Errata: Physical Review Letters
Errata: Physical Review Letters
Errata: Physical Review Letters
Spin Susceptibility of the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Open Fermi Surface under Magnetic Field.
G. MONTAMBAUX, M. HERITIER, and P. LEDERER [Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2078 (1985)].
sgnco„ i Cx
ik, x I t Ak ±b — eHbu) du (a)nx > 0),
G + + = —;IV exp V v •'o
G+ + =0 (wnx<Q).
In addition, there are some minor misprints: In the first line after Eq. (4), tip') should read tx(/?'). In the fifth
line after Eq. (4), x0(Q,H,T) should read X0(Q,H,T). In the first line after Eq. (6), x±/2x0 should read xT/2x0,