Temple Entry Movement in Travancore - Robbin Jeffry
Temple Entry Movement in Travancore - Robbin Jeffry
Temple Entry Movement in Travancore - Robbin Jeffry
AN BXTREMB, 7e' popuJ ... view of the princely "amlluggesu that they
were .IoUII"" of decadence and mettla, their people .nduring unrelieved
miseri.. , .beir nil"'" port.i,,!! speakable pie......... Only m.he 19300,
If Indeed lhen (so the ' nm.), did OongreoovjetDrieoin Ibe
provine... and Ibe rising tid.ohl"lion.llan, begin'" ripple the .I....ant
_e.. 01 polities and IIOeiety In the princely bog. 'or _
an appreciation may ev.n be (Oftect. Ho_.
in other. there
political m<m:me"t., invoMn, large nulllbcra of men, their
lItateo, .......
sach numben and oolidarity Ihal the princely gowmment woald bave to
with it. r..".. of tempi.. ODdreligion ...... capable of __ .ing Ihe
in...... t of peopl. from div.ne edueatinal alld economic backgrounds,
aDd "" Trav&acore, mo....",.,r, oven tb. poor lended to b.literale. 1.'hero
worela...., nambo.. capable ofboing rallied. '1'"be princely government,
.aush' b.!WOO1l ill Iruotee&bip of Hiadu orlbodaxy .nd ill deal.. 10
consolidate all ita HimI", allainal the Ih",at of Chrlslla.. ~ytizinll'
obarpeoed the i,,_ lint, by ",sisti"IIIo_.te pat""'. and then see""l1
to d.C.... thom. By the time the definitive aecommodatioll. .be Temple
Enlry Proclamation.c November1936, hod com. about, thousands of
Iilerate, Io....., .. te peasants and work... had aequind a 1000..political
_.iouo_ Thll Ia turnWIllIi1lCreasllllllyrooponli\oeto tho rhetoric ... ,
moro.lyof .ut., but of cia...
SWI_ sav alII GlIJtJc,
In discllSlinllsociely ill Tra ........... In th. twentieth COIIlu'Y,one
.ncoun......a probl.m of ""'lIori... Literacy ill Trava_ _ lop
than. in ""y OI&O<8ta'"or province in IndiL Mol. UI•....,y In 1981 was
41 per cent ODdin 1941, 68 per cent. In 1991, more tban 70,000 TraYan'
___ or
to Ii_t.in Enel"'" OUI a popuiatiftD oCfive _lrIOD. Moot
of those 70,000 could probably bo ............. d .. "middle cl.... ill tbat at
IoUI pari or their liveIibcod came from goverlUlll!ll.l service, IelICblnl!:,law
or clericlll ......k. However, there we", cub"""", (armon. IQefChanll IUd
small banm who _n: not literate in English bur who would f.1l into a
"middle cia.... category. Moreover, of the more tban two million Tra......
core&nI who were literate in 1931,largellumben w.re lIDalll.ndhold ....
_III, landless labourers or lictory worken. To bo II..... '" did not meaD
to b. "middle cl_." AmongBabavu, male literacy.. 43 per ceDt ia
1931, thougb Babava, wore low easte and mainly poor laboaten and
I have tried 10 dul with tbis problem of wefbl .. legori.. by
""",rally td"emng In the pro-l920 period 10 a.. "educated elil." which
.... b. _uUted through th. English-literacy .. al;.li .. ill the censu I
begiD to w•• bo upr .. sion "atlddle .Ia.... only from the 1920. wh the
admittedly unsalisra.1OrY........... ic data permil __ toll.., OfalemonlS
about cIaoa formation, and "OWben Travancore politicians aod labour
leaden berlill to use tho rh...... ic of cia.. conscioU'ne••
priDe.1y .t....
TraYlIDCorecovered aD arca of 7600 square 1IIi1•• , aDd -.
was <XC.eded ill popalatkm only by Hyderabad and
Myson:. It wa. tho moot literate ... te or prcwinco in India; by 1941ilS
malo Uteraey ra" bad reached 68 per eent. II,.,.. also one of tho IDOl'
densely populated are... Iu population .... w from 2,952,000 ill 1901to
6,070,000 in 1941,an in.roue of 106 po. cent. Th. all·Illdi. population
increaoed by 32 per cent in lb. I&....e period.·
MlICb of the cultivabl. land ift tho ltal e wao. by the 1920., gi_
ewer to cub Clops eoconat. pepper. euhew, urdamom, lUbber. lUI.'
of TraYallCore. How ""curatel, did dI..... IUS IYSe.1 realily? It ha. been
poin,ed oul convincingly that in olber arcas or Indi.dle cen ..... lake ..
worked bard 10 bammer dlei. data into limpl. mould., and in doiag ....
"lU1liugly clislOrtcd lb. ""oW ca •• i••Ib.y were _king to po"".y •••
To tb.... dillOrlion., there ..... respon.. : growing numben or weste.n-
odue.ted Indians read o(themselves in die census reporto, .nd Ihough die
reports may ha"" .. toprim! Ibem in aofamiliar war .. they of,eD chose
to turn die •• ,.&Oms 10 dleir adv.n ..... If Ibu was wal &o""rn .......
expecled, &"""famen. moulda ....it, especioUy when die new .ategories
olIl:red a I.rl" OODItituency wbich a man could olaion to represenl. Deol.-
iDS with on adminutraooo beavily inbnced by utilitarian ide.. of Ibe
(1'08"'.' goOd CorlIIe rreo"''' number, men fOllDd i.dOlirabl. 10 be able
to IUrD 10 lb. ceo .... and olaim to speak on behalf of four laltht of Naid.
or 9.8 lakbs of Ezhava., or, iDlIIe ca.. of lhe Justice Party ill Mad.as, "40
million DOn.Brahmanl. n I •
Th. TravomCDre...... of 1875 undoubledly •• ..,h. II truer picture
oroocia! reality than many olht:r Indian censuses. Loc:al men condacled
It, • Brahmin ,raduat. of die Tti.andrum college _ lIIe report. Such
_en, c:oncemed as ,her were with tbeir own ata,1U"1 h. an mtCft'lt in
-mil thai the ,oeiol nuance. &Ov_rninl their li_ .....re correctly
CIlrilIitm COtI'DIrts
However J in toomer.ting calleS On a statewide basis and publbb-
lng the findings, the 1875 and subsequent eo_. w<orehelping to allol'
concepts or .aste. Caste, .. peclally in Trovancoro, _. essentially a local
matter iD I'ormer times. The bigher one's cute, the I",Rtel' olle1s mobility
and a_rene .. or me wider world. ABrahmin could move freely through-
oul tile )leI!y chi.fdomo or lb. olel Kerala region and would h."" Iwl •
clear idea of die four"""", esterori •• or claMical HiDduilm. But a 10....
_te III"', an Mava for eumple, w.. hound 10 billoe"lily. H. Imew
with whicb Camili.. h. could marry, wbicb people he could approa<b,
aocl .. hieb he migbt eat widl; bu. bis awaren ... of omer Bahavas, eveu
30 mile. away, was likely to ban been scant. Even '10m a dis_ee, bill
d.... (a clotll banging nolo...". tballllle !me•• and no COV1I!ring'hove tho
waist) _rReel his esste-Hindu ""i!!hhon .. of hi,lowly alalus. Ifhe did
_ show the required .ubseJyienceo, be was be."'n. To ...... away to
&DOdier 1oea111Jl ofIl:red 110 plOlJl"C1 lOr improvem_n,. lOr how would a
man live wilbout his traditionallandlord.o and palronS? And in • land
wilhout road- and brid ..... bow fa. could a man run?"
J'.- die 18600, ho_. powiDg numbe .. of&bav .. ond cor-
"""" ... 108....... In lOuch wilh European milSionari .. , from whose scbcooIs
they _ro able 10 .. t a basi. educalion. Many of ,h.... ·oJave c....... co...
_d to ObNtiaIli.y. bill til_Jar .. majority orr..havas b.1d bac:k from
tIIiadeeisive''''p.'' Preaure from Britioh ._menlO, Europe.n oIIIei"
iD Trawa_ serllict. and WCltern-eduea....t Travaneorcans _"""lIIally
... "'" out at lI""ernment and mission •• boob, _t jobs under goveramellt
we,.. .Iased to them. Tlte COVenU1Ientservice ...'" the prOle". of easte·
Hindus. The ah.maliv" for tbe ...eU... ducated Wat to 1""". the "tale, and
thil was tb. coutse lbDowed by thelirst two Boohavagraduate. in TraYati'
....... Others, I....... U"""w:ated, were pusbed lOwarcls lrade and com·
me",e. an aye. wblob Malayali caste-Hillel", tended 10 .void. By 1900
th. ''''pan value of the product. of the coconut palm. caring lOrwhich
WIS \be uaditional occupation of Eob ...... oxceeded as 80 1a.kbI. year."
Th" labour ror the indusllY.... overwhelmi....ly Eob.va.and gmwing Dum.
benof Man" wereabo becoming middl_n and petty ractory o"""ro.
"Good work Is being turned otlt here by private induslry." wrote die
Tray_ Dewan of an Ezhav. col. (k1OT)' D•• r QJblon in 190*, "alld
"""" boys are beiDgtrained in the wort. " Tltl. iastitution .peaks .... 11for
the indusllY and spiri' ofseU'·help ortb. Elava (Bzhava) commuDity.""
WcaviDllwas another "adltional OCCUpatioDtbat 1001i""lf 10 'lIlal).lcal.
""pit.lbm. TIt. two Elh .... who h.ve been chi.f miniM.... since Indepea-
de_ in 1!M7 both came I'toID Camillo. tbal ran mod.,! weaving <Die..
priHo a,oll1'ld,h. tuen of Ibo ctnlUry.··
l.rrEaATBI JM ENOLIIIIJ 1911·1931
48,131 - 5.202
The decade from 1911 10 1921 was. emcial ene, borb in Urm. of
edUcatioD and economic expanlion. The ilM:rcasc il'l the numb!!'r or ptople
The.e wcre.ho indicati",," of a growing middle
Of !he
tblR survived !he depreosion in tbe 1930.. ODlyIhree
predaled this 1911.21 period; 57 were founded from 1911·21." In spite
ol the Finl World War and th.IOI8 or som. Euro..... rnarloel.,lbe
coconut produc.. induslry continued 10 txpand. In 19lhxpor .. or mann·
'.cturod coil "",t, and mailing .......... Ioed at R. 8.2 lakhs; they were
_rth It. 2".5 lakhs hy1921. Ayerage value of .. ports ...... room It. m
S....1ICTIID OcevPATlOMl, 1911-1921
Populalion 1911 %of 1921 %or %0(
mpportod by tOlal lotal incrca.e
population popaiation
Trade 285.338 8.3 893.814 8.5 24
Profeosionl and
hberalam 97,729 2.9 142,898 S.6 ~
aJ Law 8,.543 0.2 11.575 O.S 56
b) Mediclmt 10.209 O.S 25,728 0.7 1.52
c) Imtruction 26,365 0.8 85.779 0.9 ,4,
d) Laten, arts
aa.c:llcieace 18,896 0.6 24,1IS 0.6 28
Nearly three: timet al many Ezhavas ... Mairs were returned al utradcn, It
and neD in the: category i1la.wyenJ doctors and leachen," there waJ a
significant n_ber of Ezh.va,,"·
N", ... AlOD.EZllAVA$ IN Tl>.A"B' ~" l'RO.BIISIONS, 1921
N.in Eoba"
Trod ... 15.4*9 42,438
Law,en, doclon, "'achen 10.568 2,826
Public admIDistr.lion 5,172 S~
Arti ..... and other workers 13.966 77,456
However, Cbr'l$ti.l1I. ~tially lhe ancient Syrian Christia ... , pro-
"jded the I...... number for Ibis srowing middlecl.... More tban half
the Eoglish literate. were Christian. and or the 50 ..... 11 banb operating
in Ihe.l&lCin 192Q.I.1l were in the SyriallChristian ""n'"GfTiruvalla
atone; not ODe was ba'ICd in TrivllDdrum. the Ilate capitaL· I Syrian
Cbrilliaas bad turned to rubber plan.ing, and in the 1920.,10,he &nanee
.,m export or !be c&Bbewnul.·· Among Syrian Christi.... morro..,.., there
had alway. be." larse Iandbolden and trade ... " I
Where. middle cl...... emerging. !bere had aloo 10he lb. begin-
ninll" or a wotkinl claD. By 1921 lbe ... we... 5.. factories each employinl
mo,.. than 20 people; abou, 8300 people worked ill.uc:h .. t.blishment ..
Mo.... _. 120,800 people were rOlurnod a. being ouppon.d by "'.rio",
factory and cottage iadllm'i... The majority of dJ_ were Iow..,om foll:;
for """",pie, 77.500 Elba ...
alld only 14.000 Naln.··
".niI.... and other worton .. were t'CIUrll.cl
that tbey do nOI Ca'. rOt" the enjoyment or equal ciYICrish ... 10
Ions COnthe Leo..... well be laid 1D"'preoenl lbe 26 lokhl ...... n if all
or tbem bave DOtformally or actively id...tllIed. th....... lv.. with the
movement .• t
The I..eape pointed out Ihat out of 4000 johI in the crucial Rnenuc
Dcpu1ment. lIIOI8 than S800 .. ,,,,, hold by .... te-Hind.... ••
The I-.wo eventually lOt the concesstOlll it -sbtln 1922 wbea
the Rnellue Department was oeparated frolllthe n......... or tempI.
maa,,-_Ill depart"""'l. thas removing Ihe objec1ion10 DOn-Hindusand
... """ in the """,culi.., .... icc. tt _ by Ihis time. .. tlUtly ,, __
.. nill ""t. "lIelthe Civic:lliBbto Lca_ fclllnlO Inoctivity even before il
..... 0",leel 001_ In 1925 the &nt Cbrlllian DcWllIl. au An&:lo-lndilln,
_ appointed, and the lint 0hrUtiatt dill!ricl oIIicer.··
The eMc llichll L.. gue bad b.... quick 10 IOr&,,1the ."11-
untouehability upect or ill original prog......... wheu the ........ 1.1_ ee
of educated Syrian Christia .. wa. met. However,lor _ HiuduJ.......
Importanlly .ba.....lhe .. paration of 1levenue and Devat_m depart-
......... _. Iiltle while they were .tiIl ...oIuclcd from some road. and
public bulldinp, hacSonly a hancl£ulor tuen in lhe lIovemment .. rvice,
and we... prolu'blkel from entering or appRIaCbinl! "tuple.. The o;vic
RJlblS Leap. however, had drawn a number of .ducatod .h .."as inco
the &"IItcelpetiriooinl of ltalo-l...,1 politics in Tra"ancore. One lOCh
IIWI ..... T K Madhavan (1885-1930).who Wat 10 eqin eer a mIlCh _.
"lloroOl ... ault on the "ivil dioabiJilia of Eoha_. especially th. _
pIIiog or all to lhe ed"".led. proopero... and ...... pectable..: Ihe prohibi-
tion apin.t entering lemple•.
AIiMlioIl4l StttJIID
T K Madha"an was a soocI mpl. of th. khava edu... ted elile.
H. Will born i"l885 into one or the althy matrilineal joint Camili.. of
ccntrll Tra"""..,,,,; hillCalhercame from anolh.r. The ... 1OI1Iive T.,."",,,
core ocbool.,.._ allowed him 10 lake bis primary educallon cbe CO
hOIDe. H. allomled high .chool in the aurby lown of Mavelikara, and
eventaally matriculated from .. Roman Catholic biah ochool in Q.uibt.
Hill .chaol esperiuees Impressed. Oil him the disabmti.. of Eohay... d...
abilities whieh he laiC' .... lised were .hared by .h."ao tbrllDghoat the
",Ie: "My companion on my daily Irip!D and from the ocbool wu. Nair
&om 1914. In th. "Bowing year b. foaaded ,b. no... pa..... [),$Whi1twl;
to p.mlicise BIohaYapie¥an_ and ae~ ....o... "
Madhav ... •• e:oporiencowith th. Ciyi. Right. League probably
iDllueooecl blo views on how E.ha"u ohould ......... lOrthe atlai_t
of their c:ivil,..b... In .be CMc Rish.. Leap. the, had been \lied
chiefly AI an addiliooal IDciaI ca....,ry to boble. Ibe argumenll of
educated Syrian Chriolia",. Madhavan ""W that this aDian.. with the
Syrian Chriotian elite wu _ the only one open 10 cd"".ted Ezha"...
Inde.d, it wall perbapo nol even the """" cle8irablo,for Cbriatiana did .nol
rule Travonoore; OUII>·Siadllldid thai. Madhavan lurned.way &om lite
Cbrislian allionce, ami otreaaed the ... ed ForE.havu 10 wiD the """pera'
lion of edw:aaed, pro.-u"e cute-Simi... Such oupporl, he argood,
would dam_Ie the chaoging lil1lO1and """'" the fIOverllatelil 10
abolish ,h. old dilllbillti... The riI. to prominence or Gandhi and .he
Gandblan abic lready aided Madh.".o in his punuil o(the new lII1"atetlY.
fOrhundr.ds of ... te-Hind... ,"",,"red Gandhi and loolom fo. a _y to
panicipate In hill c_paigna.··
Madhavan 6... raiocd lheq_ion of u.mpJe entry in an edilorial
in D..... liimcaoiinDec:cm ..... 1917. Th"isme was diacuseedat meetings of
the SNDP Yogam and the Tray.noo,. .... mbly over the """I Ihree ye..n,
.nd Madhavan hma. inuoduoed rooolulioDl.. Uiog for lempl.. enlry and
recogni.ion ofEzhava" l1alao as r.. pecto.hIe COSIo-Hindus. Taking "01"
<>f the non·cooperation movemenl ill British India. h.begao to ad..... 1I>
_ di..:o.methods, and thraalened .bl BIoh.y.. woaId arhi ...arily _
_.t.clote 10 tempi•• , and 00"" lemple. 10 worship. III Novembe~ 1920
he himself wenl beyond ,be reo.rictive notice hoanl. on a road DCar tile
Vaillom 'e"'ple in north Tray.nco .. , and announced this 10 the district
masinrale '0 dctnOllltrate the Ilupldily of lhe law: "I am an E<tbova by
cule. J came 10 Vaiko", toclay and .... ne te 'he temple he..:. pall the
notice board posted on the road."··
NaMIrM G811dM'S ..thief
..... pJcoentry q.... llon Ii_ted .b.......hout'b. 6m nino
of 1921,u tho _pc ... lio.. moVtlDaftlboiled in Brilish lnd;'.
Madhavan and hi, lapporlOtl IooIt: .. mpl try preparanda into ,h•
.;llqoI of cenlral ad ""nh TravanCOIe, d their meelin.. provoked
counl es-dc!""""tra.ioo. from orlhodox H"mdas. The ........ armed poliee
....... alertecl.o prevent riots." The Maharaja of Trayaoco... was tbe
64-yo......ld Sri Moolam Thiruoal, .... lIocdacated in Enllli.h, yot a simple
... d devoul co......... IIve. who had ruled liuce 1885, the year or Madh..
y..... birth. AI long .. Sri Moolam Thiru.al w.. on the gadd! ther. _
no q_tIon of.be tempI.. boi.opened (0 all casl... AI the .am. time,
British "'_'_", which mighl bave put pressure 011 Tra"._" 10
t. --=
liberalize ilO politi... eauPt up in the nOll-eoopero.lion_
and .... prepa.ed 10 beli.ve th•• any agi.ation III a princely ... te w..
oeditious. Moreover, ill 1'r_ luelt, memben or the Bahava .lit. in
mittee (KPCC} should toke np.·' Th. Inte", .. and approval 0( aandbi
.... a powerful weapon for Madhavan to ..... not OIIly IIIIIOnIlbit ... Iemen
but amonll educa"'d .aste·Hind ....
d.,.,.nd at Vaik_ w.. not for "''''pie enby. but for tile right of ........
Hind .. to we the road. near the tempi.. The orthod.... however, went
to ... this correctly, as tile thin end of til. wedge. Under the leadership
of K P Keaa". Menon. a Malabar Nair wOO was president 01 the KPCC
and editor of lb.n.... paper Mllllmljfwmi. a oaty.,-.ha w.. p1"""ed to
begin on SOMarch 1924. On that day. Ko!tava MeDOn announced. he
would Violatethe law by 'pproachi"lllb. tempi. in the company of ........
HiDdul. Four day. beJ"ore the satyagrab. was to 'Iart, me district "'agio-
trale inBtruc:lcd the police 10SOlup picke.. to bar aIM'..... frDlll uting tho
_ple roads;bi•• tated ";m was to prevenl clasb.. between the .alyagrahis
and angry ortllodo>: Bind .... ••
On 30 March a Nait, &II Eoha". ""d a Pula, .. "drt:lled in Khad-
dar unifonm and .... landed, .. and follo...,d by a crowd of "thousand."
attempted to _ lb. road•• They were _topped by tb. poDc. and ...... ted;
.he .now.! disponed. having bee.. told that thil pmced .... would bo
"'pealed each morniDI until 10",c............ permitted ., use the road••••
The three volunl.... were _tenced., oj", 1IIOIItht',imple imprilonm.nt
when they .........d to post bonds for good bebavlour. The Vai10m latya-
llraha, no Iruly glorious6.lbl," no HiIu/. oorre.opondenlwrote. "10 estab-
lish the dignity lIIan and bis right off_ mo_ •." had bepn.' '. II
was 10 last (or 20 month••
One can identify Ii...llagel in 111..Ion, campaign:
1 Th. fint began on SO Much 1924 when lhe three initial
volun_n were ... relled. The rimal or $atyall'"aba and anest continued
unlill0 April when the government decid.d ... _Ito no IDOream:et ..
2 Il18tead.tbe police barricaded the roads again.t tbe •• I)I8Irahie.
who At before the barricad ••• fa....d and sang patriotic IOD,'. This period
of aoilcmen' luted FromApril to September. Vaikom commanded aU.
India attenlion. Gandbi advised the volante ... qn their methods 01
•• tyap •• C Rajagopalacbari and E V Ram.lwami Naicker came 10
Vaibm to oft"cr advice, and cult>Hindu. 1ollis"ed auaca by Ihugo 00
the ......un......
3 In Ausual, bo_, the old Maharaja died. His .aee ..... r wu
• young Mabarani Repnt who Iml1ledlalelyrel.... d the 19 satyacrabiJ
Impriooned io April. A third.... began, 10 which ,b. .a'rap. al
Vaimm coot1oued politely but tb. moot public= activity was elsewhere.
Two .;al"'" of cute-Hindu. marched through tbe Iiale 10 demonstrate
IUpport (or til. demand. of Ibe aat)'llll'"u;, and ... Iymboli.. Ihe alliance
witb the ... ",·Hindu middle c.... which Madhavan IOlIjht to form. A
.... olution calling for lhe opening roads .." ....d Ih. temp'" wal in_
duced in the Travancorc IcgislaJi.e couneil in October. It _ February
1925 before it came toa VOle,and then il was defeated by a UDgle _.
all tile 08ic:ia1 _ben oppooing it.
4- o...dh:i·. visit to the ltale in Marcb 1925marltc:d .he (01Irth
otage. H. talhd 10 all partia, bUI the only arr...,.ment he w" able to
make _ for 'he withdrawal of the police par,ieI aDd barrioadea on tbe
unde.,..,ndina ,ha, the la'Y"",*"ia would nOt enter the forbidden ... "el,.
5 The fifth .,ag". a period of _iIIg illl."'"I, IasIed Ubtil
Novembu 1925wheJltbe 10_D""'o' ooIDPlcteddi.enion_ry road, tha,
could be 1IS<d by ,he low e•• t.. without pollUtingthe lemple. Only _ few
I"".. remained c10ltd 10 loW •• ''fl. on 25 November I~. th.tast
,,'y&grabi wu witiJdnlWII.··
To bave ."".ined IIUCb,. eompaip for 20 month. was a rem...
table achleve_nt. AI'hODgb.he outcome .... 1I00.... ' .. ul••• the propa'
ganda value for Madba.",,·. caw. wu immense. PtOm where did the
IUpport come? Oltbe 19 me" who "",re oonvic",d in the &rot pIwe. only
...... ,..,.. .&omTr."."cor •• and only one of these-Modbavan hl..... lf-
_. a" """"'. HiLdu. Th. leaden who bpt the campaicn png we..
00,,1"'''''''.'' ud N.in, notably K KeI.ppan ."d K P K..... Menon.
Mannatll P.d_lIahb. Pillai (Mannm), ,be general secretary of the Nair
Ser.ice Soci.ty. led ene of the ... t...Hi"du jatha s,•• Cbn'tiaDo. however,
had been toured on the .amp.iln in April 1924 when Gaadhi inotruetcd
Ille Syrian Chri.lia" OOllI",,,mln. GeorgeJ-ph. to I.... th••• tyagr.h.
ovicely 10 HiDdus.··
For Ool1greosmenfrom Malabar. the e.."paisn P"" an opportunity
to .... i"., a Conpno that had .u8'ered ..... re .etback willl the Moplah
nbeW.n or 1921. F TraVlO""ore N.in. like Malla.,h Padmanabh.
Pillai. _",. Hind we'" pDlmtial junior .lIi•• in Ille eompetitlon with
Christi""o for laud. jc.b. and control of th. I.gill •• ute and IOvernmeno
service. Di.ahilili .. enforoed og..inlll •.,.",. Hi"dul OIIly increased Ihc
ponibililY of their converting to Christianity. Only a oonaolida"'d Hindu
c:otnDl.... ity could o.. nd agllnl' lb. growing wealth of Christian merchants
and CMho-crop r.fmell in Cfnual aDd north TravaDcore.lI•
Th. allempUlo forRe.a'IOiledfron. Oflhe_"", and ..... -Hindu
middle cl_ reached a peak in Ma~ 1924when" Iarg" joint _ting of
.he SNDP Yogam ond the Koral. N.ir Samajam W&I held near Vaikom
IG support the latylgrabL II WI., IctordinS to ill IUpporteD, Uthe mo.t
iDapimi SpeClacle.vcr wi....... d ill Tnlvanco ..... atlended by about
1$,000 penp!e... lh. hugest pthering ...... r .... mbled in Tr .."anoore...••
Bven if 'his was .rue, tb. _ling clearly .I>ow.d tb. dilli,u1o.. of Irying
10 unit. aU Nair. on a ""I<wide buis. Tho,e ..aristoc....tic.. Nair (.... iliet
or lO1I.bTr.vaneo .. , who had. long h.ld Ihe _i ...niobes in the govern-
_nl and tbe belt cbannel.1O the palaee, stayed away r""" the ('Onfer'
eeee; Th. r._n ..... 0Ie one of Ihei. 1I.lInhet. was thai ",any dilapprovl'd.
or f.sr .....
tho ••• al VaikOlll and or the participation of non·Travan-
_nO in Tea"ancore polit.it:o.H. poin"'d ou, that tbe mired Tea•• n·
eo... ollicial who wao to ha.. pteMdcd o•• r the meeting had withdrawn
in protelll ud had 10b... plated by a vatil (lawyer) from Calicut in
Malabar DistriCL"
ean. ibr .he abolition or cute, ",·hieb wete rrpea&td with incrC'asil1l
state. Gandhi took j.ue with Sri Narayana'! mottO, u'One caste,. one
religion, Due God." "hile Ibe su,u told G....cJhilhal "he .. as not a
believer in non"violence in asitatiolUl for ftlDOVWS locial dilabili1ies and
that •• .he _ .",,10111 to ••• me fOl bis community by ''!l' method, social
equality. " with ·Hindus including temple entry and admission to
.aste-Mmdu ho •.. • Gandhi _ .aid eventually to haye ~nuacled
the gUrU of the need for non·viol...... yet sucb .. cOllCOSllon can only bave
been snulgiPB.
'l'be sa,yas;taha. _ reover. produced a good deal of militant
mOlOri.. One ouch .oice "as thai of It Aiyappan (I889-J968). the IOnof
an ayurvcdic doctor in Cocbin. a graduate of tbe Trivandrum college ....cJ
a diJec:tor of the SNDP Yopm. "JUStas the ..... iaD. managed to obtlin
E.h..... _tl:....
hedom by puttil1l11n .nd to their royal family." be told a ..... ling of
2000 ~ople In the tou8b, coir town of SberilUai. "00 tbe
abo mllit llabt to the very .nd without caring [for) th. JWII or
dte sepoy., batoDJ of the polic:c or even the M.har.ja ... '··... It was not
lurprioiIIl Iba. the oIiclau"I Dewan. IUl .Iderly T....n Brahmin. found
"_st of tbe .aty .... his imbued with .troDg ideas of """" fonD of com·
mu"; ..... They very ofIon bepn to talk of Ibe .qual rigb.. oh"oo .....
TIll A,/'tmIuJIII
The Vailam slayqraha beRan to poin, up class divisions. full of
political po'.ntial. evon amonll Ellhavas. Jath&l aDd fund·raison carried
...... of the satyoara!ta and the p ........ or Ezhavaa 10 th. nmot." viJla..
SOl af Tra" • neere, ".vioUiIy. lb. omall Ellhava middle claa. relying on
ill Idmmon in tbe yillasa Bnd the dewtioh of..... iOit_1e E"".&I to
Sri Narayana Guru. could claim coa'rinci1lSIy10.peak for ",h. Eob.......
From tho lime of Vllikom. ho_. thellery .ocboa of ¥t1... like Aiy-po
pan bec.me more licquont. and doub.. gr;:w _0Il poor yet Ii te
Eobavas ahotU wbeoherlbe risbt to """ temple _dl. or ..... 'emple ry
i""lf. held any IOllltion10 their probIerat. The ... ,y........ arowed the
in..... , of ohoIuandl in 'be abolition or their dilabiltiiel. yet·tbe re""lta of
the oampaiS" '"'" few. What &uill the~ ........ "'" in the obape of
DUtwx'y for middle·..... lead.... The ,0n.raI ...,..,tary of ,be SNDP
Yopm. for_pie, was takeninto tbe government sc,..;ee.as a judse.··
Nor .. e•• ohe me,hod. of du, Indian Nalional CO.............. ialIy ill em-
phasl. on prohibition ••• lcalat.d to appoaJ to the largo number of EzhaY&l
whose livelihood aad pie_RIte ort... la, In loddy and arrack. G....cJhi
commcDted waspishlyon the rac. tha, 'he Travancme r... n.... dRW RI
27 IIIduI &om the abbri trade."
Evon ...... DSIh. IID&II Eobava middle ...... tbe~ wu disagree-
ment ahout how th. ripll of •.... po.t.ble'· citi..... ..... to he woo.
Madhavan himocIt was committed to the ulO... kririzInS" way-otbndoK
HInduism. prohIhitioo. ,emple onuy and aaoociatioowith .... ,o-Hind". and
,be l..dian Natioaal Coal.... Bat ther. w... long lradition alDllDg Bzh..
""" oftlirtatloo wllb Christian mioolonarla. and .. Itw thousand Eoha...
tho JUDior Mabarui, aDd bet frioad ""d """&don",, Sir C P RamasWlUlll
Aiyar. tho Madru lawyer aDd poUIic:iaD,.. 110 came 10 th" otate ..
"_litulioaal .......... Both _... '''''DohHiadu.. The Christi...
throal 10 the cbana_ of" Wlndu lIale could. ;n Ram_omi Alyv'1
view, be __
withoUI diatiDClioQor e_. Throwiq opel! the ..".,...._
the right _I
by IllliIiDg all HiDdus iDIDa IliDIlIe,de"",,'_UIlitr
Yet temple 0111<1 did lIot bring aboat the ... um1idation or the
Hindus jato .n orderly. pious _111""ity fOr whicb tho government had
bOPOd.ladeed ...... the HiDcIu middle cIau w.. on"", divided ea .. casto
bui.. ~. the middle ~I_orvulous ... mmunitie. were las and
I...able \0 _t on th. IDpport of all thdt ~ c... e kilo or to "';m
credibly that they alone were the opo"_on fOr men of their mlllllnity.
'lbe _t (or temple entry had introducled agltotlonal politico and
radical proS'........... \0 IlIDwands of poor _. Who.. IOmpie entry
DO ooIutioD to Ibm (uad.meatal probl...... they turned to putiII
and pbilaoophi .. lhat promised 10 cDIMOn tbe hOOD....and reopect. _.
ceded witb _pl. _try.
into .... nomi. wen-being.
(TIW ddi&hJ_,.n 91 tAl ...".,.. J.",_.;,., hd I. 61,ulis".d b.1
0'11" U.i..,sif7 PNu.)
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tit Pe'cW,;sm AI. poaiblc drMqy. See hil "., ........ ,... __ {Tbe Alc)aDy
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l)MnoIlet 1I'lB),llL 17.:IlI AprIl 111M.
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