Hyperasymptotics (Berry and Howl)
Hyperasymptotics (Berry and Howl)
Hyperasymptotics (Berry and Howl)
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1. Introduction
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654 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
first hyperseries for a great variety of functions are expressed as certain standard
integrals called 'basic terminants'. Boyd (1990) envisages a hyperasymptotics based
on Stieltjes transforms, and studies its first stage for certain Bessel functions.
In exceptional cases, hyperasymptotics is unnecessary because the exponential
leftover can be expressed exactly as a single basic terminant (an example is Erf(z),
Izl large), or as a convergent series of basic terminants (an example is In F(z), lzl large).
Usually, however, hyperasymptotics is non-trivial in the sense that the resummations
persist in generating asymptotic series which themselves require resummation.
Perhaps the simplest case where this happens is in the approximation of solutions
y(z, A) of the one-dimensional Helmholtz (or Schr6dinger) equation,
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Hyperasymptotics 655
solution of (1) provides a testbed for studying in great detail the structure of a
physical theory as an important parameter (here A) takes a limiting value. One such
limit, of considerable current interest, is the classical limit of quantum mechanics
(Berry 1990b).
It is convenient to perform the analysis for the solution which is subdominant (i.e.
exponentially small) when ReF > 0, and write this as
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656 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
The resurgence formula which will be central to all our subsequent analysis is a
formally exact representation of Yr with (9) as its leading term. By direct substitution,
it can be confirmed that
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Hyperasymptotics 657
Retain the first No- 1 terms Yr as given by the solution of (6), where No is the least
term, and replace the remaining terms by (11). Thus (interchanging the r and s labels)
where So= _ (-1)r}. (16)
Y= 8+ (-1)rYKrl, (17)
_l)No Co No-r-1
The truncated sum S1 gives the first level of hyperasymptotics. This was studied i
great detail by D (chapters XXI and XXIV), who called the integrals Krl
'terminants', by Boyd (1990) (for Bessel functions) and by Olver (1990b) (for
confluent hypergeometric functions).
Again we can apply Borel summation to the s sum in (19), and obtain
Y = S + 1? + E (- )ryrKr2, (21)
Now the third sum in (21) diverges, with a least term at N2, say. Therefore, we again
retain the first N2-1 terms and replace the Yr in the tail by the resurgence relation
(11); the truncated sum constitutes the second level of hyperasymptotics.
Now the pattern is clear: truncation, resurgence and Borel summation can be
repeated, leading to the hyperasymptotic sequence
Y = S0+S+S2+ ..., (23)
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (1990)
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658 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
KrnKrn(FN0,., Nn) I
rn- rn o * * n (25)
_ 1 n i ;Ni_-Ni-1( _ 1)N_I (25)
(2= )nF Nor '= d6i exp ( - i) (-i-1
For these integrals to converge, Ni < Ni_1, so that
fewer terms and the process of hyperasymptotics m
where Nn = 1.
It is clear from equations (23) and (24) that the s
universal renormalization of the Yr, enabling the info
decoded, via resurgence, to yield much higher pr
approximated. This information is however finite, because, since successive
hyperseries get smaller, only the first No terms Y) will participate in the
hyperasymptotics. Therefore we can expect the ultimate error of the scheme, when
it stops, to be finite and not zero.
Of course, the actual numerical extraction of the information contained in the first
No terms Yr requires knowledge of the Kn to sufficient accuracy. In a thoroughgoing
asymptotics, the multiple integrals (25) would themselves be expanded asymp-
totically (and where necessary hyperasymptotically) for large F, and the form of
the expansions would depend on r and the Ni (cf. the formulae for Krl in D, p. 415ff).
We do not carry out this programme, but simply assume that the Krn are known; in
our numerical example (?6) we reduce the required Krn to certain special functions
which can be computed 'exactly' (see Appendix B).
Km n 1 (_ ')Nji
rn (21)nFNo-r i (i +)/ / 1)(2
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (1990)
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Hyperasymptotics 659
( l)No+... Nn 2n(n+7)/4
( ) _n-1 I)NnYN K exp{-
Nn-ln (2)n+l) F exp{- IFl
[1 +2(-2)ln2]. (33) [1 +
The first term of the (n + l)st hyperseries, namely K,n+l, involves exactly
factors, with the additional denominator
n+l Nn -- 1
*n n- l-Nn-1
R(F;No...Nn)--Y- E Sm (36)
24 Vol. 430. A
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660 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
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Hyperasymptotics 661
The splitting just described can now be easily implemented, and gives
Y(IFI exp (ic)) = S,(-IFl)
1 o t N__t exp (-t)
2nf/dtll Y(l/IFIY(t)
IFI t(1 -tlFI) + 2i Y(IFI) exp (-IF), (41)
that is
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662 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
in which the functions Y on the right-hand side are evaluated with all Krn contours
along the positive real axis.
Thus on the anti-Stokes line the solution (4) is, exactly,
Y(IFI exp (3ii)) = Yp(-IFl) + i[Y(IFI exp (2ii)) + Y(IFl)] exp (-IFl)
= iY(FI) exp (-IFI). (48)
The solution (4) now becomes
This must be exactly the same as at the start of the circuit, becau
valued, and indeed it is, because the factor i is cancelled by the chang
its zero.
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Hyperasymptotics 663
total number of terms in hyperasymptotic ser
I i I I 1
10 20 30
I F(3r + 1)
Yr(F) + (53)
= (27F)r F(r + 1)
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664 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
Table 2. Hyperasymptotic approximations to the Airy function Bi (equation (55)) for IFI = 16
Finally, we examine the anti-Stokes line, where arg z = n and the Airy fun
oscillatory. From equation (46),
Ai {-(1IFI))} = Re [Y(iF) exp {i(-I Fj + IT)}]/v7/(IF[)1
Here we choose to study the zeros, rather than the values, of Ai.
The lowest few stages of hyperasymptotic approximation for the first thr
are shown in table 3, with errors displayed as fractions of the asymptotic m
spacing 27. For the crudest approximation (Y ~ 1), the errors are of order 1/
are roughly the same for the three zeros. Superasymptotics (Y So
exponentially small errors which therefore diminish considerably from the fir
third zero. Hyperasymptotics gives further, enormous, improvements: even
first zero, where Fl ?% 4.8 is hardly large, the error diminishes from 10
10-7 (S0+S1+S2); for the third zero (IFlI 17.3) the additional improv
nearly eight orders of magnitude.
7. Discussion
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Hyperasymptotics 665
Table 3. Hyperasymptotic approximations to the values of IF = (31z1/4) for the first three zeros of the
Airy function Ai (-lzl) (equation (56))
Table 3a
Table 3b
Table 3c
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666 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
I \=exp(-
Y(F) Yr ) (F)
v \ F
2 6(1 + 6/F) r=o 6
= dx (x) F) - (A 2)
271j x(l+x) =o 0
Because our treatment is restricted to a single f
separated (in F) from any others, it is consistent
such cases as Z(z) = z exp (z), where the transition
Yr(F) is proportional to F-r (cf. (53)), so that
Yr(F) (- l/x)r = (- )r Yr(Fx). (A 3)
Again using (5) we obtain the resummed resurgence formula
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( _i \N iN-I (_ 1)mm! 1
r(-N, F) = ()rF(0, F)-exp (-F) Fm+l (B 2)
?N! m=Om+0
and obtain
I dpexp(-P) ln (+ --2 ( (B 7)
l P oF (q + 1)Fq+l '
The integral can be expressed in terms of Euler's constant y and the dig
function - (Prudnikov et al. 1986, vol. 1, p. 530), leading to
No-r-2 (__l)y
E-- F (ReF> 0). (B8)
o (q? - 1) F+
The sum over Ik converges adequately fast for our purposes.
To simplify J we notice that the integral has the same form as Kr1 and then
substitute (B 1) and (B 2)
N-r-2 mi Ni-r-2 No-r-m-3 (-)Sm! (B9)
= (- --exp (F)E(F) Fm+1+ m+s+2 (B9) m=0 m=O s=0
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668 M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls
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