU device can work in defined groups where one device is master and
rest device (slaves) follows Master parameters.
o It is possible to sharing up to 100 points in this way
o This function is available only in BACnet MSTP protocol, using RS485 port
o Each master device can have up to 5 slave devices.
Note: Way of calculating memory cells for NV components is describe in Plat service
The components for service all inputs, outputs shown below are placed under
iSMA_platFCU palette.
Step 2 – Click “Next” and move on to the terms and conditions of the license. To
continue, accept and confirm your installation by clicking Install.
Open Sedona Installer from Tools menu in Workplace, mark option “Install Sedona
environment files” and select kit file. Press next button to finish importing process. This
process will copy this file to Sedona kits folder.
Groups – by choosing prepared bundle file with zip extension
To install ismaUI module download jar file from support.gc5.pl web site and copy
ismaUi.jar file to Niagara/module folder on local PC. To make changes, restart
Connect iSMA-B-FCU device to USB port in your computer – name of tab should
change to “USB - connected”, which means, that FCU Updater has got
communication with iSMA-B-FCU device.
Note! Should no option “Open Device” be available, no Sedona plugin has been installed
in WorkPlace. In this case, proceed to install the Sedona environment as described in
the previous section.
Plat service
The Plat service is a component, which shows device mains parameters. This
component is placed under the Service folder and is associated with device hardware.
The component has to be placed under Service component.
According to the table, this application use 13 Boolean memory cells and 6 Numeric
memory cells. In this case, slots “Free NV Boolean” and “Free NV Numeric” (under
plat component) will display:
o Free NV Boolean: 227
The component has the following actions, available under right mouse button:
Restart – restarts the application (Sedona Virtual Machine),
Reboot – reboots the device,
Copy From Nv To Default – copies values from Out slot to Default slot in all NV
components (see NV component chapter),
Copy From Nv To User – copies values from Out slot to User slot in all NV
Provisioning Permissions:
Can provision app – can read/write app.sab file,
Can provision kits – can read/write kits.scode file,
Can provision svm – can read/write SVM files.
Note, that SOX is service type and it is execute after application components. So, if there
is little difference between Scan Period and Scan Time (see App component) the
services do not have time execute and the programing interface can slow down. SOX is
designed to be run over UDP/IP protocol (default port 1876), but in the case of iSMA-B-
FCU device, SOX protocol runs over USB interface.
Under Drivers component have to be placed all components responsible for networks
and components associated with them, used by iSMA-B-FCU device. It could be Local
IO network (which manage physical inputs and outputs built-in iSMA-B-FCU device) or
networks responsible for protocols, which allows to communicate with other devices
(in the case of iSMA-B-FCU device: Modbus Async, Slave Network and BACnet Master
Logic folder is a component available from the sys kit palette, Folder component, which
is component of no properties and it is used exclusively to arrange applications visually.
To group logic components, can be also used Rate Folder component, also available
from the sys kit palette. Rate Folder component is a folder used to reduce the rate of
application performance. While developing major applications, it allows to reduce a
demand for processing power, consuming it for major or quick functions of the device
algorithm. The folder’s parameter “App Cycles To Skip” defines how frequently, in no. of
scanning cycles, components under the folder are processed.
7 platFCU kit
iSMA platFCU kit contains components for servicing physical inputs and outputs of
iSMA-B-FCU devices. It also contains Non-volatile components and Non-volatile Net
components for servicing Slave Network. All these components are described in
sections below.
7.1 NV components
NV Components (Non-Volatile) are the components whose value can be recorded
in an EEPROM device’s non-volatile memory. Whenever, a device is restarted or the
power is down, the values of NV components remain saved. The device has three
types of NV components, which support the different types of variables: Boolean
variables - component NVBooleanWritable,
Integer variables - component NVIntegerWritable,
Numeric (float) variables - component NVNumericWritable.
NV components can operate in the Auto mode (the “In” slot values are transferred to
the “Out” slot) or in the Hand mode (the “Out” value is entered manually by the user and
cannot be changed by the application).
Step 1 - Use global action "Copy From NV The Default / Copy From NV To User"
Step 3 - Use global action on the target device "Copy From Default To NV / Copy From
User To Nv"
NVBooleanWritable is a component that stores the output value in non-volatile memory
of an EEPROM device. After rebooting the device or power failure, the component value
is restored from this particular memory. The occupied space meter for EEPROM is
embedded in the plat component.
Note: Way of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in Plat service
The component has the following actions, available under the right mouse button:
Set - this option sets User slot and In slot if there is no link on In slot,
Set In Hand - this option sets the value on Out slot and blocks changing from any
other slots,
Set In Auto - this option switches off the Hand mode and sets Out slot according to
the In slot’s value.
NVIntegerWritable is a component that stores the output value in non-volatile memory
of an EEPROM device. After rebooting the device or power failure, the component value
is restored from this particular memory. Space meter of the occupied EEPROM's
memory is located in the plat component.
Note: Way of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in Plat service
The NVIntegerWritable component is also used to integrate integer variables from
various sources. It is done using the "reverse following the link" function. The Out slot
is connected to the In slots of various protocols, for example BACnet or Modbus
variable. Changing a value in one of the components, the device will perform the Set
action on the NV component to synchronize the values in all the connected
The component has following actions, available under the right mouse button:
Set – this option sets User slot and In slot if there is no link on In slot ,
Set In Hand – this option sets value on Out slot and block changing from any other
Set In Auto – this option switches off Hand mode and sets Out slot according to In
slot value.
NVNumericWritable is a component that stores the output value in non-volatile memory
of an EEPROM device. After rebooting the device or power failure, the component value
is restored from this particular memory. Space meter of the occupied EEPROM's
memory is located in the plat component.
Note: Way of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in Plat service
All Special inputs have 12-bit resolution which support the following types of inputs:
Digital Input – Special Input works as a digital input dry contact and reactive
Boolean value false for open circuit and true for close circuit. Circuit status is
measured by 1 mA current,
Analog Input - Special Input measures voltage in range from 0 to 10 V DC (10 000
mV) with the resolution of 6 mV,
Resistance Input - Special Input measures resistance value by voltage driver. The
input works in range from 0 to 1000 kΩ (1 MΩ), with resolution ±20 Ω for 20 kΩ load,
Temperature Input - Special Input measures NTC sensor resistance by voltage
driver and converts to temperature value. Special Input has built-in conversation
table for the following NTC sensors:
o The temperature sensor 10K3A1 NTC B=3975K
o The temperature sensor 10K4A1 NTC B=3695K
o The temperature sensor 10K NTC B=3435K Carel
o The temperature sensor 20K6A1 NTC B=4262K
o The temperature sensor 2,2K3A1 NTC B=3975K
o The temperature sensor 3K3A1 NTC B=3975K
o The temperature sensor 30K6A1 NTC B=4262K
o The temperature sensor SIE1
o The temperature sensor TAC1
o The temperature sensor SAT1
4x Digital Inputs
All Analog Outputs are equipped with 12-bit ADC provides 10 mV resolution and
accuracy less than ±0,5%. Analog Outputs support the following output types:
Output 0-10 V DC
Digital Output with maximum load up to 20 mA
All Digital Outputs are based on relays which can work with 230 V AC voltage. The iSMA-
B-FCU device has 2 types of Digital Outputs:
O1-03, 05 – relay outputs connected directly to power supply terminal,
o O1, O2 and O3 are three relay outputs, dedicated to connected up to 3 speed
Fan. The common terminal of these outputs is connected directly to Power
Supply “L” terminal.
Note: Outputs O1-O3 and output O5 are protected by built-in 6 A fuse. Total current for
digital relays outputs O1-03, O5 cannot exceed 6 A. Using fuse with bigger current than
6 A is forbidden! Bigger current may permanently damage device and cause danger to
the user and equipment!
Note: This Digital Output has separate circuit with 10 A relay. This circuit
requires external fuse protection up to 10 A. The current bigger than 10 A
may permanently damage device and cause danger to the user and
Note: This Digital Output has separate circuit with 10 A relay. This circuit requires
external fuse protection up to 10 A. The current bigger than 10 A may
permanently damage device and cause danger to the user and equipment!
2x Triac Outputs
The iSMA-B-FCU device has two Triac Outputs which are dedicated to heating and
cooling thermal valve actuators.Triac Outputs can be connected actuators with 230
V AC supply (for iSMA-B-FCU-HH ) or actuators with 24 V AC supply (for iSMA-B-
FCU-HL ) depend on the controller’s model.
Triac Output can work as typical binary outputs (for Binary Temperature Control) or
using PWM modulation. PWM mode has two parameters:
LocalIO is a main component servicing the physical I/O. Under this component have to
be placed all components used to reading or setting inputs or outputs. LocalIO
component has to be placed under Drivers component.
SIx Filter - The time constant of the low pass filter (to eliminate signal noise)
AOx Type - Integer value corresponding to analog output mode
AOx Type - Analog Output Mode: Voltage 0-10 V or PWM
Default State Of Analog Output x – The analogue output default value after your
reboot the controller expressed in mV.
Default Digital State Of Analog Output x - The default value of the analogue output,
working in digital mode, when you reboot the device.
TOx Type Int - Integer value corresponding to TOx Type.
TOx Type - Triac Output Mode: Digital or PWM.
Default State Of Triac Output x - The default value of the Triac Output, working in
PWM mode, when you reboot the device. Expressed in %.
Default State Of Triac Digital Output x - The default value of the Triac Output,
working in digital mode, when you reboot the device.
Mode - Slot can be set to NORMAL or FAN. If it is value FAN, Digital Outputs O1, O2
and O3, cannot be set to high state at the same time. When it is value NORMAL, this
protection is disabled.
Default State Of Digital Output x - Digital Output default when you reboot the device.
Any settings of the LocalIOConfig component are carefully stored in the component and
can be transferred to other devices (quick setup of multiple devices).
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set– Write value to slot Out and sends it to the device.
Figure 23 Di component
Figure 25 DO component
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set– Write value to slot Out and sends it to the device.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set– Write value to slot Out and sends it to the device.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set– Write value to slot Out and sends it to the device.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set– Write value to slot Out and sends it to the device.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set BACnet ID – set BACnet ID of device.
NV Net components
NV Net Components (Non-Volatile Net) are the components whose value can be
recorded in an EEPROM device’s non-volatile memory. Whenever, a device is restarted
or the power is down, the values of NV Net components remain saved. These
components can be also used to send values using BACnet MSTP or Modbus RTU
protocols (depend on Dip Switch PROTOCOL configuration). The device has two types
of NV components, broken down by the type of variables they support.
Note: Way of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in Plat service
chapter.Since the values of the components are not stored in the Sedona application
but in the non-volatile memory of the device, when an application is copied between two
Step 1 - Use global action "Copy From NV The Default / Copy From NV To User"
Step 3 - Use global action on the target device "Copy From Default To NV / Copy From
User To Nv"
Note: Way of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in Plat service
The NVNetNumeric component is also used to integrate Numeric (float) variables from
various sources. It is done using the "reverse following the link" function. The Out slot is
connected to the In slots of various protocols, for example BACnet or Modbus variable.
Changing a value in one of the components, the device will perform the Set action on
the NV Net component to synchronize the values in all the connected components.
Option is enable only when Link Set slot is set to true.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set– The action sets User slot and In slot if there is no link on In slot.
Note: Way of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in Plat service
The NVNetBoolean component is also used to integrate Boolean variables from various
sources. It is done using the "reverse following the link" function. The Out slot is
connected to the In slots of various protocols, for example BACnet or Modbus variable.
Changing a value in one of the components, the device will perform the Set action on
the NV Net component to synchronize the values in all the connected components.
Option is enable only when Link Set slot is set to true.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set– This action sets User slot and In slot if there is no link on In slot.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Reset Stats – Reset statistics of Modbus Async Network,
Enable – Enable Modbus Async Network,
Disable – Disable Modbus Async Network.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Ping– Sends test message to device to check device status.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Set True/Set False – Write value to slot In and sends it to the device (not active
when slot In have connected link),
Write – send value from slot In to the device,
Read – read value from device and send to slot Out.
Figure 44 ModbusAsyncNumericMultiPoint
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Read – Action forces the reading of the point.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Read – Action forces the reading of the point.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Read – Action forces the reading of the point.
8.9 Modbus Async Register Bit Writable
Modbus Async Register Bir Writable is a component which is responsible for sending
and reading Boolean values from the device. The component has to be placed under
Modbus Async Device component.
The component has the following actions, available under the right mouse button:
Set True/Set False – Write value to slot In and sends it to the device (not active
when slot In has connected link),
Write – send value from slot In to the device,
Read – read value from the device and send to slot Out,
Send Value – send value to the device, but without changing value on In slot.
Note: This function is available only in BACnet MSTP protocol, using RS485 port
9.1 BacnetMasterSlaveNetwork
BACnet Master Slave Network is a main component which is responsible for
communication between Master device and Slave’s devices by BACnet MSTP protocol,
using RS485 port (COM1). BACnet Master Slave Network sets parameters such as
Slave devices Id, communication parameters (such a Poll Frequancy or Max Write
Time) and read status of Slave devices. The component has to be placed under Drivers
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Ping– Sends test message to Slave devices to check devices’ statuses.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Read – Action forces the reading of the point.
9.3 AnalogValueWrite
Analog Value Write is a component which is responsible for sending analog value to
slave devices. Value is written with period time defined by Max Write Time (only when
value of Max Write Time is higher than 0) and if value of In slot has changed. Writing
can be also forced by Set or Write action. The component has to be placed under
BACnet Master Slave component.
The component has the following actions, available under the right mouse button:
Set– Write value to slot In and sends it to slave devices,
Write – Send value from slot In to slave devices.
9.4 BinaryValueRead
Binary Value Read is a component which is responsible for reading binary values from
slave devices. Values are read with time period define in Poll Frequency slot. Reading
can be also forced using Read action. The component has to be placed under BACnet
Master Slave component.
The component has the following action, available under the right mouse button:
Read – Action forces the reading of the point.
9.5 BinaryValueWrite
Binary Value Write is a component which is responsible for sending binary value to slave
devices. Value is written with period time defined by Max Write Time (only when value
of Max Write Time is greater/higher than 0) and if value of In slot has changed. Writing
can be also forced by Set or Write action. The component has to be placed under
BACnet Master Slave component.
The component has the following actions, available under the right mouse button:
Set– Write value to slot In and sends it to slave devices,
Write – Send value from slot In to slave devices.
10.1 FCU_Antifrost
FCU_Antifrost is a component used to protection against a drop in temperature of
space below the set threshold (with the hysteresis).
When value of space temperature drop below Threshold – Diff (6oC for values in figure
below) and there is no sensor fault, slot Antifrost will change to true. This Action will be
kept until room temperature increase above value equal Threshold + Diff (8oC for values
in figure below). When Temperature sensor is fault (slot Sensor Fault is set to true), slot
Antifrost will be always equal false – component is inactive.
10.2 FCU_ChangeOfStateDelay
FCU_ChangeOfStateDelay component allows delaying binary value for time defined in
Delay Time Slot. The component is extended version of On Delay and Off Delay – both
functions are used in one component and there is possibility to set defined by user
status to Output slot (during and after delay time).
End Delay Value – State, which is set to Output slot, after end of counting process.
During counting process, Output slot is set opposite to state of End Value Slot.
Option is available only when After Delay Set Input Value slot has value false.
Fan Type – numeric value corresponding to type of controlled fan. Available values:
o 0 – Fan with analog input
o 1 – Fan with 1 binary speed
o 2 – Fan with 2 binary speeds
o 3 – Fan with 3 binary speeds.
Note: The FCU_FanControl component has built-in protection against enable speeds
higher than these resulting from value of Fan Type slot. For example, if Fan Type slot
is set to 1 (fan with 1 binary speed), there is no possibility to enable speeds higher than
1. This protection concerns only fans with binary outputs.
Occupancy Status – numeric slot corresponding to occupancy status of space.
Available values:
o 0 – Unoccupied
o 1 – Occupied
o 2 – Standby.
Test Mode – numeric input slot for enable or disable Testing mode. This mode is
inactive when value of slot is equal to 0. In other cases, fan works in Testing Mode
– current speed will be overridden by maximum value available for fan type
(depending on value of Fan Type slot )
Note: Window Is Open mode can be overridden only by Antifrost mode or Test mode.
Fan Off Threshold, Fan Speed 1 Threshold, Fan Speed 2 Threshold, Fan Speed 3
Threshold – Values of threshold used to switching speeds of fan (in Auto mode, for
fans with binary inputs), calculating value of Fan Analog Out slot (in Manual modes,
for fan with analog output).
Fan Scale – numeric input slot with value, which is used? in calculating of fan speed
in Auto mode.
Note: Calculating of fan speeds base on internal variable named Fan Control Value.
The way of calculate this value has been shown in the figures below:
Fan Control Value is used to calculating current speed of fan (for fans with binary
inputs) or value of Fan Analog Out slot (for fan with analog input). The ways of
calculating both values have been shown in the figures below:
Heating Occupied Active – binary input slot, enable/disable function, which force
the fan work. Available values:
o True –function is enable – if fan works in Auto mode (Fan Mode slot is set to 4),
space is occupied (Occupancy Status slot is set to 1) and FCU_FanControl
component works in Heating temperature mode (Heating Cooling slot is set to
true), Fan will be always switch on, even if value of Setpoint slot is lower than
value of Cv slot and (according to the control algorithm) fan should be switched
o False – function is disable.
Cooling Occupied Active– binary input slot, enable/disable function, which force the
fan work. Available values:
o True –function is enable – if fan works in Auto mode (Fan Mode slot is set to 4),
space is occupied (Occupancy Status slot is set to 1) and FCU_FanControl
component works in Cooling temperature mode (Heating Cooling slot is set to
false), Fan will be always switched on, even if value of Setpoint slot is higher than
value of Cv slot and (according to the control algorithm) fan should be switched
o False – function is disable.
Figure 61 Heating/Cooling Occupied Active function for fan with analog input
Figure 62 Heating / Cooling Occupied Active function for fans with binary inputs
Fan Delay Off – value of delay off time, expressed in seconds. Every time, when
value of slot Fan Status is higher than 0 and fan is need to be switched off, it works
with current speed by time equal value of this slot. After this time, Fan will switch
off. If slot is set to 0, function is disabled.
10.5 FCU_HeatingCoolingSwitch
Cv – controlled temperature,
Setpoint – Setpoint of controlled temperature,
Diff – Differential for hysteresis,
Occupancy Status – value corresponding to occupancy status. Available values:
o 0 – Unoccupied
o 1 – Occupied
o 2 – Standby
Fcu Mode – value corresponding to FCU mode, for example from higher level
system. Available values:
o 0 – Off – FCU is disabled; Heating Cooling slot is set to true.
o 1 – Auto – FCU works in Auto mode, it is possibility to switch between Heating
and Cooling mode.
o 2 – Heating Only – FCU works only in Heating mode; Heating Cooling slot is set
to true
o 3 – Cooling Only – FCU works only in Cooling mode; Heating Cooling slot is set
to false
o 4 – Fan Only – Only fan can work; Heating Cooling slot is set to true.
The FCU_HeatingCoolingSwitch component has predefined modes for values from Fcu
Mode slot:
If Fcu Mode slot is set to 2 (Heating Only), slot Heating Cooling will be always set to
true (Heating Mode), regardless of the temperature and setpoint values.
If Fcu Mode slot is set to 3 (Cooling Only), slot Heating Cooling will be always set to
false (Cooling Mode), regardless of the temperature and setpoint values.
If Fcu Mode slot is set to 0 or 4 (Off or Fan Only), slot Heating Cooling will be always
set to true (Heating Mode), regardless of the temperature and setpoint values.
If Fcu Mode slot is set to 1 (Auto), slot Heating Cooling is switching between
Heating and Cooling, according to the figure below:
Note: Heating and Cooling mode can be switched only when Occupancy Status slot is
set to 1 (Occupied mode). If Occupancy Status slot has the other value, to Heating
Cooling slot is set last mode, which has been calculated in Occupied mode.
Auto Binding function can be disable (by setting value true to Local Remote Auto
Binding slot). In this case, Id of Slave devices has to be set by user (in slots Remote
Slave 1 Device Id – Remote Slave 5 Device Id).
Local Remote Auto Binding – slot allows switching between Auto Binding and
Remote Binding, availablevalues:
o True – Remote Banding – Id of each Slave Device (slots Slave1 Device Id –
Slave5 Device Id) are set to corresponding to them value of Remote Id (slots
Remote Slave 1 Device Id – Remote Slave 2 Device Id)
o False – Auto Binding – Id of each Slave Device (slots Slave1 Device Id – Slave5
Device Id) are calculated according to the table above.
Fcu Mode – numeric input with value corresponding to mode of FCU; available
o 0 – Off
o 1 – Auto
o 2 – Heating Only
o 3 – Cooling Only
o 4 – Fan Only.
Note: If Fcu Mode slot is set to 4 (Fan Only) and Antifrost slot is set to false (no
Antifrost mode), slots Temperature Binary Enable and Temperature Analog Enable are
overridden to false.
Panel Mode Reset – binary output, which can be used to reset value from
component connected to Occupancy Mode Panel after switch off Occupancy Mode,
which has been forced by Panel. Panel Mode Reset slot has value false. It is set to
true for one application cycle, when time of Occupancy mode forced by panel has
Occupancy Mode – value corresponding to Occupancy mode set from upper level
system; available values:
o 0 – Unoccupied
o 1 – Occupied
o 2 – Standby
Note: Value of Occupancy Mode Panel slot allows to force Occupied Mode from panel.
If Occupancy Mode slot is set to 0 or 2 (Unoccupied or Standby), setting value of
Occupancy Mode Panel slot to 1 (Occupied) will force Occupied mode for time defined
in Occupancy Time For Remote Trigger slot. During this time Forced Occupied slot
has value true. After that time, value of Panel Mode Reset slot is set to true for one
cycle of application and component go back to previous Occupancy Mode. Occupied
mode forced in this way can be also cancelled by setting back Occupancy Mode Panel
slot to 0 (Unoccupied).
Cooling Valve – Numeric output slot, which displays status of cooling valve. Value
can be displayed in two ways:
o Displaying 0 or 1 – for temperature binary output (if Analog Output Enable slot
is set to false); 0 – valve close, 1– valve open
o Displaying value of Analog Cooling In slot – for temperature analog output (if
Analog Output Enable slot is set to true).
Fan Value – Numeric output slot, which displays status of fan. Value can be
displayed in two ways:
o Displaying 0, 1, 2 or 3 – for fan binary outputs (if Fan Type slot is not equal to 0),
according to value of Fan Status slot; available values:
o Displaying value of Fan Analog In slot – for fan analog output (if Fan Type slot is
equal to 0).
Analog Heating Out – numeric output slot for analog heating valve.
o For 2 pipes system (slot Mode _2 Pipes is set to true), when slot Analog Outputs
Enable is set to true, Analog Heating Out slot displays value of Analog Heating In
slot or Analog Cooling In slot. It depends on which slot has value greater than 0
(this value is set to Analog Heating Out slot).
o For 4 pipes system (slot Mode _2 Pipes is set to false), slot Analog Heating Out
can only display value of Analog Heating In.
o If slot Analog Outputs Enable is set to false (the component use only binary
outputs), slot Analog Heating Out is set to 0.
Second Stage Heating Out – binary output slot for second stage heating. Slot
displays value from slot Second Stage Heating In .
Note: If Heating Second Stage Enable slot is set to false or Heating Relay Enable
slot is set to false, Second Stage Heating Out slot cannot be set to true.
Second Stage Cooling Out – binary output slot for second stage cooling. Slot
displays value from slot Second Stage Cooling In.
Note: If Cooling Second Stage Enable slot is set to false or Cooling Relay Enable
slot is set to false, Second Stage Cooling Out slot cannot be set to true.
Digital Heating – binary output slot for digital heating (recommended to service
heating valve switched on/off by Triac).
o For 2 pipes system (slot Mode _2 Pipes is set to true), when slot Analog Outputs
Enable is set to false, Digital Heating slot displays value of Binary Heating In slot
or Binary Cooling In slot. It depends on which slot has true value (this value is set
to Digital Heating slot).
o For 4 pipes system (slot Mode _2 Pipes is set to false), slot Digital Heating can
only display value of Binary Heating In.
o If slot Analog Outputs Enable is set to true (the component use only analog
outputs), slot Digital Heating is set to false.
Digital Cooling – binary output slot for digital cooling (recommended to service
cooling valve switched on/off by Triac).
o For 4 pipes system (slot Mode _2 Pipes is set to false), slot Digital Cooling
displays value of slot Binary Heating In.
o If slot Analog Outputs Enable is set to true (the component use only analog
outputs) or slot Mode _2 Pipes is set to false (for 4 pipes system), slot Digital
Cooling is set to false.
Relay Cooling – binary output slot for digital cooling in 1st or 2nd stage
(recommended to service cooling valve switched by relay output or electrical
o If slot Cooling Relay Enable is set to true and slot Cooling Second Stage Enable
is set to false (cooling in 1st stage only), to slot Relay Cooling is set value from
slot Binary Cooling In.
o If slot Cooling Relay Enable is set to true, and slot Cooling Second Stage Enable
is set to true (cooling in 1st and 2nd stage), to slot Relay Cooling is set value from
slot second Stage Cooling In.
o If slot Cooling Relay Enable is set to false (cooling relay is disable), to slot Relay
Cooling is set value false.
Heating Second Stage Enable – binary input allows to enable or disable 2nd stage
heating; true – enable, false – disable,
Cooling Second Stage Enable – binary input allows to enable or disable 2 nd stage
cooling; true – enable, false – disable,
Heating Relay Enable – binary input allows to enable or disable relay for heating;
true – enable, false – disable,
Cooling Relay Enable – binary input allows to enable or disable relay for cooling;
true – enable, false – disable,
Mode _2 Pipes – binary input allows to switch between 2 pipes system and 4 pipes
system; true – 2 pipes system, false – 4 pipes system,
Analog Outputs Enable – binary input allows to switch between analog or binary
control of temperature outputs; true – Analog Outputs, false – Binary Outputs,
Analog Heating In – Numeric input of analog value for heating,
Analog Cooling In – Numeric input of analog value for cooling,
Binary Heating In – Input of binary value for 1st stage heating,
Binary Cooling In – Input of binary value for 1st stage cooling,
Second Stage Heating In – Input of binary value for 2nd stage heating,
Fan Status – numeric input slot of current fan speed; available values:
o 0 – Off,
o 1 or 4 –Speed 1,
o 2 or 5 – Speed 2,
o 3 or 6 – Speed 3.
Note: If Return Temperature Fault slot is set to true (sensor fault), it is taken value
from Temperature When Sensors Are Fault (instead Return Temperature). If Space
Temperature Fault slot is set to true (sensor fault), function is inactive.
Space Temperature Fault – Status of space temperature; true – fault, false – no
Space Temperature – Output value of space temperature. It is calculated in the way
described below:
o Lcd Panel Temperature hasthe highest priority . If Panel is connected (Lcd Panel
Connected slot is set to true), to Space Temperature slot is set value from Lcd
Panel Temperature slot.
o If Panel is disconnected (Lcd Panel Connected slot is set to false) and there is
no fault of simple panel temperature sensor (Simple Panel Temperature Fault is
set to false), to Space Temperature slot is set value from Simple Panel
Temperature slot.
o If Lcd Panel is disconnected, Simple Panel sensor is fault and there is no fault of
temperature sensor which is used to calculate Cv value (value of Temperature
Return Temperature Fault – Binary input slot with status of Return Temperature
sensor; true – sensor fault, false – sensor operates correct,
Return Temperature – Numeric input with temperature from Return Temperature
Lcd Panel Connected – Binary input slot with status of LCD Panel; true – Panel
connected, false – Panel disconnected,
Lcd Panel Temperature – Numeric input with temperature from LCD Panel
Temperature sensor,
Simple Panel Temperature Fault – Binary input slot with status of Simple Panel
Temperature sensor; true – sensor fault, false – sensor operates correct,
Simple Panel Temperature – Numeric input with temperature from Simply Panel
Temperature sensor,
Net Temperature Fault – Binary input slot with status of Net Temperature sensor;
true – sensor fault, false – sensor operate correct,
Net Temperature – Numeric input with Net Temperature value,
Fan Active – Binary input slot with status of fan; true – fan switches on, false – fan
switches off,
Fan Active With Delay – Binary input slot with status of fan (with external delay);
true – fan switches on, false – fan switches off,
Temperature When Sensors Are Fault – Value of temperature, which will be set to
Cv slot, if sensor selected by value of MainTemperature Source is fault.