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Instructor: Yuly Asencion
Topic: Clothing and fashion Skill/component: Vocabulary
Level: Spanish 101
Context: Students have already learned conjugations of verbs en present indicative and
social forms to greet and say goodbye. They know how to ask questions and give basic
Standards: Communication 1.1. Interpersonal, 1.2. Interpretive, 1.3. Presentational.
Communities. Cultures
Objectives: Students will read a description of Rosa’s children to answer to
comprehension questions (Interpretive). Students will recognize and produce vocabulary
related to clothes and colors. Students will produce their own clothes catalogue and use it
to perform dialogues in a clothing store (Interpersonal). Students will participate in a
fashion show and present to the audience the outfit of a classmate (Presentational).
Students will play the linguistic detective and find out how to say several pieces of
clothing in different Spanish-speaking countries (Cultures and communities).

Time Activity Materials Assessment

5:00 Opening activity:
The teacher asks students: Which
actor/actress do they think is
elegant? Why is this person
elegant? What clothes does she/he
usually wear?
Students: Provide answers and the
teacher takes notes of the answers
on the board.

1:00 Transition: The teacher tells the

class that they are going to read a
description of Rosa’s children and
answer some questions (see
10:00 Presentation Board Rubric for measuring
The teacher presents the story to Questions comprehension:
the class in a powerpoint. As the Powerpoint
teacher reads the story, he/she 4 Correct answers: 3 – on
points out in the pictures the target
clothes described. After reading 3 Correct answers: 2 –
the story, students provide their satisfactory
answers to the questions. The Less than 3 correct answers: 1:
whole class participates. needs to improve
1:00 Transition: The teacher tells the
class: Vamos a leer la descripción
otra vez y prestén atención a las
palabras en rojo para hacer un
ejercicio de pareo (matching).
10:00 Atenttion Powerpoint
Teacher asks students to pay Matching
attention to the words in red in the exercise
dialogue. As the teacher reads the
description, she/he points out to
the clothes in the pictures so that
the students can make connections
between the words and the clothes.
After the second reading, students
do a matching exercise (see
The whole class discusses how
correct the answers are.
1 min Transition:
Teacher tells the class: Ahora
vamos a clasificar el vocabulario
de la ropa de la lectura y otro que
ya sepan o puedan conseguir en su
15:00 Co-construction Powerpoint
Students receive a table. Students Table
work in pairs to fill in the table
with the demonstratives.
The teacher elicits the words that
should be in each cell of the table.
Teacher checks comprehension of
new vocabulary by asking students
to name the clothes they would in
different situations: a) at a party, b)
in a job interview, c) in an elegant
dinner, d) to ski, e) during their
vacations in California, e) in a
concert, etc.
1:00 Transition: Teachers announces
next activity: “Ahora vamos a
poner en practica en el diseño de
un catálogo de ropa”
30:00 Extension Catalogues Rubric for the catalogue:
The teacher, in the previous class, 8 – 10: Excel
asks the students to bring different 6 – 7: On target
clothes catalogues. Students work < 5: Not meet the objective
in pairs and design their clothes
catalogue by cutting and paste Punctuation based on the
pictures of clothes from different following criteria:
catalogues (minimum 15 pieces of Content: (at least 15 pieces of
clothes). They should label the clothing labeled and prices): 7
clothes and put prices. After Format and appearance:
finishing the catalogue, students (Looks like a catalogue,
work in pairs to practice a roleplay contains pictures, colors, etc.):
in a store. One of them is the 3
customer. The other one is the
salesperson. The customer wants
to buy some clothes from the Rubric for the dialogue:
catalogue. <8: Not meet the objective
Some pairs present their dialogues 9-13: On target
to the class. 14-15: Excel

Punctuation based on the

following criteria:

* Content (greetings, ask for

information, give information,
thanks, say goodbye, etc.): 8
* Vocabulary and grammar:
* Comprehensible
pronunciation: 3
1:00 Transition: Teacher announces
two projects to be done as
5:00 Closing: Handout for Rubric for the presentation in
Project 1: Linguistic detective. project 1. the fashion show:
The teacher gives a handout with 8 – 10: Excel
pictures of clothes. Students 6 – 7: On target
should find three native speakers < 5: Not meet the objective
of Spanish from different countries
and ask them how they say the Punctuation based on the
clothes in the pictures in Spanish. following criteria:
Students will share their findings Content: (description of the
with the class. outfit – color, piece of
Project 2: Fashion show. clothing, pattern, material): 7
The teacher asks students to work Pronunciation and use of
in pair to prepare an outfit to be language: 3
presented in a fashion show in the
class. One student will be the
model wearing the outfit, the other
student will be the presenter of the
outfit who is going to describe it
(color, pieces of clothing,
materials, pattern, etc.). The class
will vote to choose the most
elegant, crazy and original outfits.
The chosen outfits will be receive
a prize.


Read the following description about Rose’s children and answer the following the
1. ¿Cuántos hijos tiene Rosa?
2. ¿Qué hacen los niños en la mañana?
3. ¿Qué hacen los niños en la tarde?
4. ¿A qué hora se acuestan?

Los hijos de Rosa (Powerpoint)

Tengo dos hijos muy inteligentes y muy activos. Tienen diferentes actividades y por
supuesto necesitan mucha ropa. En la mañana, van a la escuela. Llevan uniforme. Mi hija

lleva falda azul, medias blancas, zapatos negros,

camisa amarilla y corbata azul. Mi hijo lleva zapatos negros, medias blancas, pantalones
cortos azules, camisa amarilla y corbata azul. Cuando regresan de la escuela, mis hijos

solo quieren jugar. Para jugar en el parque, llevan pantalones cortos,

camisetas, zapatos tenis o sandalias. Si es verano, vamos a la piscina y ellos llevan

sus trajes de baño. En el invierno, cuando juegan afuera, ellos llevan

botas, pantalones y chaquetas. También llevan guantes,

bufandas y gorros. En nuestra familia, tenemos muchas fiestas de cumpleaños. Para esas

ocasiones, los niños usan ropa formal. Mi hija usa vestido, medias y
zapatos. Mi hijo usa traje, corbata y zapatos. En la noche, mis niños están listos para irse

a la cama y llevan sus pijamas .

Matching exercise (without the reading): Write the number of the piece of clothing in
column A close the appropriate place in column B.

Column A: Ropa Column B: Lugar

1. Guantes y bufanda En la fiesta ____
2. Pantalones cortos En el parque ____
3. Traje de baño En la piscina ____
4. Pijamas Para dormir _____
5. Vestido En el invierno ____

Classifying exercise: Classify the vocabulary in the reading and other you can find in
your dictionary or that you already know in the following vocabulary.

Mujer Hombre Mujer y Hombre

Project 1: Linguistic detective.

Ropa País 1 / palabra País 2 / palabra País 3/ palabra











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