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NAME:- ………………………………………

SEM :- ………………………………………

SEC :- ……………………………………....



1. Design and drawing of RCC cantilever and counter fort type retaining
walls with reinforcement details
2. Design of solid slab and RCC Tee beam bridges for IRC loading and
reinforcement details
3. Design and drafting of circular and rectangular RCC water tanks
4. Design of plate Girder Bridge - Truss Girder bridges – Detailed Drawings
including connections
5. Design of hemispherical bottomed steel tank



1 Design of an Isometric building

2 Design of beam and column in

Isometric building.
3 Design and analysis of Earthquake
resistant shear building
4 Design and analysis of bridge girder.

5 Design and analysis of rectangular

water tank subjected to wind load.
6 Design and analysis of a circular
elevated water tank.
7 Design and analysis of a circular dome
headed water tank.
8 Design and analysis of a dome shaped
steel water tank
9 Design and Analysis of cantilever
retaining wall.
10 Design and Analysis of counterfort
retaining wall.

Ex. No: 1 Design of an Isometric building

To create an Isometric building and to carry out the design and analysis.



Start with a new Space Frame file with length unit as meter and force unit
as kilo newton. Select add beam option and finish the initial page settings.


STAADPRO main screen appears along with grid lines, close the snap
Node/Beam dialog box and create a new GEOMETRY.


Create a node by entering (0,0,0) in (x,y,z) co-ordinates. A node is created in the

center of the screen.

i.Select the created node using the node cursor and activate the translational Repeat
command. Set the values as shown in the image.

Entire line appears in X- direction.

ii.Now select the entire structure using beam cursor and again perform Translate Repeat
in Z- direction as indicated earlier.

iii.Again select the entire structure using beam cursor and perform translate repeat in Y
iv.Delete the beams in the bottom choosing front view. Now the entire Geometry of the
isometric building is created.

The option can be gained access from the General / Property page in page
control column. The member property menu option is used to create a property tag
and then assign the specified property tag to selected members through the property

i. Select Define option in the property dialog box a new screen appears. Set the
values as shown below and Add it to the property page.

ii. Now assign the rectangular property to all the members of the structure by
choosing Assign to View option and then Assign it.


When the General / Support page is opened, a Supported Nodes table and a
Supports dialog box appear in the data area.

i. First create a support specification using the Create button in support table.
Another table appears choose the Fixed support and Add it to the support table.
ii. Now Select the Nodes in the bottom alone by choosing the front view and Node
cursor option and assign it to the nodes by choosing Assign to Selected Nodes
option and further Assign it.


The loading menu option in the Commands menu allows the user to define
and apply loads to the structure. First step is to add the primary Loadcases.

i. Add primary loads i.e. dead load and live load by choosing the Load case
details option in the dialog box and press Add option. A new box appears
in the change the loading type and title to Dead load and press Add.
Similarly create the second load case for live load.
ii. Under Dead load self-weight must be added. Select dead load and press add
option a new screen appears. When self-weight factor is set to -1 and
direction to Y-axis press Add and assign the self-weight load to the entire
structure using Assign to view option.

iii. Under live load member load for outer wall and inner wall must be applied.
Select live load and press add option in the new screen choose member
load- uniform force and give the weight w=-19kn/m2 and click add.
Similarly change the weight w=-12kn/m2 for loads acting in the inner wall
since the wall thickness varies from 9” to 4.5” and click add.

iv. Now for assigning the outer wall load, first choose the load and change to
Top View. Select the outside walls alone by dragging the cursor the
pressing ctrl.After selecting assign the load to the selected beams alone.
v. For assigning the inner wall again change to Top view and drag the cursor
and choose inner walls alone and assign the loads to the selected beams.


STAAD has the capabilities of performing concrete design based on limit

state method of IS: 456 (2000).

i. Select concrete in page control and change the current code to IS: 456 in
the right side dialog box.
ii. Select Define parameters and change the following values and click
FC = 25000
FYMAIN =415000
FYSEC = 415000
After adding click each value and assign to the entire view.
iii. Select Commands and add Design beam, Design column and take off to
the main screen.
iv. Choose select option > beams parallel to y-axis and choose design
column and assign to the selected beams.
v. Choose select option > beams parallel to X and Z axis so that all the
horizontal members are chosen and then click design beam and assign
to selected beams.
Select the analysis and print option and choose all option and ADD it to the
dialog box.

Perform analysis and verify the results by choosing the Run Analysis
command from Analysis option in the menu bar. By clicking view output file and
done option the reinforcement details and concrete design of beam and column
could be viewed.


An Isometric building has been successfully designed and result files have
been generated.
Ex. No: 2 Design of beam and column in Isometric building.-(RC Designer)

To create beam and column in Isometric building.-(RC Designer) and to carry
out the design and analysis.



Start with a new Space Frame file with length unit as meter and force unit
as kilo newton. Select add beam option and finish the initial page settings.

2. Assign the properties for the entire structure like previous design of an
isometric building.

3. Assign Fixed supports to the structure.

4. Generate Dead load and live load like previous design.

5. In addition to the DL and LL add auto load combination and do the following
changes as shown and click add option.

6. Select load envelope option and do the following changes and click add option.

7. Perform Design and analysis in the same method as mentioned for the
Isometric building.

8. After generating output file click Mode menu and choose concrete design or Rc
designer option. A new window opens.

9. Select Envelope option and choose new envelope.

Give the name as beam design and column design in E1 and E2 and press ok
anew screen appears select the combination load cases and press ok. Now our
loads have been enveloped to the beam and column design.

10. Select the members’ option in page control. Press ctrl+A and select the entire
structure and right click to auto form members option. Now the entire structure
has been added as members.


The Groups / Briefs page is to allow the user to define Design Groups and
setup Parametrs in Design Briefs.

To create a new Brief, click on the New Brief Button of the Design Brief table.

In the opened dialog box, enter the brief name and select design code and design
type from the drop list.

While designing column the above change must be done.

12. To create Design Group, select the physical members and press new Design
group button and enter the name of the Design Group and select the brief.

13. Choose front view and select beams alone, right click and ‘add members to
design group’. Similarly select the columns and right click to add the columns to
design group 2.

14. Select ‘concrete members’ option in page control for design group 1 the beam
members will first show fail but click Design option in Page control a small box
appears and now click Design the beams will pass.

Similarly do the same process for column too in Design Group 2 the columns too
will pass

After that check the main layout and shear layout for both beam and column.

14. Now the Schedule the Reinforcement diagrams and select appropriate paper
size and ratio the reinforcement details will be saved as AutoCAD file in our


The Beams and columns of an Isometric building have been successfully

designed and results were scheduled in cad files.

Ex. No: 3 Design and analysis of Earthquake resistant shear wall building

STEP 1: Create a structural model as shown below with the following


2. The first part of the shear wall will extend from foundations to the second floor
level and vice versa.

Select the Add surface cursor from the Geometry Toolbar and click in sequence
on nodes of the lower frame to form the perimeter of the surface element. The last
click should be on the first node in the sequence to close the elements boundary.

3. Repeat the above step to create the remaining surfaces.

4. Assign the supports along with additional supports for the lower shear wall

5. Assign a thickness of 230mm with concrete material to all the surface and
assign define concrete members dimensions also.

6. Assign the loads as per standard as follows.

7. Add the analysis command.

8. Click on the Design and shear wall page tabs. The design page enables the user
to input all relevant parameters and direct the program to carry out the design.

9. Convert the surface into wall panels.

10. To define the design parameters, click the Define parameters… button to
bring up the Design Parameters dialog box.

11. This box contains a number of tabbed pages, one for each of the parameters
previously selected. Make sure the shear wall elements are selected. Input the
desired values on each page and click the Assign button. If any of the pages are
omitted, the corresponding parameters will be taken as their default values. Click
the Close button. The parameters, for which their values have been input, may be
viewed in the Shear wall Design window.

12. With the shear wall elementsselected, click on the commands…. Button. The
design Commands dialog box appears. Click Assign to request shear wall design
for the selected surface elements. Click the Close button. The input for shear wall
design is now complete.

13. Run the analysis and cross verify the Results.


The Shear wall building has been successfully designed and results were

Ex. No: 4 Design and analysis of bridge girder.


1. Create the bridge skeleton model, which includes columns, Beams and
Girders as follows.

2. Use the geometry > Generate Surface Meshing to create the bridge deck as
i) Mesh type = Quadrilateral
ii) # of divisions along length = 75
iii) # of divisions along width = 16

3. Select the beams parallel to X- axis and Assign the properties and
specifications as follows.
i) Columns: Circular cross section with 1m dia ; material= concrete
ii) Select Beams parallel to X & Z axis; Rectangular cross section with
0.5m x 0.5m; Material = concrete.
iii) Plate elements: 300mm thick; material = concrete.

4. Assign the pinned support to the columns.

5. Add a primary load case with Dead load type and Assign the self-weight
for all the geometries.
6. Add the ‘perform analysis’ command and run the analysis. Note the node
id ,which has the maximum displacement due to the load.
X = -1.56738E-03 7
Y = -1.95065E+01 49
Z = 2.08426E-02 4
RX= 1.88615E-02 29
RY= -2.49747E-05 41
RZ= 2.19087E-02 6

7. Activate ‘Bridge Deck Pre-processor’ from Mode menu.

8. Select all the plates and activate ‘Create Deck’ command from Deck menu.
9. Run the influence surface generator command from loading menu (it will
take some time to complete the process).
10. Define roadway for the deck
i) Deck > Define Roadway
ii) Click on the new button and select the custom tab
iii) In the custom tab enter the details as shown below.
iv) Press ‘Add lane left’
v) In the same way, assign the specifications for the remaining lanes in the
model it has 4 lanes.
11. Create the vehicle database.
i) Vehicle > Database….
ii) Select the suitable IRC Vehicle for your design.

12. Loading > Run load generator….

i) Design code = IRC Chapter 3
ii) Limit State = Ultimate
iii) Loading type = Class 70R Loading
iv) Node displacement
13. Node = node id which was noted in step no 6

14. Support reaction
i) Enter all the joint ids which are supported
ii) Assign ‘Fy’ and ‘+’
iii) ‘apply’ and ‘ok’.

15. It will open a notepad file, which has the information about generated
loads. Verify and close the file.
16. Right click and select the structure diagrams…. And selct the deck tab.
Activate the options to show the notional traffic lanes and loads as
calculated by the program.

17. Loading > create loading in STAAD Model.

18. Analysis and post processing can follow in the normal way.


The Design and analysis of a Bridge girder was carried out successfully
and results were cross verified.
Ex. No: 5 Design and analysis of rectangular water tank subjected to wind load.

A rectangular water tank 5m X 4m in plan and depth 3m is supported on a tower

9m height. The columns are braced at mid height. The wind pressure on the tank
is 1kN/m2 and water pressure as 5 kN/m2. Design the columns, braces, walls and
slabs of tank and also draw the sectional elevation of water tank showing
reinforcement details.

To create a rectangular water tank with the above mentioned dimensions
and to carry out the required analysis and design steps.

1. Create the rectangular tank skeleton model, which includes columns and
Beams as follows.

2. Use the geometry to create plate elements as follows,

i) Select the plate cursor
ii) Pick the node points in which plate must be placed.

iii) Similarly repeat the same step for all the five surfaces.

3. Select the beams parallel to Y- axis and Assign the properties and
specifications as follows.
i) Columns: rectangular cross section with 1m dia ; material= concrete
ii) Select Beams parallel to X & Z axis; Rectangular cross section with
0.5m x 0.5m; Material = concrete.
4. Plate elements: 300mm thick; material = concrete.

5. Assign fixed support to the bottom nodes.

6. Define the wind load definitions before adding the load case details.
i) Choose the wind type 1 and click add option.

ii) Choose custom option and click on calculate as per asce 7

7. Add a primary load case with Dead load type and Assign the self-weight
for all the geometries.
8. Add a secondary load case with live load type and select the plate load
i) Plate load>pressure on full plate and add the following load.

9. Select load case 4 and define Auto load combination according to Indian
code and choose 1.5 safety option.
10. Envelope the Generated load combination along with serviceability type in
the last dialog box.

11. Design the concrete structures that is beams and column according to
indian code and change the following values and assign to view.
i) FC =25000
ii) FYMAIN= 415000
iii) FYSEC= 415000
iv) TRACK= 3
12. In the commands option along with beam column and take off option add
the design slab element option also and assign it to the plate elements in
our structure.
13. Add the perform analysis command and Run the Analysis.
14. In the preproceesing select the animation option > plate stress contour >
stress type> maximum obsolute> apply > ok.


The Design and analysis of a Rectangular water tank was carried out
successfully and results were cross verified.

Ex. No: 6 Design and analysis of Circular water tank subjected to wind load.

A reinforced concrete circular overhead water tank has a diameter of 10m, height
3m supported on a staging 9m above the ground level. Take water pressure as 25
kN/m2 and wind pressure as 1kN/m2. Design the tank and staging and also draw
the sectional elevation showing reinforcement details.

To create circular overhead water tank with the above mentioned dimension
and to carry out the design and analysis.

1. Creation of circular water tank in the geometry.
i) In the snap node/beam dialog box create a new radial profile by clicking create
option and by choosing radial layout. After that enter the following values as
shown below.

ii) Add beams with the help of highlighted cursor and create a beam section as

iii) Select the beam section and click on the circular repeat option and enter the
following values.

iv) Now select the entire structure and translate repeat in y direction with a spacing
of 3m.
v) Now select the center node and increase its height from 3m to 6m in the node
dialog box.
vi) Now change to front view and choose node cursor and select the nodes in the
bottom and translate repeat in y direction with a spacing of -9m.

2. Create plate elements by choosing four nodded plate elements as shown for the
center portion. And choose three nodded plates for the top and bottom surface.

3. Select Beams and columns parallel to X &Z & Y axis; Rectangular cross
section with 0.36m x 0.42m; Material = concrete.
4. Plate elements: 300mm thick; material = concrete and assign to the respective

5. Support specification: choose node cursor and select the nodes at the bottom and
assign fixed support to those nodes.

6. In the loads section define the wind load first by choosing definition> wind
definitions> type 1>add
i) Calculate as per asce and change the building structure to chimneys tank
option and apply those details and press ok. The applied datas will
appear in the tabular column.

ii) Change the exposure factor to 2 and press add. Assign the exposure to view.
7. In the load case details first add the type as wind and choose the direction and
factor as shown.

8. Add the primary load case as dead load and add self-weight. Assign the self-
weight to all the elements.
9. Add plate load for water pressure and do the following steps.
i) Plate load> add > hydrostatic
ii) W1=25 in local z direction for the bottom plate>add
iii) W1=-25 in local z for the top portion plate> add
iv) W1=-25 in local z for plate in middle section> add.

10. Now select the three plates and circular repeat with 18 steps so that all plates will
have their respective loads and property specification.

11. Now add the auto load combination load case .and choose indian code and
generate. Select 1.5 fos> add.

12. Envelop the generated load with serviceability option.

13. Now add the design parameters for concrete change FC, FYMAIN, FYSEC
values and add track option and assign to view.
14. In the commands option in addition to the beam, column and take off option
add the design slab/element option also and assign to the plate elements in the
15. Add the analysis command and run the analysis and check out the plate stress
contour for max absolute stress value in the preprocessing page.


The Design and analysis of a circular WATER TANK was carried out
successfully and results were cross verified.
Ex. No: 7 Design and analysis of Circular water tank with dome head subjected
Date: to wind load and water pressure.

Design an overhead tank flat bottomed reinforced cement concrete cylindrical

water tank of 100kl of water. The top of the tank is covered with dome. The
height of staging is 12m above the ground level; provide 2m depth of footing.
Intensity of wind pressure may be taken as 1.5 KN/m2. Analyze and design the
ring beam, side walls, floor slab, columns, and bracings and draw the
reinforcement details.


To create an overhead water tank that has a dome at the top and to design
the appropriate parameters.


1. DOME Creation
i) Geometry> run structure wizard.
ii) Surface/ plate models> spherical surface>>

iv) Enter the above values in the box and close it. Automatically the dome
will be merged to your main screen.
v) Now using the plate cursor select all the plates and delete it.
vi) Do not delete the nodes.

vii) Now choose the top view and draw the following link beams using Add
beam option as shown.

viii) Now select all the beams and circular repeat with 18 divisions.

ix) Thus a dome will be created.

2. Now select the beams at the bottom using front view and translate repeat in
y axis with single step option and spacing -3m.

3. Now create a node at the centre by translate repeating the top most node
4. Draw link beams using add beam option and circular repeat with 18 steps.

5. now select the nodes at the bottom in the front view and translate repeat in y
axis for a distance of -12m and link the steps.

6. Create plate elements by choosing four nodded plate elements as shown for
the center portion. And choose three nodded plates for the top and bottom

7. Select Beams and columns parallel to X & Z & Y axis; Rectangular cross
section with 0.36m x 0.42m; Material = concrete.
8. Plate elements: 300mm thick; material = concrete and assign to the
respective elements.

9. Support specification: choose node cursor and select the nodes at the
bottom and assign fixed support to those nodes.

10. In the loads section define the wind load first by choosing definition> wind
definitions> type 1>add
i) Calculate as per asce and change the building structure to chimneys tank option
and apply those details and press ok. The applied datas will appear in the
tabular column.

ii) Change the exposure factor to 2 and press add. Assign the exposure to
11. In the load case details first add the type as wind and choose the direction and
factor as shown.

12. Add the primary load case as dead load and add self-weight. Assign the self-
weight to all the elements.
13. Add plate load for water pressure and do the following steps.
i) Plate load> add > hydrostatic
ii) W1=2 in local z direction for the bottom plate>add
iii) W1=-25 in local z for the remaining plates top > add

14. Now select the three plates and circular repeat with 18 steps so that all plates will
have their respective loads and property specification.

15. Now add the design parameters for concrete change FC, FYMAIN, FYSEC
values and add track option and assign to view.
16. In the commands option in addition to the beam, column and take off option add
the design slab/element option also and assign to the plate elements in the
17. Add the analysis command and run the analysis and check out the plate stress
contour for max absolute stress value in the preprocessing page.


The Design and analysis of a circular WATER TANK with a dome at the
top was carried out successfully and results were cross verified.

Ex. No: 8 Design and analysis of a dome shaped steel water tank


To create an overhead water tank that has a dome at the top and bottom &
to design the appropriate parameters.


1. DOME Creation
i) Geometry> run structure wizard.
ii) Surface/ plate models> spherical surface>>

iii) Enter the above values in the box and close it. Automatically the
dome will be merged to your main screen.
iv) Now using the plate cursor select all the plates and delete it.
v) Do not delete the nodes.

vi) Now choose the top view and draw the following link beams using
Add beam option as shown.

vii) Now select all the beams and circular repeat with 18 divisions.

viii) Thus a dome will be created.

ix) Now select the beams at the bottom using front view and translate repeat in
y axis with single step option and spacing -3m.

2. Create plate elements by choosing four nodded plate elements as shown for the
center portion. And choose three nodded plates for the top surface.

3. Now select the top dome portion and rotate it to 180 degrees by choosing
two nodes at the sides as displacement points.

4. The structure will be located at the bottom as shown.

5. Now select the dome at the lower portion and move its origin in y axis as
3m and merge the duplicate nodes.

6. Now select the nodes at the middle section and translate repeat in y
direction at a distance of -12m to produce the columns.
7. Similarly rotate and move the plate also in the bottom node.

8. Select Beams and columns parallel to X & Z & Y axis; section database>
Indian> angle section> 110x110 x8 ; Material = steel.

9. Plate elements: 300mm thick; material = steel and assign to the respective
10. Assign rectangle cross section with 0.36x 0.42 m dimension and in material

11. Support specification: choose node cursor and select the nodes at the bottom
and assign fixed support to those nodes.

12. In the loads section define the wind load first by choosing definition> wind
definitions> type 1>add

i) Calculate as per asce and change the building structure to chimneys tank
option and apply those details and press ok. The applied datas will
appear in the tabular column.

ii) Change the exposure factor to 2 and press add. Assign the exposure to
iii) In the load case details first add the type as wind and choose the
direction and factor as shown.

iv) Add the primary load case as dead load and add self-weight. Assign the
self-weight to all the elements.
v) Add plate load for water pressure and do the following steps.
Plate load> add > hydrostatic
a) W1=-2 in local z direction for all the plates>add.

13. Now select the plates and circular repeat with 18 steps so that all plates will
have their respective loads and property specification.

14. In the design page choose steel design in the control page and change the
code to IS 800. In the commands option add all the parameters and assign it
to the steel members.

15. Add the analysis command and run the analysis. Perform the post
processing and generate the plate stress contour.


The Design and analysis of circularsteel WATER TANK with dome at

bottom and top was carried out successfully and results were cross verified.

Ex. No: 9 Design and analysis of cantilever Retaining wall

Ex. No: 10 Design and analysis of Counterfort Retaining wall


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