Entanglement and Teleportation

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Entanglement and Quantum Teleportation

Stephen Bartlett
Centre for Advanced Computing Algorithms and Cryptography Australian Centre of Excellence in Quantum Computer Technology Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Lecture 2 on Quantum Computing NITP Summer School 2003 Adelaide, Australia 28-31 January 2003

Outline - Entanglement
What is entanglement?
Coupled quantum systems Classical and quantum correlations

Using entanglement
Superdense coding Quantum teleportation Entanglement as a resource

Creating entanglement
Quantum teleportation in the lab!
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An abstract quantum system

We describe it using:

a Hilbert space basis of states

, with dimension

State of the system could be a superposition Projective measurements in this basis give result with prob. Example: a qubit (a two-level system)

basis e.g., spin particle, photon with pol.

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Composite quantum systems

A+B A B How do we describe two quantum systems together? A: Hilbert space B: Hilbert space A+B: Hilbert space basis: dimension: Lets look at the form of states for A+B
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dimension dimension

Product, not sum

Product and entangled states

Product state: has the form

System A is in the state regardless of B Measurements on A and B will be uncorrelated Entanglement: take a superposition of product states, e.g.,

Leads to correlated measurements between A and B

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Example: coupled qubits

Let A and B be two-level (qubit) systems Product state: e.g.,

Basis for

Many qubits: e.g., Basis for :

Computational basis

Use binary notation to label product state basis

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Example: the Bell states

Entangled state: e.g., for two qubits

Bell states: a basis of entangled states for two qubits

Check: they are orthogonal and cannot be expressed as product states for A and B
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Different bases
Consider the Bell state What if we changed bases for each qubit?

Rewrite the Bell state:

Entangled in any basis

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Using entanglement
Take an entangled system (e.g., in a Bell state) Give system A to Alice and B to Bob

Bell state



Alice and Bob can: transform their systems (quantum evolution) perform measurements on their systems
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Measurements by Alice or Bob

What happens if Alice (or Bob) performs projective measurements on their system? Random result in any basis Basis:
1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
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1 + + + + +

Random results

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Measurements on an ensemble of the same Bell state

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Random results

Measurements by Alice or Bob

What happens if Alice and Bob both perform projective measurements and compare? Correlated results if in the same basis Basis: A B 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Different bases A B 1 0 1 1 0 + + 1 2 3 4 5 Basis: A B + +

+ + + +

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Entangled states can generate classical correlations

Classical correlations can be useful for secret communication Example: private key cryptography (one-time pad) Alice has a message m (00100) to send Bob Alice and Bob have a channel A

If Alice and Bob share a private key of random numbers (11010):

00100 +11010 11110
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No transmitted information!

11110 -11010 00100


Power of quantum correlations

Quantum correlations (from entangled states) can be useful for communication Quantum correlations can lead to classical correlations (one-time pads) which are powerful Without converting to classical correlations, the entangled states have even more power:
Tests of local realism (Bell) Superdense coding Quantum teleportation Entanglement swapping Quantum cryptography Quantum computing (?) Other applications ??? (field is still growing)
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Classical communication on a quantum channel

Alice and Bob share a quantum channel
Quantum channel sends qubits instead of bits

Alice wants to send classical messages to Bob

They agree on a basis, say |0 , |1 Alice wants to communicate a bit b, so sends a qubit |b Bob measures in the agreed basis gets the result b with certainty
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Classical communication on a quantum channel

Can we do better? Qubits seem to store two complex numbers:

Number of distinguishable states is limited to the dimension of the Hilbert space (for a qubit, it's 2) Only one bit of information can be measured from a qubit One qubit must be sent for every bit, right? NO! Quantum (non-classical) correlations can be used to send two bits with every qubit superdense coding
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Superdense coding
Let Alice and Bob share a Bell state
Bell state

Alice wants to send two bits b1 and b2 to Bob Alice performs a unitary operation on her qubit
Check: X and Z are unitary operators

If b1=1, then flip the qubit:

If b2=1, then change the relative phase by :

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Superdense coding
Result of Alices operations:
bits apply bits result

00 01 10 11


Resulting effect on total state of both parties

00 01 10 11

| + | | + |

Alice then sends her qubit to Bob Bob performs a measurement in the Bell basis:
with both qubits, Bob can perform a 4-outcome measurement and obtain two bits of information
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Results from superdense coding

Superdense coding transfers two bits of info per qubit
b1,b2 b1,b2

The qubit transferred from Alice to Bob is half of one of the four Bell states: Contains no information on its own All the information is in the quantum correlations This coding has the properties of the classical one-time pad, plus the remarkable advantage of sending two classical bits with every qubit!
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Interpreting superdense coding

Alice has managed to communicate two bits of information to Bob by sending only one qubit, provided they shared a Bell state to start To create and share a Bell state, they must have (at some point) transmitted a qubit, although this transmission could be in either direction The important point: the act of sharing the quantum correlation (Bell state) could be long prior to the protocol, and does not involve the transmission of information All the information about the two bits is transmitted with a single qubit... yet somehow this qubit doesn't contain any information either! Quantum correlations (entanglement) are a resource
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Sending quantum information

Say Alice wants to send Bob a qubit (i.e., quantum information rather than classical)

Quantum channels are hard to make and maintain! Can Alice send the qubit over a classical channel (i.e., the telephone)? Option 1: -measure the qubit -send the measurement results to Bob
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Sending quantum information

If Alice has complete information about the qubit: Alice tells Bob all of this information Bob performs a preparation to create this state If Alice has NO information about the qubit: for instance, the qubit is prepared by a third party Could perform a measurement, e.g., in basis If the qubit were in , no information is gained and the qubit is destroyed in the process Without knowledge of the preparation procedure of a qubit, no measurement can determine its state
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Quantum teleportation
Again, entanglement provides a solution! Let Alice and Bob share a Bell state
1 2 Bell state 3

Alice takes the qubit to send (1) and the qubit from the Bell state (2) and measures them in the Bell basis
One of four possible outcomes two bits of information Send these bits to Bob, who operates on his qubit (3)
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Quantum teleportation
Result of Alices measurements:
result bits bits apply

| + | | + |

00 01 10 11

Send bits to Bob, who must apply b1,b2

00 01 10 11


Looks like the opposite of superdense coding!

Result: any measurement predictions involving the original qubit (1) now apply to Bobs qubit (3) The qubit has been quantum teleported to Bob
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Interpreting quantum teleportation

The quantum system has not been teleported, only the state of the system

The two bits contain no information about the qubit If qubit (1) was entangled with another system before quantum teleportation, qubit (3) is entangled after After teleportation, qubit (1) contains no information
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Quantum teleportation: reality

Quantum teleportation has been performed in the lab!
1997: Innsbrook, Austria Qubit: polarization state of a single photon Bell state: generated through parametric down conversion 1998: Caltech, USA Qubit: coherent state of electromagnetic field mode Bell state: generated through two-mode squeezing
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Quantum teleportation in Oz
2002: Ping-Koy Lams group at ANU Similar to Caltech exp. Hi-Fi QT Demonstrates:
Entanglement was used Alice gains no info about the system

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Entanglement is a resource Quantum correlations (from entangled states) can be useful for communication Tests of local realism (Bell) Superdense coding Bell state Quantum teleportation Entanglement swapping Quantum cryptography Quantum computing (?) Other applications ??? (field is still growing) Next lecture: quantum algorithms...
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