On The 0 Limit of The Schrödinger Equation
On The 0 Limit of The Schrödinger Equation
On The 0 Limit of The Schrödinger Equation
Song Ling
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 96, 7869 (1992); doi: 10.1063/1.462388
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.462388
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The Hamiltonian structures of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the classical limit
J. Math. Phys. 28, 1094 (1987); 10.1063/1.527553
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On the Ii-O limit of the SchrOdinger equation
Song Ling a)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143-0446
(Received 17 December 1991; accepted 7 February 1992)
It is believed that the time dependent Schrodinger correspondence principle. However, we have found a
equation contains the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation counter example (more examples can be given for qua-
in the Ii-O limit. This is done in the following way:1 writ- dratic potentials with Gaussian initial wave functions), i.e.,
ing down the time dependent Schrodinger equation the quantum potential of a system turns out to be indepen-
dent of Ii, which we will show in the next paragraph. The
a1/J(r,t) fil 2
iii at = - 2m V tf;(r,t) + V(r)tf;(r,t), (1) failure of the previous inference lies in the fact that besides
the prefactor - fil/2m in Q(r,t), R(r,t) can also have
[where VCr) is a real potential] and casting the complex factors of Ii hidden in it. The case here very much depends
wave function tf;(r,t) in "polar coordinates" on what kind of wave function (Le., the initial wave func-
tion) is being studied.
1/J(r,t) = R(r,t)exp[iS(r,t)/Ii], (2) We choose to deal with the coherent state wave func-
where R(r,t) and S(r,t) are real, and are the amplitude tion of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator, since har-
and phase of 1/J(r,t), respectively. [To be mathematically monic oscillators not only well serve as a paradigm for
rigorous, the phase is S(r,t) divided by Ii.] Substituting (2) atomic, molecular and solid state bound potentials near the
into (1), we obtain, by equating the real and imaginary minima, but also still draw the attention of the present day
parts of (1), respectively, researchers. 3 The time dependent Schr6dinger equation in
this case reads
aR(r,t) 1
at = - 2m [R(r,t)V 2S(r,t) + 2VR(r,t)'VS(r,t)],
as(r,t) _ [[Vs(r,t) f ~ V 2R(r,t)] The coherent state wave function is a known analytic
at - - 2m + VCr) - 2m R(r,t) . (4) solution4,5 of (7),
where by definition 2 j(r,t) = ili/2m[1/J(r,t)Vtf;*(r,t) (p(t» = (P(O) )cos(wt) - mw(x(O) )sin(wt), (10)
- tf;*(r,t)Vtf;(r,t)]. On the other hand, (4) has the same
form as the Hamilton-Jacobi equation in classical mechan- where (x(O» and (P(O» are the initial expectation values
ics with an "effective" time dependent potential as the sum that must be specified (chosen) before their time evolution
of the classical potential V(r) plus the "quantum begins. It is clear from (8) that R(x,t) and S(x,t) are
potential" 1(a)
fil [V R(r,t) ]
mw) 1/4
R(x,t) = ( 1rli
{ mw
exp - 21i [x- (X(t»]2 ,
I (11 )
Q(r,t) = - 2m R(r,t) . (6)
Iiw (x(t» (p(t»
It was plausibly suggested 1 that in the limit of Ii going to S(x,t) = (p(t»x - 2" t - 2 . (12)
zero, the quantum potential drops out regardless of what-
ever R(r,t) and then (4) is reduced to the classical The quantum potential is readily calculated by using (6)
Hamilton-Jacobi equation, as a manifestation of the Bohr and (11),
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