Forest Flower Isha
Forest Flower Isha
Forest Flower Isha
Blissful Burden
My Heart beats best
when among Mountains.
My Body does protest
But I cannot be Unmountained
for too long. My ruthless
Master invested the burden
Of a Mountain in Me.
I try hard to settle
At the foothills but my
Heart longs for Mountain
Peaks. What would I be
without the Blissful Burden.
Dear Readers,
When it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is going to impact humanity,
there’s a heated debate going on at present. Russian President Vladimir Putin says
the nation that leads in AI “will be the ruler of the world.” Tesla CEO Elon Musk
warns, “Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3,” “AI
is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization,” and that “AI is far more
dangerous than nukes.” Find out what Sadhguru and renowned American theoretical
physicist Michio Kaku have to say about this topic in “Future Technologies – Boon
or Bane?” In “Why We Need to Realize We Are Life,” Sadhguru points out the core
issue behind virtually every problem humanity faces today. He also offers solutions
to the problem of plastic pollution.
Love is the one dimension of human life that sparks our longing and imagination
like no other, and finds expression in a myriad of forms. But could you really define
it? In our Lead Article “What is Love,” Sadhguru approaches this complex question in
a most candid and differentiated manner. In “A Partnership with Shiva,” Sadhguru
reveals what it means to have a partnership with the Divine, and how it can become
a reality in our lives.
Also in this issue: In our Mahabharat series, “Hanuman Gives a Lesson in Humility.” Our
News & Events pages are again brimful with highlights of Sadhguru’s events around
the globe and other happenings in Isha. Last but not least, as the monsoon sweeps
across the land, cozy up at home and savor our Creamy Pumpkin Soup. Enjoy!
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in relation to any advertisement appearing in this publication. Isha Foundation does not vouch for any claims made by the advertisers of
products and services. The printer, publisher, office bearers, editor-in-chief and the editor of Isha Foundation shall not be held liable for any
consequences in the event of such claims not being honored by the advertisers.
What is Love? 7
A Partnership with Shiva 11
Part 44: Hanuman Gives a Lesson in Humility 12
Why We Need to Realize We Are Life 18
Creamy Pumpkin Soup 21
The Mute and the Parrot 23
In this conversation, Sadhguru and prominent physicist Michio Kaku share their perspectives on how future
technologies will reshape our lives. While Michio Kaku gives examples of trailblazing technologies, Sadhguru
explains how technological advancements will redirect our focus. The following excerpt is taken from the session
“Forecast-2100: Technologies of the Future?” at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on
25 May 2018.
Sadhguru: Anything that can be built by storage Definitely, the dangers of this are also there, as
of memory, access to memory, analysis of this the dangers of machines are there even today.
memory, and expression of this memory, everything For example, automobiles are killing more people
that you are doing through your intellect, thinking than wars every year. But we have accepted that as
that is you, can be done by a machine at some point. collateral damage. We are travelling faster, so some
Memory is what has made you everything that you people will die. Similarly, maybe we will have Nano
are. Memory is also a defining boundary. But there soldiers that we will let loose on other people. These
is a dimension of intelligence which we call chitta, things will be terrible, but even now it’s terrible. You
or in modern terminology, loosely, it can be called can just press a switch here and destroy a whole city
consciousness. This dimension of intelligence has somewhere else. As these capabilities are increasing,
no memory in it. Where there is no memory, there we must also strive to upgrade human beings to
are no boundaries to it. Right now, ninety percent move beyond the limitations of their intellect and
or more of humanity lives by their physiological and come to a deeper dimension of intelligence which is
intellectual capabilities. Once machines start doing the very source of life itself within us.
this, it is inevitable for you to explore the deeper
dimensions of who you are. Everything that you can If anything needs to happen, a certain amount
do, a machine can do in future. And that will be a of human energy, time, and resource has to
great day, because that means we are on a holiday. be dedicated to it. So, we have to invest in
We won’t work for a living. Then we can look at life consciousness. Till now, we have been investing
in a completely different way. only in our survival. But once these technologies
are becoming a reality, survival will not even be
What is Love?
Looking at music, movies, literature, and conversations, love seems to be the most favorite, most sought-after
emotion of humanity. The word “love” has been used and abused in innumerable ways, describing everything
from the most subtle state of being to a plain physical act. But what is love really? Here, Sadhguru details the
complexities of love.
Questioner: Sadhguru, are there different kinds of whoever stands up as a parent, not necessarily the
love? biological parents. The instinct of survival is inbuilt
into every life on the planet, including ourselves.
Sadhguru: How many types do you want me to
We look up to our mother, to start with, as the
talk about? Let’s start from the beginning.
source of survival. She is the source of food and
The Love of a Child the embodiment of care and protection. This is
You are born as a helpless infant. Of all the creatures something that the child immediately recognizes.
on this planet, human beings are born particularly Of course, you would like to interpret it in a different
helpless. If there was no parent to protect them, way: “Oh, the baby loves me so much. Look at him,
no child would survive. When I say “parent,” I mean how he comes to me!” I am not trying to belittle
In this talk, Sadhguru addresses participants of a Nanmai Uruvam ceremony, who have entered an Ishanga 7%
partnership with Sadhguru. Maybe for the first time, Sadhguru opens up about the nature of his partnership with
Shiva. He also tells the story of a devotee whom Shiva carried on his shoulders, without the man even realizing
it. His narrative beautifully illustrates what the Ishanga 7% partnership means.
From now on, I cannot have the pleasure of pushing This 7% partnership is not about me taking your
you around, because now, you have become my seven percent. Do I look like I am incapable of
partners. A long time ago, Shiva came to form a making my own things? Do I look so incompetent
partnership with me. I said, “Fifty-fifty.” He said, that I have to sit and collect seven percent tax from
“Okay.” Then I decided, “No, no – you take hundred you? I am not made like that. If I want, I will make
percent, including me.” So he took hundred percent, what I want. It is just that if you reduce the idea
including me. Now I ride on his shoulders. of “me” and “mine” within you, at least by seven
percent, we can do something else with you.
There is a beautiful story in the yogic lore. On
a certain day, a man was walking through the This is a simple device for you to breach the
Himalayas. In those days, it was a very hard journey. boundary of what you consider as “me” and “mine.”
Anyone would seek help. So he said, “Oh, Shiva! I This is a simple device to breach the boundaries of
can’t do this. Come, help me. At least hold my hand. who you are, so that something far bigger than you
Take me along.” Shiva appeared and said, “You walk, becomes a part of you and your life. Now we will
I’ll walk with you.” The man said, “How do I know have to do a lot of work for you. At some moment I
that you are walking with me?” Shiva said, “Look uttered it, so I am not able to go back on this stupid
out for the footprints. You have only two legs. If deal: You give seven percent – I give ninety-three
there are four footprints, that means I am walking percent. I have always been stupid – that’s the
with you.” So initially, every few minutes, the man problem with me and that’s why it has worked out
checked. There was one more pair of footprints wonderfully well for me, because I never used my
coming along with him. smartness; I just rode on his shoulder. He has been
more than wonderful.
After a few days of walking, he looked back again.
There was only one pair of footprints. He said, “Oh, I hope your lives become like that too. If you allow
you’ve forsaken me again.” Shiva said, “See, the this to happen, if you breach the barrier of what
path is very wet and slippery. Look at your feet – you consider as “me” and “mine,” I will ensure that
they are dry. That’s why there was only one pair of your life also becomes as wonderful as it can be. It is
footprints.” The fool was riding on Shiva’s shoulders. my wish and my blessing that you should get there
The twelve-year period was coming to a close and its tail in his way? He said, “Hey, monkey! Take the
Arjuna is yet to come back. The four brothers were tail away.” In India, traditionally, people never cross
a little distressed. They had no news of him for over somebody else’s limbs. It is not only considered
five years now. The whole family went up to the inauspicious, there are actual reasons not to do
Himalayas, in search of him. There, they stayed in that. So Bhima said, “Pull away your tail – I want
a hermitage in Badrinath, waiting for Arjuna or, at to go.” The monkey said, “I’m so old I don’t have
least, to hear some news about him. Then, sage the strength to lift my tail. Why don’t you do it for
Lomasa came and said, “Arjuna will be coming me?” Bhima said, “Okay.” He tried to lift it but was
back shortly. His purpose of going there has been not able to do so. He could not believe it. This man
fulfilled.” They waited in anticipation. One day, was proud of his strength. He was always building
Draupadi and Bhima took a walk in this beautiful his muscle. He thought he was the strongest man
forest. There, Draupadi saw a Sougandhika flower, on the planet, empowered with the Naga elixir and
which is also known as Brahma Kamal. If you have everything. Now when he could not lift the tail of an
gone on the Himalayan trek, you might have seen old monkey, it was an insult he could not take. He
it. This flower can be dried and preserved for a long tried very hard with both hands but did not succeed.
time. Draupadi had never seen a flower like this Then, he went down on his knees and asked, “If I
before. Excited about finding these flowers, she can’t lift this tail, you’re not just a monkey. Who
plucked a few. She saw there were more of them are you?” Then the monkey revealed that he was
further away, but it was getting late and they had Hanuman.
to go back. On the next day, Bhima went to get Hanuman told him, “No matter how much strength
more of these flowers for her. In his enthusiasm, you have, if you don’t have humility and devotion,
he went deep into the forest. There, an important you will fall.” This is what both Arjuna and Bhima
incident happened. lacked – everything else about them was good, but
In the Indian lore, “going to the forest” is a metaphor they were a little proud of who they were. They
for going to a place of learning. What you cannot thought no one could beat them, and that they
learn in a city or a university, you learn in a forest. could do anything. Krishna constantly reminded
Whether it is the Ramayan, the Mahabharat, or them of that. Even when it comes to the battlefield,
elsewhere, “going to the forest” is an enduring it does not matter who you are – people who are
theme, to learn the ways of life. As Bhima was standing on the other side are not idiots. They are
walking in the forest, he saw a ripe old monkey also capable. He repeatedly told Arjuna, “It is not the
sitting there, who had an extremely long tail, and enemy’s arrows which will kill you. If you don’t shed
it was in Bhima’s way. Bhima was a proud man. He your pride, it will kill you one day – you will die an
expected everyone to make way for him. And in unfortunate death.” These two lessons – Arjuna’s
these twelve years of exile, after this shame that has humiliation by Shiva and Bhima’s humiliation by
happened to them, he also became an angry man. Hanuman were set up in such a way that the two
Earlier, he had been very bubbly and happy. But got rid of this one flaw in them, so that they became
now he was angry. Being proud and angry makes perfect for the action that was being planned for
you stupid – dangerous for others and dangerous them.
for oneself.
When Bhima came and saw this monkey’s tail, he
To be continued
felt kind of insulted. Why was this monkey putting
Isha Yoga Center, April/May 2018: A few hundred – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. At the end of
children from across India had the opportunity to program, the children’s faces were shining with joy
come in touch with nature through the Isha Yoga and serenity.
Summer Program for Children. Always in high
demand, a total of five such programs happened
during the summer vacation in April and May
2018. The children learnt yogic practices like Surya
Namaskar, simple pranayam, and AUM chanting.
They also had the rare chance to trek in a dense
forest and see and experience the natural forest
ecosystem with its wild animals, plants, and trees.
Beyond that, they experientially learnt how to
relate to trees, how to identify different species of
animals, how to be in touch with the five elements
Exploring the forest, discovering wildlife
IYC, Coimbatore; 24 May – 13 Jun: Sadhguru says, Sadhguru tweeted at the end of the twenty-
“Hatha Yoga should not be taught as an exercise one days: Heartening to see people from across the
form but as a live process; then asanas will lead to globe, regardless of ethnicity, belief & lifestyle taking
ecstatic states.” Close to a thousand people from up Classical Hatha Yoga for inner transformation.
India, China, and other parts of the world came to
this annual, intensive hatha yoga program at the
Isha Yoga Center, which offers the options to either
participate for eight or twenty-one days. More
than half of the participants opted to immerse
themselves into the hatha yoga experience for the
full three weeks. They were fortunate to have the
guidance of almost thirty Isha hatha yoga teachers,
who offered to volunteer for this unique program. A Thousand New Hatha Yogis!
Sadhguru in Russia
Ambition to Vision
Delhi, 5 Jun: This year, India hosted the global discussed simple ways for individuals to reduce the
celebrations for World Environment Day (WED) on use of single-use plastic items. And of course, they
5 June. Erik Solheim, Executive Director of the United had the larger picture in mind, exploring sustainable
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), arrived alternatives, new recycling approaches, and the
about a week ahead of the WED to participate in urgent need for a policy in order to effectively beat
a number of events across the country to address plastic pollution.
the issue of plastic pollution. He also showed great
To find out more about Sadhguru’s take on plastic
interest in the various environmental initiatives he
pollution and possible solutions, read “Why We
visited on the ground.
Need to Realize We Are Life,” an excerpt from
On the World Environment Day itself, at 7 a.m. Sadhguru Spot on pp. 18–19.
in the morning, Erik Solheim and Sadhguru came
together for a conversation moderated by actress
and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Dia Mirza.
Befittingly, the event was located outdoors, in
Central Park at Connaught Place, in the green
heart of the otherwise heavily polluted Delhi. They
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Why We Need to
Realize We Are Life
On this Spot, Sadhguru offers actionable solutions to beat plastic pollution. He also points out the underlying
issue that has led humanity and all our fellow creatures to the brink of disaster. Find out how individuals,
businesses, and governments together can turn the situation around. Sadhguru’s words are excerpted from a
conversation between United Nations Environment Programme Executive Director Erik Solheim, actress and UN
Environment Goodwill Ambassador Dia Mirza, and Sadhguru on World Environment Day (5 June 2018) in Delhi.
Unfortunately, we are still looking at a mega immediately respond, I don’t believe the larger
problem in small pieces. That’s how it works in the population will correct things by themselves. They
world – we are focusing on one thing at a time. need the push of law. That is why we are looking at
Plastic is not a separate problem. Essentially, the single-use plastic ban.
problem is about the way we live. We as life have
forgotten that we are life. We have forgotten that
our life’s existence is connected to everything
around us. People say nearly seven kilograms of
intake exchanges are happening per day. We have
lost contact with life – our own life, and everything
else that nourishes our life. This is the fundamental
disaster which is manifesting in so many different
ways in the world.
In our country, the condition of the land, the soil,
and the water is very alarming. With 1.3 billion
people, allowing soil and water to get depleted like
this means we still have not taken the nation in our
hands. With the Rally for Rivers, we picked water
Sadhguru: “If you use it, use it like this. Then you
to start with. Now plastic has been the theme of
understand what you’re doing to the entire planet.”
the United Nations, and it is a very deep concern.
Plastic is a classic case of who we are right now, It’s only in the last twenty years that this has
how irresponsible we are. Of many materials that happened. Earlier, we never really used plastic
we have developed on this planet, plastic is one of like that in this country. If once in a way, a plastic
the most fantastic ones. It can be recycled over and cover came home, my mother would fold it for
over again if we handle it right. But we have handled future use, and we would use for two, three years.
it so irresponsibly that it has become poisonous, and It’s not so difficult to live as we were living at that
it has entered everything. They are saying a whole time. Whatever small things we as individuals can
lot of microbes are carrying plastic in them. do are important to express our commitment. But
It is not time to debate. It is time to act. Though the problem is bigger. The solution also needs to be
there are so many wonderful people who will approached as such.
Isha Rejuvenation,
Diabetes Management Isha Yoga Center,
27–29 Jul 2018 isharejuvenation@
Program Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
Current at the time of print, however subject to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit
1) Remove the rind and seeds of the pumpkin and 4) In small batches, puree the cooked pumpkin
cut the pumpkin flesh into approximately using a blender, grinder, food processor, or
1-inch cubes. In a large pot, heat 1 tbs. of oil immersion blender. Add water as needed to
and add the cubed pumpkin. achieve a smooth consistency.
2) Add a pinch of salt and cook covered on 5) Pour the pumpkin puree and cashew puree into
medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until the original cooking pot, stir together, and warm
the pumpkin is fully cooked. If the pumpkin over low heat. Add nutmeg powder, palm sugar,
sticks to the pot, add ½ cup of water and paprika or chili powder (optional), salt, and black
continue cooking with the lid on. pepper. Taste the soup and adjust seasoning as
3) Once the pumpkin is fully cooked, remove
it from the heat. In a blender or grinder, add 6) Remove from heat and serve.
cashews and ½ cup of water, and blend fully
until smooth.
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Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, TAMILNADU. Editor: K. SEKAR
July 2018