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Elementary Lesson Plan Template - ABRIDGED: Name: Salvador Beas Date of Implementation: 2/3/2020

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Teacher Education Program

Elementary Lesson Plan Template – ABRIDGED

Name: Salvador Beas Date of implementation: 2/3/2020
Key Content Standards and CA ELD Standards (Integrated ELD): List the relevant parts of each content and ELD
standard. (TPE 3)
K.OA.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting
out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations. (Drawings need not show details but should show the
mathematics in the problem. This applies wherever drawings are mentioned in the Standards.)
K.OA.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or
drawings to represent the problem.

P.1.A.1 Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of
social and academic topics
P.1.A.4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type)

Mathematical Practices:
MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
MP4 Model with mathematics.
MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP6 Attend to precision.
MP7 Look for and make use of structure.
Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? (TPE 3)
SWBAT use a ten frame to solve word problems
SWBAT decompose numbers within 10
SWBAT solve addition word problems

Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the lesson? (TPE 3,5)
- 1 to 1 correspondence
- Counting numbers 1-10
- Cardinality
- Using a 10 frame
- Ways to make 10
- How to make a number sentence with symbols (plus sign, equal sign)
ASSESSMENT (TPE 1,2,3,4,5)
Pre-Assessment Strategies: How might you gain insight into students’ readiness for the lesson?
- Participation in choral counting
- Analyzing previous exit tickets
- Analysis of prior assessments
Backward Planning: What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective?
- Making a number sentence with the accurate numbers, operations and answer
Modifications: What modification of the above assessment will you use for language learners and/or students with
special needs?
- Exit ticket will be differentiated with empty 10 frames and an empty number sentence to be filled out.
- Amount of modeling and support will be based on group.
- Manipulatives will be provided (unifix cubes)
Checking for Understanding: How will you monitor student learning to make modifications during the lesson? Playing
the snap game as a fluency practice before the lesson will serve as a concrete review of the composition and
decomposition of the numbers to 5, as well as a chance to practice creating ways to make 10.

EQUITY – Engaging All Learners (TPE 1,2,3,4)

Connections to Students’ Prior Knowledge:
- Students have been chorally counting up to 20
- Students were introduced to “Gus the Plus” and addition
- Students fill out a 10 frame during Morning Meeting
Connections to Students’ Lives & Cultural Backgrounds:
- When reading the number stories, they will include food relevant to their culture (conchas)
- When reading the number stories, student names will be included
Differentiation – Describe your differentiated instructional strategies for…
Varying Academic Abilities:
- Math will be taught in small group rotations
- Different worksheets/exit slips will be provided to different groups
Language Levels:
- Explicit modeling and repeating instructions
- Will use Spanish for words/phrases, such as what colors to use, what objects we will be counting
- Unpacking of the word problem
- Anchor chart with pictures to illustrate some of the terms

Academic Language (Integrated ELD): What CA ELD Standards, content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific
vocabulary, text structures, and stylistic or grammatical features will be explicitly taught? (TPE 3)
- Math vocabulary words: add, plus, join, in all, sum, altogether, ten frames, “ways to make”
- Word problem structure
Name: Salvador Beas Date of implementation: 2/3/2020

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning (TPE 1,2,3,4,5):

What will the teacher do to 1) engage/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds,
interests and prior learning, 2) identify learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build
independent learning, 4) monitor student learning during instruction, and 5) build metacognitive understanding?

List what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing.
Time Teacher Student Resources /
9:50 Snap Game: Play a game called Snap - Plays the Snap game - Unifix cubes
Warm Up with your friend! Show them your 5-stick. with a partner. Takes
Now, put your linking cube stick behind turns figuring out the
(2-3 minutes) number of cubes behind
your back. When they say, “Snap!” quickly
break your linking stick into two parts. back.
Show them one of the parts. Have them
guess the other one. If not, show them.

9:53 T will read the number story to the - Listen and participate as
Students. then model filling out a 10- necessary
Model Number - Ten frame
frame based on the story. Read First
Story worksheet
sentence, fill out ten frame with one
(2-3 minutes) color. Read the second sentence, fill - 2 different colors
out the second 10 frame with different
color. Count how many squares are
filled out in both ten frames.

Work time - Students fill out the ten - Ten frame
Read the number story twice, asks worksheets
(6 minutes) frames with different
students to use 2 different colors to
colors based on the - 2 different colors
color in the ten frames. Circulate to
number sentence
support students and answer - (Unifix cubes for
questions. differentiated
10:01 - Participate in discussion
Using student work for discussion.
Debrief about the process of
(3 minutes) solving the problem

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